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Chapter 681, I remember you!

Zhang Yong believed that the spy in front of him was a sniper.

Because the opponent's disguised identity is a coolie. And coolie can just cover up the shooting training characteristics.

For example, the calluses on the shoulder sockets can be said to be caused by carrying packages.

There are also thick calluses on the tiger's mouth, which can also be said to be caused by years of heavy physical labor.

Others have no direct evidence, and he himself will not reveal the truth.

An excellent sniper cannot be clean and fair. He must have many characteristics.

A good spy must conceal these characteristics.

However, the spy didn't seem to react. He was very calm. Unnaturally calm?

"Where is your scope?" Zhang Yong continued.


Look around.

It doesn't look like he's being pretentious. He's really confused.

The people around him also looked at each other in confusion, expressing that they did not understand what Zhang Yong was saying.

But one thing is certain. There is something wrong with someone among them. Because behind Zhang Yong, there is a large group of vicious people.

Each one of them had a gun in his hand. He stared at them like a group of wild beasts.

Some people raised their hands involuntarily.

The spy also raised his hands.

Then, everyone else raised their hands.

All very nervous.

I don’t know what Zhang Yong is going to do.

Zhang Yong pointed at the Japanese spy. Someone immediately came forward and captured him.

"What do you do?"

"What do you do?"

The spy shouted weakly, but didn't struggle.

He knew that struggling would be useless. All he would get in exchange would be a violent beating and his identity might be exposed.

On the contrary, if you don't struggle, it may be fine.

Sure enough, the other coolies quit. They felt the same way and shared the same hatred.

Zhang Yong arrested people when he came up, without giving any reason. Who knew if they would be next? They all started to get anxious.

When you arrest people, at least give a reason!

"Hey, why do you arrest people without asking any questions?"

"Who are you?"

"Where did you come from?"

The other coolies were shouting in confusion. The place became noisy.

Zhang Yong was about to speak when he suddenly noticed a red dot running away quickly.

This guy, taking advantage of the chaos, wanted to run away.

He quickly disappeared into the shantytown behind the dock and disappeared.

"It's him!"

Zhang Yong's whole body was filled with excitement.

This is a real sniper! His escape speed is very fast!

Damn it!


He immediately led his team to catch up.

The red dot moved very fast. It soon reached the wall.



Someone fired a gun.

He's a soldier from the security team.

There are soldiers stationed on the watchtowers on the wall.

The problem is, these security guards' marksmanship is terrible. They miss the mark at all.

From a distance of less than 100 meters, he fired continuously but failed to hit.

The spy was also very capable of climbing. He climbed over the wall quickly and then disappeared into the wilderness outside.

Zhang Yong:……

Quickly measure the distance.

No, I can't catch up because they have to go through the gate and need to make a big circle.

By the time they catch up, the target must be 450 meters away.

However, this is not the key. The key is that Zhang Yong cannot leave the dock. There are still many things to deal with here.

There are more spies who need to be captured and interrogated.

He can't give up the entire forest for a tree. There will be a chance to catch him next time.

Came back angrily.

In the darkness, I saw Liao Panxi walking by.

The two pretended not to know each other.

This is good.

To prevent the Japanese spies from harming her.

Although it was difficult for a spy to plot against him, Zhang Yong, it was very easy for him to plot against her.

Any Japanese spy can kill her. Even beautiful spies like Lin Xiaoyan and Liu Xi know hundreds of ways to kill people.

They just had nothing to do with Zhang Yong. It doesn't mean they can't deal with others.

Secret contact. He will only appear in the dark.

Continue back to the place where the spy was. He waved his hand and released the spy.

The spy suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he could get through safely. The other coolies also breathed a sigh of relief and were not so angry.

Zhang Yong walked straight inside.

Inside the warehouse, there is a weapon sign.

It was the same thing last time. Someone hid weapons in the warehouse.

Sure enough, a Browning M1903 pistol was found on a triangular beam in the warehouse. There were also two magazines.

The pistol is well hidden and cannot be seen from below.

You can only get it by climbing up. However, it is impossible for ordinary people to climb up.

After all, the triangular beam is very high. It is more than ten meters above the ground. The surrounding area is also empty. It is extremely dangerous for anyone to climb up.

