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Chapter 671, Believe that I am Qin Shihuang

Zhang Yong tilted his head and looked at the spy.

How do I know? How do you think I know? I'm not a god.

of course……

"Someone told me."


The spy's expression changed drastically.

He could no longer remain calm, even superficially.

Sure enough, someone leaked the secret.

No. Someone betrayed me.

Someone betrayed the Japanese Empire!


Shameful traitor!

Among the five of them, a traitor appeared!



The spy suddenly became anxious.

Among the Japanese spies, there are only five people who know this place.

Except for that terrible guy, the other three people may leak the secret. In other words, all three of them may be traitors!


The spy's mind replayed quickly.

Go through everything that happened recently, normal and abnormal, hoping to find the traitor.


No clue.

Unable to obtain valid information.

It seems possible to everyone. But it also seems impossible.

So, who is it?

"You deceived me." The spy suddenly sneered.

"Are you an idiot? Did I fall from the sky and just happen to be in front of you?" Zhang Yong also sneered, "Oh, yes. I understand the Book of Changes. I inferred it based on the Book of Changes. You are Japanese. You know

The whereabouts of Yu Daoxin. You also collected Yu Daoxin’s gun..."

"Stop talking!" The spy finally couldn't control himself and exploded.

Did you calculate it using the Book of Changes?

I might as well believe that you are Qin Shi Huang! Or believe that I am Qin Shi Huang!

The Japanese respect Qin Shihuang very much.

"Someone told me that you will ship goods tonight." Zhang Yong joked casually, "I don't know if that's right..."

"You..." The spy's face became even more ugly.

Zhang Yong:???

Huh? Does this fit in?

I just said this casually. There is no basis for it.

Actually got it right?

Are those four armed Japanese invaders really here to deliver goods?

Oh, they want to take the stolen goods away from this grocery store and then sell them in other ways to turn them into cash.

No wonder there are so many stolen goods in the grocery store. There is almost no hiding.

It's all because the goods are going to be shipped tonight. So, prepare in advance. All the goods accumulated before are here.

If you come at the wrong time, sooner or later, you won't be able to have that much stock.

For example, if I come back tomorrow, it may be an empty shell.

If you come a few days in advance, there may not be that much stock.

Just luck.

Used to it.

"Baga! Who is it?" the Japanese spy said angrily.

He finally accepted the cruel reality. That is, someone really betrayed him.

Someone has betrayed.

Someone leaked the secret to Zhang Yong.


Who is it?

If you let him know, he will definitely cut the opponent into pieces!

Baga! Used to feed the Yamata no Orochi!

"you guess?"

Zhang Yong looked sideways at the spy.

His eyes were full of sarcasm.

You idiot!

Would I tell you such confidential information?


The spy's face became even more ugly.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and asked people to seal up the spy again and tie it up to prevent it from making a sound warning.

Call Shi Hu and arrange the arrest of four Japanese spies.

It's best not to use the gun.

After all, it's only early in the morning. It's still late at night. Maybe someone will deliver the goods.

If a gun goes off, the delivery person will know something is wrong and may not come back tonight.

Of course, if there is danger, a gun must be used.

It's better to beat someone to death than to be shot first.

Arrangements will be made soon.

The only sight occupies the commanding heights.

If you shoot, you can be sure to shoot one at a time. Kill the most threatening Japanese invaders first.

250 meters…

200 meters……

The target is getting closer.

It's a bit troublesome, four spies are gathered together.

If you shoot, you can knock them all down in the shortest time. However, if you don't shoot, there is danger in close combat.

No one can bring down four Japanese invaders at the same time. Some Japanese invaders will definitely draw their guns.

The Japanese invaders have guns, so they will not fight you hand to hand. If they are pressed, they will definitely draw their guns and shoot.

what to do?

no way.

The only option is to kill it directly.


What a pity. There is no Yan Shuangying.

If you were as capable as Yan Shuangying, you could do it all by yourself.

Never give the Japanese invaders a chance to shoot.

Unfortunately not.


You can only act recklessly.

Soon, four Japanese invaders came into range.

The dim lights of the grocery store barely illuminated them. The target was clearly visible.

Maybe it was because they came a lot. Therefore, the four spies didn't take any precautions.

One of the spies was also carrying a box. But the map didn't show the gold mark, and he didn't know what was inside.

do not care……

Let’s talk after it’s done.

100 metres……

50 meters……

30 meters…


Zhang Yong gave the order decisively.

Hope it will be resolved quickly.



Gunfire suddenly rang out.

Browning pistols and rifles fired in unison.

There are also sniper rifles on commanding heights.



The one with the most firepower is of course Thomson.

The four Japanese invaders were caught off guard and were hit immediately. They fell quickly.

A red dot disappears...





Zhang Yong quickly raised his hand.

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

All targets have been killed. Stop shooting.

The gunfire just now lasted for about three seconds. Zhang Yong felt that it was already very long. The gunfire was very dense.



