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Chapter 1019: Two Worlds Coexisting

The present and the future exist side by side.

Although this kind of perspective cannot last forever, even if it only lasts for a moment, it opens up a new world.

Its significance is no less than that of a bug that has never seen winter. Taking a look at the winter scenery, even if it is just a glance, is no less than a reshaping of the bug's understanding. The vastness and complexity of the world.

It will also grow exponentially.

Zhao Cheng silently experienced this change of perspective and got used to it.

If a weak person suddenly has this kind of perspective, his personality will be destroyed by the complex interaction of time and space information in an instant, and he may even have the illusion of being trapped in a cycle of a certain period of time for countless years.

For Zhao Cheng, the biggest feeling at this moment is novelty.

Of course, he also knew that this novel perspective would not last long. The only way he could get a glimpse at this moment was because of the way the three overlord-level civilizations divided time and space.

With his current strength, he is still unable to reproduce these.

The complete timeline is complex and heavy, affecting the whole body.

However, the methods of the three major civilizations are equivalent to temporarily solidifying and enclosing a period of time and space. It is similar to enclosing a small piece of land in a complex ecological circle and conducting ecological simulations, artificially reducing infinite variables.

This kind of technology must be supported by extremely powerful power and countless knowledge.

Zhao Cheng is now fighting between three gods. He secretly used the other party's experimental ecosystem to gain a wave of technological achievements for nothing.

It means using other people's laboratories to conduct your own research experiments.

It's okay not to be discovered, but if he is discovered, if this kind of thing is put into reality, he will be beaten, compensated in various ways, or even imprisoned directly.

But in a multidimensional time and space, if this kind of thing is discovered, there is a high probability that all the people in the universe will be directly annihilated.

The more powerful a civilization is, the stingier it is with its core technology.

If you already have it, and you have equal power, then you can still have some technical exchanges, but if you don’t have it, but want to have it, and your power is not as strong as the other party, if you are caught, it will definitely be a fight.


The study of timelines, in the multiverse, is undoubtedly the cutting edge of the cutting edge, the core of the core, and is related to the subsequent sublimation route of civilization.

If this kind of technology is stolen by weak people, even just a little bit, it will be intolerable to civilization.

A strong civilization supports a weak civilization, allowing all civilizations to progress together and promote mutual growth. This kind of thing rarely occurs in the multiverse.

Zhao Cheng doesn't care about this matter. Regardless of whether he studies it or not, those civilizations will beat him to death unless he is willing to kneel down. In short, reconciliation is impossible.

In the future, either he will break the backbone of those civilizations, destroy their elites, collect their races, change their history, and make them become his own hawks and dogs for generations to come, or he will be beaten to death, and the real world and even the entire ancient world will be affected.

The universe has been cleaned cleanly.

As for why the three major civilizations built such a special space-time structure, it was naturally not for conducting experiments in such a place.

As far as Zhao Cheng knows, the civilization laboratories of the three major civilizations are much more advanced than the space-time battlefield. Every variable in them, even the trajectory of an atom, will be recorded to build a perfectly reproduced universe model.

, and then more and more variables will be introduced in turn to realize this technology in the natural environment.

The space-time battlefield is essentially not a laboratory, but a battlefield. It is the three major civilizations that apply technology to war.

As for technology, what determines its usage is not the technology itself. Just like nuclear technology, it can be used to destroy and solve energy problems.

Timeline technology can be used to sublimate civilization and defeat opponents.

When used in war, as long as three sufficiently stable civilization anchor points can be constructed at three points in time, the trinity in the concept of time can be achieved and a unique state can be simulated. Even if it is only a laboratory version, it cannot be applied in reality.

complex time state, but at that moment, there is no doubt about the power of the unique state.

In a trivial time, you can refine away all the redundant imprints of a space and time, leaving only the color of your own civilization.

If you don't go through this process, once someone else's color is mixed into the watchtower you build, even just a little bit can be exploited at a critical moment, causing very bad consequences.

The three immortals are currently fighting, and Zhao Chengcheng relies on the three immortals to fight in the air. The distance is too far, and he cannot control the overall situation in every detail. For example, the movement trajectory of every atom is recorded.


Relying on this lack of control, he completed two rounds of stowaways and constructed his own two lives side by side, two in one.

And just by standing side by side with the three generations, compared to the Trinity, which is still one level behind, Zhao Cheng has gained huge benefits.

As for many technical data, when it is data, it is just data. Only by replicating it can the real things and the secrets inside be truly revealed.

Just like the casting drawings of a sword, no matter how detailed the data is, it is just data. Only when combined with the exact material and environment can the true power of the sword be revealed.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng felt somewhat incomprehensible. If he had completed three lifetimes, the Trinity, and achieved the unique state of being at that moment, the experience of that moment would have subverted his understanding of life and practice.

Sexual progress comes out.

Compared to the changes in invisible things, the growth of power is secondary. No matter how huge the star is, it is only dead, but life is different. It melts all kinds of tangible and intangible things to build its own unique movement.

Logic, worldview, perspective, constantly sublimate and transform, see the world clearly, see yourself clearly, ever-changing, as big as the wilderness, as small as the dust, all the mysteries are in the heart, perfect and without delusion, and gain true freedom.

As for him, he has not yet attained the Tao. According to the universal practice system, he is not even a true high-dimensional life. He has already begun to contact the timeline, which seems too advanced.

But the reality is that the so-called practice system is just created by other powerful people. It is indeed useful, but it cannot cover everything.

Zhao Cheng's path has long since escaped from the framework drawn by others. He has only expanded his own size in all aspects, but has not solidified it.

If he is willing, high dimensions can be achieved at a snap of his finger, and creation can be verified with a single thought. In every aspect, he has already reached the target, but he is unwilling to do so, because the route established by the strong may not be absolutely correct.

The existing framework is to give the mediocre people hope for improvement, so that they will not be stuck in the same place and unable to find a way forward.

For some people, the road is always at their feet.

For Zhao Cheng, the biggest benefit of solidifying his own path is a huge increase in strength, but it does not improve much internally. On the contrary, it is a reduction, reducing his own possibilities.

Belonging is a way to overdraw the future in exchange for strength.

At this moment, feeling Wei Xuan from such a perspective, Zhao Cheng had a strong desire to build a space-time laboratory of his own in the future.

The more cutting-edge something is, the more you need to experience it yourself to truly understand its power.

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