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Chapter 713, Stuka

Li Shiqun was indifferent.

Feng Jiliang's face was expressionless.

Ye Xiufeng is like a sitting Buddha.

Everyone else seemed to be listening intently. But only God knows how much they heard.

In fact, the German who came to attend the meeting was an old acquaintance of Zhang Yong. It was the deputy minister Edelman who he had met in Tianjin Wei before. Ye Xiufeng announced that he was the plenipotentiary representative of the Germans before the arrival of the Gestapo.

Vaguely, Zhang Yong felt that this Erdmann did not seem to be used to the Gestapo people. It was true that every family had a hard time learning. There were also some Germans who despised the SS and the Gestapo.

There are a lot of people. There are still people who want to assassinate Lao Xi.

Of course, no resolution can be made at a public meeting.

One ton of silver is not a lot. Therefore, everyone’s reaction was average.

The main reason is that this thunderstorm plan is too vague.

If you say it exists, there seems to be a lot more to it. If you say it doesn't exist, it does leak some information.

"No matter who steals our technical information, we will not let him go."

"We will remember everyone who helped us."

Edman's voice is very loud.

He speaks Chinese quite clearly.

However, everyone present is an old fox. Who would take the words in the scene seriously?

Zhang Yong will not take it seriously. He even despises it.

Because after the war between China and Japan, Germany will soon side with Japan and form a strategic alliance with Japan.

He sold Huaxia directly. The sale was very thorough.

Weapons and ammunition that have already been paid will not be shipped. The payment will be directly swallowed up.

The previously promised supply of logistical ammunition was also terminated.

This directly caused all the German armorers to run out of food and ammunition.

Fortunately, the Soviets sent assistance in time. Otherwise, it would have been even more difficult.

In a word,

Germans are also cheating people.

Dismiss the meeting.

"Mr. Zhang Yong, please stay." Edman stopped Zhang Yong.

"Mr. Edman." Zhang Yong stopped.

Everyone else left quickly.

No one wants to be captured by the Germans. Everyone just spots them and then gets out of the way.

The same goes for Ye Xiufeng, the leader of the joint investigation team.

Because everyone knew that the Germans were here for Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong was the first to discover the Thunderstorm Plan.

Is there any more suitable candidate than Zhang Yong? Of course, Zhang Yong should handle such illusory and confusing matters.

"Mr. Zhang Yong, let me treat you to dinner."

"Mr. Edelman, you're welcome."

"Actually, I have something to ask for."

"Then I would be disrespectful."

"I'm not familiar with Shanghai. It's up to you to choose the location."

"French Concession. Kangyuan."




The two got into the car separately.

Each led his men into the concession.

Zhang Yong now has a British and German pass. As long as there are no special circumstances, he can enter the public concession freely and smoothly.

Although there is no convenience in working for foreigners, you can still get some conveniences.

It's of no use at the moment. It will be of great use in the future.

You know, the pass does not have a photo. You can use it as long as you bring it with you.

In other words, he gave the pass to the people of the Red Party, and the people of the Red Party could also use it. This may be very important after the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance.

At that time, the concession will become an isolated island. In the event of a massive raid by the Japanese invaders, it is safest to enter the concession.

Arrive at Kang Yuen Park.

Thinking of Liu Xi.

Until now, Zhang Yong still cannot figure out Liu Xi's identity and position.

Could she be an intelligence agent for the Japanese navy?



Edman and Zhang Yong sat down respectively.

Everyone else was on guard outside the door. The map showed that there were no red dots nearby, but there were seven yellow dots, all gathered together.


A little worried again.

Seven red parties!

What are we gathering together for? A meeting?

None have weapons.

There were no armed men stationed nearby.

Since the map was upgraded to display yellow dots, Zhang Yong gained more worry.

There was no way. In the past, he could keep out of sight. He didn't know who the Red Party was. Naturally, he didn't have any burden. But now, he felt a bit of a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He knew who the Red Party was. If the Red Party was in danger,

He can't just die without saving his life.

For example, these seven red parties may be having a meeting. The specific address seems to be near Petain Road. If they are surrounded by enemies at this time, it will be bad. Maybe all the leaders of a certain line will be arrested.


"Mr. Zhang Yong, how much do you know about the Thunderstorm Plan?"

"Mr. Edelman, I really don't know much."

"Tell me what the conditions are."

"BF109 fighter jet for sale."

"This is impossible. Maybe you can consider Panzer III?"

"May I?"

"It's not entirely impossible."


Zhang Yong frowned.

There seems to be no point in having a tank.

Tanks and heavy artillery are consumables without air superiority.

In World War II, the top of the food chain on the battlefield was the airplane. Only airplanes had no natural enemies for the time being. They could fight one-on-one.

Air supremacy is paramount.

Once you have control of the air, you have the initiative on the battlefield.

Tanks and heavy artillery will only be beaten when encountering aircraft. They will not have the chance to fight back.

The German blitzkrieg was also based on the roar of the Stuka. Once air supremacy was lost, the blitzkrieg would be unusable.



If you can’t buy bf109, can you consider Stuka?

In other words, the Stuka is a dive bomber. It is actually very useful. It can be used to attack the Japanese ground troops.

In a sense, fighter jets may not have an advantage over fighter jets, Gao Yuanhang and others.

Compared with the Japanese aviation force, their training intensity is definitely far inferior. If an air battle breaks out, they will definitely be at a disadvantage.

