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Chapter 947: Grandpa’s identity

Hearing this voice made me tremble!

Then, I heard a loud bang from the ruins. The loud noise came from the place where grandpa made the sound.

Ignoring the dust caused by the loud noise, I rushed towards the ruins like crazy. In the dust, I saw my grandfather.

Grandpa is not dead!

His head was covered with dust, and it was obvious that he had just been crushed under the rubble. Perhaps he used up his last bit of energy to push the rubble above his head away, revealing his head and half of his body.

Looking at half of my body still covered under the rubble, I shouted excitedly!

"Grandpa!" I called Grandpa, and tears almost came out of my eyes.

Grandpa glanced at me and said weakly, "Silly boy, I'm fine. Get me up first."

I shouted, quickly gathered my energy, and pulled out the ruins where grandpa was buried.

Soon, grandpa came out!

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Looking at my grandfather who looked tired, I asked while checking.

Grandpa waved his hands feebly and said, "It's okay, it's just that the consumption was a bit high! I didn't pay attention to dodge just now, and I was buried in it."

After confirming that grandpa only suffered some superficial injuries, I felt relieved!

"Grandpa, just now, inside..."

Grandpa knew what I wanted to ask. He chuckled and said, "It's over! I sent the ancestors of the Tu family down. Okay, pull me up. This occasion is not suitable for reminiscing about old times."

"Oh, ah, okay." I replied blankly, and then helped Grandpa up.

After my grandfather got up, I saw that there was a huge pit where my grandfather was lying, and in that pit was the tomb of the ancestor of the Tu family.

Grandpa killed the ancestor of the Tu family, who was ranked among the top five!

He was among the top five and was killed by grandpa. So, wouldn’t grandpa be among the top five and above the ancestors of the Tu family!<


I looked at my grandpa and felt a little weird.

This ordinary little old man really gave me a big surprise!

I saw him twisting his body, then doing two chest-expanding exercises, and then he let out a long sigh and said, "Comfortable!"

After saying this comforting voice, he closed his eyes! Immediately afterwards, I saw the energy field around him being absorbed by him. I saw that the trees in the Tu family's yard were withering at an incredible speed, and he had just

Even the weak grandpa suddenly became energetic!

Being able to draw on the energy around you anytime and anywhere is not something that ordinary people can do!

"Let's go!" Grandpa took a gentle breath and said to me.

"Grandpa, I..."

I was about to ask a question when Grandpa interrupted me and said, "Don't ask anything, I will tell you everything you want to know! But, you have to find a suitable place."

As we talked, we walked out of the ruins of the Tujia together!


"Mr. Li!"

As soon as they saw us coming out, Ye Qing, Jin Yao, and Fatty Wu shouted in unison and surrounded us at the same time.

"It's okay." I waved my hand, and then looked at the people brought by the Tu family. They all stared at us in fear, their eyes full of fear and uneasiness.

"Grandpa, they..."

Grandpa stretched out his hand to interrupt me and said, "I understand, you did the right thing! Let me do it."

As he spoke, I saw grandpa close his eyes, and then, a wave of energy came from under his feet and moved towards the group of people.

Soon, a huge ball of light surrounded those people. In that ball of light, I saw three dimensions beyond

s things.

The so-called three-dimensional space is the space we live in. The reason why the space we live in is called three-dimensional is because there is time.

As currently studied by scientists, one dimension is a straight line with no end, no turning, and can only go straight.

Two-dimensional is a cube with length, width, and height. Three-dimensional is based on two-dimensional and adds time.

As for higher dimensions, there is no time limit! In other words, the fourth dimension breaks through the limit of time, and there is no time as we call it.

Without the time limit, people can make up for the mistakes they have made before! That is, there is a regret medicine.

Time is the most important manifestation of the three-dimensional world, and what Grandpa is doing is to let this group of people enter the four-dimensional world and return them to the previous node.

"Grandpa, that's..."

"Is it enough to let them go back to a year ago?" Grandpa asked me before I could ask.

I quickly said, "That's enough, that's enough!"

After about an hour, these people all fell heavily to the ground. Their memories of this year were erased. They went back to a year ago and experienced what they had experienced again.

After doing all this, we left here!

Before leaving, I deliberately took a look at the Tu family. I knew that the Tu family was just the beginning, and the real storm was about to sweep in!

We found a hotel to stay at. I had many questions to ask my grandpa, but when we got there, grandpa fell asleep.

This sleep lasted three days!

I have been taking care of grandpa these three days!

His life was not in any danger, he was just overworked! He had just dealt with the ancestors of the Tu family and given those people clear memories, which indeed consumed too much energy.


On the third day, grandpa woke up. He had a big meal first. After he was full of food and wine, grandpa began to tell me his story.

"Li Yao, I know you are very curious about my identity, and even more curious about why you came to live in my grandson's body, right?"

I nodded noncommittally. Indeed, I really wanted to know the ins and outs of all this! My grandfather and I had nothing to do with each other, but he let me enter his grandson's body. Not only that, he also killed the Tu family elder for me.

Ancestor, this existence is among the top five in the mystical world!

With such skill, who would believe that he is recruiting the wrong soul?

"Grandpa, you didn't attract the wrong soul back then, did you?"

Grandpa looked at me thoughtfully, sighed and said, "Yes, it's not that I summoned the wrong soul, but it was intentional."

"Actually, I am the messenger of Yin and Yang..."

"The messenger of Yin and Yang!" I frowned, "Walking between the realms of Yin and Yang without any restrictions? The only messenger of Yin and Yang in the world?"

Grandpa nodded, "Yes, I am free from the two realms of Yin and Yang and not restricted by Yin and Yang. Although I am in the Three Realms, I am not within the Five Elements!"

When I heard this, I nodded slightly. Sure enough, Grandpa's identity is not simple, it is not simple!

"It's just..." I was about to speak, and grandpa said these two words meaningfully. Then I saw his eyes were vague, as if he had thought of something. I didn't interrupt him, but

Waiting for him to speak.

Hello dear readers, I'm really sorry that I haven't updated for such a long time. I have been sick for a long time and have been thinking about this book. I have tried to update it several times, but it is more difficult every time. Now my body has recovered quite well.

More, I started trying to update. No matter what, I will finish writing this book. This is an explanation for everyone, and also an explanation for myself. I wish you all to take care of your health and keep your body and mind happy while working.

This chapter has been completed!
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