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Chapter 1027: Brainstorming

At the same time, many forum websites are opening posts like crazy and building buildings. Some people are talking about what kind of abilities they have gained.

It emits red light, some emits green light, but it is not colorful, because once the spectrum is mixed, it will turn into other colors.

At the same time, there are also differences in brightness.

Therefore, in a very short period of time, a chain of contempt has begun to form on the Internet, or in other words, a group of people started quarreling over each other.

Some people say that these abilities of emitting light, generating heat, and generating electricity are useless. The light emitting is not as good as a small flashlight with strong light, the heat is not as good as a flamethrower, and the electricity generation is not as good as an electric baton. It is not as good as their physical strengthening ability. That is a real improvement in strength.


So, someone quickly refuted it. The epidermis has become tougher, no better than a bulletproof vest, and the strength has become greater. Do you need a crane to move things? And the nails have become hard and sharp. Do you want to use this to cut vegetables?

As for fighting, I bet you can't move faster than a bullet within seven steps.

Whether you are strong or not is only a temporary matter, and whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter. You may think that I can only make a small flame, but when I light a cigarette with my bare hands, I am so handsome that there is no rival...

As they clamored, the style of painting began to distort. A group of people began to use their imaginations to develop abilities, such as emitting light, turning it into interference light, and achieving invisibility. If it reaches a certain intensity in the future, it will be a natural disaster level.

Directly reversing the sun's rays and starting the end of the world, this is the seed of the true natural disaster ability.

There is also heat generation. Some people say that the essence of this ability is actually the transfer of energy. If it is exploited deeply enough, it can melt the earth with a single movement, or even transfer all the heat out, creating an absolute zero and freezing world.

And the ability of electric current has been directly linked to electromagnetic force by a group of people. It is believed that if this ability is continuously developed, in the future, it will be possible to control the four basic forces and become the true god of the universe...

Sun Mingxuan browsed quickly, and his heart felt so big that he didn't know where it came from.

Only talking about nature without talking about quantity, quality, and control is not a hooliganism.

For example, electric current, everyone has bioelectricity, and I have never seen anyone directly control electromagnetic force through this. There is also heat. Aren't human cells always generating heat? Now the power has just increased.

As for luminescence, you only have a light bulb and you think that you can reverse all the sunlight in the future. Is this too arrogant?!

Sun Mingxuan was distracted at this time and had already discovered something, that is, wherever energy seemed to be involved, the energy that was born was insoluble in the spirit.

For example, it can emit light, but it is impossible to condense the emitted light into a beam, or to make it refract in the air and change its phase, so that it can simply emit light.

It seems that they are of the energy type, but in fact, they are still of the physical type.

He had also heard Zhao Cheng redefine the path of cultivation. Zhao Cheng had said many things about energy, the most important of which was that energy was controlled by the spirit.

Fortunately, not everyone has entered the fantasy time. There are also some people who are discussing the strange dreams they had before and believe that the emergence of abilities is related to dreams.

Some people also suspected that this matter was caused by the demon god.

Although Zhao Cheng's external image is very gentle, on the surface, he looks like a good young man of the new era. Except when he was younger, his temper was relatively hot at that time, and apart from destroying a few people, his subsequent public image

, still very kind.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng's reputation has always been good, and he is occasionally made fun of.

But as Zhao Cheng caused more and more things, and they got bigger and bigger, maybe at a certain moment, or at certain moments, someone was finally pleasantly surprised and understood what a great being that person was.

So I started to be in awe.

Sun Mingxuan witnessed this transformation process with his own eyes. His attitude changed from casual to awe-inspiring. Zhao Cheng was not involved in the whole process. However, when people treat this name, nowadays, it is rare that they call him by his first name, and even more so.

Most of them are honorifics.

Originally, according to reason, the memory of the Internet has its limits. For example, Sun's original sword-fighting incident should have been forgotten long ago, but because another participant in it was Zhao.

OK, so he was pulled out and whipped to death because he had nothing to do.

In this situation, Sun Mingxuan felt that if the legends in this world could be condensed into a person, he might be directly promoted to the second place in the world in an instant.

As for whether this matter had anything to do with Zhao Cheng, Sun Mingxuan felt that it did, but what the relationship was, he couldn't quite imagine.

As for the dream part, the content is varied. Some people only dreamed of endless fire. Most of the people who said this part said that their abilities were flames. Some people dreamed of a war between giant beasts.

, there are only sporadic fragments, and I don’t know whether it’s because they forgot it after waking up, or because their dreams are inherently discontinuous.

Only a very few people say a word or two that their dreams are very long.

Just flipping through the pages and looking at the content in the forum, Sun Mingxuan's experience in the dream, many blurry pictures began to become clear.

At the same time, from these pictures, he absorbed and refined a lot of valuable spiritual information, which was digested and absorbed by his spiritual world, causing his spiritual realm to grow at an incredible speed.

The last time a similar situation occurred, he was enlightened in the ancient game. At that time, he made a special copy and played chess with a remnant soul named Tianjizi. He played a game of chess for thirty-three days. In the end, he

Enlightenment is the only way to win half the battle.

And during this process, his browsing speed not only did not decrease, but became faster and faster. His dreams were constantly completed through the contents of dreams revealed by others.

Finally, he saw a message, "It seemed that when I looked up at the stars in my dream, I saw a sun, a human-shaped sun. I'm not sure if that's my hysteria..."

Seeing these words, Sun Mingxuan's mental world suddenly thundered.

He finally remembered the key that he had always forgotten. In the original place of life, in dreams, the sun that illuminated the world, boiled the oceans, and promoted the birth of the first life was not a star, but Zhao Cheng.

A little coolness emerged from his heart.

He vaguely understood the reason why everyone gained superpowers.

This is the result of Zhao Cheng. It is so powerful that it can distort the universe and even tamper with the history of life, using the source to tamper with the origin of life!

What kind of merit can have such great power?

Sun Mingxuan suddenly jumped up from the bed and opened the curtains. The stars outside the window were bright and shining with endless starlight. However, in a trance, Sun Mingxuan seemed to see a face, replacing the original starry sky, looking down at the entire world.

Subconsciously, he took half a step back, regained his composure, laughed a few times, then closed the curtains, wrapped himself in a quilt, and fell asleep again.

If you're tired, it's better to sleep...

This chapter has been completed!
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