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Chapter 511: The Haunted Jade Shop

 Listening to Feng Yongguo's words, I was obviously stunned for a moment, and then I confirmed again, "What did you say? You hit a ghost?"

"Yes, yes, I really felt like I saw a ghost just now."

"where are you?"

"I'm on the street, at this place that sells jade. Can you come over? Or I can drive out to pick you up." Feng Yongguo's voice was very urgent, and it sounded like he was really frightened.

I paused and said, "No, come out! I can see you when you come out."

Feng Yongguo yelled, and then he heard footsteps following me. Within a few seconds, Feng Yongguo said that he had walked out. And he was at the door of a store not far ahead of us.

He obviously saw us and walked towards us quickly, waving as he walked.

Ye Tingting and I walked up and soon met Feng Yongguo.

"Xiao Li, it turns out you are here too!"

I nodded and said, "Yes, I thought it might be hard to find the dragon-suppressing nail, so I came over to look for it. What's the matter? Uncle Feng, did you just say that you hit a ghost?"

Feng Yongguo nodded and said, "Yes, I really seemed to have seen a ghost just now."

"what's up?"

Feng Yongguo said, "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

As he spoke, he led us towards the store he just walked out of!

"I just came here and asked several stores, but they didn't have the kind of dragon-suppressing nail you asked me to ask for! Originally, I wanted to change the place to ask, but then I saw his home, and his home is different from other homes.

, in other houses, there were girls looking after the shop, but in his house, there was an old man looking after the shop. When I saw the old man, I felt the need to go in and ask, so I walked into his house."

"I asked about the dragon-suppressing nail you asked me to find, and the old man told me that he had what I wanted. I asked him to get it for me, and he told me that it wasn't available yet, and someone would come to deliver it to me later.

When he came, I felt strange at the time, so I chatted with him for a few words. The old man was quite talkative, so he sat on the chair in their house and started chatting with me. He said that their store had been open for decades and they used to be in the antique business.

Yes, now he is being used by his son to run the jade business, and he keeps complaining that his son has no principles."

"While we were chatting, he suddenly told me that he had a stomachache and needed to go to the toilet. Then he walked into the toilet in the house! But after a while, a middle-aged man walked in from outside the door.

Man. The middle-aged man asked me what I wanted. I told him what had just happened, but he said I was crazy and said he was the only one in the store and there was no old man at all."

"This confused me, so I described the old man. After listening to my words, the middle-aged man took out a photo and asked me if I was the person in the photo! As soon as I saw the photo, I confirmed it.

It was the person in the photo. Later, the owner of the store told me that that was his father. His father died three years ago. As soon as I heard this, I called you immediately. You said, I didn’t hit him.

Damn it, what is this?"

Seeing his nervous look, I comforted him and said, "It's okay. Even if this old man is really a ghost, he didn't do anything to you, right? At most, he just doesn't worry about his child. Go to the store and show him


"Are you really okay? Didn't I hear people say that seeing ghosts will bring bad luck?" Feng Yongguo asked me uncertainly.

I nodded and said, "Don't worry, it'll be okay! If anything happens, isn't this okay?"
Do you have mine?"

My words gave him a reassurance, and he instantly felt relieved.

Soon, we walked into this store! This is a renovated store. The cabinets are filled with jade and other things, and the lights are on in each transparent glass cabinet, as if they were deliberately placed.

The jade in the store shines brilliantly. Although there is a simple cabinet with a few antiques in it, it only takes up a little space.

The boss may be thinking of removing the cabinets after selling all the items!

When he saw us coming in, a middle-aged man in his forties looked me up and down. After looking at me, he asked Feng Yongguo, "Hey! Boss, is this the Mr. Yin and Yang you mentioned who can do things?"

Feng Yongguo said, "Yes!"

The boss was still looking at me distrustfully. I have seen many bosses who judge people by their appearance. It is just a waste of my time to argue with them now. I didn't have time to talk to him, so I just asked Feng Yongguo, "Uncle Feng,

Is that where the old man was sitting just now?"

