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Chapter 700, undercover

Thinking of Akiyama Aoi seeds...

She is indeed a very beautiful Japanese girl!

Zhang Yong has no prejudice against Japanese beauties. As always, he likes young, beautiful and pure...

Stop it.

Stop it.

What are you thinking about?

The country and the family hate each other. If Lao Bai and the others knew about it, it would be terrible...


"I'm Secretary Mao. Tell me."

"This matter is probably not simple. Check it out when you have time."

"Okay. Where is Virgo?"

"Virgo is temporarily unavailable. You can handle it at your own discretion."


Zhang Yong agreed.

When Mao Renfeng hung up the phone, he also hung up.

Virgo is temporarily unavailable? It seems that I have been thinking about it for a long time this time. The committee member may be really suspicious.

You were originally asked to monitor the army, but you ended up colluding with people in the army. Can you not be angry?

The problem is, Chun Yuqiong seems to be Zheng Jiemin's. The committee should hold Zheng Jiemin accountable. Oh, Zheng Jiemin and Tang Zong have not returned from Germany. The committee is angry, and of course he is venting his anger on Boss Dai. However, it is probably just doing it.

It doesn't look like he will be severely punished. Looking at the wall and thinking about his faults also means to beat him.

If Virgo understands, he will be cautious in the future.

However, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Virgo became ambitious again and began to get involved in the military power.


Alas, they are all greedy.

It's enough for you to monitor the army, but you also want to build your own army. What then?

All the imperial guards in the past dynasties have never commanded their own troops! This is too arrogant.

Shake his head.

Get rid of cluttered thoughts from your mind.

He discovered that his greatest skill was that he was too lazy to think about things he shouldn't have thought about. It was useless to think too much.

Do what you can do.

The issues considered by those big guys have nothing to do with him.

What has to do with him?

Make money.

Catch Japanese spies.

Live your own little life.

Make some preparations for the upcoming eight-year war of resistance.

Try your best to ensure that you can see the day when the all-out war of resistance is won.

If it's still possible...

Well, if possible...

Get to know a few future bosses and form a good relationship to ensure that you will have enough food and clothing in the future.

"Team leader."

"What's up?"

Zhang Yong brought his thoughts back.

It was Tian Qi who came with a bunch of weapons in his hand.

Oh, they were all picked up from the square. Zhang Yong was responsible for collecting money. Others were responsible for collecting weapons.

Before the army arrived, the square was cleared.

"It's all ready."


Zhang Yong looked at it carefully.

Of the eight people, seven died. However, 13 pistols were seized.

Apparently, many people carry double guns.

The most common ones are shell guns.

Facts have proved that it is not a matter of cost. It is simply a matter of getting used to the feel. It feels the same when using other pistols.

Many gangsters rely on the shell gun to become famous. It has almost become the symbol of bandits. Without the shell gun, even a twelve-point skill can only be used at seven points.

The shell guns used by the four gangsters are all mirror boxes of excellent quality.

In addition, there is also a revolver. It seems to be the British Webley revolver?

Zhang Yong didn't do much research on revolvers. He always felt that they were too weak and couldn't kill anyone. The revolvers in Hong Kong movies were just decorations.

If you encounter a big killer weapon such as AK, the revolver is almost like a water gun.

If we want to talk about the big killer weapon in the pistol, besides M1911, it is probably the Big Black Star. That is, the domestic May Fourth. That is called fierce...

"take away!"


Zhang Yong led his men to retreat.

They retreated until they were more than 800 meters away from the train station.

I found a church. It seemed to be owned by the Portuguese. I gave the missionaries five oceans and temporarily borrowed the roof.

Go up the simple stairs to the church dome and raise the telescope.

Condescending and vivid.

The train station is now heavily guarded.

There are soldiers everywhere.

I saw a colonel officer leading the team, but I didn't see Xuan Tiewu.

I didn't see Liang Wenxiu either. Oh, he was injured. He probably won't show up in a short time. Haha, he deserves it. Just lie down.

Subsequently, a large number of military police arrived. There were more than 300 people. The leader was also a colonel. But Zhang Yong did not recognize them at all.

They were not from the same system, and he almost didn't recognize them.

Unless Gu Bafeng comes with him, the military police system will not buy Zhang Yong's account.

