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Chapter 720, three yellow dots

Boss Miao was secretly nervous.

What is Zhang Yong trying to do with this posture?

Are you going to go on a killing spree?

This guy……

There are wounded people inside!

If you start a big fight here, someone from the patrol room will come!

In case the identity of the injured person is exposed...

Don't dare to think too much.

It's not his turn to speak now. He can only watch the development of the situation in panic.

Understand Shi Bingdao...

Sympathy for Shi Bingdao...

To deal with this little guy, the mental endurance is really very, very, very, very strong...

Zhang Yong raised his telescope.

Five targets were seen.

The people are all dark-skinned, and they don't look like ordinary people. They look like pirates.

Dou Yishan, when I think about it, seems to have something to do with the pirate Jin Sanyan. Jin Sanyan was taken care of by him. But Dou Yishan is fine.

Waving his hand, he signaled everyone to hide. Zhang Yong also hid himself.

Boss Miao asked nervously: "Zhang Yong, do you want to use a gun here?"

"Not necessarily." Zhang Yong replied.

If you can do it without using the gun, of course that would be ideal.

He doesn't want to trouble Li Yuanqing. He doesn't want to trouble Zhu Yuan. But, if...

If the enemy doesn't cooperate, there's nothing you can do.

They can only be shot to death randomly.

Of course, someone will take care of the aftermath.

"It's best not to use a gun." Boss Miao said slowly, "Once the identity of the wounded is exposed..."

"Don't worry." Zhang Yong replied calmly, "Everyone in the concession belongs to me. Even Akagi Gaochun has to go around when he sees me."

Boss Miao:......

Decided to shut up.

It's better to look at the situation yourself first.

The five pirates quickly entered Tzu Chi Hospital and then went straight to the second floor.

Zhang Yong:???

Curious. What is the other party going to do?

Silently monitor the target's movements.

After discovering that the target went up to the second floor, he went directly to a room at the east end. It seemed to be a ward?

There was only one white dot in the ward. After the five targets entered, six white dots came out soon after. Obviously, the people in the ward were also taken away.

It doesn't seem like it's a big deal? Others just came to take someone away.

Then don't worry about it.

The opponent has a gun, so there is no need to fight.


It happened that at this time, Liu Xi appeared.

The route she was walking happened to intersect with five targets. The two sides were about to collide.


Will she meet pirates?

How would she react if she met a pirate? Will her identity be revealed?

Did she find a way to escape on her own, or eliminate the pirates directly? Or was she asking for help? Or was she taken hostage by the target?

If she was taken hostage, how should she respond? Kill her? Injure her?

Since Liu Xi might be a spy, Zhang Yong was not nervous at all. Instead, he was very much looking forward to the development of the situation and waiting for her to reveal her flaws.


Seeing that Liu Xi was about to encounter the enemy, she suddenly approached a nearby room. Then, she missed the enemy perfectly.

The six white dots passed by outside and didn't notice anyone in the room at all. Or they didn't care whether there was anyone in the room. As long as no one hindered them from taking the person away, they seemed to have no intention of doing anything.

Soon, six white dots appeared at the top of the stairs.

Zhang Yong discovered that five pirates were holding a dying strong man hostage.

The strong man looked quite burly. However, at this moment, he was groggy and obviously had no strength.

His breathing was very difficult. It seemed as if he would die at any time.

Zhang Yong turned to look at Boss Miao, "Is he from your side?"

"No." Boss Miao replied hurriedly, "I don't know him."

"He is Dou Yishan's enemy." Dou Wanjiang replied.

"Do you know him?" Zhang Yong was interested in that big man. Who could this guy be?

Dou Yishan’s enemy?

But why not resist?

As if he could die at any moment?

I don’t know what the injury is. It doesn’t seem like a trauma?

If it was a gunshot wound or something, most hospitals wouldn't dare to accept it, let alone Dou Yishan's enemy.

"His name is Feng Yunshan. He is very good at martial arts."

"You know?"

"I fought him five times. But I never won."

"so smart?"

Zhang Yong secretly smacked his tongue.

You know, Dou Wanjiang himself is very arrogant. It is definitely not easy for him to admit that others are better than him. However, this guy actually admitted that he was defeated by Feng Yunshan five times in a row. If it were not for business bragging, this guy would

Feng Yunshan is so awesome.


Feng Yunshan looks like he is breathing his last breath now. He will die at any moment.

