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Chapter 949, the big secret


The blast of air from the explosion hit Zhang Yong.

Even though the distance was more than fifty meters, I still felt like my chest was hit hard by something.

My breath was suddenly held back. I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, no shrapnel hit him. Otherwise, it may still be fatal.

Lu Keming, who was rushing at the front, staggered due to the impact of the air wave and fell to the side involuntarily. He couldn't control it at all.


Zhang Yong cursed his mother secretly, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

Is this Japanese invader crazy?

Such a decisive suicide.

Can't you take poison? Why don't you even sound the grenade?

Fortunately, this Japanese invader seemed to be anxious to blow himself up rather than bury others with him.

Otherwise, if he deliberately waited until Lu Keming and others rushed up and got close before firing the grenade, it is estimated that Lu Keming would definitely be taken away. Maybe two or three more.

He pinched himself and took a deep breath. Someone came up from behind and patted him on the back.

I finally caught my breath.

Still feeling uncomfortable.

I saw Lu Keming struggling to get up, covered in blood.

My heart couldn't help but mention it.

Don't be stabbed by shrapnel!


The other two agents were also covered in blood.

People around him rushed to check. Some even took out bandages and prepared first aid.


"It's okay. It's okay. It's not hurt. It's not hurt."

"It's the blood of the Japanese invaders. It's the blood of the Japanese invaders."

"The Japanese invaders' stumps and broken arms are flying on you."

Everyone shouted in unison.

Zhang Yong's hanging heart gradually relaxed.


Don't take such a risk next time.

God really took care of me this time. Everyone is fine. Otherwise...



Started to cough.

Not just Zhang Yong. But also Lu Keming and others.

They were all shaken by the shock wave of the grenade. For such a big grenade, the shock wave of the explosion was still very powerful.

Of course, there are no fatal injuries. It just makes your chest become severely clogged.

I want to vomit, but I can't.

Suddenly, my mind suddenly moved, and I immediately became happy. The uncomfortable feeling was swept away.

But he discovered that the space in his pocket had been stretched to ten centimeters. The volume had increased again. It was just long enough to hold a submachine gun.

That's right. You can put the Somi submachine gun. You can also put the Thompson submachine gun.

Ah, very good, very good.

Finally I was able to stuff a submachine gun into it.

In the future, when in danger, just take out the Thompson submachine gun and beat the target into a hornet's nest in one breath.

However, he soon discovered that both Thomson and Somi took up too much space. They needed to clear up too much space. The gain outweighed the loss. So, he finally decided to forget it. The only function of the weapons in the portable space was

For self-protection or assassination, a pistol is enough.

A Browning M1935, a shell gun, and a Walter. Three of them are enough.

The precious space should be used to store banknotes or gold bars.

Another change is the emergence of morphine. This is the second drug. The first is amoxicillin capsules.

However, Zhang Yong did not welcome the arrival of morphine very much.

Because morphine is used for seriously injured people. Does the emergence of morphine mean that future battles will become more and more cruel?

Fortunately, no shrapnel hit the explosion just now, otherwise the morphine would have really come in handy.

It's at least half an hour's drive from here to the Army General Hospital. Without morphine, the consequences would be serious.

He shook his head slowly.

Get rid of messy thoughts.

In any case, there are no serious casualties yet. It is worth being happy.

"Don't run!"


At this time, arrests were also underway over there.

In addition to the tea shop owner, there were two spies, a porter and a groom.

The porter realized that something was wrong, and immediately turned around and jumped into the river. The agents who were chasing after him also jumped into the river, and a struggle ensued.

Fortunately, the map showed that the spy had no weapons. Otherwise...

If a grenade was fired in the water, the agent chasing him must be heroic.

"Lin Nansheng!"


"Give the spy a shot!"


"It doesn't matter if you kill him."


Lin Nansheng agreed.

Carrying a sniper rifle, he came to the riverside and aimed at the Japanese spies.

The Japanese spy was floating in the river without noticing that a gun was pointed at him on the shore.

