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Chapter 1017 Redemption

"Are you kidding..."

Cang Qing murmured.

He, Cang Qing, is a time traveler, but he is not an ordinary time traveler. He also has an evolutionary system in his body, which can accumulate the power of evolution through killing.

The only problem is that not long after he crossed over, the system came to a halt because the empire gained world hegemony.

Although he didn't know why the empire's hegemony would shut down the system, it was the fact.

According to the last words given to him before the system hung up, the system told him that his mission was to overthrow the empire and restart the evolutionary sequence, and what he needed to do was to wait for an opportunity.

Then, three years and three years passed, and after so many years, there was still no movement in the failed system, and he gave up and was willing to be a cog in the empire.

However, as a pampered time traveler, he felt that the days after time travel were very difficult. Indeed, the empire's technology was highly developed, but those who enjoyed the advanced technology were definitely not screws.

He clearly remembered that in his previous life, before time travel, black slaves in the 19th century would be given one day off on Saturday by their farmers every week, so that they could have enough time to enjoy the fun of family life.

After the age of thirty-five, it is even mandatory by law to take two days off.

As for the Empire, legally they have three days off, but they work overtime voluntarily.

Indeed, no one forces you to work overtime, and even if you don’t work overtime, you will not be fired.

However, all the people at the bottom of the empire have been burdened with various types of loans since birth. The empire does not want your money, it just wants you to borrow money from the empire. As for the specific amount of money, it is probably the kind that will last a lifetime.

If you default on the loan, your citizen level will be automatically downgraded. If you fall below the bottom line, your head will be dug out, and your brain will be used as raw material to form an intelligent matrix.

In short, in the past ten years, Cang Qing didn't know how she got here. In addition to working overtime at work every day, she could only watch some programs on the computer when she went to bed at night.

It is worth mentioning that you can earn money by watching certain types of programs, because these programs can produce greater emotional power. The only problem is that after watching too much, it can be very damaging to the spirit and brain.

In short, although the technology in this world is highly developed, it has nothing to do with ordinary people. On the contrary, the more advanced the technology, the more miserable the lives of ordinary people become.

Cang Qing has also thought about this phenomenon. Based on some things he saw in his previous life, he feels that this kind of pain probably comes from the alienation of people by technology.

Therefore, the only thing that kept him going over the years was the shut down system. After the system shut down, there was only a blank screen of light with nothing on it, but this was his last hope.

Because of the system, he would dream, dreaming that he would gain great power through the system, that the power would be his own, and that he would destroy everything that made him unhappy.

For example, the AI ​​system of the empire, the nobles of the empire, and even the maker of everything, the emperor.

But these will only appear in dreams.

Therefore, he felt that it would be better for such a world to be destroyed. Many screws probably thought so.

After all, the prosperity of civilization has nothing to do with them. All they have is blood, sweat, and pain.

Therefore, when the horn of doomsday sounded, what Cang Qing felt in her heart was not fear, but surprise at the same time, but a slight feeling of relief.

Tired, destroy it!

When the empty white light shone, he even felt a little bit relaxed.

But this situation did not last long. Within a few seconds, a huge space door opened out of thin air. Then, a giant more than a thousand meters tall walked out of the space door.

This is the Imperial Knights, and it is also one of the forces that the empire uses to suppress all dissent.

Just one.


The giant shook the world with his fist, and even smashed the white sun into pieces with one blow.

Such violence is simply too powerful to be considered.

And this blow not only shattered the sun, but also shattered the slightest ease in the hearts of many people.

This world has a future, and the empire also has a future, but screws have no future. Even if they commit suicide, unless they turn themselves into ashes in an instant, even if their brains are shattered into paste, they will be restored by the empire and used as

Create an intelligent matrix that will never reincarnate.

But in the next moment, the white sun regrouped and became even brighter. The giant punched again, but this time, it had no effect. It seemed that the sun was already immune to this attack.

This is the horror of the White Disaster.

Unless it is completely eradicated from its roots, no targeted force can take effect on it twice.

On the contrary, the giant actually began to melt at this moment.

"I originally thought that the destruction of natural disasters was pure destruction, but why did I hear the voices of countless lives, longing for the coming of destruction?"

Zhao Cheng's voice vibrated from the sun.

Transformed into a natural disaster, he lost a lot of things, but also gained a lot.

"Perhaps the natural disaster itself is what all sentient beings long for."

"When power turns into truth, when countless weak people combined are no match for a single finger of the powerful, when there is nowhere to vent the pain in their hearts, not even self-destruction, natural disasters are their final salvation."

"Our strength is not necessarily destruction for the sake of destruction, but redemption in destruction..."

"This is the wish and expectation of all living beings!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang's voice also sounded at this moment, and she also fell into some kind of realization.

"But before that, let me cut off these things that are in the way!"

"Zhao Cheng, let me operate it!"

As the voice fell, the white sun suddenly dimmed a lot, and in the sun, a Valkyrie wearing armor appeared at this moment.

At the same time, in the huge space gate, a series of thirteen giants of different shapes walked out of the space gate, holding various weapons in their hands. In some mysterious way, the thirteen giants had some kind of mysterious effect.

Resonating, the empire's order and law suddenly descended on this corner of the world.

"According to calculations, the natural disaster in front of us is the root's last counterattack against the empire and the last echo of fate. With the empire's current technology, it is almost impossible to completely destroy it. It is recommended that it be sealed and exiled!"

The super mastermind of the empire gives the calculation results.

The main body of the master brain is a huge matrix as big as a mountain. Steel is combined with countless human brains to form its main body.

These human brains are specially modulated. Some are specially designed for calculation, so they maximize their computing power, while others are designed to form modules for various special functions, such as observing ethereal things such as cause and effect and fate. Therefore, this

Parts of the brain are activated with specific superpowers.

This chapter has been completed!
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