I don’t know what Dou Yishan wanted to do when he sent five men to capture him? Kill him? It was unnecessary.

Even if Feng Yunshan is left here, he will die at any time.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, Feng Yunshan coughed violently.

His cough was a bit scary. It was continuous and there was no pause in the middle.

The cough was getting worse and worse. My whole body was shaking violently.

The coughing makes the world fall apart. The coughing makes the situation change color.

When the coughing was the worst, I couldn't take a breath, and it felt like my lungs were about to pop out.

Zhang Yong:……


"I don't know what the disease is. Anyway, it started like this two years ago. I took a lot of medicine and went to many doctors, but nothing was cured."




Zhang Yong looked at his medicine column.

There are quite a lot of amoxicillin. There is also doxycycline. Oh, this is a new addition.

What does doxycycline treat? I don’t have time to read the instructions. It seems to be mycoplasma? I vaguely remember that if azithromycin is resistant, doxycycline can be used instead. But the specific contraindications have been forgotten. However, for Feng Yunshan,

There are no taboos.

They are coughing to such an extent. It means the situation is serious.

If you still have a fever or something like that, it’s a critical illness. Just mix amosillin and doxycycline and drink it down.

Effective is effective.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

"Where are they taking Feng Yunshan?"

"Buried alive."


"Feng Yunshan was once Dou Yishan's sworn brother. Later, the two sides turned against each other. It happened that Feng Yunshan was ill and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. So Dou Yishan took care of him. All his subordinates, territory, and money were all taken away by Dou Yishan.

I left him here to fend for himself. Now I may think it’s useless to keep this piece of trash, so I might as well take him out and bury him alive. That’s the end of it.”

"Save people."


Dou Wanjiang made arrangements immediately.

When the five targets finished walking down the stairs, something suddenly felt wrong.

There were a large number of people pouring out from both sides.

There were black holes all around.

"Our boss is Dou Yishan, the owner of Paris Nightclub on the Sea." One of the leading pirates said, "Who are you?"

"We are from the Fuxing Society's Secret Service." Zhang Yong responded from behind, "Put Feng Yunshan down."

"He is a sick man. What are you going to do?"

"lay down."


The five of them looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally let go of their hands angrily.

There is no way, there are more people. If you hit one out of ten, they will be dead. If you use the gun, they probably won't even have a chance to shoot.

A good man doesn't suffer the consequences of his immediate actions!

I had no choice but to let him go in frustration.

Dou Wanjiang immediately went up and took Feng Yunshan over.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and allowed the five pirates to leave smoothly.

The pirate leader hesitated to speak.

I wanted to say a few words about the scene, but finally held back.

The other party has a big background and cannot be offended. It is better to go back and report it to your boss.

Zhang Yong looks at Feng Yunshan.

100% pneumonia.

He was placed in the hospital, but no care was taken to treat it.

Probably on purpose.

I have to say that this is the real struggle to live and die.

Want to die? Impossible.

However, I won’t let you live and won’t give you real medical treatment.

I'm hanging on to your life.

Make your life worse than death.

This Dou Yishan is also a ruthless person!

Having said that, in Shanghai, is there any big boss who is not ruthless and ruthless?

A good person still wants to hang out in Shili foreign market?

It had been eaten long ago, with not even the skin and bones left.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Feng Yunshan started coughing violently again.

He was still coughing terribly, and his whole body seemed to be torn apart.

Alas, he is so lucky.

If he hadn't met Zhang Yong, he would have been hopeless.

His pneumonia has become very serious. Only antibiotics can save his life. It just so happens that Zhang Yong has it.

Zhang Yong took out amoxicillin and doxycycline. Six tablets of the former and three tablets of the latter were given to Feng Yunshan.

They are all three times the amount. The absolute portion is large and sufficient. It is absolutely full and reaches the blood concentration as quickly as possible. The rest depends on his own destiny.

If extremely large doses of two antibiotics cannot bring him back, it means that he is the person designated by the Lord of Hell and has no choice but to let him go.

"take away."

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Boss Miao felt vaguely uncomfortable.

take away?

Where to take it back?

Could it be that I want to take him back to Huichun Hall?


This kid likes to cause trouble.

This Feng Yunshan is Dou Yishan’s enemy!

If you take Feng Yunshan away, Dou Yishan will definitely not let you go. Will you take him back to Huichun Hall?

