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Chapter 859, 'Wolf' is coming

Its daybreak.

Zhang Yong woke up in a daze.

The biggest advantage of having money is that you won’t treat yourself badly.

Eat well and live well.

In the middle of the night, we directly booked a hotel room.

Yangzhou is a place where there are still a lot of traveling merchants. There are also many hotels.

They are all small hotels. There are no modern hotels.

In terms of modernization, it is completely incomparable to Shanghai. There are also very few telephones.

I couldn't even call back to Jinling or Shanghai because there were no corresponding lines. I could only send a telegram if something happened.

Falling behind...

Those big merchants don't spend any money to upgrade the city...

The money has been earned. However, it feels like it has been buried? I am reluctant to take it out and use it. It has been wasted.

Lying on the bed, silently examining the map.

I found a lot of gold symbols, but they were all in wealthy families.

Although there is no name on the map, judging from the structure of the building, it is definitely not an ordinary house.

In the northwest corner of the map, there are two yellow dots and two white dots.

There is Huangji Dongpo Pork.

One of the yellow dots is Lu Huang, the underground party member. He may be the person in charge.

A white spot is Cao Mengqi. It is marked.

The other yellow dot should be the underground party member who brought Cao Mengqi here.

There is another white spot, probably the talkative guy. The guy is always near the door.

Needless to say, this is a peripheral warning. It is a lookout.

If an enemy is coming, you can be reminded in time to avoid being attacked by the enemy.

He had already told Lu Huang that Xu Enzeng and Ding Mocun were here, so he shouldn't dare to be careless. They were two big venomous snakes.

Fortunately, the night was uneventful.

Before dawn, the red party member took Cao Mengqi away again and disappeared outside the map.

Huangji Restaurant has returned to its former peace.

"found it."

During breakfast, the nightingale came back to report.

She is very active. She was busy in the middle of the night last night. Zhang Yong also let her go.

Anyway, her escape route has been cut off, so it is impossible for her to have other ideas. Even if she did, it didn't matter to Zhang Yong. This woman was of no importance to him.


"Taicang Road."


Zhang Yong immediately led people to Taicang Road.

Sure enough, just as we approached Taicang Road, we discovered densely packed weapons signs.

At the same time, in the middle of the weapon logo, there are five red dots.

Each red dot carries a weapon.

Approach quietly. Hold up the telescope and observe.

Found this to be a warehouse. There were no signs outside.

The door was locked. It seemed like no one was moving. However, there were five spies hidden inside!

And with a gun!

There is no doubt that this is the hideout of Japanese spies!

Okay, let's get started.

"Captain Yang!"

"Chief of Staff Song!"

Zhang Yong immediately deployed an attack.

There are only five enemies in the warehouse, so it's not a big problem.

Even if all of them are Rambos, use a dense barrage of bullets to kill them. The key is the courtyard wall.

The walls of this warehouse are very high, and the shortest part is more than four meters. The surface is bare. There is no place to borrow strength. It is difficult to climb. You must use a ladder.

However, the consequence of using a ladder is that you may be discovered and shot by someone inside.

However, Zhang Yong can solve this problem.

He quickly found the blind spot of the five spies and then arranged a ladder.

At the same time, explain the locations of the five spies to the first batch of team members climbing the ladder so that they know what they are doing.

He drew a sketch on the ground, describing the basic outline of the warehouse.

Then use five stones to represent the positions of the five enemies and speculate on the possible movements of the Japanese invaders after the gunfire.

In order to ensure that the Japanese invaders could be attacked from different directions, ladders were arranged in four different directions.

No matter how the Japanese invaders move, it is impossible to escape them all.

There is only one principle:

"Kill them all."

"No need to stay alive!"

"The enemy shoots first."

Zhang Yong emphasized repeatedly.

Do not give the Japanese invaders a chance to fight back.

Come up and do it.

Just kill him.

The Japanese invaders didn't even know how they died.

Just keep it simple and crude.


Shangguan Qing and others began to climb the ladder.

They were all equipped with Thompson submachine guns. Their firepower could easily cover the Japanese spies.



