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Chapter 726, Possessed by Conan

Zhang Yong clearly felt that Lin Xiaoyan was afraid.

This is inevitable. She has offended the entire Army. Given the Army's unyielding character, it would be strange to let her go.

She also knew that once caught by the Army, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, she wanted to find comfort in Zhang Yong. Even if it was just a moment of happiness.

Poor woman...

In front of the rolling wheel of history, ordinary people are just insignificant dust.

When a speck of dust from the times falls on everyone's head, it is a disaster. No matter what kind of past she has, from now on, she has no way out.

After the joy, she was like a civet cat, limp and paralyzed in his arms.

She is very satisfied and feels safe.

Her reason told her that she was doing the wrong thing. However, she was addicted to it and couldn't stop.


"Zhang Sang, you said, I am your woman. I am willing to do anything for you."

"The Super High School is destined to be annexed by the Army Red Deer. You are unemployed. Your safety is not guaranteed. If you want to survive, you have to retreat decisively. Leave the Super High School and avoid the sight of the Army Red Deer.


"Then what else can I do?"

"Making money."

"What do you need so much money for?"

"When the war is over, you can start over. You can become a master."

"I have betrayed the Japanese Empire..."

"Let me tell you a story from the future. There was a man who burned down Tokyo with overwhelming incendiary bombs, killing and burning millions of people. But after the war, you, Japan, awarded him the Medal of Honor."

"How can it be?"

"In Japan, everything is possible. Trust me."

"Want me!"


At night, Zhang Yong quietly returned to the 026 Logistics Base as if he were a thief.

I'm a little worried that Shi Bingdao is back. If he sees something, he will be embarrassed. He will be seduced by the beauty spy's womanizing. Is that okay?

Fortunately, Shi Bingdao hadn't come back yet, so he pretended to be fine and let go of his heavy heart.

It doesn’t matter if other people know…

As soon as I sat down, Yang Lichu called.

Zhang Yong wondered whether this woman was also equipped with surveillance radar. Wherever he went, the other party would be able to find him.

Take a deep breath.

Comfort yourself. It should be fine.

I am definitely not possessed by Conan. It is absolutely impossible for something to happen wherever I go...

"do what?"

"Take me to the concession."

"Take you there?"

"Yes. Take me there. Bring more people."

"Oh? Is something wrong?"

"I need to talk to someone. But I'm worried about the other person being mean."

"almost there!"

Zhang Yong was immediately relieved.

It turned out that I was going to be a bodyguard! No problem at all.

Being a bodyguard is one of his strengths. Another strength is being a thug.

If you go up there, you'll get a violent beating. No matter what, let's beat him half to death first.

Put down the phone.

"Chen Hai!"


"Call Ao Guanhai and go on a mission."


Chen Hai immediately gathered his team.

Soon, the two teams gathered. The other team leader was Ao Guanhai.

What was his original name? It was a bit difficult to pronounce anyway. So Zhang Yong changed his name to Ao Guanhai. He thought it was pretty good, so he called him Ao Guanhai.

Departure. First arrive at Longhua Air Force Base. Yang Lichu is already here.

She is not alone. There is also Shen Ming.

Confused. Are you bringing new people with you when you go on a mission? They are really very new young people.

"Team Leader Zhang." Shen Ming greeted enthusiastically.

"Have you done something bad again?" Yang Lichu noticed that he looked wrong.

"Where is it?"


Yang Lichu despised him.

This bad guy is really chaotic.

Song Ziyu didn't care.

Sooner or later, if this continues, he doesn't know what trouble he will cause.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been kicked out of the Air Force long ago. The Air Force doesn't want someone with such a messy private life.

However, this guy's ability is so amazing that no one can replace him.

Just the process of identifying Japanese spies is unique.

"I swear to God. Absolutely not." Zhang Yong raised his hand, "If I lied, the Japanese Emperor would be struck by five thunders..."

"Let's go." Yang Lichu didn't bother to argue with him. He was too thick-skinned and no one could match him.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Yong immediately ordered to set off.

Three cars and two trucks filed towards the concession.

Zhang Yong silently monitors the map.

It's night now. It's still a bit dangerous.

In case someone makes a cold shot from a distance...

There's probably a one in a million chance of getting hit...

Fortunately it's okay.

There are many red dots appearing intermittently on the road.

One of them was actually on the roadside. He was a hawker selling cigarettes. He had no weapons.

It can almost be said that the number of Japanese spies is gradually increasing.

Alas, these are all the consequences of the 226 Incident. The pace of Japanese aggression is getting more and more crazy.

As the vanguard of the invasion, various secret service agencies, of course, constantly sent people to Shanghai. Maybe a large number of spies poured into Shanghai every day.