Zhang Yong turned to look at the spy and found that the spy was still calm.


"Be honest! Otherwise..."

Zhang Yong raised his pistol.

No one answered. Everyone looked at each other.

There are weapons hidden on the triangular beam? They really don't know. Who is hiding it, let alone who is hiding it?

"Hit him!"

Zhang Yong pointed at the Japanese spy.

The spy finally couldn't remain calm and reacted quickly.

He pushed others around him forward and then fled quickly.

His speed is extremely fast.

He sprinted towards the river with all his strength and successfully reached the river.



Water splashed. The spy fell into the river.

The map showed that the target quickly swam towards the center of the river. The speed was also quite fast.

Obviously, this Japanese spy has very good water properties. After falling into the water, he was like a fish in water. Within a few minutes, he had already swam to the center of the river.

Zhang Yong:……

Mad, I have to admire you.

These spies are really capable. They are all so good at fighting.

Even jumping into the water is so awesome.

Relatively speaking, the teams he leads are basically landlubbers.

Qin Lishan and others are considered good players on land. But in the water, they will probably be tortured. They may even drown themselves.


Zhang Yong also has a way.

If you are rich and willful, just take out a handful of oceans.


"If you go into the water to catch it, each person will get an ocean!"

"If you catch the target, you'll get fifty oceans! If you help catch it, you'll get ten oceans!"

The sound is sonorous and powerful.

Damn it. I don’t believe I can’t kill you.

This is our territory in China. How can we let you run away in our own territory?

"I go!"

"I go!"

Sure enough, under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

Here at the dock, there are many people who understand water skills. As long as there is a reward, who wouldn't be tempted?



One after another, sailors jumped into the river.

Although it was dark night, they could still identify the location of the target. They were all experts, and entering the water felt like coming home.

Zhang Yong came to a nearby ship and held a telescope to observe the target.

The situation was better than he imagined.

In front of Zhang Yong and others, that spy was undoubtedly the most apt.

However, once he met other sailors, he was immediately dwarfed. After a while, he was caught by other sailors and pulled back from the water.

No matter how hard the spy struggled, it was of no use. He was pinned down by several people.

Good, good, good. Zhang Yong was very satisfied.

There is absolutely no shortage of talents in China. In terms of manpower reserves, the little devils are definitely incomparable.

According to statistics, we have a population of 400 million. But there are quite a few that are not counted. Counting this part, 500 million (500 million) is absolutely no problem. There may even be 600 million. And the Japanese invaders are not counted outside the mainland.

The population is only about 70 million.



Zhang Yong rewarded everyone one by one.

If you say fifty, give fifty!

If you say ten, give ten!

If you are told to give one, give one.

They are all cashed on the spot and will never be in arrears.

The sailors who got the ocean were very happy. Many of them licked the ocean with their tongues and tasted the fragrance of the silver dollars.

I wish more spies would show up and start making some windfall.

The captured Japanese spy was dejected and wet. He was shaken by the cold wind once and shivered with cold.

Zhang Yong, however, was too lazy to pay attention to him. He just let him freeze. He froze this bastard to death.

Are you bullying me because I am not good at water? Haha.

Go catch the third spy first. Deal with this guy later.

If he is still alive.

The third spy seemed to be a bookkeeper. He was getting off a cargo ship with an abacus in his hand.

Seeing Zhang Yong walking towards him, the spy was very alert. He immediately turned around and ran away. His movements were also very light and flexible. He quickly ran into the cargo hold and disappeared.

Liao Panxi saw it in the distance and was secretly curious.

This accountant is obviously also a spy. Otherwise, he would not run away when he saw Zhang Yong.

The question is, why can Zhang Yong recognize that the accountant is a spy? Does he have a sharp eye? Can he identify it at a glance?

By the way, this ability is really miraculous!

At this moment, there were many people watching the excitement at the pier. She was also hiding among them.

Although it is night, there is no lack of lighting at the pier. There are burning torches everywhere. The air is filled with the strong smell of pine.

One of the uses of rosin is to make torches. It is cheap and good, but the smell is a bit strong. However, it doesn't matter if you are by the river. When the river breeze blows, any smell can be dispersed.

