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Chapter 1,114 Interest

In terms of direction, the World Federation is also exploring now. Therefore, while the Federation is exploring the stars, developing the moon, and conducting live broadcasts for all, it is also exploring new directions.

Continuously exploring the stars is ultimately just a temporary solution.

When the first alien life base is built, the whole people may cheer, but when ten or a hundred are built, the reaction of more people will definitely be: "Oh! This is it..."

Throughout the history of civilization, it is always rising in cycles of reincarnation. Even the Universal Federation still finds it difficult to escape from this cyclical rate.

But the doomsday world in the sky, or the changing trend of the future, provides a new direction.

Many times, the highest catalyst for a civilization’s growth and leap is not concentrating on resources and development, but war!

Thinking of this, Zhao Dong couldn't help but smile. Suddenly he felt a little dizzy, thinking about the heavy war so easily.

However, when he looked at the sky and saw the doomsday world getting closer and closer, he knew that war was not his frivolous imagination, but a destined necessity.

On the way to growth, people need training to grow, and the same is true for civilization.

In the midst of these complicated thoughts, the magnetic levitation power skateboard under his feet stopped firmly on a platform on the top of a high-rise building that was about the size of a square.

This power skateboard is indeed a high-tech technology, but it can only be used in the urban ecosystem. After the energy problem is solved, the entire city has achieved full coverage of unlimited charging. As for the skateboard, he is not actually controlling it.

, but the mastermind of the city. What he did was just set an end point.

However, despite this, he still felt that this thing was very fun.

This is why, compared to older people, young people have moved into the urban ecosystem earlier.

Older people probably stay in the same place because they are nostalgic and don't want to move, but young people undoubtedly prefer new things.

What's more, in the old days, working outside meant wandering around, but now it's just a change to a better place.

This trend of thought has also made the bigger the city once, the greater the impact, because the people working in the service industry have been exhausted. As for the biggest advantage of big cities in medical and educational resources, it is not as good as that of newly built cities.


On the contrary, in some small places, especially in rural areas, many elderly people cannot leave their hometown and still stay in their original place.

But without young people, the demise of these places is just a matter of time.

After the skateboard stopped, Zhao Dong used his watch to open a special locker and stored the skateboard inside.

The super urban ecosystem, seen from a high place, looks like a huge steel jungle. Due to lighting problems, people's daily activities are all placed at the highest point. No one can live below the fifth floor.

There are various machines that maintain the operation of the city, and the only ones driving on the ground are various resource transport vehicles.

Even so, there are still many people who like to run to the lowest road to see the scenery. For example, Zhao Dong likes to put himself in the torrent of steel and look up at the world...

Also due to lighting issues, not all high-rise buildings are of the same height, but in order to achieve the best lighting effect, the height and size of each high-rise building are specially designed.

As for the roofs of the buildings, there are also wide bridges made of transparent high-strength glass that can go back and forth.

After Zhao Dong put down his skateboard, he went straight to a spacious and bright cafe. Along the way, there were quite a few men and women coming and going, mostly young people.

At the same time, what can be seen with the naked eye is that everyone is in a very good state of mind, and there is almost no tired person to be found.

After all, there is no so-called work in the urban ecosystem, or in other words, work is not necessary. Some people are indeed studying and doing things, but they do this not for wages, but for interest.

If you like stories, write some of your own and post them online.

When writing out of interest, the works become more spiritual. The only problem is that without the desire for royalties, a large number of internal managers have emerged. Once interest arises, they will go out to purchase items after a while.

If he loses interest, he just hangs it out in the palace.

The reader thought it was good, gritted his teeth, and swore never to read his new book. However, when the eunuch opened a new book, he still rushed over eagerly because it smelled so good.

After all, the eunuch is a real eunuch, and if it is well written, it is also really good.

The same goes for those who like other things, such as DIY, knife forging, refurbishing old items, etc.

As long as your hobbies are not too exaggerated or anti-human, you can always put your time and energy into things that interest you.

As far as knife forging is concerned, in the urban ecosystem, there is really no place to do this kind of thing at the beginning, but as long as you first establish a fan club, attract enough people, and inject enough funds into the capital pool, you will be able to do it immediately.

It can unlock the workshop option. Generally speaking, with the power of the machine, the site layout can be completed in half a day.

If you don't like playing with other people, you can do it alone. You just need to accumulate points for a period of time and set up a small workshop, which is easy.

Under such a situation, coupled with the city's medical system, if you can't cheer up, it's not normal.

If we did not look at the world from a historical perspective, but only looked at the world from a personal perspective, today's Universal Federation would be simply perfect.

This is why some people think that there is no need to go to the doomsday world to save people, they can just destroy them and the world together.

Since life is so beautiful, don’t look for trouble.

Of course, such a trend of thought was only before the raid version of Information Doomsday was opened. After the raid version was opened, such voices were almost invisible.

Contact with the NPCs in the doomsday world in the dungeon aroused human empathy.

At this moment, Zhao Dong was walking and listening to the goings-on around him. What he heard was not only where the food was delicious and where the fun was, but more importantly, they were talking about the information apocalypse world.

Some people are telling their companions how they were tricked to death by the weird things in the doomsday dungeon, while others are happily talking about how they saved the people in a small gathering place...

At the same time, there are also people who are angry, thinking that they have clearly performed so well, but they have not been qualified to become a civilized expeditionary force.

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