Zhang Yong turned to look at Boss Miao, "You can get him some Chinese medicine by the way. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine has the best effect. He may get better in about a week."

Boss Miao:......

In fact, he refused in his heart.

He is a hidden underground party member. The nature of his work is destined to keep a low profile.

However, the appearance of Zhang Yong disrupted everything.

Understand Shi Bingdao...

Sympathy for Shi Bingdao...

Become Shi Bingdao...

The feeling of being surrounded by thunder at any time, oh, it’s really...

However, he couldn't refuse.

He cannot tell Zhang Yong openly that I am an underground party member and I cannot accept your arrangement...

Who knows if this little guy can explode...


In the end, I agreed because it was impossible to object and it was useless to object.

"You should go back too!"

"You don't have to worry about things here. I'll take care of it."

Zhang Yong sent Boss Miao away.

Boss Miao didn't want it, so he hurriedly left.

Zhang Yong came to see Liu Xi.

This woman is so cunning and cautious.

I'm afraid it's not that easy to find out her bottom. But it's okay. It's a lot of time.

There are still nearly 10 years until the end of the Anti-Japanese War. I don't believe that she can not reveal any flaws.

Go up to the second floor and walk towards the room where Liu Xi was hiding. At this time, Liu Xi also came out. When he saw Zhang Yong, his expression was as usual, as if nothing was wrong.

"Doctor Liu, are you free?"

"What are you going to do again?"

"No time for that. Let's talk."

"What to talk about?"

"Aspirin! Are you free of charge for the aspirin you gave me?"

"Who said we don't need money? It's very expensive. Give it now."

"Tell me. How much is it?"

"My initial purchase price was fifty cents per box. Six hundred boxes, that's three hundred dollars. With shipping and other expenses, it's already over four hundred dollars at my end."

"In other words, about two hundred dollars a box?"


"Then you order another twenty boxes. I'll take them all."

"What do you want so much for?"

"Of course we sell it to people in need. Don't ask so many questions."

"I don't have any special channels. If you place an order now, it will take three months at the earliest to get the goods. You'd better find someone else."

"It's okay. You decide now, twenty boxes, four thousand dollars. I'll give you another two hundred dollars as reward. What do you think?"

"If you are not afraid of waiting, then so be it."


Zhang Yong then gave her $4,200.

If you don't want to give up the child, you can't trap the wolf. If she is really a spy, that would be great. The medicine is guaranteed to be available.

In the future, we can continue to purchase goods through her hands.

If she's not a spy, that's a good thing. It means she still has a hidden identity.

"I am leaving."


Zhang Yong nodded and waved goodbye to Liu Xi.

He has his eye on this woman.

Come downstairs.

Nothing happens for now. Find a place to rest.

I don’t know how long it took, but I woke up in a daze and found the sky full of stars.


One day has passed?

Sure enough, the day passed like this.

So I ate and slept. But bathing was impossible. We didn’t have such conditions.

He still had to pay attention to the seriously injured person.

Now that it's in your own hands, nothing can happen.

Wake up in the morning.

Go to Liu Xi and ask about the injured.

Fortunately, the operation went smoothly and the recovery was good. Zhang Yong and no one else quietly added the medicine.

Two pills of amoxicillin were added to the oral medicine.

This is a priceless antibiotic! Only he has it in the world.

Facts have proved that antibiotics are very miraculous in this era because there is no resistance.

It is certain that this seriously injured person was rescued.

"Team leader!"

"Team leader!"

Suddenly, someone came in a hurry.

I know him. He was a field clerk at the Songhu office in the past, but he has never worked under Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong:???

what's the situation?

"Team Leader Zhang, Station Commander Jia, please go back to the station."


Zhang Yong nodded.

In the station? Shanghai station? Oh, it has been upgraded.

It used to be called Songhu Office. Now it is called Zhenger Bajing Shanghai Station.

It has been upgraded. The level has also been raised.

Jia Tengying is the webmaster. Chen Gongshu is the deputy webmaster.

However, Jia Tengying basically doesn't care. Chen Gongshu is responsible for the specific actions.

After the Shanghai station was upgraded, Zhang Yong has not been back yet.

Forget it, go back and see more.

Immediately drove back to Shanghai Station.

However, five hundred meters away from Shanghai Station, he quietly slowed down.

Caution is the boat.

If there are any traps, identify them early.

Jia Tengying doesn’t seem to be as honest as she looks. These days, everyone is a movie king. Who doesn’t have dozens of masks?


