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Chapter 797, Arson

He shook his head helplessly.

limited ability.

There is nothing else I can do except worry.

Everyone has his own destiny. How much can outsiders interfere?

In the final analysis, in the face of the tide of history, everyone is a small person.

Dai Li too.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a big shot.

However, in the eyes of the committee and other big shots, he is also a nobody.

The little brother of Huangpu Phase 6. Of course he is a little person.

Is a committee member considered a big shot?

This may be considered true in China.

However, the Cairo Conference had his share, but the Tehran Conference did not.

Therefore, in front of those historical giants, he was also a small figure. After he was transferred to the isolated island, his level became even smaller. He was almost forgotten.


Try to keep your spirits up.

Since we can't find Dou Yishan, let's catch the spy first.

No matter how you think about a spy who dared to assassinate the German Gestapo in the street, it feels quite strange.

Almost without thinking, Zhang Yong assigned him a role.

The assassin of Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace.

Create chaos on purpose.

Intentionally causing stress.

Deliberately adding chaos to the situation in front of you.

Right, that is it.

Regardless of whether this spy is a spy or not, the result must be.

Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly noticed that a group of red dots with weapon signs appeared on the northern edge of the map.

Around the red dot, there are a large group of white dots with weapons symbols.

Among the white dots, there is also a yellow dot. But there is no weapon mark.

Doubtful. What's going on?

Why are the red dots, white dots, and yellow dots all twisted together?


At the same time, secretly increase vigilance.

Sign to the back to remind Feng Yunshan and Dou Wanjiang that there are enemies to the north.

"Old cannon!"


"Go up."

Zhang Yong pointed to the customs building behind him.

It seems to be the customs building, right? I passed by here just now and saw many employees coming in and out.


Lao Pao agreed to go up.

Others also dispersed one after another and hid themselves.

Zhang Yong looked around and found that the Customs Building was the commanding height nearby, so he entered the Customs Building.

I saw some British people and some French people, but most of them were Chinese.

Several Annan patrol officers tried to stop him, but Zhang Yong directly took out the certificate signed by the British and was let go.

Surveillance map. The map has shown the basic deconstruction of the customs building.

It seems that after the map is upgraded, more information is displayed. It is also more detailed.

You can clearly distinguish each room. However, there are still no text prompts. You have to explore and judge by yourself.

Go up the spiral staircase to the roof. The door to the rooftop is locked, but it has been opened by Lao Pao. Zhang Yong walked out directly. Then he raised the telescope. As a result, he saw Yan Guangkun. He suddenly understood

Here we come. This is the Japanese invader taking Yan Guangkun out for a wander.

Silently thinking about it, he guessed that it was Akiyama Shigekui's arrangement. He finally found a way to have Yan Guangkun come out and try to lure Zhang Yong into taking the bait.

Take a closer look at the Japanese leader. Maybe he is the deputy consul general of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai?

What's his name? It seems to be Shirakawa Hidei? He's the younger brother of Shirakawa Yoshinori. Shirakawa Yoshinori was killed in a bombing in Shanghai.

This guy is not easy to deal with Akiyama Shigekui. Then kill him.

"Old gunner."

Zhang Yong shouted in a low voice.

Lao Pao quietly appeared from the corner.

"Can you hit it?"

“A bit far.”

"It's only four hundred meters."

"do not guarantee."

The veteran said it was difficult.

The main thing is that the goal is to move forward.

Although he is walking, he is also a moving target.

The key point is that the target is stopping and going. His movements are irregular and there are people blocking him in front.

"Don't fight yet. I want to save people."


Lao Pao agreed and went.

Zhang Yong raised his telescope and observed Yan Guangkun carefully.

His condition was not good. Although he had no shackles or handcuffs, he was barefoot.

What's the disadvantage of going barefoot? It's just that you can't run fast and your feet get stuck easily.

When arresting a suspect in later generations, if there are no handcuffs, you can pull the suspect's pants down to his knees and then take off the suspect's shoes. There is basically no way for the suspect to escape. Because the pants will seriously restrict the movement. Go barefoot.

Speed ​​will also be limited.