Last time he asked the military police to help block the dock, but the military police had no response. It can be seen that Chiang Kai-shek also took great pains to set up so many different systems to ensure his own safety. It is impossible for any system to rebel.

They also monitor each other.

Takeshita Takashi was finally protected.

The bodies in the square were also carried away. Someone began to wash the floor.

However, from beginning to end, no police officers were seen. This shows that the police system has also been excluded.

I wonder who is responsible for the deployment? Is it the chairman of the small committee?

No one from the police system showed up. Was Chen Cheng deliberately avoiding suspicion? He was very cautious.

have a bee in one's bonnet……

Suddenly, a marked white point entered the map.

Zhang Yong checked and found out that it was the veteran who was not killed when fighting fire in the square before. He was the one pretending to be a rookie.

This guy actually came back to watch the fun? Haha. It’s not simple!

The most dangerous place is the safest?

Observe quietly.

It was discovered that the target's clothes had all been changed.

Now he is actually wearing tattered clothes, pushing a cart and selling roasted sweet potatoes along the street.

Damn, what a clever disguise. He actually knows how to roast sweet potatoes.

The map prompts that there are weapon symbols.

The pistol is probably hidden under the charcoal basin and can be taken out at any time.

Moreover, the red charcoal basin is also a very deadly weapon. If you lift it casually, charcoal will fly all over the sky.

Don't think that charcoal has no lethality. In fact, Zhang Yong discovered that once this little thing burns someone, it is still difficult to handle. The probability of death is extremely high.

In the era without antibiotics, burns were extremely easy to get infected and then difficult to save.

Therefore, even the Fuxing Society Secret Service rarely uses soldering irons unless there is no other means.

Generally, when a soldering iron is applied to a person, the person is disabled. The possibility of death in the later stage is extremely high.

Relatively speaking, electrocution can save lives.

"Who is this guy?"

"Since it's an act, why did you come back to check?"

"Is it the battle before you were not convinced?"

Zhang Yong speculated on several possibilities, but none of them came to a conclusion.

Continue to observe and find that the target has stopped near the railway station cordon.

After careful observation, I found that the target was a tall man with a beard. I don’t know whether he was disguised or his true appearance.

His body is very strong and his limbs are powerful. He is difficult to deal with at first sight.

If it is a head-on fight, it may be extremely difficult.

Unless it's a plot or a sap attack...

Or it could be destroyed by one shot. For example, using a scope.

Zhang Yong measured the distance. It was exactly 330 meters. If you use a scope, you should be able to kill him with one shot.

The issue is……

Not necessary.

There are many questions that need to be answered by this big man with a beard.

The other party is not a spy. Once caught, he should tell some secrets. If you kill him, you will get nothing.

Silently thinking about how to capture the opponent alive...

Suddenly, a foreigner appeared from the alley next to him. He lowered his head and walked towards the bearded man who was roasting sweet potatoes.


Zhang Yong raised his eyebrows.

Foreigners? Roasted sweet potatoes?

Subconsciously, I realized something was wrong. Then...

When he saw a foreigner passing by a tall man with a beard, he stretched out his hand and handed him a small cloth bag.

The tall man with a beard quickly took it and tossed it. Then he opened the bag and looked at it. Then he put the bag away and put it into his arms.

Then, the foreigner continued to walk forward with his head lowered.


Zhang Yong adjusted the telescope and tried to see clearly. Unfortunately, he failed.

Then, the bearded man quietly turned around. He pushed the roasted sweet potato cart all the way and left the train station quickly.

Zhang Yong:???

What's happening here?

Could it be said that the target of this big man with a beard is not the train station?

Is he here to connect?

Ignore it. Arrest the person. We’ll ask questions later.

Arrange quickly.

Although the opponent has a gun, it is not on him.

In other words, as long as the speed is fast enough, the opponent has no chance to counterattack.

What if the opponent fights back?

Then there is nothing we can do. We have to kill him.

Anyway, it is a basic principle, never allow the other party to counterattack.

Tracking quietly, I found that the target had entered a spider web-like alley, like a huge maze.

Good thing.

Zhang Yong likes this kind of maze.

With the help of a map, the trajectory of the target can be captured in advance.

After some twists and turns, the ambush was successful.


Zhang Yong dropped his stick.

The target fainted immediately.

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately. No matter how strong your body is, you are still afraid of sap.

