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Chapter 1266 Playing the Sword and Singing

Mingguang three years, October.

Cao Zheng of Qingzhou, Yuan Chu of Jizhou, Zhao Jie of Xuzhou, Shi Jin of Yangzhou... Thirteen people responded to the court's call and formed a coalition with a total number of more than 400,000 and a number of one million to attack Huang Tian.

Suddenly, China was shaken.

Huang Tian's army once numbered 150,000, with a number of 300,000, but lost 50,000 in the Southern Wilderness, leaving 100,000, with a number of 200,000. After giving up the territory of the five counties, they returned to Guqiu Pass to defend.

Huang Tianjun's current territory originally only consisted of two passes and fifteen counties. Now that he has retreated to Guqiu Pass, it can be said that he has given up one-third of his territory at once.

This wasn't the end yet. When the coalition forces were formed, Huang Tian's soldiers were panic-stricken. Some generals even suggested that they should abandon the land of Qingzhou directly, retreat to Wucheng in the Southern Wilderness, burn down the plank roads, and capture the Southern Wilderness first, and then plan for the world.

Undoubtedly, although Huang Tianjun has declined now and is not as good as before, it is not without capable people.

But Zhao Cheng rejected this, saying, if you retreat before fighting, how can you seek for the country?

In wars in the cold weapon era, the number of people is indeed very important, but it is not absolute. Otherwise, when fighting, you only need to compare the number of people to see who has more people, and the other side can simply surrender.

But this kind of thing is obviously impossible.

In history, it is not unheard of for thousands of people to withstand an attack by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people and persist for several years.

In this era, the army is like a bandit and can do anything. As for the imperial court, even in the prosperous times, when has it ever happened to kill a good person and take credit for it?!

Even all kinds of natural disasters will slow them down.

If Zhu County is wealthy, it will affect the production of bamboo paper.

At this moment, the army is stationed in the wasteland outside Zhuxian County. In just a few days, the once desolate land has turned into a dense military camp. However, where Zhuxian County is located, people are panicking because of the arrival of the army.

Having more people is indeed strength, but with more people, if nothing else is mentioned, the consumption of food and grass will be an astronomical figure, not to mention the wear and tear of armor and weapons.

Injuries caused are also a big problem.

The ability to grasp the situation and appoint personnel is a great test of the leader's ability.

As for what happened in Wucheng, although this thing is mysterious, everyone knows in their hearts that the disaster that Wucheng suffered was just because Wu Qi was not strong enough.

But Cao Zheng, on the other hand, wanted to let others take the lead, be the first person, and let these people consume Huang Tianjun's destiny.

If Taoist Huang Tian had the ability to change destiny, he would have changed destiny long ago and would not be trapped in this corner of Qingzhou.

The people of Zhuxian County were now hiding in their homes, even in cellars, for fear that a large army would enter the county.

At this moment, Huo Zicheng is sitting in the first place. On the left and right sides are Cao Zheng and Yuan Chu. Behind them are other princes. In addition, there are some leaders of small forces in more peripheral places. These people,

There were only a few thousand soldiers and horses, and they were just joining in the fun, but because they had a relationship with someone or even a few of the thirteen princes, they showed up at the camp.

The shortcomings accumulated over the past ten years will be eliminated in one fell swoop.

The big tent in the middle of the military camp was bustling with singing and dancing.

At this moment, there are millions of them in the coalition, and under the imperial decree, they are using all their strength to suppress Huang Tianjun. Under such circumstances, no matter how great the supernatural power is, it will be suppressed and it will be difficult to achieve anything.

Furthermore, in an era without aircraft and artillery, the side defending the city was inherently more advantageous than the attacking side.

At this time, a group of people were eating wine and meat, enjoying singing and dancing, and everyone's face was filled with joy, but they did not have any worries about the battle that would follow.

It is true that the minds of the people in the world have changed, and the power of the imperial court can no longer suppress Qian Kun, but at least at this moment, the thoughts of the heroes are surprisingly unanimous on the matter of crusade against Huang Tian.

Using war to eliminate long-standing abuses is nothing new, it’s just that few people can do it well.

But no matter who gives in, his father's power dominates the world. Even if all the heroes in the world have their own little ideas, they can't neglect him as long as they don't raise a flag of rebellion.

Of course, the value of things does not affect the cheapness of bamboo. Zhu County is not rich and is no different from other surrounding counties.

It seems impossible to block an army of 500,000 people with 100,000 troops, but in fact, it is not impossible.

Qingzhou, Zhu County, is rich in a kind of green bamboo. Whether it is used to make paper or pens, it is all of the highest quality. The best ones are sold at extremely high prices. If it is made by a famous artist, a piece of bamboo

A sum of money is worth thousands of gold.

Of course, Huo Zicheng did not land by air, but brought 50,000 troops.

Under such circumstances, even Yuan Chu and Cao Zheng would not be able to compete with Huo Zicheng for the position of alliance leader.

Of course, Yuan Chu and Cao Zheng each had their own ideas regarding the position of alliance leaders. Yuan Chu was very unconvinced by Huo Zicheng because of his family background and proud personality, but for the time being, he had no choice but to obey orders.

Therefore, the position of leader of this crusade against Huang Tian naturally belongs to Huo Zicheng.

At least in Zhao Cheng's view, it is not difficult to achieve this. He only needs to persist for half a year, and the morale of the coalition forces will naturally dissipate. By then, the other side will have no choice but to retreat.

With millions of troops present, the mere Huang Tianjun is no longer a force. The only variable is that the war ends sooner or later.

There were probably more than a hundred people in a huge tent. The person sitting at the top was a tall and powerful young man. His name was Huo Zicheng. He was the youngest son of his uncle Huo Lianchen. He also became famous at a young age, but compared to Yuan Zicheng.

His reputation is quite different from that of Chu and Cao Zheng.

Of course, Zhao Cheng had no such idea. He just wanted to take this opportunity to reorganize Huang Tianjun and optimize the structure of Huang Tianjun.

After all, for the court, the real wealth is not the copper coins, gold and silver, but the people themselves.

Being famous for a moment is nothing. What he wants is far more than what is in front of him.

As long as Huang Tian falls, it will be beneficial to everyone.

In this case, people will naturally not act worried, which would be too disappointing.

And Huo Zicheng, the leader, only thought that he was here to get gold plating, thinking that when Huang Tian's matter was settled, he would be the leader of the alliance and become famous all over the world.

Therefore, when the wine was full, Huo Zicheng couldn't help but play his sword and sing: If you ask for the yellow sky, China will be settled; if you praise my power, I will be famous forever...

Seeing this scene, everyone had different expressions. When Cao Zheng heard the words, he rolled his eyes and directly echoed, while Yuan Chu's expression was even colder, but in the end he just snorted coldly and did not have an attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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