Shi Hu shouted loudly.

Finally, the gunfire completely subsided and the dark alley returned to calm.

The strong smell of gunpowder floated in the cold air, but it was quickly blown away by the biting cold wind.

Zhang Yong came out of the grocery store, walked to the bodies of the four Japanese invaders, and quickly touched the corpses. This was his specialty. He never used his hands on others.

First, I picked up the suitcase and found that it had been penetrated by bullets.

I don’t know whose marksmanship is so bad.

What are you doing with your suitcase?

You hit someone!


I found a lot of banknotes inside.

Many banknotes were pierced by bullets. I don’t know if the bank still recognizes them.

These rough guys!

So much money was lost in vain.

I picked up a stack of punched banknotes and found that they belonged to Fengtian Bank.

Well, you may really have to deal with Fengtian Bank next. Whether it is checking the safe or exchanging banknotes, it is all related to Fengtian Bank.

Keep touching the body.

Nothing of value was found.

There were only simple banknotes in the suitcase.

However, the four pistols are a bit special. They are Soviet T-33 Tokarev pistols.

Zhang Yong had encountered this kind of pistol in Tianjin Guard before. It is said to be related to Tojo Hideki. It seems to be used by the secret service under the Kwantung Army Military Police Headquarters.

It uses 7.62*25mm shell gun bullets. Therefore, the power is about the same as that of a shell gun.

Doubtful. Could it be Hideki Tojo’s subordinate?

The Japanese invaders had too many spy agencies and they were scattered. Zhang Yong did not have the energy to make statistics.

No matter what. Anyway, if you catch one, it counts.

No matter the strategy or the overall situation, it has nothing to do with him. He is just a small character who works hard.

"Team leader, who are they?"

"Maybe he's one of Tojo Hideki's men."


Shi Hu's eyes suddenly flashed with anger.

Zhang Yong couldn't help but feel a little confused. Did your 19th Route Army have any dealings with Hideki Tojo?

If there really is, it would not be surprising. It is natural for an aggressive maniac like Hideki Tojo to have been to Shanghai. This guy served as the captain of the infantry regiment before. He seems to be the first infantry regiment in the ranking.

Team captain.

"Dispose of the body."

"Treat the ground clean."

"Maybe someone else will come."

Zhang Yong quickly ordered.

Everyone stopped talking. They all started to clean up the scene.

Soon, the scene was cleaned up.

Zhang Yong looked around. Under the dim light, he shouldn't be able to see anything unusual.

As for gunshots, a three-second gunshot shouldn't be too sensitive. Maybe others will think it's firecrackers. Even if it's a gunshot, it's not surprising.

This is Shanghai Beach. So many things happen here every day. What's wrong with someone shooting?

Any day no one shoots someone, that's news.

Why don't you decide to make Shanghai your capital? It's just that it's too unsafe here.

Shanghai during the Republic of China could be said to be the most chaotic and lawless city in the Far East.

An adventurer’s paradise is not just an illusion.


Pull the rag out of the spy's mouth.

The spy looked at Zhang Yong as if he was seeing a devil. He was filled with fear from the bottom of his heart.

This guy in front of me is ruthless enough.

Let's start immediately. All four people who will get the goods in the future have been killed.

Without any hesitation.

He didn't say anything about catching anyone alive.

"Let me guess, you are Tojo Hideki's subordinates?" Zhang Yong said casually.

"No..." the spy subconsciously denied.

Then I realized I was wrong.

I've been tricked. I don't have three hundred taels of silver here.

The more he denied it, the more Zhang Yong believed it. He nodded thoughtfully.

Sure enough, these spies were subordinates of Hideki Tojo. They were affiliated with the Military Police Headquarters of the Kwantung Army.

Tojo Hideki's claws are stretched far enough!

When I think of Tojo Hideki's rise to fame, it seems that it was during this period. He started as the commander of the military police of the Kwantung Army.

Before Hideki Tojo came to power, the Kwantung Army Military Police Headquarters had only a few hundred military police. The force was very weak.

After Tojo came to power, he frantically increased the number of military policemen, recruiting a large number of his classmates, fellow villagers, old subordinates, etc., and expanded the number of military police to more than 5,000.

All this was done openly. Secretly, a large number of secret service agencies were also organized to serve him alone.

These secret spy agencies, known only to Tojo himself, not only monitor anti-Japanese elements, but also monitor other Japanese, such as Kanji Ishihara.

Ishihara Kanji had a conflict with Hideki Tojo, and Hideki Tojo kept a close eye on him.

Those high-ranking Japanese military officials who were hostile to Hideki Tojo were also secretly monitored by Hideki Tojo. In the end, Hideki Tojo had to be allowed to take power.

Otherwise, there will be another 226 mutiny at any time and they will be killed.

Hideki Tojo, nicknamed Tojo Razor, was also very cruel to his own people.

"Who did the murder?"

"I can't say."

"I can't say it, or I dare not say it."