Everyone filed forward.

Climb to the wall quickly.

Zhang Yong silently monitored the map and found that the red dots inside moved quickly.

As expected, they were all professional Japanese invaders. They responded very quickly.



Continuous gunfire.

It's all the sound of a Thompson submachine gun.

A red dot disappears...

Another red dot disappears...



Continuing with the sound of Thomson's gunshot.

It came from another direction. They attacked the Japanese invaders from behind.

Another red dot disappears...

And again and again...

Soon, all five red dots disappeared.


All done.

My arrangement is really good.

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

Zhang Yong issued instructions from outside the wall.

The people above moved the ladder up, placed it inside the courtyard wall, and then entered the warehouse.

Soon, the door to the warehouse was opened. Others poured in.

Zhang Yong also entered behind the crowd.

There is no danger inside the warehouse. All five Japanese invaders were killed.

The corpses were quickly gathered together. Shangguan Qing was inspecting them.

"Team leader, look." Shangguan Qing came over with a pistol. It was a German Walther PPK pistol.

"What a good thing!" Zhang Yong nodded in admiration.

These spies are really capable. They got so many German PPK pistols.

However, this kind of pistol is fine for concealed use at ordinary times. If it is a face-to-face confrontation, it is not good. The firepower is insufficient.

In front of the Thompson submachine gun, the Walter PPK is just a toy!

Okay, start scraping three feet!

Let's see how many supplies are hidden in this den.

The map shows no gold symbols. Only weapon symbols. A bit disappointing. I hope the number of weapons and ammunition is not too small...

Take action!

Dig several weapon symbols together!


"Team leader! Look!"

"Team leader! This way!"

"Team leader! Got it!"

The screams came one after another. They all found out the results.

The Japanese invaders did hide a large amount of weapons and ammunition in this den.

Among them, the largest number is the horse four-ring rifle. There are more than 500 of them.

Then there are Czech-style light machine guns, more than fifty of them.

Then there are the popular shell guns, there are almost three hundred of them.

There are also a lot of bullets.

Among them, the 7.92mm Mauser rifle ammunition has the largest number, probably hundreds of thousands of rounds.

There are also 20,000 to 30,000 rounds of bullets for the shell gun.

Basically, it is no problem to equip a regiment. The firepower of this regiment is quite good.

However, Zhang Yong was not in a high mood.

We can't just have weapons and ammunition, we need some money!

If you don’t have gold, just give me some oceans! Even if you don’t have the banknotes, you can just give them oceans! I don’t mind it...



Not a single ocean.

No matter how much we dig into the ground, there is still no ocean.


“Are the Japanese spies in Yangzhou so poor?”

Zhang Yong couldn't help feeling resentful.

No matter how many weapons and ammunition there are, it has nothing to do with him.

What's the use of embezzling weapons and ammunition? He's not an army commander who leads troops to fight!

Especially this kind of German-style equipment is completely incompatible with the Fourth Air Police Regiment he plans to arm. The Fourth Air Police Regiment is currently equipped with American weapons.

The two ammunitions are incompatible and cannot be mixed together.

"Team leader, the security team is here."


Zhang Yong took his mind back.

The shots fired just now must have alerted the local security team.

Reveal your identity.

The head of the security team, Han Shouchun, hurried over.

"Team Leader Zhang..."

"Captain Han."

Han Shouchun behaved very well.

The other party is from the Fuxing Society's Secret Service. He knows the name.

Can't afford to offend.

They are all plague gods. It is best not to mess with them.

I originally wanted to say hello and then just hide away, pretending not to know anything.

However, it was Zhang Yong who caught him.

"Captain Han, is something big going to happen in Yangzhou recently?"

"Big deal? Team Leader Zhang, what are you referring to?"

"I heard people say something big is going to happen in Yangzhou. But I don't know what it is."

"Could it be that they are talking about Commissioner Geng's visit?"

"What Commissioner Geng?"

"Oh, it's from the Executive Department. It said it came to Yangzhou to verify collusion with the Japanese."

