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Chapter 1050 Overlord


Fifteen shadows connected to Zhao Ben himself, a total of sixteen figures, all shot at the same time at this moment. The terrifying power was extremely compressed, and finally burst out suddenly in an incalculable amount of time.

The endless electric light covered the sky and the earth, making it impossible for anyone to see the scene inside. All life within a radius of dozens of kilometers was prostrate on the ground, shivering.

Looking from a distance, it seems that a white-purple sun has risen on the edge of the earth.

In a distant place, in an underground base hundreds of meters deep, the former losers and the last survivors were all dumbfounded, looking at the war between the aberrant beasts on the ground.

Since the earth turned into wasteland, the era of humans has passed. Instead, the ancient law of evolution has awakened again, and this time, evolution no longer loves humans, but loves monsters more.

Regarding Zhulong, the survivors have always been marked with emphasis.

This is because they want to use this research to stand at the top of the food chain again, and even use this to counterattack the empire.

Of course, counterattacking the empire is just a beautiful fantasy.

In the past, their country did have the power to keep pace with the empire, but at that time, it had half the world's resources and some special extraordinary sequence.

As for now, I need resources but not resources, I need extraordinary but not extraordinary. The reason why I still have this thought is just because people need to have hope to live, no matter how ethereal it is.

In this case, because of the distance problem, Zhulong, the overlord of this area, became the focus of the survivors.

The evolutionary direction of Zhulong is also in line with their ideas. The solid body, strong control and development of radiation energy, compared with those flashy mutations, in the eyes of the survivors, this is undoubtedly the right path. In the direction of evolution.

Some people even believe that if they can master the secret of the candle dragon, maybe everyone can achieve the super evolution of life.

But such a powerful Zhulong was now beaten by a mouse and seemed to be beaten to death.

It is simply unscientific that ordinary electrical abilities can be developed to such a level.

The survivors who witnessed this battle felt that their outlook on life had been refreshed.

"I'm reminded of a movie from the old days. There seems to be a very good mouse in it, and that mouse also raised four very good turtles..."

Some survivors murmured.

"It seems that the mouse in the movie is a mutant of an ordinary mouse, and it can also speak human language."

"By the way, so does the turtle."

"I've also seen this movie, but the style of painting is completely different. The mice in the movie mutate and become immortals, but in real life, after the mice mutate, they look like bullies..."

After a brief silence, there was a small discussion among the survivors.

After so many years after the war, they had seen mutant beasts in various styles, but they had never seen such a hero among rats and an overlord among rats.

They can clearly feel that domineering temperament through the screen.

"I feel that the martial arts displayed by the mouse seem to be very suitable for humans. No, I don't know if you have noticed that this mouse walks on two legs. It cannot be the case. It has acquired human martial arts information..."

Someone suddenly said.

Everyone had not paid attention before, but now after this reminder, they finally thought of this most critical issue.

No normal mouse can walk on two legs.

However, before everyone could have a more in-depth discussion on this issue, in the horrified eyes of many people, Zhao Cheng turned into a ball of fluid and merged into the remains of Zhulong.

Then, the already dead Zhulong actually started to move again. The splattered blood, pieces of flesh, and all the materials on the Zhulong's body were condensed into a ball at this moment.

Soon, the hill formed by Zhulong's flesh and blood began to shrink, and then, the outer titanium alloy mutant metal cells quickly lost their luster and turned black.

More than ten minutes later, the flesh and blood hill seemed to have experienced hundreds of years, as if it had lost all its essence, giving people a strong sense of decay.

Finally, under the gaze of many people, the hill slowly opened, and a ten-meter-tall creature standing on two legs, looking like a giant rat made of silver, walked out of the hill.

Everyone could clearly see the muscle lines on the giant rat's body that were filled with a sense of powerful strength. What was even more mysterious was that the opponent's flesh and blood seemed to be flowing and not truly solid.

As for the head, it still looks like a mouse, but it gives people the feeling of a tiger. If it weren't for the tail behind it that looks like it's made of steel, no one would have thought at first glance that it was actually a mouse.

Zhao Cheng is breathing, even though he does not have the organ of lungs now, in fact, it is his spirit that is breathing.

After absorbing the Zhulong, his life condition was better than ever.

In a short period of time, his cancer cells had reached a hundred generations, and every cell was filled with incredible vitality.

Now, all his bones are made of titanium alloy, and as for his flesh and blood, they are all cells that can absorb strong nuclear radiation energy.

And vaguely, Zhao Cheng seemed to have a glimpse of the end of the electric field push. A new world, a new field, was right in front of him.

The only thing that limits him is nothing else, but that his carrier is not strong enough, which limits the qualitative change of his power.

However, all this is not far away.

After that, Zhao Cheng walked directly to the uranium rod under the horrified eyes of many people, grabbing and swallowing it. He swallowed about one percent of the uranium rod that was more than 20 meters high and three meters thick.


You know, even the candle dragon can only coil around it and absorb radiation, but dare not directly eat this thing as food, but Zhao Cheng did it.

As the high-concentration uranium was swallowed, Zhao Cheng's cells immediately suffered necrosis under the high-concentration radiation. Even if his cells could absorb the radiation, there was a limit to this radiation.

But Zhao Cheng didn't care, because while the cells were dying, new cells were constantly dividing and adapting to this intensity very quickly.

At the same time, after eating the candle dragon, Zhao Cheng clearly felt some kind of strange network. He had vaguely sensed this thing before, but because the life was not strong enough, he could not clearly sense it.

Only now did he clearly feel this strange network derived from the fluctuations of life!

And he killed Zhulong and became the well-deserved overlord of the local area network in this area!

Therefore, without hesitation, Zhao Cheng launched a call for powerful beings in this area.

This chapter has been completed!
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