Arrive near the entrance of Zhabei Concession.

In the distance, a yellow dot appears on the map. It is very eye-catching among the many white dots.

Zhang Yong's mind moved.

Could it be Li Yuanqing?

This guy seems to be a member of the Red Party...

He approached silently. Sure enough, he discovered that it was Li Yuanqing. He was indeed a member of the Red Party.

I admire it.

Li Yuanqing is actually a member of the Red Party.

He is one of the captains of the concession patrol room!

He said before that he had taken refuge with Akagi Gaochun. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a super undercover agent.

Regret it.

If I hadn't hit Akagi Gaochun on the head...

If Akagi Gaochun continues to be the Assistant Commissioner of Police, I wonder what level Li Yuanqing will be able to reach as an undercover agent in the future?


Suddenly, a marked red dot appeared.

Hey, it turned out to be Chimu Gaochun. What a coincidence. Cao Cao was coming when he said Cao Cao. Chimu Gaochun actually also came towards Zhabei Pass.


Zhang Yong judged that it might not be the case.

Most likely Akagi Gaochun received some news and came over.

Zhang Yong didn't know what mission Yang Lichu was going to perform. He didn't ask. If she could tell him, she should have told him long ago.

Arrive at the entrance.

A patrol officer gestured to stop the car.

Sure enough, there was something fishy about today's inspection. There were a lot of patrol officers, and they were carrying rifles.

Normally, the patrol officers in the concession usually carry a wooden stick and no firearms. But today, some of the patrol officers actually carried guns.

It's a pity that it's not the British 77, but the French Leber. It's an antique. It has a caliber of 8 mm.

Something's wrong...

It seems something happened inside the concession.

However, Zhang Yong received no news at all. He spent the day communicating in depth with Lin Xiaoyan.

No. He is passive. It’s Lin Xiaoyan or something like that...

Stop the car. Get off the car.

When Li Yuanqing saw it was him, his expression suddenly became strange.

It's actually Zhang Yong?

What is this guy doing here? In the middle of the night.

Somehow, Li Yuanqing also had the illusion that every time he met Zhang Yong, nothing good seemed to happen...

"Captain Li."

"Team Leader Zhang."

"What are you..."

"Sorry. Official business."

"Then what should I do if I want to enter the concession?"


"I have a pass."

Zhang Yong took out the British pass.

Li Yuanqing took it and checked it carefully. He confirmed that it was genuine and waved his hand.

"You go in!"


Zhang Yong nodded, turned around, and prepared to get in the car.

It happened that at this time, Akagi Gaochun arrived. He shouted from a distance: "Stop him! Stop him!"

Li Yuanqing:......

Other patrols:…

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Zhang Yong nodded to Li Yuanqing, saying it was okay, and then walked towards Chimu Gaochun.



Chimu Gaochun stared at Zhang Yong menacingly.

Zhang Yong was all smiles.

"Mr. Akagi, long time no see."


"Mr. Akagi, do you recognize this?"


Akagi Gaochun was confused.

Then I saw Zhang Yong taking out a hawthorn stick.

Shake it.

It seems quite substantial.

"Mr. Akagi is such a noble man who forgets things so much."

"What do you mean?"

"In Hangzhou, you were knocked unconscious by me twice in a row and you don't remember anything?"

"Nani? Is it you?"

Chimu Gaochun suddenly screamed.

Then, his expression suddenly became as if he had seen a devil.

Then, he made a very sudden move.

He suddenly turned around and ran away.

Zhang Yong:???

Li Yuanqing:???

Everyone else:???

what's the situation?

Akagi Gaochun actually turned around and ran away?

Were you scared?

Dizzy. So frightened that you turned around and ran away?

Even if you see it with your own eyes, it is incredible.



I saw Chimu Gaochun running away, faster than a rabbit.

I almost tripped in the middle. I stumbled. I stumbled. It was really as embarrassing as it was. Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Yong was also shocked.


What is Akagi Gaochun doing?


So frightened?

Are you so frightened that you run away without saying a word?


Is this necessary?

I just plotted against you twice...

It seems like you should be angry. Why are you so scared that you run away?

a long time……

Zhang Yongcai turned his head.

Look at Li Yuanqing. Then look at the others.

He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, indicating that he was also confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Go in!" Li Yuanqing regained his composure.

"Thank you." Zhang Yong nodded.

"Something happened in the concession just now. There may be some disturbances."

"What is it? Can I know?"

"Over there at the pier, a yacht sank. Several people drowned."

"Okay, I get it now."

Zhang Yong shut up immediately and stopped asking. He didn’t want to be possessed by Conan.