Looks weird.

There are a lot of white spots inside Shanghai Station.

However, there are also three yellow dots inside! They are very conspicuous.

Three yellow dots!

Three yellow dots!

Three yellow dots!

Say important things three times!

Among a bunch of white dots, there are actually three yellow dots!



Three red parties!


I didn't notice it before. Now...

Hehe. Sure enough, everyone in the world has the same thing. Now there are three of them.

What time is it now? 1936. Even if these three yellow dots are at the lowest level, they will have certain qualifications ten years later.

Yu Zecheng is from the Qingpu class. At this time, the Qingpu class has not yet opened!

In other words, these three underground parties will be older than Yu Zecheng in the future. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, they should all be majors or lieutenant colonels.


He needs to sort out his thoughts.

Unexpectedly, there were actually three people from there in a small Shanghai station.


Who do you think they will be?

Silently comparing the map of the previous office, he made a guess with great interest.

There is a yellow dot in the Telecommunications Department. Is it Li Jingzhi? Oh, Li Jingzhi is not in Shanghai. She has been transferred to the Jinling Chicken Goose Lane headquarters.

So, who could it be?

There are only a few people in the Telecommunications Department. One of them is Chen Mei.

Could it be Chen Mei?

Haha, that's amazing. It's hidden so deeply.

Can't guess.

The other two yellow dots seem to be ordinary action team members.

None of them have their own offices. There should be no levels. They may be new joiners.

Take a deep breath and stabilize your emotions.

Pretending that nothing was wrong, he started the vehicle and continued back to the station.

Park outside.

A few white dots came out of it.

After a while, I saw Jia Tengying coming out. Behind me was Chen Gongshu.



The movement is a bit loud!

The webmaster and deputy webmaster all came out.

Jia Tengying is a very good person. It's not surprising that she came out to greet her.

But Chen Gongshu...

To be honest, Chen Gongshu is also a bit arrogant.

He and Wang Tianmu are both old people from the Fuxing Society. They did not come from training classes.

It seems that these two guys have both attended military schools. Wang Tianmu was born in a martial arts school and has very senior qualifications. Chen Gongshu is from the fifth phase of Huangpu and is Virgo's senior brother.


"Deputy Station Master Chen!"

Zhang Yong stood at attention one by one, saluted and said hello.

The boss gave me face. Of course he also gave me face. Everyone carried the sedan chair.

In fact, Jia Tengying is quite good as the webmaster. Everyone under him can feel more comfortable. If he were replaced by a mean person, it would be over.

It seems that not many people like Zhao Lijun.

"Go in and talk."


Zhang Yong knew something big was going on.

Sure enough, Jia Tengying and Chen Gongshu entered the small conference room together.

This small conference room has been specially designed. The sound absorption effect is very good. If you talk in it, it is impossible for people outside to eavesdrop.

Zhang Yong sat upright and listened attentively.

"It's Virgo's special instruction to call you back. There are work arrangements."

"Please give instructions from the webmaster."

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with our Shanghai station. It's the Guangdong and Guangxi side. There may be changes in the near future."

"Li Bai?"

"And Chen Jitang. He might be planning something else."


Zhang Yong understood.

After all, Fuxing Society is Fuxing Society, and it has a very good nose.

It's April now, and we are very close to the Guangdong and Guangxi Incident. I guess the planning there can't be hidden.

Of course, the committee will not take such a big event lightly.

How did the Guangdong-Guangxi Incident end? Zhang Yong didn’t know the specific details.

It seems like there wasn’t much fighting?

Anyway, it's not written down in history. That means it's no big deal.

However, at the end of the year, Zhang Xiaoliu made a big splash in Xi'an. It was written in the history books, and it was still the focus.

"Webmaster, what should I do?"

"Virgo means that we should stabilize the rear and ensure that there will be no trouble."


"My mission is Shanghai. Your mission is Shanghai, Jinling, and Hangzhou. That is, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou."

"I see."

Zhang Yong thought about it and found that it was not a big deal.

Since the Guangdong and Guangxi Incident didn't cause any big splash, there should be nothing going on at the rear.

Virgo thinks highly of himself. He casually assigned Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou to himself. It is a free postage area. Unfortunately, this is all work. It is not a private land, and the produce belongs to you. Yes. When working, I think of myself.


Where are my people?

Where have all my people gone?

Spread your hands together.


"How many people do I have? I can't do it!"

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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