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Chapter 1,023 Enough

Endless relevant information is interacting at this moment, colliding at this moment, dying at this moment, and Nirvana at this moment!

In an instant, many lights and shadows appeared on Zhao Cheng's body at the same time. There were giants with hundreds of heads and arms, a black dragon as huge as a galaxy, and ever-changing big fish. When they met water, they turned into fish, when they met air, they turned into birds, and when they met earth, they turned into animals.

Star spirits with planets as their bodies, cold steel, fiery lava...

More lives, even without flesh and blood at all, do not have genes in the conventional sense, but wherever there is something, there is a gene sequence!

The essence of gene sequences is the information structure that constitutes the material carried by living organisms.

If there is no genetic structure, people can be said to be just a bunch of protein and calcium, but pure protein and calcium can never represent people.

Before the raw materials are processed with design drawings, they are just a pile of materials. No matter how good the physical properties of the pair of materials are, they are just a pile of materials, which can only determine the lower limit, but the genetic sequence represents the upper limit.

After all, in terms of materials, the raw materials of people and dogs are actually very close, but in the final product, some dogs are smarter than people, and some people are not as smart as dogs, and of course, vice versa.

The sublimation of life is a process of constantly transforming oneself, and the practice of body and mind is a process of constantly optimizing the design.

As for raw materials, that is the realm of the physical body. Although Zhao Cheng has not broken through the limits of the universe in this regard, he has also relied on his unremitting efforts to refine his own raw materials into the universe. Relatively speaking,

The most stable substance.

Going one step further is to transcend the limits of the universe and create something transcendent.

This step is very easy if it involves high-dimensional factors.

Whether it is raw materials or design drawings, once high-dimensional factors are involved, even if it is cheating, it can easily reach a standard that exceeds the limits of the universe, but it will also cause distortion.

In terms of materials, Zhao Cheng has almost reached the end, but in terms of gene sequence, that is, structure, and the powerful system to control himself built from this structure, he has taken a step further at this moment.

Generally speaking, when reaching the high-dimensional stage, only cell-level control and remodeling are enough.

Recombine its own genetic fragments to create an ultra-limited genetic structure, break the balance restrictions of life in the laws of the universe, and achieve its own perfection even though the universe is still lacking.

The definition of perfection is very vague. What is perfection?!

When there is a sufficient concentration of high-dimensional factors that the low-dimensional universe does not have, that is perfection.

Using high-dimensional factors to make up for the lack of low-dimensionality is the most conventional way and the way with the greatest possibility of success.

In this case, the more powerful you are, the harder it is to achieve this, because the more powerful you are, the farther you can see, and the higher the requirements for perfection in your heart.

A child of a few years old may feel that it is perfect if he has a hundred yuan pocket money. But if he is a teenager, one hundred yuan is not enough. And if he is in his twenties, if you say this is perfect, you

Everyone will laugh...

Therefore, Zhao Cheng has exhausted the low-dimensional limits at this step, and even almost tried to prove the Tao with all his strength and deduce all possibilities.

Of course, all these possibilities refer to possibilities derived from Zhao Cheng himself.

Undoubtedly, the possibilities of the strong and the weak are different. The more they have, the more sufficient their knowledge reserves are and the more information they have. Based on this, the permutations and combinations derived are naturally of different magnitudes.

In practice, in some places you can copy the answers, but in some cases, you must understand them thoroughly and work out your own answers.

At this moment, in Zhao Cheng's mind, all aspects of knowledge about gene sequences that he had acquired along the way emerged at this moment, and the light and shadow on his body were changing faster and faster.

Later, we no longer even stick to life in the conventional sense. Sometimes, scrolls of mountains and rivers appear, and sometimes, giant wheels and long swords appear...

Here, the numerous experimental data that Zhao Cheng harvested in the imperial dungeon can be said to be important nutrients for his current achievements.

Indeed, the gains from the Empire copy accounted for less than 10% of the total progress, but this 10% was not that Zhao Cheng obtained the answers to some advanced civilizations out of thin air, but that he once

Repeated experiments, rounds of restarting civilization, relying on the foundation of the empire and the variable of doomsday, almost applying all of their own understanding of life in various experiments, thus promoting the progress bit by bit.


In the imperial dungeon, he opened laboratories one after another in the starry sky and created various mythical beings.

And in some laboratories, various extraordinary organs are arranged and combined to turn into supernatural powers, Taoism, witchcraft, and even weapons... Life is inherently infinite, and there is no such thing as that.


More than thirty rounds of restarts, with a total time span of a thousand years, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to it, but he was still stuck. It was not until the past, when two lives stood side by side, and he looked back from a more mysterious perspective that he grasped the ray of freedom that broke through the restrictions.


In a daze, he retraveled the path of exploration in his own mind.

I remember that in the earliest days, he was still very weak. Although he had received extraordinary opportunities, he was still an ant, with a fate of dust, trapped in real life.

Until I raised enough 300 simulation points, I exchanged it for the Coward's Savior. Although this name was extracted from the sea of ​​information by the panel and recognized by the most people, in fact, its official name is Cornerstone of God.

It means the beginning of the road to becoming a god!

Zhao Cheng clearly remembered that he had a huge dream that night. In the dream, he returned to the beginning of ancient times and briefly experienced the process of life from scratch to the birth of the first great ape.

The evolution of life in the natural state is destined to be tedious, long and cruel. A natural selection and survival of the fittest explain everything. If you don't change and adapt to the environment, then die!

This is the order given by the natural world.

But what kind of life form is called adaptation?

Is it in genetic inheritance to achieve genetic immortality by passing on genetic information from generation to generation?!

Or is it that it exists forever?!

Most lives choose to pass on from generation to generation, but only a very small number choose the latter.

The result of the former is the crazy evolution of life, which is constantly updated. As for the reason, naturally, the evolutionary instinct of life is not to seek the best, but to have enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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