I pointed to the chair in the middle of the room facing the door!

Feng Yongguo nodded and said, "Yes, that's the place."

I didn't say anything, I just walked to the chair and sat down. It was a wooden chair and it looked a bit old. As soon as I sat down, I felt a yin energy coming from me. It seemed that the old man was really worried.

, always here.

Seeing me sitting down, the store owner hurriedly stepped forward and said, "This chair is where my father often sat when he was alive! He used to open an antique store here. Three years ago, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died here."

Get on a stool."

"Did you quarrel with him at that time?" I raised my head and asked the boss.

The boss frowned and said with some embarrassment, "I, I, I just, just wanted him to change the store into a jade shop so that he could make money! But he stubbornly said that he wanted to build an antique store, and he wanted me to

Inheritance, I was so angry that I argued with him for a few words, but I didn’t expect that he would... disappear suddenly."

"You renovated this place after he was gone?"

The boss looked up and said, "Yeah, what's the point of guarding that antique shop? I'm afraid it will be a problem to eat! How many people play antiques in a place like ours these days! Now that jade is so good, others

He earns hundreds of thousands a year. My old man just doesn’t listen to me. If he had listened to me earlier, our family would have made money a long time ago, and we would still be like this."

"Then after you changed it, has your family become better?"

The boss curled his lips and shook his head and said, "It's not good. As you can see, this street is full of people doing this business. It would be strange if the business can be done well. It's all my father's fault. He didn't listen to me. If he had listened to me earlier,

Yes, we won’t end up like this. Hey, it’s tiring to say the least, but having said that, there seem to be a lot of people who see my dad. Brother, if you can do this, give me this

That's all. Just don't let my father come again. It's so scary. Now many people know that my place is haunted, and it makes it difficult for me to do business."

Looking at the boss, I didn't agree to this. The boss in front of me really has no brains. There are people in the street doing this business, and he followed suit. He did it after he made his father angry to death. This is not filial.


But I didn't pay too much attention to his business. Just sitting on this chair, I discovered something unique... Listening to Feng Yongguo's words, I was obviously stunned for a moment, and then confirmed

"What did you say? Did you hit a ghost?"

"Yes, yes, I really felt like I saw a ghost just now."

"where are you?"

"I'm on the street, at this place that sells jade. Can you come over? Or I can drive out to pick you up." Feng Yongguo's voice was very urgent, and it sounded like he was really frightened.

I paused and said, "No, come out! I can see you when you come out."

Feng Yongguo yelled, and then he heard footsteps following me. Within a few seconds, Feng Yongguo said that he had walked out. And he was at the door of a store not far ahead of us.

He obviously saw us and walked towards us quickly, waving as he walked.

Ye Tingting and I walked up and soon met Feng Yongguo.

"Xiao Li, it turns out you are here too!"

I nodded and said, "Yes, I thought it might be hard to find the dragon-suppressing nail, so I came over to look for it. What's the matter? Uncle Feng, did you just say that you hit a ghost?"

Feng Yongguo nodded and said, "Yes, I really seemed to have seen a ghost just now."

"what's up?"

Feng Yongguo said, "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

As he spoke, he led us towards the store he just walked out of!

"I just came here and asked several stores, but they didn't have the kind of dragon-suppressing nail you asked me to ask for! Originally, I wanted to change the place to ask, but then I saw his home, and his home is different from other homes.

, in other houses, there were girls looking after the shop, but in his house, there was an old man looking after the shop. When I saw the old man, I felt the need to go in and ask, so I walked into his house."

"I asked about the dragon-suppressing nail you asked me to find, and the old man told me that he had what I wanted. I asked him to get it for me, and he told me that it wasn't available yet, and someone would come to deliver it to me later.

When he came, I felt strange at the time, so I chatted with him for a few words. The old man was quite talkative, so he sat on the chair in their house and started chatting with me. He said that their store had been open for decades and they used to be in the antique business.

Yes, now he is being used by his son to run the jade business, and he keeps complaining that his son has no principles."