"Can't. Nor dare."

"Is he a member of the royal family? Dragon Head of Black Island?"


The spy was silent.

Zhang Yong shook his head. It was definitely not Black Island.

Even Zhang Yong can beat Heidao. I guess Heidao doesn't dare to come out and do activities now.

Knowing that Zhang Yong has returned to the south, Heidao still comes here, isn't he looking for death?

By the way, the $300,000 that was extorted from Black Island has not been received yet.

I'm so busy. I don't even have time to follow up.

Zhang Yong picked up Yu Daoxin's gun.

Since nothing can be said...

"I'll give you money……"


Zhang Yong pulled the trigger.

The bullet blew out the spy's head.

Excuse me.

Although I like money, there is some money that I don’t accept.

"Team leader..."

Shihu came in from outside.

I saw the Japanese spy lying on his back with a bullet in his head.


"Take care of it."


Shi Hu called a few people to clean up the scene.

After a while, the cleaning was completed. Everything returned to its original state. There was still a dim light...

Silently monitoring the map, no abnormalities were found.

No one came to check. It was as if nothing had happened. Everything fell silent.

Zhang Yong was sleeping on the counter.

I believe that no delivery people will arrive in a short period of time.

After all, two gunshots were fired. If it was a vigilant delivery person, he would definitely find something wrong.


It is not ruled out that there are stupid ones.


Sure enough, I slept until about three o'clock in the morning, and the map reminded me that someone else had arrived sneakily.

White dot.

No weapons symbol.

There is no gold mark either.

one person.

Unable to determine identity.

Isn't he the delivery person? Are you here to check the situation?

Zhang Yong raised his head and rubbed his eyes. He went to the water tank at the back and scooped water with his hands to wash his face. There was no running water here.

Cheer up.

Go out and say hello to Shi Hu, and Zhang Yong will take action himself.

Alone, without weapons, Zhang Yong should be able to fight a sap.

Approach quietly.

Skillfully hide on the estimated route.

Sure enough, a sneaky figure appeared. Zhang Yong just hit him with a stick.


The target falls.

Zhang Yong put away his stick and drew his gun.

Safety first.

Under normal circumstances, the other party should have fainted. However, exceptions cannot be ruled out.

There are also people whose hearts are on the other side. Maybe there are people who have practiced Iron Head Kung Fu and can't be knocked unconscious by a wooden stick. If he is killed in reverse, Zhang Yong will just give it a try.

Fortunately it's okay.

The target indeed fainted.

Look down.

I found that he looked vaguely familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that they were indeed acquaintances.

Song Wanchun.

That Jinling Chamber of Commerce. I forgot my position. Anyway, I showed up with a radio station on the Yangtze River before and was arrested on the spot. How did I get out later? Zhang Yong didn't ask. It was probably related to the Song family. Maybe it was.

Song Ziyu’s same clan or something.

If the Song family came forward, the Fuxing Society Secret Service would of course release him immediately.

Otherwise, the funding for the Secret Service will be in trouble. The Song family and the Kong family jointly control the Ministry of Finance. Boss Dai is obviously not qualified to challenge them.

From now to 1949, the Song family and the Kong family took charge of the Ministry of Finance alternately and controlled the economic power of Chiang Kai-shek. There was no wavering in the middle.

So, here comes the question...

What is Song Wanchun doing here?

This place is engaged in dark business! Could it be that he does it too?

Things seem to be complicated...

Think for a moment.

Touch the corpse decisively.

No matter who he is, take the money first.

Song Wanchun came empty-handed. He didn't bring a suitcase or anything like that.

However, this guy is wearing a thick fur coat with many pockets on it. The tuxedo underneath also has many pockets...



Zhang Yong realized something was wrong. Wearing a tuxedo when going out?

Are you going to dance?



Seems to realize something.

I smelled it carefully and smelled a hint of alcohol and cigar.

Oh, we can conclude that this guy probably sneaked out of a certain nightclub. Therefore, he was still wearing a tuxedo.

When you go dancing in a nightclub, of course you have to wear a tuxedo. This is the most popular upper-class wear these days.

The New Life Movement was commissioned to promote a healthy lifestyle. Dance is one of them.

It’s so strange that this commissioned person never dances and only drinks boiled water...

I haven’t heard of him having any entertainment...

Ascetic. Boring person.

It actually gave an advantage to the people below him. They were all living in a state of drunkenness and debauchery.

Quickly touch the body.

I found a lot of banknotes. They were of various denominations and came from various banks.

According to rough statistics, there are about more than a thousand silver dollars. Although it is not much, it is not in vain. Zhang Yong does not want other messy things.

He only wants money and nothing else.

He hid the banknote and then patted the other party's face to wake Song Wanchun up.

Song Wanchun woke up in a daze and saw that it was Zhang Yong. He was confused and hesitant, and had no idea what was going on.

Zhang Yong asked with concern: "President Song, why did you faint here?"

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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