He judged that the Chinese wanted to capture him alive and would not kill him.



There was a gunshot.

The spy suddenly felt bad.

Did he shoot himself?

When he reacted, he found that he had been shot.

He suddenly lost the ability to move in the water. He was quickly caught by the agents behind him.

Over there, another spy, the horseman, was captured without much resistance. He had no weapons, poor water quality, and unfavorable terrain. He was surrounded. Facing the wolf-like Chinese agents, he could only be captured without mercy.


In fact, for lurking Japanese spies, once their identity is exposed, they basically lose their value. There is no need to resist.

Two spies were captured and both were alive, but Zhang Yong was not happy.

You can be sure, these two spies are just little shrimps. They don’t know anything about the situation.

If they knew the big secret, they would definitely commit suicide by taking poison. Or they would trigger a grenade decisively.

The absence of any of these means they are irrelevant.

At most, they are just lookouts. They are used to cover up the tea shop owners. They are worthless.

Too lazy to interrogate. Let's dig deeper into the tea shop.

The grenade blew up the tea shop into a mess. There was nothing left within a five-meter radius.

Ridi's broken limbs and arms were scattered everywhere on the ground.

The weeds behind were also suppressed by the air waves.

But, it's okay.

The person dies, but the money is still there!

Start searching.

Get on the boat first and look for gold.

There are a total of three small boats behind. They are all awning boats.

After boarding the ship, I found that the cabin was full of things and covered with canvas.

Open the canvas.

All I could see under the canvas were densely packed sacks or boxes. There were wooden boxes and rattan boxes.

Haha, the Japanese invaders really have a lot of inventory!

I took a fancy to a rattan box.


There are all kinds of gold and silver jewelry inside. There are also gold bars.

A box full of stuff, I don’t know how much it’s worth.

Zhang Yong first took out all the gold bars inside. Whether they were large yellow croakers or small yellow croakers, he swallowed them all.

Fortunately, the carry-on space has been expanded by ten centimeters, so I can store a lot of gold bars.

Let’s just say. What kind of submachine gun should be placed...

Search carefully.

Only when I was convinced that there were no pure gold bars left did I let go.

Then open other boxes.

Repeat the operation.

Gold bars are all swallowed up. Other gold and silver jewelry are ignored.

Preliminary judgment shows that these gold and silver jewelry should have been looted by Japanese spies. There are many styles. There are also jade, pearls and so on.

To say it is valuable, it is indeed valuable. But it needs to be changed hands. It needs to be sold again.

Of course, there are some treasures inside that you can also use for yourself.

As for who the original owner was, I don't know. There is no way to find out.

The tea shop owner died. The secrets were buried.

Open a sack...

I found various legal tenders and some banknotes inside.

Fiat currency? Not very valuable. Don’t want it.

Banknote. To. Swallow.

At the bottom of the sack, some land deeds were also found.


Land deed? Is this also up for grabs?

I picked up a few land deeds and found that they were from Hankou.

He was not familiar with Hankou. He did not know whether these land deeds were valuable. But if they were not valuable, the Japanese invaders probably would not want them.

Secretly shocked.

How many people did the Japanese invaders send to plunder all over China?

In this wave alone, I found so much stolen goods. I don’t know how much was taken away before. How much wealth did the Japanese invaders loot?

Previously, in the robbery of forty wealthy households in Songhu, the total loss of property was at least several million in ocean terms.

Now, the wealth accumulated on the three awning boats is estimated to be in the millions.

Mader. Sure enough, robbery is the fastest way to make money...

No. This chain of robbery by the Japanese invaders must be completely destroyed. All the spies in the chain must be captured.

"Commissioner! Discover the radio station!"


Zhang Yong turned around and walked over.

There is actually a radio station?


When I came to the weeds at the back, I found that there was another cave here.

There is a low box among the weeds. It is also covered with canvas. It is hidden in the weeds and is difficult to find.

