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Chapter 1060 Karma Fire

Zhao Cheng didn't know what the emperor was thinking, nor what the princess was thinking. When the battleship first arrived, he was invincible and didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

Then, the enemy came from heaven.

It was normal for the enemy to come. He had expected it, but he had not expected that this enemy in the sky would cheat!

In fact, when he came to this time and space, he knew a rough idea of ​​this time and space, but he only knew a rough idea.

How many things can you see when you take a sudden glance?

When the empire first entered the starry sky, its technological capabilities were not low. This can be seen from the fact that it can immigrate to the starry sky.

But directly modifying physical constants, even if it is limited to a small area, and only modifying a few key constants, is there any difference between this technology and directly modifying the game data of Earth OL?!

The speed of development of this technology is too ridiculous.

It was as if he, Zhao Caesar Rat, rose up from playing with a mouse ball and finally occupied the earth and became the top of the food chain. But when he looked up, the Trisolaran fleet arrived...

Although he also cheated, it was only a small amount of talent cheating. He was able to get to where he is now because of his crazy fighting and fighting all the way, which is why he has reached his current status in the world.

Zhao Cheng clearly felt that as several key constants were rewritten, his originally strong magnetic field began to become silent. Under normal circumstances, once the magnetic field became silent, the cells that he had forcibly suppressed and squeezed would almost rebel.

It is inevitable.

But because the constants of material motion have also been modified, it reflects on him, but he can no longer move, only his spirit is still active.

The whole world seemed to have turned into a solid solid state at this moment, and he was like a bug frozen in amber, without any possibility of resistance.

But, is this really the case?!

Zhao Cheng remained motionless as he looked up at the sky.

At the same time, eight golden spheres flew out of the brilliant battleship in the sky that looked like the kingdom of God. This was an eternal cage developed by the empire, which could freeze everything in the cage, even time.

But there is a price. Once the cage is released, the time that has passed will come back in an instant.

Deep underground, because it is not within the scope of constant modification, the base is intact. Otherwise, this one step would be enough to paralyze the entire base. However, through the observation of ultra-long-distance cameras, some scholars among the survivors are still

I vaguely guessed what happened.

This powerful technological power gives them only despair.

The gap between them and the empire was even greater than they originally expected.

The absolute truth shattered all the illusions everyone had.

Not even a single Imperial person showed up, just a battleship flying across the sky suppressed all resistance.

Zhao Cheng felt the indescribable heaviness, but he recalled the time and space in the future, and his own experiences. This moment was exactly like that moment.

This world seems to have always been like this. The powerful absolutely dominate the weak. Resistance is powerless. Freedom never exists. The cold order is like a heavy lock, locking everything.

In fact, this is also the reason why I created the method of pursuing absolute freedom like this.

At that time, when the Dharma was first established, he was born as a rat and had little material support. Facing the enemy who was about to kill him, what he felt was not fear, but heaviness. Is this kind of thing reasonable?

Indeed, for nature, this makes perfect sense.

But free will should not be constrained by the word "reasonable".

It's just that pure free will cannot achieve freedom without the support of strength. True freedom can only be achieved by linking will to strength.

This is where the initial driving force of electric current comes from.

On the surface, this is a materialistic power, but in fact, it is an idealistic power. It is the soul, the root, and the incomplete evolutionary sequence. All these things are mixed together, mixed with Zhao Cheng's initial resistance to the cold order.

Not crazy, not live!

Since the world does not give the weak the time and opportunity to accumulate strength, then they will go crazy.

There is no need to think or hesitate, just follow your instinct and ignite yourself. Although the result will be broken into pieces, you must go against the trend.

There is no doubt that Zhao Cheng's method is a naked magic method.

But in this cold and cruel world, the only way is to fight violence with violence, and to fight magic with magic!

An ancient emperor said that if the whole world rebels, then he will kill everyone in the world; but if he really pushes people to the extreme, the final outcome will not be the death of the whole world, but the trampling of all the bones of the princes in the street, and the emperor hanging on the old tree.


Anger can make a timid old farmer pick up a dung fork and stab a once-high-ranking adult to death. It can also make a timid man brandish a butcher knife against the perpetrator...

This is the anger from the weak. Weakness does not mean lack of strength.

In fact, his power from beginning to end is not about getting stronger as he fights, but about subverting the inherent strength and weakness!

Who says tigers must be stronger than rabbits?!

Who said rats can only be at the bottom of the food chain?!

This is why, even though he is so powerful, he still doesn't talk about turning into a human form, but maintains his original rat form.

Some people say that all things are not created equal, and accepting your fate is the only option.

Some people also say to resist!

Thoughts jump like light and fire.

Little bits of electric light flashed from Zhao Cheng's body, but they were very faint and not obvious. Even if you look carefully, you will wonder if you are hallucinating.

After all, if awareness is useful, then why do you need strength?

Pure awareness is indeed useless, but when such awareness is linked to the source of power, everything will never be the same again.

call out!

The eight golden spheres flew very fast and quickly arrived in front of Zhao Cheng. The eight spheres were like the eight corners of a cube. They were outlined at the speed of light and framed Zhao Cheng inside.

But at this moment, first there was a flash of lightning, and then, the magnetic light like the sun suddenly burst out, unprecedentedly bright and blazing, and the crazy will seemed to be filled with the energy pouring out from the depths of hell.

Karma fire.

Free will itself is free, and anyone who gets in the way is an enemy, a relentless enemy!

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's powerful will escaped, and in an instant, it infected all the giant beasts on the earth. At first, they were still struggling between instinctive will and free will, and later they were frightened by the battleship.

But at this moment, when the free will is ignited, they put aside all unfreedom and move directly towards the most authentic self.

They roar, they cheer, even if the outcome of the next moment is complete destruction.

On the other side, whether they were the survivors hiding underground or the people of the empire high in the sky, everyone looked at the sun exploding on the earth in shock.

How can this be?!

This chapter has been completed!
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