The sinking of the yacht must be an accident. It has nothing to do with you. As long as you don't get close to the scene, it has nothing to do with you.

Repeatedly repeating that it has nothing to do with oneself and has nothing to do with oneself...

Return to the car.

Ask Yang Lichu.

"It's time to go. Where are we going?"


"Which dock?"

"The dock where the yacht sank."


Zhang Yong stood stunned on the spot.

No. Why didn’t you say it just now? Isn’t this cheating?

I also prayed that it had nothing to do with me. As a result, you stepped in with one step. Didn’t this harm me? I really am not Conan...

"I need to get a piece of information back from the yacht."

"Still on the yacht?"


"Didn't the yacht sink?"

"It has been salvaged. The person is dead. But the information may still be there."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong said angrily.


Order to drive. Keep moving.

After thinking about it, he said angrily: "We need to strengthen communication."

"Then tell me which woman you were fooling around with during the day." Yang Lichu didn't follow his example and directly grabbed his lifeline.

"Pretend I didn't say it." Zhang Yong immediately took back his words.

Damn it, I can't afford it.

Hurry to the dock.

There is no security here anymore. There are no patrols in sight.

It's probably that there was no accident. Or, the patrol room didn't think it was an accident, so they stopped paying attention.

Zhang Yong saw the yacht.

I also saw at least five red dots nearby.

There are two red dots among them, and there are telescopes in the hands. There are lenses reflecting light.

In telescopes of this era, the lenses are not yet matte, and reflections can be seen at certain angles.


This is not an accident.

This was an accident deliberately caused by the Japanese invaders. It was a murder.

At the scene of the shipwreck, the Japanese invaders continued to monitor. There was no doubt that they were waiting for their prey to take the bait.

Order to stop.

"What did you find?" Yang Li first saw Wei Zhizhu.

"There are five Japanese invaders nearby watching the scene. There are two telescopes." Zhang Yong answered slowly.

"As expected, it's them. That would be troublesome." Yang Lichu frowned.

Zhang Yong said angrily: "You told me before that you came to the concession to find someone."

"That's right. This man is on the yacht. But he has drowned. The Japanese are also eyeing the information he carried."

"What information?"

"Keep it secret. Wait until I get it."

"Are you sure you're still on the yacht?"


"Okay. I'll deal with those spies. Wait."

Zhang Yong calmed down.

Conan, let's just say Conan. They're all already on the pirate ship.

He is still prepared to hold on to the Air Force ship. His wife is definitely not as ruthless as Boss Dai.

Boss Dai can fall out at any time. As for Madam, as long as she catches Song Ziyu, there seems to be no danger.

Even if there is danger, you can escape smoothly.

On the contrary, everyone on the military command side is a wolf, and it is not easy to deal with them.

Five spies, two with binoculars. It seems that they are determined to obtain the information on the yacht! Five people were actually dispatched.

"Ao Guan Hai!"


"Follow me."


There are three-edged thorns at the altitude of Aoguan.

This is a unique weapon that Zhang Yong asked people to build. It is purely for coolness.

Strictly speaking, the three-edged thorn does not have as many functions as an ordinary dagger. Apart from stabbing, it has almost no other functions. The function is very single.

According to legend, the three-sided thorn is a deadly weapon on the battlefield, which seems to be exaggerated.

However, Ao Guanhai is a pervert. He actually likes the three-sided thorns very much. Based on the characteristics of the three-sided thorns, he also figured out a method of killing himself.

Forgot to mention. There are several perverts among this group of bald people practicing the Golden Bell Shield.

Infatuated with practicing martial arts. Infatuated with fighting.

Concentrate. Be focused.

According to the map monitoring, he quietly approached the first spy.

This spy does not have a telescope. He is hiding in a ruins. He cannot get close. If he gets close, he will be discovered.

If Zhang Yong acted alone, there would be nothing he could do.

However, Aoguanhai does.

This guy grabbed the three-edged thorn and threw it out.



The three-edged thorn is used as a throwing knife.

It penetrated deeply into the spy's heart. The spy soon died.

Zhang Yong:……

Good guy.

The three-edged thorn can also be used as a throwing knife.

It's still such a heavy flying knife.

The momentum is strong and sinking.

One knife kills.

The spikes almost came out of the spy's chest.

No wonder the spy died without saying a word.

Secretly shocked.

This Ao Guanhai's strength is really abnormal.


Go up there and touch the body carefully.

In the inner pocket of the spy's clothes, a photo was found.

The photo was a bit blurry. It seemed to be a remake. It was a young man. After careful consideration, I was convinced that I didn't recognize him.

Is he the person Yang Lichu is looking for? Maybe so.

Collect the photos.

Keep sneaking.

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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