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Chapter 899, Certificate of Surrender

“A pleasure to work with.”

"What's the meaning?"

"You betrayed Muneki Date, and I caught a big fish."

"I don't……"

Hayakawa Haruko weakly denied it.

On the contrary, she also knew that it was useless. Date Muneki was arrested and she was the one who betrayed him.

Everyone else will think so. That's enough.

No one cares about the truth.

They only care about their own inferences.

The conclusion is...

Hayakawa Haruko from the Third Division of Special High-Tech Division betrayed Date Muneki.

Those people in the military will go crazy.

If I don't take revenge for this, I swear I won't do anything to others.

We must kill all those bitches in Tekko. No one will be spared.

have no choice……

Being plotted by Zhang Yong.

Originally, she wanted to plot against Zhang Yong, but in the end...


He is really cunning!

Who would have thought that on the outside he looks gentle and harmless, but on the inside he is so vicious!


"Which organization does Date Muneki belong to?"


"Cotton? Cotton organ?"



Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

These agencies of the Japanese invaders can actually be understood as an intelligence group.

It's similar to the American Hammond Intelligence Group.

Different secret service agencies vary greatly. There is no unified standard.

Some agencies are very powerful and have many members. The military rank of the head of the secret service may be Colonel.

The previous Tan Agency was. Agency Nagasaku Naga was the Colonel.

But there are also some agencies that are very weak and don't have many members. The military rank of the head of the secret service agency may only be Major, or he may even have no military rank.

The more famous ones in later generations are plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums.

Among them, the most powerful one is Mei Guan.

I don’t know what the level of this cotton machine is. Maybe it’s just soy sauce?

Make gestures.

Prepare for action.

At this time, Date Zongshu had arrived at the door of the medicine shop.

As expected of a rich businessman from Nanyang, he is so rich! The car he drives is a black Cadillac. The paint is very shiny. It sparkles in the sun.

You bastard spy has made so much money. You must squeeze the oil out of the stone today.

The map shows that there are five people in the medicine shop. They should all be Qiu Yingpeng's men. They are probably hardcore traitors. There is also Wang Shen.

There is a weapon symbol inside the medicine shop, but not on the person's body.

Therefore, the speed must be fast.

Take down the target before they can get their hands on the weapon.

Otherwise, once the opponent gets the weapon, a gun battle will begin. Then there may be casualties.

Just in time, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented itself.

Qiu Yingpeng and Wang Shen led everyone out to greet Date Zongshu.

They were more than fifty meters away from the weapons sign.


Zhang Yong gave the order decisively.


There was a gunshot.

Date Muneki was shot in response.

Not killed.

Hit his right shoulder.

It is judged that he should be good at holding a gun in his right hand.


Another shot followed.

Hit Muneki Date on the left shoulder.

Both shoulders were injured at the same time. Even if he could draw the gun, he could not aim.

This is a sniper shot.

Destroy the most dangerous targets first.

The sound of the gunshot was the signal, and others rushed forward.



The fastest runner is Lu Hai.

They held fake wooden-handled grenades in their hands and smashed them directly into the target.


Date Muneki was the first to react.

This is a grenade!


Lying down reflexively.

The others were also shocked and hurriedly got down.

There was no time to do anything else.

Just kidding. If a grenade falls, what else can you do? Run around?

With a bang, it fell apart...


The grenade did not explode.

However, more fake grenades fell.

In fact, this is simply delaying time. It makes the target unable to react in time, fight back, or escape.

By the time they woke up, Lu Hai and others had already rushed forward.

Fight in close combat. Use more to defeat less.


Date Muneki realized that he had been fooled.

Those wooden-handled grenades were simply fake. Their purpose was to distract him.

However, they were all fooled.

While they were lying down to avoid it, the enemy had already rushed in front of them.

When a large group of bald men in Chinese tunic suits rushed up, it was useless to say anything.


Very cunning...

To actually use such an insidious method...

Date Muneki was pinned down tightly. Naturally, the pistol was taken away and then he was tied up.

As a key subject of care, layers of ropes were added, and the ankles were also cuffed.