It seems that there are capable people among the Japanese invaders.

It is very likely that they are the hard-nosed policemen from the puppet Manchukuo.

These guys are die-hard accomplices of the Japanese invaders. In the three northeastern provinces, they worked very hard when arresting the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

If you have a chance, kill it directly.

The problem is that there are many enemies around Yan Guangkun. It is impossible to eliminate them all at once.

There are seventeen Japanese invaders, all of whom are heavily armed. There are also more than thirty solid policemen, all of whom are heavily armed. It will not be easy to deal with them all at once.

Especially those Japanese invaders. Judging from their movements, they are probably veterans of the Japanese invaders. These people have rich combat experience and are quick to react. They are difficult to deal with.

Once the situation goes wrong, they will kill Yan Guangkun immediately. Then there will be no way to save people.

After thinking about it carefully for several minutes, I found it difficult.

Now is not a good time to take action.

The main reason is that there is no way to save people. Let’s wait until we have the chance.

Suddenly I felt something.

Noticed a yellow dot approaching quietly.

Move the telescope, find the target, and discover that it is Huang Zhicheng, one of the three underground parties at Longhua Airport.

He frowned secretly.

Why did Huang Zhicheng come to join in the fun?

It's impossible to save people. The best we can do is to investigate the situation.

It's okay. If it's just reconnaissance, it'll be fine.

If you try to save people, you will be destroying yourself.

Seventeen Japanese invaders and more than thirty Puppet Manchukuo iron-stone policemen were enough to repel all incoming attacks.

Moreover, as soon as the gun is fired, nearby French soldiers will come.

The assassination of Klinsmann had just happened. French soldiers are now patrolling very closely.

There are also a large number of Annan patrols at various major intersections.

Suddenly, I felt something again.

The map prompts that there is a special mark at the edge.

After checking, I found that it was Afro, the overly beautiful White Russian girl at the front desk of the Madiel Hotel. She was actually there.

Move the telescope quietly and find Aphra. She is not on the street, but in a cafe, sitting by the window.

Judging from her posture and the direction in which her eyes were looking, it can be concluded that she was also observing Shirakawa Hidei and others.

So, here comes the question. Is he just out of curiosity? Or does he have a purpose?

Does she also want to rescue Yan Guangkun?

A bit looking forward to it.

It would be best for her to get involved in this matter.

It would be best to involve another Belarusian girl. Hehe.

Only in this way can he have a chance!

Put away the telescope, wave, and signal the veteran to evacuate. Come downstairs and evacuate with everyone.

I saw a few Annan patrolmen but didn't pay much attention.

He has a certificate issued by the British. He can lead the team around.

Lead the team to catch the spy who assassinated Klinsmann.

Suddenly, a patrolman hurried over and shouted to Zhang Yong: "Are you Zhang Yong? Please call back."

"Who?" Zhang Yong stopped.

"Captain Li, we have something urgent to ask you."


Zhang Yong vaguely guessed what was going on.

It's probably related to Klinsmann's assassination. There was a shooting in the concession, and Li Yuanqing must investigate!

Then, the guy immediately thought of himself.


How clever!

OK. Call me back.

Call the phone number provided by the patrol officer.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

"I'm Zhang Yong. I'm looking for Li Yuanqing."

"Hold on."

The other party said.

Not long after, Li Yuanqing's voice came.

"Zhang Shaolong, were you near Klinsmann just now?"


"Did you witness him being shot?"


"Did you see the murderer?"

"Didn't see clearly."

"Any clues?"



"But I know where the murderer is. You can catch him yourself. I can also help you catch him."


"But, I have a condition."

"I have no money."

"free of charge."

"What do you say."

"It is confirmed that the assassin is Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace."

"what do you want to do?"

"You know it very well."

"But, I want to report it truthfully..."

"Aren't you being truthful?"


Li Yuanqing fell into deep thought.

Of course he understood Zhang Yong's intention. He wanted to give Prince Yonghito of Chichibu Palace a big scapegoat.

For Zhang Yong, the more chaotic the Japanese invaders are, the better.

It would be better to be suspicious of each other, kill each other, and have a few more mutinies. It would be better if we return to the Warring States Period.