If Zhang Yong hadn't brought many people with him, and everyone had mastered the instinct of digging three feet into the ground, they probably wouldn't have been able to find it. Opening the box, there were two radio stations inside. One of them should be used frequently. The other one

, it is a spare. It seems that it is not used much.

However, the codebook was not found.

It's not in the box. It's probably hidden somewhere else.

Perhaps only the tea shop owner knew. However, he was already dead and shattered. Naturally, it was impossible to ask for a confession.

Keep searching.

There is also a weapon symbol.

It's by the water. But it doesn't seem like it's by the water.

After repeated judgments, Zhang Yong finally found a rope in the grass.

Pull the rope up, and there is a sheepskin bag tied to the other end. It is waterproof. The mouth of the bag is tied tightly. It seems that it has not been opened for a long time.

The position where the rope is tied at the mouth of the bag is covered with water plants.

There are also a lot of water plants on the surface of the sheepskin bag.

Zhang Yong kicked the outside of the sheepskin pocket with his foot and judged that there might be pistols inside.



Everyone worked together to open the sheepskin bag.

Sure enough, there were many Browning pistols inside. The model was M1903, but they were very new.

The model is old. But the gun is new. There are also matching bullets. They are all boxed. The quality is also very good. However, the magazine shows that there are almost no traces of loading. In other words, this is what it looks like when it leaves the factory. Now

What it still looks like.


What are the spies doing?

Such a good weapon is actually hidden in the water?

Judging the identity of the Japanese spy may be very advanced. Although he does not use a gun, he is equipped with a good gun.

Continue searching.

Underneath the sheepskin pocket, I found a passport.


Passport? Whose?

Picked it up and found it was the passport of a beautiful country.



A picture of a man came into view.

never seen it.

No impression.

The name on the passport shows Christian.

Tilted head.

Look at the photo upside down.

For some reason, Zhang Yong always felt that this Christian seemed to be a bit of a mixed race.

Is he a pure white American? Not really. Instead, he seems to have a bit of Indian ancestry.

A very mysterious feeling.

Maybe it’s because I’ve watched The Twilight Zone so many times?



Inca? Inca Kingdom?

Machu Picchu?

Random thoughts flashed through Zhang Yong's mind.

After a while, he gradually calmed down.

Thinking too much...

I thought of that jade necklace again.

If they were Incas, they probably wouldn't be interested in jade, right?

The two civilizations have almost nothing in common. Except for gold. Huh? It seems that the Inca Kingdom is called the Golden Country?

Shake his head.

Try to calm yourself down.

Really. Where have you gone? Thinking about gold is crazy...

Take a deep breath.

Return to the ruins of the tea shop.

By this time, everyone around the pier had already disappeared.

The city gate caught fire, affecting the fish in the pond.

When the gun fires, those who can run will of course run away. Who wants to stay and wait to die?

The two spies were escorted up.

They seemed confused.

It seems that, until now, they haven't figured out what's going on?

Why did someone suddenly come to arrest me?

When were they exposed? How come they were exposed? There is no reason!

Although I know that there is no value in interrogation, I still have to go through the basic interrogation process.

What if there is an accident?

"How long have you been here?" Zhang Yong was gentle and approachable.

"Two years and seven months." The Japanese invader who was injured by Lin Nansheng replied. These questions are irrelevant.

"What's his name?" Zhang Yong wanted to know the identity of the tea shop owner.

"I don't know. We don't know him well."

"Aren't you working for him?"

"No. We really don't know him. We only know that others call him Wang Fucai."

"Wang Fucai? Where is his Japanese name?"

"Don't know. We didn't even know he was Japanese."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong waved his hand to stop the interrogation.

Sure enough, nothing was gained.

These two spies are completely shields.

They knew nothing. They didn't even know Wang Fucai's identity.

Side evidence proves that Wang Fucai is really important.

Like Boss Jia who went to Qixia Temple to offer incense, they are all related to a big secret.

They are all very fanatical. They know the big secret. Once they realize that the big secret may be exposed, they will commit suicide immediately. They will never allow themselves to be captured alive.