The main goal is to be foolproof.

The other party is one of the nineteen people on the list and is very valuable.


Everyone else was also arrested.

Wang Shen struggled for a while and then was knocked unconscious.

All tied up with five flowers.

Zhang Yong led people into the medicine shop. First, they looked for weapons and ammunition.

Sure enough, among the layers of medicinal materials, I found hidden shell guns, flower traps, and many wooden handle grenades.

A rough count shows that there are more than thirty shell guns and more than thirty flower traps. The number of bullets is also quite large. It can be equipped with a very powerful guard platoon.

Each person had a shell gun, a trap, and two hundred rounds of ammunition. At that time, it was definitely considered luxury equipment.

"Keep looking!"

Zhang Yong gave the order, but his thoughts were not yet complete.

Those medicinal materials are packed in sacks.

Carry out the packages of medicinal materials and throw them all into the open space outside. Prepare to spread the medicinal materials three feet into the ground.



Suddenly, a heavy sack fell down.

The people below were caught off guard and subconsciously reached out to pick it up. As a result, they were crushed below on the spot.

People around him hurried over to help and found that the sack was so heavy that it could not be lifted by one person.

Zhang Yong walked over, pulled out the three-edged thorn, and stabbed it hard.

As a result, it was hard and could not be penetrated.

After repeated efforts, it finally broke.

There is an ocean inside...

A sack full of oceans. No wonder it’s so heavy.

Poker face.

A sack of ocean, at most 3,000 yuan. It’s nothing.

"Keep looking!"


Everyone else is in high spirits.

It turns out that there is an ocean hidden inside the sack!

Zhang Yong thought a sack of ocean was nothing, but they thought it was a lot. That was three thousand oceans!



A large number of sacks were carried out.

Finally, another discovery was made.


Another sack fell to the ground. There was also an ocean inside.

Because it is too heavy, it is difficult for two people to lift it. It requires three people to work together to move it.


The third bag of ocean was found...

And then the fourth bag…

The fifth bag...

Zhang Yong came out.

There are too many sacks to sort through, which is a waste of time.

Let's come out and say hello to everyone.


A spoonful of cold water was poured on Wang Shen to wake him up first.

Wang Shen woke up in a daze. When he saw Zhang Yong standing in front of him, his expression suddenly changed.

"Who are you……"

"Boss Wang, you haven't lost your memory, right?"


"Last time, we met. I am Zhang Yong from the Fuxing Society's Secret Service. You must remember it."

"It's you……"

"Yes. It's me. Stay safe!"

"You, why did you arrest me? What did I do? Why did you arrest me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't do anything. You arrested the wrong person."


Zhang Yong seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Wrong arrest? Haha. Will I catch the wrong one?

If your wife is Bai Jie, then I really caught you wrong.

Turning to look at Qiu Yingpeng.

Qiu Yingpeng remained silent.

Of course he knew exactly what was going on.

Since you have been caught, it means that your identity has been exposed. The other party has a lot of background.

Fuxing Society Secret Service.

Zhang Yong.


He came to the door.

"Boss Qiu..."


"Guess how I knew you were Yoshiko Kawashima's subordinate?"

"Someone snitched."

"You are very smart! Haha!"

Zhang Yong laughed dryly.

Not interesting.

I guessed it right right away.

He turned to look at Date Muneki without saying a word.

Date Muneki's face was full of dissatisfaction. His expression was fierce and his eyes were sharp.

"I am Zhang Yong."

"I know it is you!"

"We had a phone call before."


Date Muneki was indeed unconvinced.

He didn't know which part went wrong. He actually fell into Zhang Yong's trap.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be!

He has repeatedly confirmed the safety of Baihe Road.

Yesterday, he even came quietly to inspect the place. He didn't find anything unusual. There were no suspicious people around.

Generally speaking, if this stronghold is exposed, there will definitely be people watching around. This is common practice.

There is obviously nothing.

I was suddenly arrested today.

Frankly speaking, Date Muneki really couldn't accept such a result.

What a surprise...

"Who are you, Date Masamune?"


"I know Date Masamune."


