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Chapter 1,107 Tianyuan Fragments

There is not much useful information in the light spots, but if you think about it carefully, there is actually quite a lot.

Take Tianyuan for example. Zhao Chengcheng previously exchanged a prop from Tianyuan, the Perfect Life Card, which has the power to directly reshape the world.

Although it is said in the introduction that this is something used to defraud funds, it can also be seen from this how powerful the civilization called Tianyuan is.

Compared to the theory that the Infinite Earth is the Dao Fruit of the Dimension Demon God, Zhao Cheng is more inclined to the explanation of the Tianyuan Fragments.

Because Zhao Cheng's understanding of cultivation is a fragment of the Dao Fruit of the Dimensional Demon God, even if it is just a fragment, it should not only penetrate all parallel time and space, but also penetrate all timelines.

In other words, at any point in time, infinite land will exist.

But obviously, in his time, there was no infinite land.

Zhao Cheng recognized this because he came from the present time point, but the lives in future time and space, due to the fog, had the wrong understanding that the infinite land would always exist.

After all, the fog not only cuts off the years, but also obscures the past.

On the contrary, it is fragments of Tianyuan. Zhao Cheng thinks it is more likely. The reason is also very simple. Things from Tianyuan have been refreshed in his exchange shop.

As for the functional mechanism of its own panel, it is to extract the information in the dimension, supplement it with energy, and combine the two to create a void creation that reproduces those things that once existed.

The exchange of the panel is a replica, not a fabrication out of thin air.

Zhao Cheng has known this for a long time.

Since he can refresh Tianyuan's things, it proves that there are traces of Tianyuan's existence in the dimensional space and time.

In addition, there is Daluotian, and his ten pillars of the road are derived from Daluotian's basic modules.

Previously, Zhao Benchen thought that this Daluotian was the same as the ancient Supreme Daluotian, but now that he knew more and more, he suspected that it was just the same name.

But so far, Zhao Cheng has not found traces of Da Luotian from the copy or reality.

Instead, it was the sea mentioned in Da Luotian's basic module that he saw in the future.

In the future world, the dimension of time and space is indeed like the sea, and Daluotian is another civilization in the sea, but something happened to fall into this dimension and was captured by his panel.

As for where the things from Daluotian fell in this dimension, there are too many possibilities.

Maybe it's the future, maybe it's the past.

This dimension is very abnormal. In ancient times, it was said that the Taoist was the strongest. He became Taoist before the creation of the world. After the creation of the world, he preached to all sentient beings and became the Taoist.

Think about it from another angle, is Tao Zun an outsider, coming from other seas, for example, Daluotian...

Later, when Tao Zun turned around, there were rumors that Dao Zun saw the disaster in the future, so he sacrificed his life to cut off the tribulation and give the world a continuation.

There are also legends that the Tao Master simply left and returned to his own place.

But in the legend of future time and space, dimension time and space is the Dimension Demon God himself. The Dimension Demon God was born at the same time as the dimension was derived, and everything that exists is a part of the Dimension Demon God.

And this world does have traces left by the Dimension Demon God.

Unless the Dimension Demon God and Dao Zun are the same person.

In addition, Zhao Cheng is now somewhat unable to judge whether the stable time anchor in future time and space is due to the end of the world or whether it is suppressed by the Tianyuan fragment.

Originally, in a dimension, there could only be one time anchor called the present, and there could only be one.

Now there are two, which are undoubtedly huge disturbances.

The reason why the path to the beginning of this era is cut off is because looking back from the time and space anchor point of this era, after exceeding the scope of the anchor point's binding power, going back is not the past, but has not been determined.

s future".

The original normal time structure should be past, present, and future, with the three sections following each other.

But now, it has become, past, present, future, past, present, future.

Looking at Zhao Cheng's current understanding, we can understand the horror of the infinite land. An infinite land will create a prosperity of spiritual practice in future time and space, far exceeding that in the past.

This was not what Zhao Cheng saw with his own eyes, but Zhao Cheng sensed many things from the memory information of the light spot.

Not to mention anything else, even if a life just sees the infinite land every day and engraves its shape and spirit in the heart bit by bit, even if it is incapable of spiritual practice at the beginning and has dull talent, over time, it will naturally become

He is a peerless genius and has learned extremely powerful methods from it.

Even Zhao Cheng himself used the memory information of light spots to describe the existence of the infinite earth twice. In an instant, thousands of magical secrets were derived from his spiritual world.

However, with this alone, Zhao Cheng was unable to transfer the issue of time anchor from the doomsday to the infinite land.

But since it is the earth, why is it above?!

In addition, it is also possible that the source of the doomsday is the infinite earth, and the two themselves are one.

Perhaps Tianyuan was broken because of the master of the doomsday power. One of the fragments contaminated with the doomsday factor fell into the future of this dimension. Its powerful essence forcibly bound a section of time and space that had not yet been bound. As a result, the dimensional world was

Completely transformed.

In the distant past, Tao Zun, a visitor from the outside world, discovered this, so he came to the future and turned into a dimensional demon, trying to solve the problem of the doomsday, but he failed.

And perhaps because he, like Dao Zun, is an outsider in this dimension of time and space, all the remaining power of Dao Zun was condensed into himself and turned into his own panel.

If we use this kind of thinking, it seems that many problems can be explained clearly. For example, it seems that only such a strong person can create the eternal and only skill of raising a sword.

But there are also things that cannot be explained. That is, the strength of the panel is clearly extremely restrained. If this is really the remaining power of Dao Zun after his defeat, Dao Zun with such power will not be able to do it at all.

May be defeated.

In addition, there is also the near-zero dimension, in the murals, another Sky Empire, another self...

In this vast dimension of time and space, what kind of role does he occupy, what kind of role is Tao Zun, and the end of the world, as well as the mysterious Sword Ancestor...

The more he knew, the more Zhao Cheng vaguely grasped the context. At the same time, he had more and more doubts.

At the beginning, when he only knew the Sword Ancestor, Zhao Cheng always felt that this Sword Ancestor had a big problem. But now, Taoist Master, Dimensional Demon God, future time and space, Tianyuan fragments... all kinds of things came out at the same time. Zhao Cheng only felt,

There seems to be a problem with everyone.

In addition, those strong men in ancient times formed an alliance to cut off the path of cultivation and extract the reality of the world. Although Zhao Cheng and those strong men were not familiar with each other, Zhao Cheng always had the idea that they were targeting him.


As for those strong men, did they foresee the opportunity in themselves, or did they say that some of the strong men in ancient times had defected to the doomsday party, or that Dao Zun was not actually dead yet, and with the help of ancient

Strong men, come to plot your own...

This chapter has been completed!
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