Others hurriedly came up and stabilized the cart to prevent it from knocking over.

Zhang Yong is responsible for arresting people.

Touch the corpse.

But there was nothing valuable on him. Only the small cloth bag given by the British was in the arms of the big man with a beard.

I took it out, opened it, and found a dark blue gemstone inside. It was as big as a quail egg. I couldn't tell the color.


Zhang Yong doesn't like gems.

Mainly because I feel like I can't cash out quickly.

Of course, if it is used as a gift, it seems good. But who should it be given to? Do you need it?

In the end, I decided to keep it myself. Unless I got more sapphires. For example, there were hundreds or dozens of sapphires. Each woman would receive one.

This is called fraternity...

Searched carefully and found nothing else.

So he slapped the person awake.

The tall man with a beard woke up in a daze. He looked at Zhang Yong, then at the others, confused, and then silent.

He didn't know Zhang Yong, but he also knew that Zhang Yong was not a good person.

"Name." Zhang Yong asked.

"Qu Tie." The tall man with a beard replied slowly.

"Do you work for the British?"


"Who is that Englishman?"

"From MI7."


Zhang Yong's expression changed.

MI7? Dickens? Catherine?

It seems that the British are quite active! There are actually intelligence officers in Hangzhou.

I tilted my head and thought about it. It seemed normal. Hangzhou is also a relatively large city, with a population of more than one million.

"Why did you go to assassinate the Japanese?" Zhang Yong said slowly.

He had a huge doubt.

Obviously, this is a plan of the Japanese. But why are the British involved?

What role does MI7 play in this?

Qu Tie was silent.

Zhang Yong did not urge him.

The other party is weighing it nervously.

He gave the other party ten minutes.

Ten minutes later……

Take out the heavy hammer and punch it on the ground.

Look left and right. In fact, it's not that scary. It's unremarkable and unpretentious. What are they afraid of?

Crippled but not dead...

Seeing the heavy hammer, the big man with a beard pursed his lips and finally spoke on his own initiative.

"The British asked me to fake it and kill the target for real."

"What benefits does MI7 give you?"

"A sapphire."

"Why not take cash?"

"They refused to give me cash. They only gave me sapphires."

"Are sapphires valuable?"

"They said it was worth three hundred pounds. I don't know if that's true."

"You didn't do what the British asked. Why did the British give you the sapphire?"

"Because I lost three brothers. They didn't want me to cause trouble to them, so they fulfilled their promise."

"Deal done?"


Qu Tie gave an obscure answer.

According to the rules of the world, after someone else pays the remuneration, the transaction is over.

As for what accidents occur during the transaction and how many people are killed or injured, it has nothing to do with the employer. Eat salted fish to quench your thirst. Since you have accepted the task, you should anticipate the risks. The employer will not bear the risk responsibility for you.

"Do you have a British phone number?"


"Write it down."


Qu Tie obeyed obediently.

Zhang Yong got the phone number and hid it for later use.

"Do you know who I am?"

"have no idea."

"My name is Zhang Yong. I'm from the Fuxing Society's Secret Service."

"It's you?"

"It seems that you know my name."


"If you do things for the Japanese, you are a traitor. You know the consequences."

"I'll exchange a secret with you."


"The last time the train from Hangzhou to Shanghai derailed, it was Wang Jichang who arranged for someone to do it."

"Wang Jichang?"

"Yes. They are going to kill the Deputy Minister of Justice."


"Because he didn't listen to Wang Jingwei."


Zhang Yong felt that things were a bit complicated.

It turns out that there are so many inside stories behind the train derailment case?

Just talk about how the Japanese would pick a deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice to attack. There seems to be no direct conflict. It turns out that the Wang family is unhappy with him.

This Wang Jingwei is also very ruthless in his work. He is on par with Lao Jiang. No wonder he became the second-ranking figure in the Kuomintang. Even if Lao Jiang tried hard to suppress him, he was never able to kick him out of the center of power. Wang's biggest weakness is that he does not control the Huangpu Clan.

.Otherwise, Chiang Kai-shek will be under greater pressure...

"How did you know?"

"I was on the train at the time. I was in charge of the perimeter."


Zhang Yong's eyes flashed.

This Qu Tie actually knows so many inside stories.

"What else do you know?"

"I know where Sun Dingyuan is."

"He is dead."