"Who colluded with the Japanese?"

"I don't know either! They didn't say anything. But all the merchants in Yangzhou seem to be quite nervous."

"I see. Thanks."

Zhang Yong was dubious.

Who said before that no one colluded with the Japanese invaders?

Why did Commissioner Geng appear again?

Moreover, the investigation and collusion with Japanese spies seems to have nothing to do with the execution department, right?

The executive department is on the party affairs side.

Why did the executive department send someone here?

In the spirit of doubting everything, I always feel that something is wrong.

However, Han Shouchun didn't know much about this matter and could not provide more information. Zhang Yong had to give up.

Send someone to notify Chen Shutong to load all the weapons and ammunition onto the gunboat and transport them away.

Later, Zhang Yong led the team back to the hotel.

Complete tasks too quickly and always feel a little unsatisfied.

To be precise, I didn't get any profit or water. I was a little unwilling.

Logically speaking, the Japanese spies in Yangzhou should not be so poor! I have never robbed them before...

Suddenly someone came to report.

"Team leader, someone is looking for you outside."


"He said he was from the Shen family. His name was Shen Zhongtong."

"Shen family?"


"Invite him in."

Zhang Yong took back his mind.

Since Han Shouchun doesn't know, then ask other people.

By chance, Shen Zhongtong is here. Maybe you can ask him.

After a while, a middle-aged man came in, carrying a gift box in his hand. He didn't bring anyone else with him.

Zhang Yong's originally indifferent face naturally burst into a smile.

Got a gift?


When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something. He likes it!

"Team Leader Zhang..."

"Your Excellency is..."

"I, Shen Zhongtong."

"Please take a seat."

"Team Leader Zhang, this is a small amount of respect, but it doesn't mean anything."

"You're welcome."

Zhang Yong took the gift box.

He calmly opened a crack and looked inside. He found that there were banknotes inside.

It's a silver note, not a salt note.

The number is not large, but it is as large as three thousand oceans.

Haha. It seems that the Shen family has something rather difficult to deal with.

Three thousand oceans is indeed a lot of money to give as a meet-and-greet gift.

Close the gift box.

"Boss Shen, the gift is expensive. Zhang is scared. Please tell me, Boss Shen, what exactly do you want Zhang to do?"

"My third brother was killed. I heard that Team Leader Zhang is very good at investigating murder cases, so I came here to ask Team Leader Zhang to seek justice. After the incident is completed, he will be heavily rewarded."

"Oh, that's what happened!"

Zhang Yong nodded. Then he put the gift box away and put it behind him.

He thought that this must be the case. Sure enough, in this case, he could accept these three thousand oceans with peace of mind.

The people who kill people are spies. If you dig out the spies, you can naturally deal with them.

Anyway, even if he had no money, he would take action against those Japanese spies. None of them would be able to escape.

He hasn't been to Yangzhou to scrape land. The Japanese spies here are definitely not that poor. It just depends on where they hide their money...

"Okay, I agree to this." Zhang Yong replied readily.

"Then thank you, Team Leader Zhang." Shen Zhongtong hurriedly clasped his fists in salute, and then bowed deeply.

"Please take a seat."


"Boss Shen, let me ask you something. What is Commissioner Geng here for?"


Shen Zhongtong looked strange and hesitated to speak.

Zhang Yong tilted his head and looked at him.

Strange, is there anything else that is unspeakable and hidden here?

"Boss Shen, this is very important to my investigation."

"Actually, it's nothing. Commissioner Geng just wants us to donate a little..."



"How much to donate?"

"One hundred per family..."

"A million? An ocean?"


Shen Zhongtong's expression became even weirder.

Zhang Yong tilted his head and looked at the other person. He didn't say anything, but he was trying to judge whether it was true or false.

It feels a bit absurd...

One million per family? Dayang? Who is so awesome?

You must know that even if it is a commission, it will only cost Du Yuesheng 100,000 U.S. dollars. Not even 1 million oceans!

What's more, it was Du Yuesheng who committed the crime himself. He, Zhang Yong, caught him by the chicken's feet.