Zhang Yong came aboard the cargo ship.

Stop. Wave back. Let others come forward.

There are weapons signs in the cargo hold. Although there are no weapons in the red dots, what if the other party accidentally gets the weapons?

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to fight tooth and nail.

Keep yourself alive, but deal with more spies. You can play a greater role.

When it comes to catching people at close range, other people can completely do it.

But if you encounter a Japanese sniper, you will have to take risks.



Qin Lishan led people into the cabin.

Zhang Yong stood outside monitoring what was going on inside while blowing the river breeze.

As far as the eye can see, there are several red dots.

However, it is not clear which one is the sniper.

The scope was not found.

That grandson disguised himself quite well.

In fact, the other party may not be in the dock.



There were sounds of fierce fighting inside the cabin.

The Japanese spy is still fighting stubbornly below. However, he is obviously at the end of his strength.

He alone cannot be the opponent of more than a dozen people.

It's okay if you haven't been discovered. But if you are discovered, you will be dead.

One minute……

Two minutes...

In less than five minutes, the spy was caught.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhang Yong asked: "Where is Sun Dingyuan?"

The spy still lowered his head and showed no reaction. He was obviously resisting the question.

But Zhang Yong already got the answer he wanted.

This spy knew Sun Dingyuan.

Okay, it's okay. Study it slowly.

Anyway, Jianqiao Air Force Base is large enough to hold more than a hundred Japanese spies without any problem.

The security force there has a battalion, which can fully undertake the task of guarding the cells. Zhang Yong does not need to arrange additional personnel by himself.

He is the future director of the Third Intelligence Division of the Air Force Staff, so it is normal for him to pick out the Air Force.

We should take advantage of Sun Dingyuan's incident to clean up the spies in Hangzhou. Next time Chennault comes, he will be safe.

Look at the time, it's almost midnight.

Go and disturb Wang Jichang.

The big boss of Wang Jichang's dock is certainly very dignified.

There are three red dots beside him. Obviously, these three people are his most capable men.

It feels a bit like going deep into a tiger's den.

However, Zhang Yong didn't care. He also had dozens of people.

What's more, the late-night snack was not held inside Wang Jichang's office building, but outside.

"Boss Wang, I'm here!" Zhang Yong said with a smile on his face.

"This..." Wang Jichang's smiling face slowly turned gloomy, "Team Leader Zhang, you are ruining my fun!"

“I don’t know where to start, Boss Wang?”

"You blocked my dock. No one can enter or exit. How can we do business?"

"Oh, that's it. Since Boss Wang said so, let's unblock it."

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Ask someone to deliver the order. The dock will be unblocked and everyone can enter and exit freely.

However, the ships on the dock cannot leave yet. Zhang Yong ordered the security team to detain all the ships.

People can leave, but the goods cannot. There may be Ding Furong's property inside.

"Team Leader Zhang, you are not interesting enough!" Wang Jichang's expression was quite ugly.

What's the use of this bastard who only releases people but not ships?

He needed to release the ship.

If Zhang Yong continues to search, he will be discovered sooner or later.

"Boss Wang, I feel like you are a spy." Zhang Yong suddenly said, "Did you receive money from Ding Furong behind his back?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Wang Jichang said coldly, "I want to make money."

"I understand." Zhang Yong nodded, "Boss Wang can't make any money, so of course he's worried. But if I let the spy go, the committee will want my head. I don't want to die, so I have to offend Boss Wang."

"You..." Wang Jichang laughed angrily, "You use your appointment to pressure me?"

"Yes." Zhang Yong nodded unabashedly, "Boss Wang, it seems that late night snacks are not available."

"I will report it to you. You abused your power."


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Wang Jichang waved, and a red dot came over.

Qin Lishan came forward immediately.

The two sides were at war with each other.

Wang Jichang's eyes were fierce and he refused to give in.

Zhang Yong sat silently, not moving, but not leaving. The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

a long time……

In the end, Wang Jichang was unsure about taking action.

There are many people and guns behind Zhang Yong.

A lot of Thompson submachine guns.

"Team Leader Zhang, I remember you."

"Easy to say."

Zhang Yong responded with a smile.

I remember you too.

Also remember your money.

We'll see you later.

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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