However, if it is Tian Ji's horse racing and Stuka bombers are specifically used to deal with the Japanese ground troops, it is a dimensionality reduction strike. The Japanese ground troops will not be able to resist. After the bombing, they will run away, and the Japanese fighter jets will not be able to catch up.

The Stuka dive bomber also has an extremely long range. The range exceeds 1,000 kilometers and the combat radius exceeds 500 kilometers. It can indeed hit and run.

In any case, it is much more advanced than the current Hawker 2 fighter jet.

The key is that Stuka has been mass-produced now. The output is not bad. It is possible to produce dozens or even a hundred of them.

As long as the Germans are willing, they can all be delivered within half a year.

At that time, it will be just in time for the Battle of Songhu. It will blow up Gori directly.

If there really were a hundred Stuka bombers, it would be almost impossible for the Japanese Marines to hold the Hongkou Japanese Theater.

Even if you barely hold on, you will pay an extremely heavy price.

With dive bombers, it would not be that easy for the Japanese invaders to land at Jinshanwei.

As long as there is accurate intelligence, the Stuka can achieve rapid bombing. It is extremely efficient in attacking ground targets.


I think it's a deal that can be done.

"How about a Stuka?"

"You want to buy a Stuka dive bomber?"


Zhang Yong answered affirmatively.

Alternate answer. Even if you can't buy bf109, you still have a good backup.

It’s understandable that the Germans don’t want to sell the BF109. If they don’t even want to sell the Stuka, that would be too insincere. What other information do you want to get?

If you change hands, you will sell your German intelligence to your opponents and make you suffer.


"Mr. Edman, you should show some sincerity."

"I can't make the decision."

"Okay then. Let's eat."

Zhang Yong said nothing and then buried himself in his food.

Since you can't make the decision, then find someone who can. Otherwise, it's all nonsense.


He wanted to speak but stopped.

The meal ended in embarrassment.

After dinner, Zhang Yong left immediately.

Decided to go for a walk on Petain Road. It was just passing by.

This is a concession. The Party Affairs Investigation Office cannot arrest people openly here, so there shouldn't be much danger.

while walking……

A red dot appears on the edge of the map. It means you have just entered the concession.

No markings. No weapons marks. No gold marks.


Continue to Petain Road.

I drove slowly and found that the place where the little yellow dots gathered was No. 71, Petain Road.

Vaguely, I felt that the nearby terrain was a bit familiar. It seemed that I had been here before. It took me a long time to remember that I had indeed been here before.

It seemed that I came with someone. But the house was empty at the time. I didn't expect it to be a stronghold of the Red Party.

What a coincidence. Suddenly, his brain became hot and he wanted to go in and take a look.

I just want to meet some big guys.

What do you think these big guys did during the revolutionary period?

How can I take a photo with them...

Uh, forget it. The risk is too great.

What those who run underground organizations fear most is leaving behind photos and the like. They can easily be targeted by the enemy.

Go in?

Not going in?

Go in...

Don't go in...

He hesitated outside.

Suddenly, I noticed that the seven yellow dots were moving.

They quietly dispersed and never gathered together again.

Okay, this has alarmed the other party.

Sure enough, these ancestors were very alert.

He, Zhang Yong, and more than a dozen people, all with guns, parked the car outside. It would be strange if others didn't suspect him.

Forget it, get off the car!

At least say hello to others so that others won't be suspicious.

Their work tasks may have been very heavy originally. If the burden is increased because of his arrival, it will affect the process of history...

Turn off the flame.

get off.

Look around. Then walk towards the door boldly.

The map showed that the seven small yellow dots inside had changed again. Two small yellow dots moved and met, as if they were discussing.

Fortunately, none of them have guns in their hands. I guess they also have suitable hiding identities.

In this case, let's just go through the motions and then walk away.

Wave your hands without taking away a single cloud.

Go up and knock on the door.

The Fuxing Society Secret Service never knocks on the door. Knocking on the door is the norm.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

It's still very loud.

A minute later, the door opened and a stranger came out.

do not know.

No impression.

I have definitely never seen it before. But the other six are not sure.

What if Shi Bingdao is inside? Because the yellow dot cannot be marked. Zhang Yong boldly guessed that Shi Bingdao might really be inside.

The stranger looked at Zhang Yong with confusion and a very natural expression.

"Who are you……"

"My name is Zhang Yong, from the Fuxing Society Secret Service. I am hunting for Japanese spies."

"Are you coming in to search?"

"No need. Have you seen any strangers appear?"

"I didn't pay special attention to it."

"Okay. It's okay. Just be safe."

"Thank you, sir..."


Zhang Yong waved his hand, turned around, got in the car, and led the team away.

Now that you've identified yourself, you don't have to be suspicious.

In fact...

After Zhang Yong left...

"Lao Shi, is he Zhang Yong?"


"Is he the one who brought us out?"


"He found us."


"How did he find us?"

"have no idea."

"Lao Shi, you have been dealing with him for the longest time. Do you think he is trustworthy?"


"That's okay. Let's continue with the meeting."


"According to the instructions from our superiors, our current main task is to raise funds for medicines, especially medicines. Our hometown needs a lot of medicines. We must do our best..."

"In addition, in the near future, some comrades from the old base area may need to come here to recover..."

"There is also a radio station. My hometown urgently needs a radio station and various spare parts for the radio station, including batteries, tubes, etc..."

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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