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Chapter 724, Executing Revenge Order

Kangyuan Western Restaurant.

Zhang Yong arrived early, ordered food, and waited quietly.

Will Liu Xi come?

What would she say if she came as promised?

Talking about business?

Or do you want to instigate yourself?

Or dig a trap for yourself and trap yourself?

Silently monitoring the surrounding area, no abnormality was found. The people he arranged were quietly ambushing around the restaurant.

Safety first.

You must be fully prepared at all times.

This is a concession.

The concession is unstable.

He has so many enemies, and if he is a little careless, he may lose his life...

Suddenly the system prompted.

Checking the pocket space, I found an extra telescope.

Well, it's the telescope again.

Recently, the things provided by the system are not very interesting. I might as well give you a scope.

Now that the Japanese invaders have begun to send out snipers, what they lack most is a scope! A scope can be used as a telescope. But a telescope cannot be used as a scope...

Look at your watch.

It was already six o'clock in the evening and Liu Xi hadn't arrived yet.

There are no red dots within a radius of 500 meters, indicating that she is not lurking nearby.


She's not coming?

Are you really kidding yourself again?



"Jingle Bell……"

"Jingle Bell……"

Suddenly, the restaurant's phone rang.

The waiter picked up the phone, answered it, and then walked out and came to Zhang Yong.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang Shaolong?"

"I am."

"Miss Liu, please answer the phone."


Zhang Yong stood up angrily.

This Liu Xi really wanted to let her fly.

He also asked himself not to bring others with him. He didn’t bring others with him at all.


Come and take the call.

He thought of hundreds of excuses.

Why do I need surgery and I don’t have time? Just listen.

Pick up the phone.

"I'm all ears." Zhang didn't hide his displeasure.

"Come and save me..." Who knows, Liu Xi's voice came from the other side of the phone. It was very weak and intermittent.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Yong frowned.

"I killed two people. But I was also injured. I couldn't move. Come and save me..."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

Liu Xi actually went to kill people? Killed two more?

Reflexively, he felt that he should save her. After all, she was a first-class beauty. It would be a pity to die.

However, three seconds later, he calmed down again.

What if it's a trap?

What if Liu Xi is pretending?

What if she was trying to lure her somewhere?

Haha. You must be careful.

No matter what, Liu Xi is Japanese.

This cannot be changed. Therefore, there is a high probability that she is an enemy.



Let’s understand the situation first and then talk.

If he and Liu Xi had to choose one to die, of course it would be Liu Xi!

"Where are you?"

"New place..."

"What are you doing in such a far away place?"


"Kill who?"

"Damn people."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

Liu Xi's voice was very weak, but her thoughts were clear. She didn't seem to be unconscious.

From the initial judgment, it doesn't look like a disguise.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is too clever and Zhang Yong cannot recognize it.

"What on earth are you doing?"

"Perform mission."

"Aren't you a doctor?"

"I am a doctor."

"Then you still go and kill people?"

"Who said doctors can't kill people?"


Zhang Yong frowned again.

This Miss Liu doesn’t play by the rules!

What she said made sense. She was speechless.

That's right. No one says that doctors can't kill. In fact, many doctors are the real masters of killing.

They know the structure of the human body best and know where it is most deadly.

If a doctor devotes himself to research and wants to become a killer, it will be easy.

At least, that's how it's played in many spy dramas.

The problem is that other people will try their best to cover up murders. Why would Liu Xi admit it?

Who did she kill?

As a woman, she actually kills people. Isn't she afraid of being killed in reverse?

Also, she said she was on a mission. So, who gave her the mission? What is her hidden identity?

"Miss Liu Xi, who are you?"


"But you went to kill someone."

"What is the problem?"

"Who gave you the mission?"

"You want to know?"


"The more secrets you know, the greater the chance of being silenced."

"Forget it."

Zhang Yong did not continue to ask.

Since you are so awesome, then pull him down and figure out a way to do it yourself.

You want me to rescue you? Haha. Just wait.

I'm not a bitch...

Don't make a sound.

He held the microphone and didn't put it down.

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes……

There was actually no sound on the other end of the phone.

Zhang Yong's bad temper suddenly rose. You won't say anything, right? Okay. Let's just wear it out.

The call was made by you. It's you who has to pay the phone bill, not me. Let me see which one of us can afford it.