"Kill your own father and annihilate all friendly forces."


Date Muneki suddenly became furious, furious, and yelled.

Everyone around was stunned.

What was Zhang Yong talking about? How could Date Muneki be so stimulated?

This is simply crazy!

"The Shenbao family, under the Nine Springs, expresses its heartfelt blessings to you..."


Date Muneki became even more crazy.

Every word Zhang Yong said was an insult to his ancestors. Is it tolerable or intolerable?

He was out of anger.

He wants to explode.

He wanted to tear Zhang Yong into pieces and eat him alive piece by piece.


Incompetent and furious.

He was bound tightly.



And at least five thumb-thick hemp ropes.

Even if Amaterasu comes, there is no way to break free. Even the slippery Yamata no Orochi is still powerless.

"Try hard. See if you can kill your own father."


Date Muneki's voice stopped abruptly.

Then blood spurted out wildly. He was really stimulated. A big mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zhang Yong:???

Huh? I just said a few words and I can’t stand it anymore?

Haha. Spit it out. Spit it out.

Step back lightly.

"Hoo ho..."

"Hoo ho..."

Date Muneki gasped desperately.

The corners of his mouth were all covered in blood.

After getting rid of his anger, his only thought was to tear Zhang Yong into pieces.

For this, he is willing to pay any price.

Even if he wanted to die together with Zhang Yong, he would not hesitate.

The issue is……

Zhang Yong hid far away. He couldn't reach him at all.

He was so angry that he wanted to explode on the spot.

"come out."

Zhang Yong waved his hand behind him.

An ugly daughter-in-law must see her parents-in-law. Come out! Miss Hayakawa Haruko.

Accept the reality!

It was you who betrayed Date Muneki.

Even if it's not, others will think it is. So, you can't escape it.

Hayakawa Haruko:……

I cursed Zhang Yong a hundred and eight thousand times in my heart.

This bastard...

You've screwed yourself up.

From then on, there was no place for Haruko Hayakawa to stand in the world.

Unless she is willing to surrender to Zhang Yong and do things according to Zhang Yong's arrangements, otherwise, the crazy military will definitely crush her to ashes and make her immortal forever.

have no choice……

I had to walk out with difficulty.


"It's you!"


Date Muneki recognized Hayakawa Haruko at a glance.

In an instant, all his anger was transferred to the other party. I can't do anything to Zhang Yong, but I can't do anything to you?

It turns out you betrayed me!

"Baga! You high-tech bitch!" Date Munesu yelled angrily.

Hayakawa Haruko lowered her head and gritted her teeth.

Being scolded. Tolerating it.

The other party is a noble.

She's not. She can't afford it.

"You bitch! A high-tech bitch..."

Date Muneki scolded angrily.

Vent all the anger against Zhang Yong on Haruko Hayakawa.

In his opinion, Japanese women are just tools. Their only function is to give birth to children for men. Everything else has nothing to do with them.

Therefore, he extremely despises and hates the female spies of Ttech.

Now that he has been betrayed by the other party, he is even more hostile. At this moment, his hatred for Hayakawa Haruko even exceeds that of Zhang Yong.

"You bitch..."


Suddenly, Hayakawa Haruko went up and slapped her, followed by another kick.

She was angry too.

Date Zongshu scolded him so harshly that she couldn't bear it.

Since there is no way out, why bother being polite?

If you fight, you will die. If you don’t fight, you will die.

Of course I was beaten.

"Haruko Hayakawa, you bitch! How dare you hit me!" Date Muneki became even more furious.

He didn't expect that he would be beaten.

Still beaten by a Tecno bitch.

In an instant, Date Muneki's anger level soared to 999999999999...


He cursed harshly.

Hayakawa Haruko didn't evade, and kicked the opponent over with one kick.

"You bitch..."

Date Muneki was still cursing angrily, as if he was really crazy.

As a result, Hayakawa Haruko casually grabbed a hemp rope and strangled his neck tightly.


The growth of Ida clan came to an abrupt end.

His hands and feet were tied. He could not struggle and could only be strangled.

