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Chapter 372: The man from Widow Liu’s family

 This woman is the nanny of Fu Zhonghua’s family, the one she hired to cook for them and clean the house! She cooked all the meals we had in his house for so many days. This aunt is a very kind person, no matter how she talks

She is polite in everything she does, has a kind face, and is not the kind of person who likes to gossip.

But now I see her panicked look, which makes me a little surprised.

Fu Zhonghua looked at the woman and asked, "What's wrong? Second aunt."

The woman quickly said, "Come and see, come and see! There are a lot of ants surrounding the place where the young master vomited blood just now."

Fu Zhonghua said disapprovingly, "Ant, isn't this normal? Just sweep it away. There's no need to make a fuss."

"No, sir, oops, I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, the ants seem to have formed a circle around them. Come over and have a look."

Fu Zhonghua glanced at me, I nodded and said, "Let's go over and have a look."

Soon, we followed the second aunt to the room where Fu Minghui was staying just now. As soon as we walked into the room, the second aunt let out an ouch. She exclaimed in surprise, "Why are there so many? There weren't so many words just now."

, there was only one just now.”

Looking along where the second aunt said, we were all shocked. We saw dense ants crawling all over the place where Fu Minghui had just vomited blood, and the ants crawling on the ground automatically formed the four characters Ming Ba Mao Jian!

"Mr. Li, this is..."

"It's the guy named Ma. He's asking me to meet! Mingba means tomorrow at eight o'clock, and Mao Jian means meeting at My Neighbor Totoro Village."

"My Neighbor Totoro Village?" Fu Zhonghua muttered these words, and then said to me, "Then will he also be in My Neighbor Totoro Village now?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but he said I'd see him tomorrow morning, so let's go find him tomorrow morning."

"Then how did he arrange these ants into characters?"


"It's just a small magic from Maoshan. Animals like ants have no eyes and rely on their antennae to identify direction and food. As long as there is the smell they need, they will naturally come here. Equestrian has cast some small magic to change the blood flowing here.

In the font, the blood has the smell that the ants need, so the ants come over."

At this point, I said to the second aunt, "Second aunt, go and get me three pieces of paper."

The second aunt nodded and brought three pieces of paper over after a while.

I took the paper, came to the side of the ants, and quickly recited the exorcism spell: "The imperial edict is over the ocean, the sun rises in the east, I give you the spiritual talisman to sweep away all the ominous things, I breathe out the fire of the mountains, and the talisman flies to the gate to capture the light."

, mentioning monsters all over the sky, every time in the past, to break the plague and eat the Vajra at the end of the year, I serve the Supreme Lord as urgent as a law!"

After reading, I condensed my thoughts, and the three pieces of yellow paper in my hand quickly burned! As the yellow paper burned, the ants on the ground quickly fled around.

In just a few minutes, all the ants disappeared in the house! And the ashes from the paper I had just burned formed a talisman of peace and security at this moment.

Seeing that the soot turned into a talisman, everyone in the room opened their eyes wide. Fu Zhonghua asked me in surprise, "Mr. Li, what is this?"

"Anjia Zhenzhao Talisman, if he does this, it will easily make your home uneasy and ghosts rampant, especially if you kill these ants forcibly. If no measures are taken, the people living here will get sick soon, and I'm afraid they will also be troubled by it."

It’s going to cause a lot of trouble.”

"I have no grievances against him regarding this equestrian. It's okay for him to wear such a hat on me, but he still wants to make my family uneasy. It's an unforgivable crime. It's an unforgivable crime." Fu Zhonghua said indignantly, and his fists

It makes a crunching sound when held.

"Mr. Li, when you go to see him tomorrow, please be sure to take me with you. I want to ask him why he spent decades plotting against me."

I nodded and said "Of course!"

This is Fu Zhonghua's business. There is nothing wrong with taking him with him when he goes to meet the equestrian.

Early the next morning, the driver took me, Fatty Wu, and Fu Zhonghua, and we arrived at My Neighbor Totoro Village.

When we arrived at Zhaizikou, we parked the car where Fatty Wu and I parked our car before. We waited here for the arrival of eight o'clock.

It's already 7:40, and we still have twenty minutes before we can see the equestrian show.

Fatty Wu stood at the entrance of the village, raised his head and looked around at Widow Liu's house. It was obvious that this guy was more or less attracted to the charming young woman. In fact, Widow Liu was not a very stunning woman, but she

She has a kind of charm that all men like. That kind of charm is innate, also called peach blossom charm. So when they see her, many men will covet and miss her. Of course, I am excepted. I am very fond of that charm.

Women of this age have little interest.

Soon, Fatty Wu exclaimed, "Mr. Li, there seems to be someone at Widow Liu's house!"

"What do you mean?" I looked at Fatty Wu and asked.

Fatty Wu said, "I thought I saw a man on the balcony of Widow Liu's house just now, but he disappeared in an instant."

"Oh?" I looked towards Widow Liu's house. Widow Liu's house has three floors. There are balconies on the second and third floors. However, except for Widow Liu's clothes, I saw no one on the balcony.

Just when I thought Fatty Wu was being deceived, my cell phone rang. I looked at it and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

I hesitated for a moment and finally pressed the answer button!
r> The call was connected, and a man's low and hoarse voice came out, "There are too many of you here, I only want to see you!"

"Are you playing tricks on me?" I asked at the other end of the phone.

He seems to have not yet figured out who is active and who is passive.

He chuckled and said, "Playing tricks? So what if I play tricks? Can't I play tricks? Anyway, I will die anyway. I can die now and take away an old friend of yours. I won't lose anything."


As soon as his voice fell, a woman's whimpering voice came from the other end of the phone.

When I heard this woman's cry, I frowned and my heart tightened. I knew who it was, it was Widow Liu. The man that Fatty Wu saw just now was really him. He was at Widow Liu's house, and he even took Liu to his house.

The widow was also tied up.

"What do you want to do?" Although I have only met Widow Liu once, she has a good conscience and has a son to raise! If something happens to her, her son will most likely be destroyed.

The man sneered and said, "I want to see you alone! You should know who this old friend of yours is. Now, I will wait for you at her house. Remember, you come alone. If there are more than two people, then she must die."


"Okay! I'll be there soon." At this point, I hung up the phone, and then said to Zhonghua and Fatty Wu, "Wait for me here. He said he wants to see me alone."

"Ah, Mr. Li, there must be a trap here, don't go." Fatty Wu said hurriedly.

Fu Zhonghua also said, "Yes, Mr. Li, that guy is so cunning, there must be a trap!"

I said calmly, "It's okay. I'm not afraid of traps. He's at the end of his rope now."

As I spoke, I quickly arrived at Widow Liu’s house. As soon as I walked to the door, the door was opened...

This chapter has been completed!
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