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Chapter 21 Jade Bone Bottleneck, Diary and Ferocious Beast

Li Xuan's words sounded to Xu Yan as his master's guidance on how to gain enlightenment and how to break through the shackles.

"Capture the hidden inspirations around you, feel the plants and trees, and feel the nature of the world..."

In a daze, Xu Yan seemed to have some understanding.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I understand!"

Xu Yan said respectfully.

Seeing that he had deceived his silly disciple again, Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

For the next two days, Xu Yan did not practice any more, but wandered around the small village, feeding chickens, growing vegetables, and sitting on a stone at night, looking at the stars in the sky.

My mind was surprisingly peaceful.

There is no more persistence to break through the shackles of the golden bone, no more persistence to practice, my mind seems to have put down a package, and my whole person feels relaxed.

At a certain moment, I even had a feeling that the world is so wonderful.

After three days of this, Xu Yan finished weeding and was about to leave when he suddenly discovered that a piece of earthworm had emerged from the soil and was retracting into the soil.

I also saw a small insect digging a hole in the soil.

An idea flashed in my mind, as if an idea suddenly appeared.

"Nurture your true intention, and your energy and blood will be like a dragon...I understand!"

At this moment, Xu Yan felt that he had an epiphany. A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he instantly understood the profound meaning of the technique.

"I will be able to temper the jade bone!"

"Thanks to Master for your guidance, I was able to have an epiphany and capture the hidden inspiration around me. Because I understand the techniques and how to break through bottlenecks!"

Xu Yan was extremely excited.

The next day, before dawn, Xu Yan started practicing.

After Li Xuan saw it, he was surprised. How could this stupid apprentice cheer up so quickly and continue to persevere?

As long as Xu Yan didn't find out that he was cheated.

At the end of the one-year period, the master-disciple relationship was immediately severed, the scam ended, and he went to the Kingdom of Wu to live a small life!

From now on, I'm afraid I will never see Xu Yan again.

At this moment, Xu Yan is nourishing Qi and blood into the bones and nourishing it in the bone marrow. Slowly, strands of Qi and blood are continuously seeping into the bones and nourishing it in the bone marrow.

It took three days for Xu Yan to feel a sense of soreness in his bones, and then he began to temper.

Xu Yan, who entered the practice, seemed to have forgotten everything, only the mysterious inspiration between heaven and earth emerged in his mind.


The energy and blood in the bone marrow suddenly roared like a giant dragon, and the bone marrow also surged and surged, as if it had come to life.

At this moment, Xu Yan felt an unspeakable pain in all his bones.

Itching, stinging, soreness...

The bones all over the body swelled for a while, as if they were about to explode, and then contracted, as if becoming smaller, and even the bone marrow was squeezed and solidified.

Between expansion and contraction, purer Qi and blood are born.

Xu Yan seemed to feel that an inexplicable meaning was being born in his bones.

The feeling at this time is more painful and unbearable than the first time I practiced bone refining.

Beads of sweat kept dripping.

Xu Yan gritted his teeth and persisted until he could no longer hold on, then he gave up.

"The golden bone is a little loose..."

Xu Yan discovered that the golden bone, which had reached its limit and could no longer be tempered, became loose and became stronger.

"I realized that I was right, the jade bone is not far away!"

Xu Yan was so excited that he practiced harder and harder in the next few days.

The pain endured was also more intense.

Seven days later.

The originally golden bones turned pale.

Although the golden bones have become lighter, the strength of the bones has increased by more than 30%.

Half a month later, the bones around the body turned back to white, but were more than twice as hard as gold bones.

Qi and blood are purer and stronger.

"I am already so powerful before I become a jade bone. If I become a jade bone, how powerful will I be? My martial arts foundation is beyond that of the ancient geniuses!"

Xu Yan was extremely excited, as the jade bone was not far away.

Ten days later, the bones all over Xu Yan's body had become crystal clear, and he was only one step away from becoming flawless.

However, at this last step, Xu Yan felt resistance again.

It seems that it has hit a bottleneck and cannot continue to transform.

Only the last step of transformation is needed before he can truly temper jade bones. How can Xu Yan be willing to do so?

Therefore, in the next two days, he continued to temper, but made no progress. It seemed that only by breaking some kind of shackles could he complete this final step of transformation.

Li Xuan didn't know that his stupid apprentice was about to temper his jade bones.

With nothing to do that day, he dug out some relics of the village elders, which were mostly books and the like.

The people in the village came here as refugees, and there are also literate people. There are books left behind. Although there are not many, they are the most important things in the village.


A rolled up cloth fell to the ground. Li Xuan bent down to pick it up and found writing on the cloth.

"Whose relic is this? I don't think I've seen this before."

Out of curiosity, Li Xuan opened the cloth scroll.

The cloth roll is quite long. After spreading it out, I saw that it was full of words. It seemed to be a diary?

"Is this Daniel's diary?"

Li Xuan looked surprised.

A big boss, a big guy, actually keeps a diary?

"The big bull died in the evil forest, but the tiger has been killed, which can be regarded as revenge for him."

Li Xuan felt sad in his heart.

When a group of people left the village, Daniu was among them, but he was the only one who escaped back.

Turning over the scroll and reading Daniel's diary, Li Xuanquan thought he was bored and reading some gossip.

"Daniu actually wants to marry eight wives. He is very ambitious. It's a pity."

When the scroll was turned to the end, Li Xuan was suddenly startled and his expression became solemn.

At the end of the scroll, it is recorded that Daniel once left the village alone and wanted to go to the city.

He saw a ferocious beast outside the Evil Forest!

"What Daniel saw was not the tiger!"

There has been a rumor in the village that there is a fierce tiger in the Evil Forest. Li Xuan subconsciously thought that there was only one tiger in the Evil Forest.

In fact, besides the tiger, there is another ferocious beast?

"That ferocious beast is bigger than a tiger, with fire-like hair on its temples and long fangs..."

Li Xuan was shocked when he saw the description of the ferocious beast in Daniel's diary. This ferocious beast was more terrifying than the tiger.

Why is there not only a tiger but also a ferocious beast in the Evil Forest?

Tiger is the king of the forest.

How could other ferocious beasts be allowed to exist in its territory?

How could such a powerful beast allow a tiger to stay in its territory?

"The first time I heard that there were ferocious beasts in the Evil Forest was when Daniel mentioned it. He mentioned the ferocious beasts more than once. When we were planning to leave the village together, it was Da Niu who said that there were ferocious beasts and they were too dangerous.


"It wasn't until that guy came back and claimed to have learned the art of killing tigers that he had the confidence to leave the village..."

Li Xuan thought of a possibility. Could that tiger be the younger brother of the ferocious beast in the Evil Forest?

"My silly apprentice led the people to hunt tigers. Did he encounter that ferocious beast? It seems not. Could it be that because he saw so many people, the ferocious beast hid and did not show up?"

"No, you have to ask your stupid apprentice and ask him to lead a search of the evil forest. Be sure to kill that ferocious beast!"

Li Xuan packed up his things and went out to find Xu Yan.

This chapter has been completed!
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