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

Finally, Zhang Yong couldn't bear it anymore.

Damn Liu Xi, is he so patient? Women are really...

Okay, I admit defeat...


Pick up the phone and speak.

However, Liu Xi did not respond. It was quiet over there.



Zhang Yong shouted twice more.

I thought to myself, I have put down my dignity and took the initiative to speak. Don’t go too far!

However, there was still no movement.

The phone hung up. But no one spoke.


Did he pass out?

Isn't it just pretending?

Is she really hurt?



Was she deliberately luring him over to check it out?

Could he have set a trap for himself there?

However, in the end, Zhang Yong decided to go over and take a look to see what was going on.

Be careful. It'll be okay.

After all, the radius of his surveillance map has reached 500 meters. It can avoid 99% of risks. No traps can be used.

As long as she is alive, the map will be visible.

If the map does not show it, it means she has died. There is no need to look for it.

Set off immediately.

Go to Xinchang.

The Xinchang side actually belongs to the seaside and tidal flats.

There was actually a phone there. This was quite surprising to Zhang Yong. Therefore, he was also worried that Liu Xi had made up the address.

After leaving the city, the roads began to become bumpy. They were all dirt roads.

In Shanghai in April, there is a lot of rain. The roads are muddy and the traffic speed is very slow.

The car gradually approached the new venue.

Looking at my watch, it's already ten o'clock in the evening.

Two hours had passed from the time he made the call to the time he showed up here.




Liu Xi is dead.

Although it is a pity, you still have to be careful.

Slow down. Search forward.

Let Hu Hai drive more than 400 meters ahead and be responsible for exploring the road. Zhang Yong followed behind.

If there is an ambush, Hu Hai will be the first to be attacked.

Proceed with caution.

No weapon markings found…

No weapon markings found…

There is no ambush yet.

If anyone tried to do anything against him, at least they should have a gun in their hands.

No gun? Haha. It’s not that Zhang Yong is arrogant. Without a gun, Zhang Yong is not afraid of any assassination at all. He will only get close if he has the ability.

There are some buildings on the edge of the map. They seem to be villas?

Then, a red dot was found.

Check it out and find it marked. Yes. It's Liu Xi.

keep going.

Raise the telescope and observe by moonlight.

I found that there was actually a resort nearby. There were many small villas and the surrounding scenery was superb.

envy, jealousy, hate.

Sure enough, rich people of any era know how to enjoy life!

If Liu Xi hadn't called him to come here, Zhang Yong would have never known that there was actually a villa area here. There were so many beautiful villas.

envy, jealousy, hate.

There are so many rich people.

I worked hard, extorted money, and used any means to get such a small amount of money...


Close to the villa area.

No abnormalities were found.

There are several weapon symbols. But there are no white spots.


Approach quietly.

A pistol was found. It was a Browning M1906, a pocket pistol. It was nicknamed Palm Thunder.

Picked it up and pulled out the magazine. I found that the bullets had been fired. But there was still a faint smell of gunpowder smoke in the barrel. It should have been used to fire it before.

Inferring that it might be Liu Xi?

After all, men don’t use such small water guns.

In a real fight, which man wouldn't like to use the Colt M1911? It has a large caliber and is powerful.

The worst option would be the Browning M1903, with a caliber of 7.65mm. It would be better if it were 9mm.

Close to the red dot.

It was found in the hall of a villa.

Hold a gun.

Enter with caution.

Found a woman lying on the carpet.

Wearing a black tights, he was twisted on the ground. There was a Browning M1903 pistol beside him.

Come forward and look carefully.

That's right. It's Liu Xi.

I first checked the other rooms in the villa and found nothing unusual.

Come back, squat down, check his breathing, and find that he is still alive.

Okay. Then it's okay.

He took out his dagger and cut open the black tights to find the wound.

There were two gunshot wounds. One was on the back of the left shoulder. It was shot from behind. The other was on the left side of the lower back. It was also shot from behind.

It seems that this Liu Xi is not very good at fighting in the dark. He has been plotted from behind continuously.

Haha. Her level is not that good either.

I guess doctors are professionals and murderers are amateurs.

"Team leader."

"Two bodies found."

Hu Hai came in and reported the status of their inspection.

In a nearby villa, two Japanese corpses were found. They were definitely Japanese at a glance.