"While we were chatting, he suddenly told me that he had a stomachache and needed to go to the toilet. Then he walked into the toilet in the house! But after a while, a middle-aged man walked in from outside the door.

Man. The middle-aged man asked me what I wanted. I told him what had just happened, but he said I was crazy and said he was the only one in the store and there was no old man at all."

"This confused me, so I described the old man. After listening to my words, the middle-aged man took out a photo and asked me if I was the person in the photo! As soon as I saw the photo, I confirmed it.

It was the person in the photo. Later, the owner of the store told me that that was his father. His father died three years ago. As soon as I heard this, I called you immediately. You said, I didn’t hit him.

Damn it, what is this?"

Seeing his nervous look, I comforted him and said, "It's okay. Even if this old man is really a ghost, he didn't do anything to you, right? At most, he just doesn't worry about his child. Go to the store and show him


"Are you really okay? Didn't I hear people say that seeing ghosts will bring bad luck?" Feng Yongguo asked me uncertainly.

I nodded and said, "Don't worry, it'll be okay! If anything happens, isn't this okay?"
Do you have mine?"

My words gave him a reassurance, and he instantly felt relieved.

Soon, we walked into this store! This is a renovated store. The cabinets are filled with jade and other things, and the lights are on in each transparent glass cabinet, as if they were deliberately placed.

The jade in the store shines brilliantly. Although there is a simple cabinet with a few antiques in it, it only takes up a little space.

The boss may be thinking of removing the cabinets after selling all the items!

When he saw us coming in, a middle-aged man in his forties looked me up and down. After looking at me, he asked Feng Yongguo, "Hey! Boss, is this the Mr. Yin and Yang you mentioned who can do things?"

Feng Yongguo said, "Yes!"

The boss was still looking at me distrustfully. I have seen many bosses who judge people by their appearance. It is just a waste of my time to argue with them now. I didn't have time to talk to him, so I just asked Feng Yongguo, "Uncle Feng,

Is that where the old man was sitting just now?"

I pointed to the chair in the middle of the room facing the door!

Feng Yongguo nodded and said, "Yes, that's the place."

I didn't say anything, I just walked to the chair and sat down. It was a wooden chair and it looked a bit old. As soon as I sat down, I felt a yin energy coming from me. It seemed that the old man was really worried.

, always here.

Seeing me sitting down, the store owner hurriedly stepped forward and said, "This chair is where my father often sat when he was alive! He used to open an antique store here. Three years ago, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died here."

Get on a stool."

"Did you quarrel with him at that time?" I raised my head and asked the boss.

The boss frowned and said with some embarrassment, "I, I, I just, just wanted him to change the store into a jade shop so that he could make money! But he stubbornly said that he wanted to build an antique store, and he wanted me to

Inheritance, I was so angry that I argued with him for a few words, but I didn’t expect that he would... disappear suddenly."

"You renovated this place after he was gone?"

The boss looked up and said, "Yeah, what's the point of guarding that antique shop? I'm afraid it will be a problem to eat! How many people play antiques in a place like ours these days! Now that jade is so good, others

He earns hundreds of thousands a year. My old man just doesn’t listen to me. If he had listened to me earlier, our family would have made money a long time ago, and we would still be like this."

"Then after you changed it, has your family become better?"

The boss curled his lips and shook his head and said, "It's not good. As you can see, this street is full of people doing this business. It would be strange if the business can be done well. It's all my father's fault. He didn't listen to me. If he had listened to me earlier,

Yes, we won’t end up like this. Hey, it’s tiring to say the least, but having said that, there seem to be a lot of people who see my dad. Brother, if you can do this, give me this

That's all. Just don't let my father come again. It's so scary. Now many people know that my place is haunted, and it makes it difficult for me to do business."

Looking at the boss, I didn't agree to this. The boss in front of me really has no brains. There are people in the street doing this business, and he followed suit. He did it after he made his father angry to death. This is not filial.


But I didn’t pay too much attention to his business. Just sitting on this chair made me discover something different...

This chapter has been completed!
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