"His double is dead."


Zhang Yong was stunned.


Sun Dingyuan’s?


Let me take a look...

Sun Dingyuan also has a substitute?


The person I killed before was actually not the real person?

No wonder he only had three thousand dollars on him and nothing else. It turned out to be a fake Sun Dingyuan!


These old gangsters are too cunning.

You are just a tough gangster, but you still have a substitute. You act like someone else's president.

"How many substitutes does Sun Dingyuan have?"

"Seven or eight!"


Zhang Yong couldn't believe it.

I suspect that Qu Tie made a mistake. Why did you just open your mouth?

Seven or eight stand-ins? How funny!

Qu Tie noticed Zhang Yong's expression and said: "There are seven or eight of them who look very similar to him. It is difficult for outsiders to distinguish them."

"Where can he find so many similar people?" Zhang Yong felt it was impossible.

"Sun Dingyuan has a mistress who is very good at disguise." Qu Tie said, "She is responsible for finding similar people, and then puts on a little makeup to disguise them, and they look similar to Sun Dingyuan."

"Where is this concubine?"

"By Sun Dingyuan's side. Not only can she disguise herself, she can also poison and breathe fire..."


Zhang Yong's eyes widened.

What are you talking about? Breathing fire? Juggling?

Damn, these people in the world are really from all walks of life, with all kinds of talents. I don’t know how to describe them.

Suddenly he reacted, confused.

"How did you know?"

"I once worked under Sun Dingyuan."

"You are also a bandit."

"No. I am Wang Yaqiao's subordinate."


Zhang Yong will never be punished.

Is this a reversal?

Are you actually Wang Yaqiao's subordinate?

Wang Yaqiao was the master who assassinated Wang Jingwei. But you...


"Are you an undercover agent?"


Qu Tie firmly denied it.

Zhang Yong understood.

This guy is an undercover agent.

In the fight in the dark, there is always me among you, and you among me.

You can arrange an undercover agent at my place, and of course I can arrange an undercover agent at your place. It all depends on who is the best undercover agent.

To be honest, Zhang Yong feels that every undercover agent is an absolute genius.

If it were Zhang Yong, he would be exposed in three minutes.

This Qu Tie is definitely the undercover agent placed by Wang Yaqiao in the Wang family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't know so many things.

"What was the result of the last assassination of Wang Jingwei?"

"It missed the mark."



Qu Tie cherishes words like gold.

Obviously, he would not reveal this secret easily.

Zhang Yong did not ask further questions.

Just know that the other party is an undercover agent.

Since the other party is an undercover agent, let him go quickly.

"Let's go!"

"Give me a shot. Or a knife."


"I'll do it myself!"

"Need not!"

Zhang Yong took out the shell gun.

Two shots were fired at Qu Tie's calf.

Qu Tie:......

No. Brother, I asked you to give me one shot. Not two shots!

Suddenly, I grinned in pain. I broke out in cold sweat and my whole body was shaking.

"I said one shot..."

"I heard wrong."


"I actually don't quite believe you."


Qu Tie was speechless.

However, until now, he had nothing to do.

This is how Zhang Yong does things. One shot is indeed too gentle. It’s not like Zhang Yong’s style.

"How about another shot? Is it more realistic?"

"You want me to die..."

Qu Tie was trembling even as he spoke.

Although Zhang Yong avoided the bone, the bullet penetrated it.

Two holes were pierced by bullets in his left calf. He was bleeding profusely. There was a lot of blood on the ground.

"Wrong..." Zhang Yong said suddenly.

"What?" Qu Tie was immediately startled.

"It seems that the bullet should be shot from behind. Penetrate from the front..."

"Same. Same."

Qu Tie hurriedly covered his calf, fearing that Zhang Yong would shoot again.

Not to mention, Zhang Yong can definitely do it.

"Oh well……"

Zhang Yong returned the sapphire to the other party.

At the same time, he took out five banknotes with a face value of 100 silver dollars and gave them to Qu Tie.

Sorry, this is considered medical expenses.

Thanks for your hard work……

"Zhang Yong."

"you say."

"I really regret telling you the truth."


"I said one shot."

"I heard wrong."

Qu Tie:......

Speechless and choked.

I feel like the wind is whimpering. I feel sorry for him.

But what could he do? Zhang Yong insisted that he heard wrongly!



[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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