"Then you go arrest him and hand them over to me."

"no problem."

Zhang Yong agreed wholeheartedly.

It seems that Li Yuanqing is not good at counterfeiting!

Haha. Then go ahead yourself. Catch the person, compile the confession, and then let the Japanese spies practice it again.

What? You don’t even know Prince Yoshihito of Chichibu Palace? It doesn’t matter. I can teach you slowly...

Yes. That's it.

Put down the microphone and lead the team to arrest people.

There is no street name on the map, but it doesn't matter. Just go there.

Soon after, I arrived near the target street. I found it was in the Xiushui Street area.

Then, I discovered two coincidental things.

The first one has a yellow dot nearby. It is judged to be Qi Jiuding.

Coincidentally, Gu Xiaoru bought a house on Xiushui Street. It was used as one of the safe houses. It has never been used.

The house he provided to Qi Jiuding is nearby.

Qi Jiuding's house and the house where the Japanese spies were hiding were less than fifty meters away.

The second thing is that behind Silk Street, there is a gathering place for Italians. There are many weapons signs.

I don’t know if Tanavaro is back? No news for a long time.

Prepare to arrest people.

This spy has a gun in his hand.

Obviously, this is a desperado. He seems to be using a fancy trap.

At the scene of the assassination, the incident happened suddenly. Zhang Yong did not see many details. But he was deeply impressed by the flower trap.

The weapon used by this spy is a common trap in China. It has a horizontal magazine. Almost everyone can recognize it.

The power of the flower trap is average and its lethality is insufficient.

But the firepower is fierce. It has 20-round magazines and 30-round magazines. It is still very good for assault.

At least, this Japanese spy caught those Germans off guard. The other Germans actually also had pistols. However, they were beaten by tricks and had no chance to fight back. Zhang Yong did not know the specific casualties. He had already run away.


It's indeed a bit difficult to catch them alive now.

The best way is, of course, to injure and then arrest the person. As long as the person is not dead, that will be fine.

However, considering that the Japanese spies may resist stubbornly and forcefully rush in and have a head-on confrontation, they will inevitably cause huge casualties to their own team.

Moreover, if a spy discovers that something is wrong, he may immediately commit suicide.

what to do?

It can only knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

Looking around, it seems that there are all old houses.

Good. Set fire.

Start burning from the west. Drive out the spies.

There's a fire. Why don't you run away?

If you don't run, you will really be burned to death. Therefore, the spy must run.

Just do it.

Prepare immediately.

Then set fire to it.

Fire attack. Forcibly force the spy out of the house. As long as the spy leaves the safe house, it is easy to arrest him.

Sure enough, the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

Coincidentally, the wind was also blowing in the direction of the spy.

The spy realized something was wrong and immediately walked to the window with great vigilance and carefully observed what was going on outside.

"It's gone!"

"It's gone!"

There were people calling all around.

The fire was a bit fierce because it was specially arranged by Zhang Yong.

The spy immediately walked to the window and observed carefully. He found nothing unusual. Zhang Yong and others had already been hiding.

Seeing that the fire was getting closer and closer, the spy carefully opened the door and poked his head out to take a look. Still nothing unusual was found.

However, I definitely can't stay here any longer.

Must be transferred.

Soon, the spy put on makeup.

He was carrying a briefcase, as if he was going to work.

He didn't bring a gun!

There are no weapons marks on his body.

The weapons symbol was left inside the safe house.

Zhang Yong was immediately relieved.

In order to avoid complications during the transfer, the spy did not bring a gun.

Once you carry a gun and encounter inspection or are found out, you are finished.

This is standard operation for Japanese spies.

However, the spy would not have thought that the person who wanted to arrest him was not far next door.

After the Japanese spy reached fifty meters away from the safe house, Zhang Yong gave the order to arrest him.


A group of people rushed forward.

Front, back, left, right, containment.

He immediately grabbed the spy tightly. At the same time, he quickly gagged his mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.

Coincidentally, the location of the arrest was right outside Qi Jiuding Gate.

