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Chapter 1,241 Grade

After her mind stopped, Han Jinyue pushed open the door and walked out. The antique courtyard was her current residence.

Because she entered Taoism, her circumstances changed greatly, and it could even be said that there was a huge difference between heaven and earth.

Without entering the gate of the avenue, she is just a servant. As far as the master is concerned, no matter whether she is given away or killed directly, no one can say anything wrong.

But now, after the Taoist registration was concluded, she was separated from the slave status and entered the Taoist status. This was not over yet. On the day of joining the Taoist class, the reward had already come down, allowing her to directly change from a servant to Huang Tianjun's corps leader.


And because of Taoist's special status and relationship with Zhang Huang'er, she even moved directly to a house near Zhang Huang'er.

Of course, Zhang Huanger is not harsh on her servants, especially her maids. They are said to be maids, but in fact they are sisters. Each maid is selected from thousands and has a good aura.

Han Jinyue can enter Taoism, and she has some carriers after entering the game, which is because she has some talent.

But no matter how good the relationship is, you can't override the rules with emotion.

Even an ordinary large family has various disciplines and rules for servants, and there are great restrictions on all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

For example, a maid, even a favored maid, unless her master has abandoned the etiquette system, must have strict restrictions on food and clothing expenses. What she eats and uses are all classified and rationed.

There are many things that maids are not qualified to touch. If they exceed the limit, they will be beaten. Some families with strict family laws will even beat the maid to death directly.

The same is true for living. Don't even think about a single room. Only when the servants of the family get married can they get a small space of their own with the approval of the master's family.

As for the reason for doing this, it is naturally to prevent the servant from overestimating the master, losing his superiority and inferiority, and even turning against the master.

Indeed, this set of rules severely tramples on the so-called equality, but in essence, it is a kind of discipline for people, and its purpose is to trample on equality and eliminate people's free will.

It makes people believe that people are born into three, six or nine grades, which is natural and justified.

People in this world have been accustomed to this set of rules for a long time. No one thinks there is a problem. Only a modern person like Han Jinyue does not like this set of rules from the bottom of his heart.

But she also had to admit that in the context of this era, this method was indeed necessary. If not, there would definitely be a situation where slaves bully their masters. If you want to change this, you must fundamentally change the past hundreds of years.

The dogmas formed over tens of thousands of years have been overturned.

And before she was severely beaten by this era, it was not like she didn't have any thoughts that dared to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky.

As for now, she doesn't have such big ambitions. She only knows that people's abilities are limited after all, and they must learn to act within their capabilities and respect the fate of others.

It was still very early at this time, but she woke up earlier, even earlier than the post about ordering troops.

But after waking up, the first thing she did was to polish the Tao seeds she had established.

During this time, she was also taught Huangtian Dafa. Huangtian Dafa was not complicated, just a scripture of 1,296 words.

Even an ordinary person can memorize this number of words in a few days. As for her, after entering the Taoism, her brain has been developed a little. Although she can't forget it, her memory is stronger. She just used it.

Within half a day, I had memorized it, and then I reviewed it every day. Now I am very familiar with it.

But for a Taoist like her who has just entered Taoism, the scripture is actually not important, because this scripture has a thousand meanings. Now she recites the scripture silently, and the biggest use is to increase her sensitivity to Huangtian Dharma Realm.

A way to understand the mysteries of Huangtian.

According to what Zhang Huanger said when he explained the practice to her, understanding the scriptures is to think about the Dharma, while sensing Huang Tian is to observe the Tao.

In short, sensing Huangtian is a shortcut for Taoists. Even those who have just joined Taoism can feel the mystery of Taoism at close range.

This is also the reason why, even though there are many scriptures handed down in the world, many of which are extremely powerful scriptures, and there are also many lay practitioners with extraordinary talents, it is difficult for lay practitioners to compare with the Taoists of great lineages.

Individuals who obtain scriptures and Taoism can only understand it bit by bit and deduce the result from the beginning. However, in the great lineage, once a disciple enters the Tao, he can directly contact the result.

Even if this kind of contact can only reveal one ten millionth of the secret, it will still take several years or even more years of exploration by wild people.

For Taoists with inheritance, the period when they first enter Taoism is the period of most rapid progress in Taoism. This progress does not refer to the growth of realm, but the adjustment of Taoism and the transformation of magic power.

Indeed, like Han Jinyue, the method used to enter Taoism is also the most superior method, which is passed down from the same line as Huangtian Dafa.

However, Taoists who have just entered Taoism are undoubtedly extremely shallow in their understanding of Tao, Dharma, and all kinds of things.

For Taoists, no matter what methods they have practiced before to enter the Tao, it is only after entering the Tao that they begin.

For a Taoist without a strong inheritance, once the Taoism is established, it is over. If you want to change the Taoism in the future, you can only explore and change it bit by bit.

For Taoists with inheritance, after the Tao seed is established, the Taoist book is recorded, and then the scriptures are used to sense the void Dharma Realm and obtain the enlightenment of the Dharma Realm. Depending on the strength of the Dharma Realm, the final Tao seed and magic power are also very different.

The magic power of wild Taoists in the world is mostly inferior and miscellaneous. Such magic power is not only weak, but also loses all kinds of mystery.

However, Tao seed and mana are not fixed. The deeper you understand the Tao, the stronger the quality of Tao seed and mana.

In history, there have been many examples of people who never joined the mainstream and achieved greatness along the way.

The limit of Za, Zheng, Immortal, Heaven, Dao, and the human world is the Tao grade. Under normal circumstances, the Heaven grade is the result that can only be possessed by immortals.

If there is no Void Dharma Realm passed down by the ancestors, you can only be a miscellaneous product when you first enter the Taoism. Later, if you become more diligent in the Taoism, when you reach a certain level and you are halfway on the road to immortality, you will probably be able to get a straight character. If you become an immortal, you will be an immortal.

Obtaining the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit is a Heavenly Product, and obtaining the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit is a Dao Product.

In the past tens of thousands of years, before Zhao Cheng came, Taoist Huang Tian alone had established the Golden Immortal Taoist Fruit and condensed the magic power of the Taoist grade.

As for the Taoist Taoist Huang Tian's subsequent spread of Taoism, the Tao seeds enlightened through Huang Tian's Dharma Realm have to be naturally cut off to the first level, and the highest level can only obtain heaven-level mana.

Nowadays, on the land of China, the most powerful Tianxin Holy Land among Taoism and Brahma, its Void Dharma Realm can enlighten heavenly products, which is one of the reasons why it is the most powerful.

However, just because it can be enlightened does not necessarily mean that the transformation can be completed. Depending on the root and understanding, the quality of the Tao seed that is finally transformed will also be high or low.

Those with a high level of talent will naturally be of the heavenly level, and those with less talent can get an immortal level. However, no matter how stupid they are, they can still get a genuine one. This is the lower limit.

This chapter has been completed!
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