Because they all wear Japanese clothes.

Zhang Yong came to the scene and found that the two Japanese who were killed seemed to be the owners of the villa?

They were all killed wearing loose robes. They seemed to be unprepared. The bullets were all fatal with one shot. If it was Liu Xi who fired the shot, it means that his marksmanship was pretty good.

The two deceased men did not have guns on their bodies, but there were guns in the room. And there were quite a few of them.

There is even a Walther PPK pistol.

This fully shows that the identity of the two deceased persons is not simple.

So, here comes the question, Liu Xi is also Japanese. Why did he want to kill the Japanese?

Who is she?

What task was performed?

Internal strife?


Eliminate the traitors within the Japanese invaders?


Look carefully at this villa.

The decoration is quite luxurious, with marble floors and thick wool carpets.

There are exquisite wall lamps on the walls. There are bright crystal chandeliers hanging on the hollow dome. The spiral staircase on the side and the handrails are all golden yellow, maybe gilded?

Extravagant and lustful.


Even more splendid than that little White House.

Maybe it’s because the location is remote and no outsiders come. Therefore, no matter how extravagant the decoration is, it won’t be noticed?

Damn it. You waste so much money. How nice it is to leave it to me...

"Team leader..."

"Anything found?"

"It seems to be someone from the Maori family..."


Zhang Yong's expression changed.

The Maori family? A big family of the Japanese invaders?

It seems that during the Warring States Period, Maori Yuan was considered a great man. The ancestors of the Maori family also had great achievements.

They are definitely not well-intentioned when they come to China now.

There are weapons hidden in the villa, which shows that what they are engaged in is definitely a shameful business.

The Mori family seems to be the core of the Choshu clan. The Choshu clan is the main historical origin of the Japanese army. The Japanese navy mainly comes from the Satsuma clan. And the core of the Satsuma clan is the Shimadzu family...

have a bee in one's bonnet.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Finally, he shook his head and drove away all the messy thoughts.

These troublesome things are not his strong point. If you want to know the result, you should go back to Liu Xi and ask. If she is willing to talk...

Return to Liu Xi.

She is still unconscious.

Zhang Yong found a blanket and wrapped her up.

After some tossing, she finally regained some consciousness. Then she found that her hands were cuffed.

"You are too careful..." she said angrily.

"I'm very curious. Who is the person who plotted against you?" Zhang Yong said bluntly, "Did he escape?"

"He's from the Miyamoto family."

"Oh? The Miyamoto family? Why would he come to deal with you?"


Liu Xi remained silent.

Zhang Yong:……

Well, it seems I can’t say.

Then there was nothing we could do. He was shot twice. Although it was not a critical injury, it was still very painful.

The key is that after these two shots, she lost too much blood and could die at any time. Now she must be treated in time. Otherwise, even Amaterasu will not be able to save her.

"I am Japanese..." After a moment of silence, Liu Xi slowly admitted.

"I know." Zhang Yong nodded.

He had already expected this.

Liu Xi must reveal some information. Otherwise, he will not believe her.

She knew it all from the first day they met.

He has already figured out that she is Japanese.

"I kill them. Others kill me. It's all our Japanese internal affairs. You don't need to know."

"Then what do you mean by specifically asking me to wait for a call at Kang Yuan Yuan Western Restaurant for me to come to rescue you?"


Liu Xi continued to remain silent.

Zhang Yong didn't speak either.

It's okay. Just take your time. I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I'm not the one who got hurt.

"I am executing the order of revenge..."



"Revenge against the Maori family?"




Liu Xi became silent again.

She bit her lip hard to prevent herself from fainting again.

However, she finally fainted.

Zhang Yong had no choice but to give up, pick her up, and take her back to Tzu Chi Hospital.

She changed her mind again on the way. She could not go back to Tzu Chi Hospital. Otherwise, her identity would be exposed. People at Tzu Chi Hospital would know that she was injured.

Where to go?

Of course, go to the nearby Mount Elizabeth Hospital.

Go to the hospital.

Arrange for rescue.

The warhead was successfully removed.

After all the fuss, it was already bright.

Fortunately, the person woke up again.

Zhang Yong stood beside the hospital bed and looked at her when she woke up.

Alas, these beautiful women are all mysterious.

Why bother?

Why bother?

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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