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Chapter 666, bloody disaster


The plane flew from Jinling.

It took off from Daxiaochang Airport in Jinling and landed at Longhua Airport in Shanghai. It took one hour and 27 minutes.

The flight was a China Airlines passenger flight.

There is only one flight per day. Each flight can carry thirty people.

The passenger capacity is very low.

The price is very expensive.

Each person needs 150 oceans.

Even so, Zhang Yong still felt that he might not be able to get his money back.

The income from one flight is only 4,500 oceans. After excluding all expenses, is there still profit? To be honest, he doesn't understand.

Maybe there are other sources of income behind it. Anyway, if you don’t make money, no one will do it.

There are only thirty passengers, so it is easy to identify.

Almost all are foreigners.

Among them, the Westerners with eagle eyes and hooked noses are the most numerous. There are twenty-five.

There are two others who seem to be from Belarus. They are somewhat similar to Cheporov. They are very strong. They walk very domineeringly and have big shoulders and fat waists.

There are also three Chinese faces who are relatively low-key. One of them is a Japanese spy.

Zhang Yong has never seen such a Japanese spy.

Big belly.

The suit couldn't be buttoned up. It was almost open.

He is fat and wears a lot of clothes underneath. It is really difficult for the tailor to make suits.

It's better to just sew a sack and put it on.

The Japanese Navy's Red Deer is really rich! This can be seen from the intelligence officers they raised.

Watching silently.

Mainly looking at those Westerners.

I didn’t see anything special. I didn’t know what to do in Shanghai.

Since I couldn't figure it out myself, I had no choice but to ask someone. I called the airport attendant over and the truth came to light immediately.

Those Westerners all came with Chennault. Basically they were from the United States.

They are either technicians from airlines or salesmen from arms companies. Among them, the majority are the latter.

Well, arms companies these days, except for German ones, are having a hard time.

It may be because of the previous economic crisis that the world's economy is in depression. Countries are drastically reducing their military spending.

Among them, the United States and the United Kingdom have the most obvious performance. The United States has reduced its military expenditure to the minimum. The United Kingdom has also reduced it again and again. It would like to abolish all the armies. The armies of both countries are almost only a little bit, less than three.

One hundred thousand people. One by one, the Germans' military strength was immediately highlighted.

If not, the Germans would not have had such a smooth start. It was all because their opponents had weakened themselves.

No. It's not weakened. It's crippled.

He directly destroyed himself.

If the United Kingdom, France, and the United States all start to increase military spending and expand their armies, Germany will definitely not have a smooth start. As long as the United Kingdom has an army of 1 million, and France also has more than 1 million, Germany may have been contained when it attacked Poland.

The market is down, military spending is being cut, and arms companies are having a hard time.

No matter how advanced weapons you have, you have to sell them to make money.

It just so happens that China is currently almost the largest small arms dumping market in the world. Therefore, many salesmen from arms companies want to open up the market.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yong suddenly asked, "Is there anyone from Springfield Company?"

"Yes. There are several." The attendant replied, "Mr. McFarland is the representative of Springfield Company."

"McFarland. Thank you." Zhang Yong remembered the name.

Actually, the name is not important.

Finally, there is the Garand semi-automatic rifle.

According to the timeline, the Garand semi-automatic rifle had already been released by this time.

Although some details are not yet fully mature, it is pretty much the same. The basic structure has been finalized.

Uses 7.62*63mm bullets.

Eight round magazine.

Automatic loading.

The effective range is more than 400 meters.

Using a 2.5x scope, the effective range exceeds 600 meters.

This is basic data.

Seems unremarkable.

However, its power lies in the three words semi-automatic.

There is no need to pull the bolt. You can continue shooting by continuously pulling the trigger until all eight bullets in the magazine are used up.

Zhang Yong is looking forward to this rifle very much.

Because his own marksmanship is poor. He can only win by relying on numbers.

If one bullet misses, if eight bullets are fired continuously, one of them might hit. This will achieve the effect.

The key is that this kind of gun can be easily purchased.

Because the U.S. military's procurement quantity is very small, it cannot meet the needs of Springfield Company. It must rely on foreign trade.

When McFarland came to China, he might also have the intention of promoting the Garand semi-automatic rifle. However, it was very difficult for him to promote it because in China, except for Zhang Yong, no one else had realized the huge power of the Garand semi-automatic rifle.


It is very difficult to change a person's habitual thinking.

If Zhang Yong was not a time traveler, he probably wouldn’t appreciate the Garand semi-automatic so much.

I don't think it's necessary.

It's too expensive. I can't afford it.

It consumes too much ammunition and is bulky. It is inconvenient to carry.

These are the weaknesses of the Garand semi-automatic. Anyone who sees it will feel that it is full of flaws.

Only through actual combat can you know how powerful it is.

As long as two Garands fire alternately, they can hold down more than a dozen people on the opponent's side. The bolt-action rifle is no match at all.

Especially suitable for novices.

Just like Zhang Yong.

No need for very precise aiming. Direct fire coverage.

In fact, most of the new recruits are similar to Zhang Yong. It is impossible to expect them to shoot accurately.

What a novice needs most is to shoot randomly and kill the old master with a blind fist.

But don't worry for now. Let's see what Liu Xi is going to do first. Seeing that Liu Xi has already received the target, it turns out to be the spy.

Zhang Yong deliberately walked over in a swagger and called from a distance: "Doctor Liu."

Liu Xi frowned quietly, but quickly calmed down. He turned around and responded with a smile, "Captain Zhang..."

"I have been promoted. Now I am the team leader." Zhang Yong said proudly.

"Oh, congratulations to Team Leader Zhang." Liu Xi immediately changed his words, "Let me introduce to you, this is my colleague, Mr. Bellulin."

