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Chapter 910: Huang Xian

 Fatty Wu said oh and stopped talking!

Popular things on the Internet generally only last for a period of time. After this period of popularity, they will be forgotten by everyone. As long as it does not cause harm to everyone, it will not have any impact.

I sat down at the table, lit two candles, and put five sticks of incense on the incense burner. The incense burned to worship gods was three sticks, and the incense burned to invite ghosts was four sticks, so there was a saying that gods, three ghosts and four.

And I light five sticks of incense because I need to find the Five Immortals to protect me. I don’t know what the Five Immortals are asking for, so I can only light five sticks of incense. These five sticks of incense represent the Five Immortals, so I don’t care what they come for.


But when lighting incense, you have to be particular about it, otherwise you won’t know what will happen later. For example, the five sticks of incense cannot be inserted at the same time, but one by one. When inserting them,

Tell me which fairy family this represents.

Holding the first stick of incense, I said to the incense, "Today I open the altar to invite the immortal family. The yellow immortal descended here to make the fragrance bright."

After I finished reciting, I inserted the first stick of incense into the incense burner, meaning that if the incense stick becomes very bright and burns very slowly later, it means that the Huangxian has come.

Then comes the second incense stick: "Today I open the altar to invite the immortal family, and the fox fairy descends to this incense name."

After lighting five sticks of incense, I recited the mantra of the Pure Land. After I finished reciting it, I said to Fatty Wu, "You will recite this sentence with me later. Don't think about anything while reciting it."

Fatty Wu hummed and started to recite the Immortal Invitation Mantra after me. "We are honored by the Golden Flower Sect. We have a reputation in the Five Immortals Altar. I will invite you to my family now. Please show your power to the Immortals. Please come to my altar as soon as possible. The Five Immortals please come to my altar quickly."

, as urgent as the law."

Fatty Wu also recited this sentence after me. I recited it once, he recited it once, and until the seventh time, a gust of wind suddenly blew in and blew into my face. Our house is completely enclosed.

, the windows are not open, it’s windy, what can I say?
The Mingxian family came. I looked at the first stick of incense on the incense burner. At this time, the first stick of incense became fiery red.

It’s Huang Xian!

I quickly looked up at Fatty Wu, and saw that Fatty Wu's mouth no longer recited the incantation, but began to tremble. After trembling for a while, his head fell on the table.

I didn't do anything, I just waited for this Huang Xian to speak.

After a while, Fatty Wu raised his head again. His whole person changed. He became unfamiliar and cautious. He should be a male Huang Xian. He did not speak immediately, but smelled it with his nose.

Smell, then, his eyes immediately turned to the things on the altar table. When he saw the things on the altar table, his eyes immediately lit up, he raised his hand and pulled off a chicken drumstick, and started eating it.

It's like I haven't eaten meat for several years.

This is a Huangxian with average Taoism, otherwise he would not eat the things I offer immediately. Huangxians with Taoism generally have some scruples. Even if they are hungry, they will not eat the things on the table right away. They will

Ask the owner first before deciding whether to eat or not.

But it doesn't matter, as long as I can come and temporarily protect Huang Yiyi's body for a while.

After finishing half of the chicken, he licked his fingers with satisfaction, then looked at me and asked, "Tell me, what do you want from me? If I eat you today, I will definitely help you."

I finally spoke. He was invited by me. I couldn't speak before he spoke! I had to wait for him to speak before I could speak. After all, I asked for help, and I had to be willing to help.

After all, it wasn't just a matter of time, but he was asked to take care of Huang Yiyi until her three souls and seven souls came back.

"Huang Xian, it's like this. My girlfriend has not returned to her body now. Her family is worried. I would like to ask Huang Xian to take care of her body and protect her for a while until I can get her three souls and seven souls."

When I come back, Huang Xian can make a request to me."

Hearing this, Huang Xian looked at me. After looking up and down for a while, he asked, "You? What request can you grant me?"

Obviously, Huang Xian has doubts about my ability.

I stared at him for a while, thought in my mind, and then said, "Huang Xian, you were invited by a Huang family in the Northeast to be the Baojiaxian more than three hundred years ago. You protected their family for eight generations."

People, but you lost contact with them decades ago. Over the years, you have been looking for them, from north to south, and from south to north, for a long, long time, but you have not found them, right?"

After hearing my words, Huang Xian was stunned!

He nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, yes! Can you find someone named Huang for me? Are all the people named Huang no longer alive?"

I pondered for a moment and continued to tell the fortune. After the hexagram came out, I replied, "They are still in the world. When the matter is completed, I can find them for you."

"Can you really find it?" He stood up excitedly, his eyes almost shining.

In fact, this Huang Xian is quite pitiful, his moral conduct is average, but he is very loyal.

After searching for a hundred years, I didn’t find it and didn’t give up. It’s really rare!

I nodded and said, "Yes, I can find it!"

"Okay, I promise you! As long as you can find it for me."

Huang Xian was quite cheerful. I pointed at Huang Yiyi and said, "Then, Huang Xian, please come on."

Huang Xian hesitated for a moment and then asked me, "Then, is it
Even if you get sick, can you still have chicken to eat?"

I smiled slightly and said, "Yes, that's enough!"

When Huang Xian heard this, he was happy, got up and jumped to Huang Yiyi's bed. But as soon as he saw Huang Yiyi, he suddenly turned pale and said in shock, "This, this, this, I may not be able to help you with this, me, me, me,

I withdrew."

After he finished speaking, without giving me a chance to ask, Fatty Wu fell to the ground on the spot.

When I saw Huang Xian leaving, I didn't catch him back. This kind of thing was mainly done voluntarily! No matter what the reason was for him to leave, he left as soon as he left.

I helped Fatty Wu sit down on a chair, and then poured him a cup of resurrecting tea. He was possessed by the immortal family and his vitality was damaged a lot, so I had to give him a cup of tea to bring him back to his senses.

After drinking tea, Fatty Wu lay on the chair and slept for about a minute. He woke up, looked at me and asked, "Mr. Li, what just happened? Have we invited the immortal family?"

I nodded and said, "I invited you. I invited a yellow fairy, but he just left."

"Ah! Are you really invited? Why don't I feel it?"

"Because Huang Xian was only invited by me to live and talk in your body temporarily. He only lives in your body temporarily, just like a ghost! Your whole body is controlled by him, and of course you are unconscious."

Fatty Wu nodded and said, "So that's it, do we still want to continue?"

"Of course, as long as you think you're okay, we'll continue."

Fatty Wu got up and took two steps, then sat down and said, "Come on! I feel like I can do it again."

It’s almost the end of the month, so I’m asking for a round of votes. I hope everyone who has a vote will vote for it. In addition, I hope everyone can click “Reply” to support this book. This is the excitement and motivation for my creation.

This chapter has been completed!
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