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Chapter 972: Five Living Things

"Grandpa, you know that Yiyi died because of me. In fact, the affairs of our Li family have nothing to do with her. If she is allowed to leave like this, then I will live in self-blame for the rest of my life."

After hearing my words, Grandpa frowned at first, and then sighed with difficulty and said: "I understand what you said, but she was an ordinary person who died of suicide. She was willing to die.

In her own soul consciousness, she has died. It would be difficult to resurrect someone who thinks she is dead! Because both her body and soul think she is dead, so the aura of her body has completely dissipated.

Go. There is a saying among our yin and yang messengers, it is better to save those whose yang life has not expired than to commit suicide with a sword."

I understand what grandpa said. If a person dies unexpectedly, he will think that he is not dead! Such a person has obsessions to support his body and soul. In such a situation, as long as the body is not rotten, he can come back to life. But

A person who commits suicide believes that she is dead, and her soul will be more paranoid. The aura of her body will also dissipate at the moment of suicide, and it is almost impossible to resurrect it.

It took seven days for her soul to merge and be able to communicate with her, but her body was not working anymore, so it was not easy to resurrect Huang Yiyi.

"Is there no other way?" I knew this was not easy, but I still asked Grandpa with a glimmer of hope.

Grandpa began to think deeply, and then the craftsman Zhu Laoqi came over and said, "Yes, I have a way!"

I looked at Zhu Laoqi and he said: "I can open an immortal coffin for her, put her body in the coffin, and wait for the wound to heal. After the wound heals, feed her with human blood every day. If the person requests it, it must be born

The eight-character pure Yin destiny must be a rare destiny that is jealous of heaven and man, and is missed by hundreds of ghosts. If she feeds him with his blood for nine years, she will wake up, but she will lack one soul and one soul when she wakes up, and she may change by then.

If you become a fool, you may also be mute."

"Of course, she still has to marry the person who fed him blood. When she wakes up, she will only identify with that person."


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Zhu Laoqi's words made me frown deeper than my grandfather's. Isn't this idea about letting people raise corpse wives?

What is this? I don’t even know how to evaluate this idea. The purpose of resurrecting Huang Yiyi is to let her return to her original life. If she can’t return to her parents and grandfather, she can’t return to Xingyi.

States and cities, what’s the point?

Seeing my frown, Zhu Laoqi said awkwardly: "Of course, if the latter is not needed, I can open an eternity coffin to preserve her body. At least before resurrecting her, I can ensure that her body will not rot.


Grandpa looked back at Zhu Laoqi, sighed and said: "What you said is a way. You can first prevent the body from rotting and let the wounds heal. After preserving the body first, I will think about what can make her alive.

Way to get here.”

"I know a way to resurrect Miss Huang!" Suddenly, a clear and sweet female voice rang.

I saw the saint walking towards us!

"Ms. Huang's body and soul are broken, and her heart and soul are dead. I once saw a method to resurrect this situation in an ancient book of our family. It just requires gathering five things."

"What five?" I looked at the saint and asked.

The saint said leisurely: "Qu is like blood, white sutra, courage of all, mermaid's tears, earth spirit fruit."

When I heard these things, I couldn't help but be stunned!

"Qu Ruxue, is Qu Ru the bird recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas? It has a white head, three legs, and a human face. I heard that it will catch fire when its blood flows out."

The saint nodded and said: "Yes! Miss Huang can regenerate the lost yang energy by eating Qu Ru's blood. Bai? It is also a sacred tree recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. It is said that it

There is a meridian in the trunk of the tree, and there is a kind of liquid in that meridian. It is very sweet. If you eat it, you can forget your worries. At the same time, this meridian can also reopen closed blood vessels. This kind of tree grows in the mountains in the north, but there are too few

Yes, it is said that someone encountered it a few years ago."

"Zhu Huai, the shark is also something recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Zhu Huai is a kind of beast, shaped like a cow, with four horns on its head, with human eyes and pig ears. It likes to eat people. Its courage

It's golden, and that thing can help Miss Huang's internal organs resume functioning."

"As for the Mermaid Tears, drinking them is something that can make people have emotions again. If you want to be resurrected, you will not only have flesh and blood, but also emotions."

The saint said leisurely: "These two things should exist, but they are difficult to find. It's just that I don't know what the earth spirit fruit is."

I took what the saint said and said: "The Earth Spirit Fruit is a fruit that grows underground. It has spirituality, can walk, and can turn into a human being. It is somewhat similar to a ginseng doll, but it is different from a ginseng doll.

Dolls are what people want to find because eating them can prolong life. However, the earth spirit fruit is not the case. The earth spirit fruit can catch people underground and eat them. Therefore, the earth spirit fruit is regarded as an evil spirit. People are not only

To be kind, you must also have a proper temper. The Earth Spirit Fruit is the evil in a person, and it is also the spirit in the person."

"Qu Ruxue's five elements belong to fire. White? is a tree, and the five elements belong to wood. Zhuhuai's gallbladder is golden yellow, and the five elements belong to gold. The sharks grow in water, and the five elements belong to water. The earth spirit fruit grows underground, and the five elements belong to water.

Earth. This is to regroup the five elements and make them reborn in nature. The real rebirth should be like this. People are born in the five elements of nature, and if they want to relive, they must be reborn in nature."

The saint nodded and said: "Yes, this is the real resurrection, but..."

At this point, the saint stopped talking!

I looked at the saint and asked, "Just what?"


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If she wakes up, I'm afraid she won't be able to renew her relationship with you. Your three-life relationship was broken the moment she committed suicide! She can be resurrected and can be who she was before, but she will forget everything about you.


I glanced at Huang Yiyi, sighed and said, "I know! Her relationship is over, how can she still know me?"

"So, it's up to you whether you want to resurrect Miss Huang or not! Let's not talk about the rare things you are looking for. If she doesn't recognize you after you are resurrected, what's the point?"

"I owe her this!"

Hearing this, the saint was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Master Li is indeed a good man, as I judged when I first met him. If you need my help with anything in the future, just blow the conch, Xuanmen's

The matter has been resolved, there is nothing I can do next, I have to go."

As she spoke, she exchanged a "Su Ni" sound, and Su Ni quickly ran towards her.

I hugged Huang Yiyi from the ground, looked at the saint and said sincerely: "Thank you, if you need me in the future, just think of my appearance in your heart and say my name silently, I will feel it


The saint smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I will definitely look for you again!"

After saying this, the saint left the Kunxu Shrine on her Suan Ni!

As Suanni left, all kinds of people brought by grandpa also said goodbye to us and left here.

The craftsman Zhu Laoqi told me to use my true energy to preserve Huang Yiyi's body first, and he would come to me in three days to choose the wood for the coffin.

Since then, everyone has bid farewell to me and left Kunxu Shrine!

After they all left, Ye Qing walked towards me and said: "Master, I will go with you to find these things to resurrect Miss Huang, but before looking for these things, we should first save the master and his souls."

This chapter has been completed!
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