Without this, I would not be able to speak.

Everything has to be found for a reason. As the saying goes, only when the teacher is well-known can one speak easily.

As a result, here in Yangzhou, some people opened their mouths and asked for one million. If there are eight merchants, wouldn’t that be eight million?


It’s simply an enviable number!

"Who wants it?"


"You don't know either?"

"Well, Commissioner Geng is from the Executive Department. The Executive Department is from the Executive Yuan..."


Zhang Yong's eyes lit up.

Executive Yuan? Someone named Wang? He looks so ugly when he eats?

One family means one million. Eight families means eight million. If there are some small ones, wouldn’t it be ten million?

You are so beautiful!

A small Yangzhou, just want to take away 10 million! Dream!

It’s okay if he, Zhang Yong, doesn’t know about this matter. But if he, Zhang Yong, knows about it, he will definitely have to have a hand in it. His surname is Wang, and he won’t get a dime.

"Are you ready to give it?"


"What methods does Commissioner Geng have?"

"Japanese spies are rampant. Commissioner Geng said that the Executive Department will also use these donations to specifically fight against Japanese spies. If we don't give them, then our safety cannot be guaranteed. Japanese spies will be even more rampant in the future..."

"Commissioner Geng really said that?"


"Then did he tell you that I am the most professional in catching Japanese spies?"


Shen Zhongtong was about to speak but stopped.

Zhang Yong then knew that he had been ignored.

There's no need to ask any more. He already understands the trick.

He also knows all kinds of tricks to make money.

There is nothing new under the sun. This routine has been used countless times in China for thousands of years.

First create anxiety. Then come up with solutions.

Were there any Japanese spies in Yangzhou before? It’s not important. What’s important is that the Japanese spies are here now.

"Wolf" is coming...

The local sheep flock in Yangzhou is threatened...

Tao Dongcheng died immediately. Shen Zhongyu was assassinated again. There may be some other things.

By the way, Qu Ying was kidnapped by a "Japanese spy" on the street.

These things all show that Japanese spies are very "rampant".

Without the protection of the execution department, all of you merchants might be killed by spies.

Everyone is in danger.

People's hearts are floating.

For their own safety, major businesses have no choice but to reluctantly donate.

Then, the man named Wang got the money and split it 20/50 with the spy, and then the spy temporarily stopped.

When I am short of money again, I will repeat this routine.

Madhu, they are all human beings!

I quickly took out my notebook and recorded it carefully.

This is a routine that has been used for thousands of years. Maybe I will be able to use it someday.

Selling anxiety. Creating anxiety.

Selling spies. Manufacturing spies.

Yangzhou may not have had many spies before, but now they are coming...

"How did Tao Dongcheng die?"


"Has it been set up?"

"I don't know. Just guessing."

"Where is that woman?"


"Is there really a Yihongyuan in Yangzhou?"

"Yes! It's an old brand. But there's nothing new now..."

"You don't need to introduce this in detail. I'm going to Yihongyuan now."

"No. Team Leader Zhang, shouldn't you first investigate the cause of my third brother's death?"

"Maybe they are all a group of people. They probably designed to frame you."

"Team Leader Zhang is still smart."

"Easy to say."

Zhang Yong responded with a smile.

The other party is also a human being. He tries his best to put a high hat on himself.

I am very smart?

This is the first time I heard someone praise me like this.

However, I would not hit the smiling person with my hand, not to mention that someone else gave me three thousand oceans.

If you find the woman who is about to have sex, she is probably related to the Japanese spies. Then, you can arrest the Japanese spies in Yangzhou one by one and interrogate them slowly.

Set off.

Go to Yihongyuan.

Sure enough, I found a red dot.

We arrived near Yihongyuan. I was sure the red dot was inside.


"Performing official duties. Please cooperate."

"Excuse me……"

The madam was also lazy. She refused to let Zhang Yong in and even gathered a group of women to stop him.

As a result, Zhang Yong did not accept this trick at all.

Just slap her aside.

Are you playing rogue with me?

