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Chapter 57: The Way of Heaven

The old man's face was full of anger. He had a bald head, so at a glance, you could see that he only had one eye and one ear, but this did not weaken the hatred in his eyes at all.

It’s finally here! It’s finally the time for a head-on confrontation.

I choked on my saliva, stood up from the hidden bushes, and walked towards him.

Huang Yiyi and Qin Luye were following me. Their hands were shaking and their bodies were shaking.

"It's me!" I suppressed the fear in my heart and readily admitted.

"Hahaha! Interesting, interesting." The blind old ghost actually knew where I was a long time ago, because when he said the first sentence, he looked in my direction and said it. Now, those sinister eyes are even more special.

Dazzling "Yesterday, I already gave you a warning to get out of here! Why are you still seeking death? Forget it, you also brought me two beautiful women. Well, for the sake of these two

For the sake of being a girl, I will give you pleasure and not torture you to death."

"Old ghost!" I have come to this point, I have no choice, and it is impossible for me to give in now. Instead of giving in, I might as well do a big fight. "You were also a leader in the Five Elements and Bagua world during your lifetime. After you die, you will do it."

Aren't you afraid of being punished by God if you do something that goes against the will of heaven?"

"God's way? God's punishment?" The blind old man repeated these two words, and he suddenly laughed, "Hahahahahahaha,..."

Laugh! Laugh wildly! This laughter pierces the sky and reaches the sky!

Listening to the blind old man's laughter, goosebumps appeared all over my body. The laughter was so penetrating that it could almost penetrate into a person's bone marrow. Huang Yiyi and Qin Luye, who were holding my arms, shook even more.


Suddenly, the blind old man stopped laughing, and the world returned to peace again...

"Is there really a way in this day?" The blind old man looked up at the sky, his eyes full of disappointment. "If there is really a way in heaven, then when my eyes were gouged out and my ears were cut off,

, Where is Heaven? I was only thirteen years old at that time, why didn’t Heaven come out to help me? Why?
No one told me about the way of heaven at that time?"

"In the 23rd year of Jiajing, I was an apprentice in Zhao Shang. Both my parents were servants in Zhao Shang. Zhao Shang was a kind man in our local area. During the drought, he opened warehouses to increase grain and benefit the people. He is my

The best person I have ever met in my life. He asked me to be the young master's escort. He was very knowledgeable and very kind to me. One night, a man named Huang came to the house with someone to hire Zhao Shang's daughter, but Zhao Shang refused.

In retaliation from Huang, thirty-eight members of Zhao Shang's family were killed on the spot! Including my parents. At that time, I hid in the earthen stove and survived. I saw Huang massacre Zhao Shang with my own eyes.

The door is full.”

"The next day, I reported the matter to the Yamen and told Magistrate Liu everything I saw and heard. However, Magistrate Liu had long been bought off by Huang with gold, and Magistrate Liu had me

I was taken to the cell and asked Huang to brutally beat me and make me change my confession. I knew how to read and write, and knew that the paper was my confession of my crime, so I refused to write anything! Who would have thought?

They gouged out my eyes, cut off my ears, and threw me into the wilderness, making me feared by everyone."

"At that time, I also believed in the way of heaven, and I also believed that they would be punished. But they didn't. Then Magistrate Liu even promoted officials to nobility, and Mr. Huang even occupied all the property of Shang Zhao. Where was the way of heaven at that time? That

If God is really right at this time, why would he allow such a vicious person to survive in the world? Why should he be so rich and powerful?"

The blind old man was completely furious, and the light all over his body began to glow red! As red as blood. I knew that it was his anger burning. The anger of ghosts is different from that of humans. Human anger only exists in the heart, only in the heart.

It will be covered by the body. But ghosts are different. The anger of ghosts is something that can be radiated and is visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the blind old man's anger, after listening to his story, I could feel the anger in his heart.

His most

He was helpless and when he needed help the most, God was not on his side at all. On the contrary, it was on the side of the bad guys. So he hated the injustice of this world and the injustice of Heaven.

At this moment, I don't know what to say, because I find that no matter what I say, I can't refute what he said. If God is really fair, he should not have suffered such a tragic experience at that time.

"After my eyes and ears were gouged out, I was like a monster. I was disliked wherever I went. Everyone looked at me like a monster and treated me like a beast.

I have suffered all the humiliation and torture in the world. I know that this heaven is inherently unfair, and my destiny can only be in my own hands. If I want to not be bullied, I can only strengthen myself. So, I

I found a Taoist priest and asked him to teach me my skills. It took me thirty years to learn the art of yin-yang and the five elements, as well as the principles of the cycle of heaven..."

Having said this, he looked towards the sky.

"So, later on you fought with the sky, resisted the way of heaven, and resisted fate! And you embarked on this path that laid out the seventy-two evil spirits?" I asked the blind old man with deep eyes.

"No!" The blind old man turned around and looked at me. "Zhao Shang was so kind to me. Of course the first thing I did after coming out of the mountain was revenge! I buried the graves of the ancestral graves of Magistrate Liu and Huang.

The Feng Shui curse to destroy children and grandchildren! I made them cut off their roots in this world from now on. After casting the curse, I only left after seeing my family destroyed in the past two days. I came here and started fighting with the sky."

"Doesn't this ridiculous God want everyone to live under his control? I don't! It has no principles and no eyesight. It hopelessly exalts the powerful and tramples on the poor people without any scruples.

.I didn’t need to follow its rules, so I found this place. I spent the rest of my life arranging the seventy-two evil spirits. I didn’t get the respect I deserved when I was alive. I didn’t enjoy the happiness of being a human being for a day. After death, I

Enjoy the treatment of an emperor!"
> Having said this, the blind old man laughed crazily again, this time the smile was very ferocious and terrifying.

"No!" I shook my head, "You are wrong! You are respected, you are respected by the people of Hujiawan. In Hujiawan, they all respect you as the master! In their stories, you

He is their patron saint. As long as you really helped these people, they would still be grateful to you, but you did something wrong!"

"Wrong?" the blind old man yelled with anger on his face, "How could I be wrong? My benefactor's family of more than thirty people was killed, my parents were killed, my eyes were gouged out, and my ears were cut off. I took revenge. Is this wrong?

?Shouldn’t I avenge this? And God, if he really has the way, if he really has the way of heaven, he helped me at that time, can I fight with him? Little baby, I can’t fight without others’ suffering.

Encourage others to be kind! I once just wanted to be a kind person, but they didn’t give me a chance! They didn’t give me a chance!”

"You are not wrong in taking revenge, and you are not wrong in fighting against the sky! But you are wrong in taking seventy-two innocent lives. You destroyed seventy-two innocent families, and you made these seventy-two lives lost.

You are indeed very pitiful about what happened to you, but have you ever thought about these innocent lives? Aren't they pitiful? When they were captured and tortured by you, they howled in pain

Let you let them go. You have experienced the feeling of despair yourself. Have you ever thought about the despair in their hearts? They should have their own Zhaohua, but because of your decision, you have fallen in love with so many people.

My life! This is your fault." I resisted righteously and accused him of his behavior.

At this moment, all my fears were thrown away! I just wanted him to clearly realize his mistake. His experience was not an excuse for him to make such a big mistake. He could fight against the sky, but he should not

Harm innocent people.

"Ridiculous! Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to accuse me like that?" As he finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and then, an invisible big hand directly strangled my neck!

This chapter has been completed!
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