After a while, Date Muneki couldn't breathe. His cheeks turned red and his eyes vomited out. He really looked like a devil.

In the end, Zhang Yong made a gesture to let Haruko Hayakawa relax.

Don't get killed!

I still want to make money. If I die, it won’t be worth anything anymore.

In addition, the most important point is that if Date Muneki is killed, how can he seek revenge from you?

If he doesn't seek revenge on you, why would you, Haruko Hayakawa, seek refuge with me?

Haruko Hayakawa took action angrily.

Zhang Yong: "We can cooperate."

Date Muneki: "Don't be proud! I won't say anything..."

Zhang Yong smiled slightly.

He made a gesture of invitation to Haruko Hayakawa and asked her to continue.

Say nothing? Then there is nothing you can do. Just in time, there is a very high-tech "bitch" here, you can enjoy it slowly.

Looking sideways, she saw Haruko Hayakawa picking up a hatchet from the ground. It was originally used to chop medicinal materials. The blade was rusty and blunt...


Date Muneki suddenly shouted.

Rusty kitchen knives are terrible.

"Say it."

"Zhang Yong, we are our opponents, you can't let her humiliate me."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand anything. As you know, I'm not a professional and I don't know anything about punishment, so I had to ask her for help!"

"Hayakawa Haruko, you bitch..."

Date Muneki's voice suddenly disappeared.

But he was severely chopped by Hayakawa Haruko.

Zhang Yong turned away and did not dare to look further.

Alas, selective bleeding...


Screams came.

Zhang Yong subconsciously covered his ears.

It's so terrible. It's so tragic. I don't know where Haruko Hayakawa was hit.

Sure enough, these female spies of Tekko are so cruel that they even scare their own people. She will definitely "serve" Date Muneki well.



Sure enough, there were screams.

The screams were mixed with the sound of gasping for air. It was so miserable.

This Date Muneki was shot twice by a sniper rifle, and both shoulder blades were disabled. Now he was hacked by Hayakawa Haruko...

"Zhang Yong, tell her to get lost!"

"If you kill her, I'll tell you everything!"

"You killed her..."

Date Muneki finally couldn't hold it any longer.

His mind collapsed.

He couldn't bear a woman torturing him.

Especially, this woman is one of those Tekko bitches! The other party even tried to chop him into pieces with a hatchet.


Zhang Yong was indifferent.

If you want to say something, just say it. I'll listen.

But you didn't say it.

Then let Haruko Hayakawa continue to chop. I'm bleeding and can't do it myself...

"I said!"

"I said!"

"My pseudonym is Ruan Zhaoxiang..."

"I came here from Jinling to receive funds..."

The energy of the Ida sect tree is like a gossamer.

He was bleeding all over his body. His shoulders were bleeding. His thighs were bleeding.

"Are you really back from Nanyang?"


"Where did you do business before?"


"Oh? Manila?"

Zhang Yong thought of something.

Manila seems to be where the US-Philippine coalition forces are located.

The capital of the Philippines is Manila.

This guy is doing business in Manila, and he probably has other purposes.

"You know the Hammond Intelligence Group?"


"You are in Manila, you must know about MacArthur, right?"


"What is MacArthur doing now?"

"He is the presidential adviser and is responsible for the formation of the US-Philippine coalition. But it has not yet been formally formed."

"Haven't it been formed yet?"

"The U.S. military has not yet arrived. The negotiations have not been completed yet."


Zhang Yong was dubious.

Isn’t there still a U.S.-Philippine coalition? It’s already 1936!


But forget it. Why do you care so much?

The formation of the U.S.-Philippine coalition is a matter for someone else, the five-star general Lao Mai. How can you still interfere?


Suddenly, the screams stopped.

Zhang Yong turned around.

Oh haha...

People died.

Killed by Haruko Hayakawa.

Zhang Yong:???


This Haruko Hayakawa!

Did he really kill Date Muneki?


A lot of information was not asked out!

Looking at Haruko Hayakawa, she had a cold face and cold eyes, as if she didn't care at all.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. If you die, you will die.

By killing Date Muneki, she completely cut off her escape route.


Is this her name?

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

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