Qi Jiuding also discovered that there was a fire nearby. He was also worried that it was a conspiracy of secret agents. He also observed carefully at the window.

Unexpectedly, the agents did not see it. Instead, they saw Zhang Yong and others arresting people.

Needless to say, Zhang Yong must have caught a Japanese spy.

Qi Jiuding:......

Good guy. So skilled.

It's not like he's just eating dry food.

Zhang Yong didn't mean to show off, but Chen Hai and the others were really skilled.

No matter how powerful the spy is, he will only be defeated if he calculates with his mind but not with care. Before the spy can react, he has already been kidnapped.


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Take the spy down and put out the fire at the same time.

The fire he set himself will definitely be saved.

Fortunately, only four houses were burned. However, compensation is necessary.

Now, it depends on whether there is any money or water in the spy's safe house. If there is, there is no need to pay out of pocket.

Check the briefcase of the Japanese invaders. There is no oil or water. There are only some franc notes. They are about more than 800. They are not very valuable. The purchasing power of the franc is relatively low. But the proud French people always believe that the franc is the world's first currency.


Kick the wooden door open with one kick.

First he saw a rattan box. Zhang Yong was suddenly suffocated.

Rattan box?

Is it a gold bar? Ahhhh...

Then calm down and pour cold water on yourself.

The map doesn't show it. That's definitely not the case.

If there was gold, the map would have shown it already.


Thinking too much.

It may contain other currencies, or banknotes, etc. It may also contain cash...

Opening the rattan box with great anticipation.

His breathing suddenly became rapid. He almost suffocated on the spot. Then he cursed silently into the air.




Nothing at all!

Just an empty box!


Turn around and kick the Japanese spy over.

Who the hell gave you the rattan box? It was empty? You didn’t put anything in it?

Where did the contents go? Baga! Chop you into pieces!

But anger is anger. In the end, you have to accept the reality. There is no wealth in the rattan box.

what to do?

Of course, dig three feet into the ground.

Turn the entire safe house upside down.

That's right. Isn't there a weapon symbol? Search! Search!


Find the secret compartment quickly.

There are weapons in the secret compartment and a lot of francs.

How many?

I don’t know. But it must be a lot.

The denominations are all 10 francs or 20 francs, and they can fit in a suitcase.

A conservative estimate would be around 100,000.

The originally depressed mood finally became a little more exciting.


The first thought: Zhang Yong does not need to pay for the loss caused by arson.

Second thought: Mader, the Japanese spy is really rich! With so many francs, it must be tens of thousands! It's a pity that the face value is very low.

The third thought: This spy may be a big fish. I used to think that he was a killer recruited for 30 yen, but now I think my judgment may be wrong. How can an ordinary killer control so much money?

The fourth thought: Maybe there is no need to frame the case. This spy is very likely to be a member of Prince Yonghito of Chichibu Palace. Otherwise, the current Japanese military headquarters will not be able to take action against the Germans in the concession. Unless it is to frame someone.

Put the blame on the Chinese.

Fifth thought: This rattan box may have some background. Maybe it is related to the Yellowstone Road...

Fortunately, he was caught alive. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to figure it out.

Continue the search.

Three flower machine submachine guns and more than 500 rounds of ammunition were found.

In addition, there are five Browning pistols and a dozen spare magazines. They are all brand new and of excellent quality.

"There's a radio station!"

"There's a codebook!"

Suddenly, Lu Hai shouted excitedly.

Zhang Yong walked over and took a look. Sure enough, he found a radio station and a code book.

I picked up the code book and looked at it. I found something familiar. There were some symbols and marks on it that had appeared before, but they were all fragmentary.


This safe house is not simple!

There are a large number of weapons stored inside, as well as so many francs.

There is also a radio station!

There is also a code book.

There is something fishy about the codebook!

I turned to look at the spy. I found that the spy's expression seemed to be very anxious. Not nervous. Not frightened. But anxious?

Strange. What is he anxious about? Worried about not being able to cross the Naihe Bridge? Or worried that Meng Po Soup will be finished and it will be his turn?

All right.

Now let's start the interrogation slowly.

Have time.

Not in a hurry.

Take it easy.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

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