"Hitting someone!"

"Hitting someone!"

Immediately someone shouted.

A group of idle people around, including the Three Religions and Nine Streams, Turtle Gong, etc. all came up one after another.

Zhang Yong directly took out the shell gun.


Hit one.


Another hit.

Want to give me some color?


Let's see who is faster, you or my bullets.


Another idler was hit and killed on the spot.



The others were immediately confused.

No, it’s really a shooting!

Mader, you are so cruel. You can't handle it.

The others immediately dispersed. No one dared to gather to watch the fun, for fear of getting shot.

Zhang Yong slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun. He still had unfinished thoughts.

Why don't you keep rushing forward?

Come up!

I think I only have four bullets left.

Come on, four more.

As a result, there was no more movement.

Instead, the red dot moved quietly towards the back door.

However, someone had been arranged behind him to block him. He had no choice but to turn back.

Zhang Yong led people over and intercepted him.

I found a man in his fifties. He was well dressed. He didn't look like he had just finished doing something. Maybe he hadn't had time to start yet?


"who are you?"

"Sir, I'm from out of town..."



"Do you have any documents?"

"Yes. Yes."

The man hurriedly took out his ID.

Zhang Yong took it and looked at it. He found that the other person's name was Luan Chunli.

The documents are genuine. The spy has great powers. There must be no problem.

"Sir, can I leave?"

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Come back and lift the old bustard up from the ground.

This time, the madam must be honest. It's okay to be dishonest. There are still dead people nearby.

"Where is the woman who received Tao Dongcheng?"

"she left."

"Leaving? When?"

"It was the night the person died!"

"You let her go?"

"It's such an unlucky thing. Even if she doesn't leave, I will drive her away. She will affect our business in Yihongyuan, right?"

"What's her name? Where has she been? Tell the truth."

"Sir, let me tell you everything. Not long after she walked out, she slipped and fell into the water and died."


"Yes. It's right next to the Twenty-Four Bridge. Many people have seen it."


Zhang Yong frowned secretly.

Ma De, the Japanese invaders really know how to close the loop!

Tao Dongcheng is dead. The woman who hosted him is also dead. She committed suicide. All the clues are broken.

Although the method is a bit old-fashioned, it does work.

If it were a general investigation, it would stop here.

With both people dead, it would be impossible to dig out too many clues. It would be impossible to follow the clues.


Does Zhang Yong need to follow the clues?


Just sweep the streets!

Along the street, scan.

Catch all red dots within a radius of 550 meters.

Just do it.

Set off.

Start sweeping the streets.

In fact, there is no need to scan, there are three red dots within the map.

One of the red dots also has a weapon symbol. It is more dangerous.

Okay, let’s start with him.

Wearing a weapon, right? Just shoot him in the head.

Approach the target quietly.

I found the target in front of a grocery store. He seemed to be a salesman?

In big cities like Jinling and Shanghai, the number of salesmen carrying things to sell on the street is already very small. But in Yangzhou, salesmen still exist.

Japanese spies are also cunning, and they actually pretend to be salesmen. Then they can go wherever they want.

Firearms can also be included in the cargo.

In Yangzhou, people can pass freely without interrogation at street entrances.

From a professional point of view, in this kind of environment, Japanese spies are like a duck in water, and they can make trouble as much as they want.

Wait patiently.

Wait for the salesman to sort out the goods and then set off.

Don't disturb him for the time being. See where he goes and who he contacts. Then catch them all.

Send someone to follow.

Then look for the second red dot.

It was a bit surprising that the second red dot was someone I had met before.

It's in the Tao family's ancestral house.

I didn't know the spy's cover identity at the time. Now I know he was the owner of a silk shop.

The silk shop is quite large, and there are a lot of silks in it. The boss seems to be very capable. He hired three workers. There is also an endless stream of customers coming to buy silk.

There are also other merchants who come to wholesale and take them away directly on pallets. The business is really good.

Of course, these are not important.

The important thing is that behind the silk shop, there are weapons signs and gold signs.

Well, oil and water are coming...

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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