To be honest, I'm a little impressed.

Fanatic and not afraid of death. Many Japanese spies are like this.

The grassroots soldiers of the Japanese army were even more fanatical than them. They didn't take their own lives seriously at all.

What kind of pig sudden charge, onboard charge, is completely filled with human lives.

Alas, the eight-year war of resistance was not easy...


Let people try to restore the scene as much as possible.

Zhang Yong is worried that the traitor in the presidential palace will be discovered when he comes back.

For this reason, he made a mark. As long as the traitor appears within 600 meters, he can be discovered in time. At that time, he will find an excuse and not allow him to approach the dock.


The traitor never showed up.

Maybe he went back by another way. This was his optimal solution.

Now that the connection has been completed, there is no need to repeat it. It is faster to take another route back to the city.

Gradually let go.

This traitor is very important. It will play a big role in the future.

Now that his identity has been revealed, arresting him is the next best option. Using him as bait to maximize benefits is the best option...

Suddenly, the map prompts that another red dot enters the edge.


Spy? Still coming?

I raised my telescope and found that it was also floating down from the river.

The map shows that it is a small boat. There are two red dots and one white dot. There is no weapon mark, but there is a gold mark.

Hehe. Happy.

This is simply delicious food delivered to your door!

With possessions.

No weapons.

Is there anything more popular?

Arrange immediately.

Easily caught.

The two spies looked at each other.

No. What happened? Why was he arrested all of a sudden?

There were no symptoms at all before!


No poison was found in the teeth.


The two spies were very stubborn.

Although there is no poison, but extreme fanaticism. Shut up. Say nothing.

There are also various attempts to seek death. As a result, they dare not take away the rags from their mouths. Otherwise, the two spies will definitely bite their tongues and commit suicide.

Okay. Since it’s a hard bone, let’s leave it alone for now. We’ll pick it up later.

Also arrested at the same time was a fat man. He was round and very rich. He was on the same level as Chen Qingquan.

Being pressed against the black muzzle of the gun, the fat man's face was bloodless. His whole body was trembling. He was obviously extremely frightened.

All right……

To be sure, this guy is not a traitor.

How should I put it? The Japanese invaders probably look down on him like this. It’s like the Red Party looks down on Zhang Yong...

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Who are you?"

"I, I, I... who are you?"

"We are not kidnappers. You are safe."


The fat man suddenly started crying.

Cried with joy.

A runny nose and a tear. That sadness. That joy.

Zhang Yong:……

No. You are being pretentious.

You are a grown man, why are you crying? You still have so many tears.

The agents around looked at each other and looked at each other. It was the first time they realized that there was a man like this.

Chen Keming couldn't help but want to come up and punch him to make him more masculine. Fortunately, Zhang Yong stopped him with a look.

Do not fight.

What should I do if he wets his pants if I hit him again?

Such a rich guy must be a pampered owner who can accept some tips...

"Where are you from?"



"I'm from Anqing."

"Were you kidnapped in Anqing?"


Zhang Yong secretly smacked his tongue.

The Japanese aggressors were also crazy in their kidnapping business.

They actually went to Anqing to arrest people! And then sent them to the tea shop?


No other hostages were found here.

If there were kidnappings before, what about the other hostages?

Was he killed?

Or was it transferred?

By the way...

This is really a good place to kill people and dump their bodies.

What do you mean, friends who often kill people know that it is easy to kill people and it is difficult to throw the body away. Digging a hole is very tiring. It takes a long time to dig a deep hole. But throwing it into the water is very fast.

Chop it up with a knife, push it into the water, and let the river push it away.

All the way down from here is the mouth of the Yangtze River. Basically, it is an unobstructed run towards the sea.


No wonder the tea shop owner wanted to commit suicide. It turned out that he knew too many secrets.

Looting property and kidnapping hostages are all shameful.

This is a big shady story!


It is also a big golden mountain!

He, Zhang Yong, just immerses himself in digging!

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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