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Chapter 1,217 The Way of Huang Tian

But when they were far away, a person suddenly came over in a hurry and reported the situation.

The visitor's name was Xu You, he was in his early thirties, and he was once a captain in Huang Tian's army. However, in the previous battle, by the time Zhao Cheng found the opponent, one of his arms was already necrotic, and even if Zhao Cheng had not

Medical treatment is not available, but if the injury is delayed for a few days, his life will be in danger.

In the military, if you lose an arm, you will undoubtedly be disabled.

In peacetime, if someone was injured on the job, he would usually change his department and get a casual position. But now, Huang Tian was defeated and he was a disabled person. It was very difficult to survive. Being marginalized was inevitable.

However, Zhao Cheng took a fancy to the other party's ability to read and digitize.

Indeed, in this era, only by memorizing the books of sages can one be considered a scholar, but Zhao Cheng also knew that he had no chance to choose at the moment.

Just being able to read and write is enough to surpass 99% of people in this era.

Let's just say that among the nearly three thousand soldiers and horses of Huang Tian's remnants he gathered, only thirty of them could read and write.

And among the more than 30 people who are literate, about one-third are literate, but their thinking is very rigid and inflexible. This is also inevitable under the constraints of thinking.

In this world, even if ordinary people are lucky enough to know some words, unless they are talented and intelligent to a certain level, otherwise, they are just studying hard. The more they study, the more stubborn they become.

It is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son, not only because of the visible differences in resources, but more importantly, the intangible teachings through words and deeds.

It's not impossible to reverse the solidified thinking, but it requires time. What Zhao Cheng lacks most at the moment is time, and he can't waste it in this regard.

Therefore, the only way to do this was to select a dozen or so people who were more flexible in their thinking among these thirty people, and reluctantly construct the initial "political system".

The so-called integration of military and political affairs does not mean that there is a government within the military and a military within the government, but that the two are independent and controlled by one person. This is the unity.

Just like in the imperial court, civil and military affairs are separated, and in the end the emperor is in charge of everything.

And if the military and government are mixed, it will be chaos and collapse is not far away.

As for what is the military and what is politics, the military is strength, and it is people and horses. As for politics, it is money, food and other logistics, the promotion and demotion of officers, rewards and punishments, and so on.

Therefore, the imperial court has six departments: officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and work. These six departments are the government, and they are used to control the army.

Zhao Cheng is now preparing for a rainy day. Although he has less than three thousand soldiers and horses, and has not even occupied a village or county, but is temporarily hiding in the mountains, his vision is extremely far-sighted.

If you have an army but no government, you can fight but cannot rule. Even if a city is conquered, it cannot be run. Let the food grow bigger and more, and the soldiers and horses bigger and more numerous. By then, even if you occupy a lot of cities, you will not be able to manage them.

Its own strength is constantly being consumed.

This was the case with Huang Tiandao in the past. When it first started, it was almost at its peak. In just a few years, it had swept the world. But after its peak, its power was constantly being consumed and could not be effectively replenished.

Huang Tiandao is not a mediocre person, but when Huang Tiandao sweeps the world, many things are no longer within his control.

But what Zhao Cheng was thinking about was taking advantage of the fact that no one could control him for the time being, and all the power was in his own hands, so he could take advantage of this opportunity to build the prototype of a political system first.

When this system matures, it will continue to recruit new people and replicate this model.

This model can be regarded as a continuation of the world's original system. There are changes, but it has not been subverted. If it is too far ahead of the times, it will be backlashed by the times. This is an unbreakable truth.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng made some streamlined changes based on the six parts.

Some of the rights, such as the appointment and removal of officials corresponding to the powers of the Ministry of Personnel, the rewards and punishments of the seal by the Ministry of Punishment, and the control of the army corresponding to the Ministry of War, are still held by Zhao Cheng, while other parts are limited by conditions, such as the household registration of the Ministry of Households.

, taxation, the construction of the Ministry of Industry, and the various rituals of the Ministry of Rites, that is, spiritual construction, have been put on the agenda.

Xu Yue was a Taoist official promoted by Zhao Cheng, who corresponded to the functions of the Ministry of Rites. He had six literate people under him.

Currently, these people are mainly studying the Way of Huang Tian.

The Way of Huang Tian is a name that is more in line with the painting style of this era and is easily accepted by people of this era. If we use a more modern term, it can be called Huang Tian spirit or Huang Tianism.

Its foundation is to start from the fundamentals and always adhere to the path with Huang Tiandangli as the core.

In addition, and more importantly, always insist on the Huangtian Way with General Yingtian as the core. Only General Yingtian can lead everyone to victory.

Finally, even in Huang Tian's explanation, Zhao Cheng did not engage in anything that was too profound or too mysterious. At the same time, considering the characteristics of people in this era, the content was not advanced.

There is no such thing as opening one's mouth for the sake of the common people in the world, and keeping one's mouth closed for the sake of universal unity. These are too far away from ordinary people in this era.

Huang Tian's core is simple and unpretentious, and the sky has no way. Huang Tian replaces it. Follow Huang Tian, ​​there are fields to take, food to eat, and enough to eat. I only hope that everyone under Huang Tian will have a mouthful of food, and there will be no bones on the road...

The so-called human heart means that if you give people an idea again and again, if it is done many times and for a long time, people will naturally be convinced.

This is how human hearts are cultivated.

Zhao Cheng did not follow the example of Taoist Huang Tian, ​​who asked everyone to chant sutras together. That would be too empty and empty. It is not that it has no effect, but that the effect is not enough.

Zhao Cheng's plan is to let a few smarter people learn first, and when they have completed their studies, they will go to the army to teach officers, and then reward and punish them based on their learning performance.

Even in the military, if your official position exceeds a certain level, you must achieve academic success within a certain period of time. If you can't, the time will be extended. If you still can't, you won't be promoted. You can wait until a period of time before coming back. Those who don't agree with this concept,

It becomes gradually marginalized.

Even, in the end, each guard was assigned a Taoist official from the Ministry of Rites to preach the Tao of Huang Tian.

The so-called Taoist officials are officials who explain principles to people.

Zhao Cheng attaches great importance to "rituals".

"General, my subordinates believe that the previous plan can be put on the agenda. The general's explanation of Huang Tianzhi is easy to understand, even for illiterate people. Although Wu Yu, Sun Yi and others are a little dull,

, but after so many days, I have already remembered all of them in my heart. Not only do I know what to say, I can also barely do it..."

Xu Yue spoke eloquently.

"With the talents of those few people, if they don't actually explain it to others and understand through practice, what they have learned here is already the limit, and further learning will be just a waste of time."

During this period of time, he focused on this matter, and gradually realized its meaning. Unlike the profound Huangtian scriptures, Zhao Cheng's move was to abandon the scriptures and only achieve its effect.

Ordinary people follow Huang Tianjun, but they don't actually understand what the scriptures mean. The obscure scriptures are like heavenly books to them.

They follow simply because if they follow, they will have food to eat and can survive. If they don't follow, they will starve to death.

Not many ordinary people care about scriptures or anything like that.

Taoist Huang Tian was first a scholar and later a Taoist. After all, he was somewhat high-minded and reclusive. He explained Huang Tian's orthodoxy from many aspects in the scriptures.

But Huang Tiandao's main force is not the scholars or meat-eaters who can understand the connotation, but the poorest and most miserable common people.

Even if the enemy understands, he is still an enemy. The most important thing is to let your own people understand.

This chapter has been completed!
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