"Hello, Mr. Bei. My name is Zhang Yong. I am Liu Xi's best best friend." Zhang Yong extended his hand.

Bellulin was obviously a veteran spy and kept his composure while shaking hands with Zhang Yong.

Liu Xi was also smiling and looked very beautiful.

"Oh, that's not good!" Zhang Yong's expression suddenly changed and he whispered, "I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster for you two in the future."

"Team Leader Zhang, when did you learn fortune telling?" Liu Xi smiled sweetly.

"I'm not a fortune teller." Zhang Yong shook his head, "Do you understand the Book of Changes? I am very knowledgeable about the Book of Changes."

"What does it have to do with us?" Liu Xi smiled half-heartedly.

"It's related. It's related." Zhang Yong said hurriedly, "You two will probably have a bad fate in the future..."

"Then what is the solution?" Bellulin interjected calmly.

"Of course." Zhang Yong said seriously, with a serious look on his face, "You just need someone noble to help you avoid the disaster."

"It seems that Team Leader Zhang is our noble man." Liu Xi thought thoughtfully.

"Ah haha, Dr. Liu is so smart." Zhang Yong immediately smiled and said, "You have guessed all this."

"In that case, sir, please give me your help."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Zhang Yong took the opportunity to hold Liu Xi's little hand.

Yes. Yes. The beautiful spy's hands feel comfortable to the touch. You must seize this opportunity.

Liu Xi gritted her teeth quietly. She secretly cursed Zhang Yong a hundred and eighty thousand times in her heart. But she had to hold back on the surface. She secretly swore in her heart that when she got the chance, she would cut Zhang Yong into thousands of pieces and take away all the humiliation she suffered now.

Return it.

"I'll leave first." Bellulin said goodbye.

"Please." Zhang Yong hoped that the other party would get out of here quickly so that he could do whatever he wanted.

Liu Xi also wanted to get rid of Zhang Yong's entanglement. Suddenly she heard Zhang Yong saying in her ear, "Doctor Liu, don't leave. I want to tell you something. It's about Project 226. Wait until I detect this plan.

There will be a reward of five thousand US dollars. When the time comes, I will treat you to a big dinner."

"Really?" Liu Xi immediately changed her mind, half-smiling but not smiling.

Plan 226?

She had heard about it, but didn't understand it in detail.

Since Zhang Yong was so anxious and wanted to use it to please himself, she was disrespectful. It is always good to listen.

So Belulin was sent away.

Zhang Yong took the opportunity to hug her tighter, almost touching her.

Shi Hu and others next to him saw it, but they all pretended not to see it. They felt that Zhang Yong had gone too far. He bullied a beautiful woman like this.

Liu Xi pretended to struggle hard but failed to break free in the end. She stretched out her hand to pinch Zhang Yong's ears and whispered: "Team Leader Zhang, let go. Otherwise, I will get angry."

"Dr. Liu, I really like you!" Zhang Yong looked impatient.

"Team Leader Zhang, there are many people here..."

"Then let's go to a place with fewer people..."

"you say……"

Liu Xi suddenly felt something was wrong.

But it was Zhang Yong who forcibly turned her around and then forcibly kissed her.

She didn't respond at all.

Reason told her that she could give Zhang Yong a kick.

Just one kick can hit Zhang Yong's crotch, making him unable to take care of himself.

However, she can't do this.

She can't fall out with the other person yet.

have no choice……

Had to...

He took advantage of me.

a long time……

Lip parting...

Zhang Yong was satisfied but did not dare to go too far.

If this woman really gets mad, she might stab him with a scalpel. You have to take things step by step and act steadily.

"Actually, this 226 plan has something to do with you..."

"And me?"

"Yes. Your ill-fated fate started from Project 226."

"What's the explanation?"

"I don't understand either. But this is how the hexagrams are displayed."

"What hexagram?"

"It sounds like you don't understand. In short, your next ten years will be precarious..."

"Team Leader Zhang, you are very good at scaring people!"


Zhang Yong was deliberately vague.

Others were lying, but he was not. What he said was true.

If Liu Xi is really a spy for the Japanese navy, then the next ten years will be full of ups and downs, great joy and great sadness.

Such a life can certainly be said to be precarious.

It’s not a good time!

"I see……"

"What do you understand?"

"Team Leader Zhang, you just deliberately took advantage of me."

"Haha. Dr. Liu is really smart. That's what I really think. The 226 plan is all an excuse and does not exist at all. The same goes for the rice-pounding plan. It's all made up. Who believes it?"

"What about pounding rice?"

"I don't know. A Japanese spy said it was related to the Japanese Navy's Red Deer. He must be crazy. He pulled out the Japanese Navy's Red Deer."


Liu Xi pretended to be curious.

I am indeed very curious inside.

Rice pounding plan?

Something to do with the Navy? Isn't that her business scope?

She is indeed a spy for the Japanese Navy. She engages in intelligence work independently. She has no connection with the Army. In fact, she is an enemy of the Army.

The biggest enemy of the Army Red Deer is the Navy Red Deer.

The biggest enemy of the Navy Red Deer is the Army Red Deer.

turn out to be……

Zhang Yong...

There is so much use value.

In this way, she wanted to hang this big fish in a distant manner for her use.

Liu Xi rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Team Leader Zhang, I'm going back first. If you have any good stories next time, come to me at any time."

"Okay!" Zhang Yong immediately showed a cheering look. Really. There was no pretense.

What kind of disguise is needed? I am happy when I see the hunter. I am attracted by the lust.

Liu Xi could certainly tell.

This Zhang Yong is really lustful. With a little trick, he took the bait.

Okay. This kind of enemy is easy to deal with.

Wait for her to make some arrangements before taking it down.

Capturing Zhang Yong will bring many benefits...

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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