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Chapter 1306 News

"According to the newspaper, the emperor of the puppet dynasty wanted to imitate our ironworks in Daxin. In order to build a furnace, he even pried up the floor tiles in the palace. Guess what happened?!"

In an ironworks factory in Nanhuang, during the break after lunch, a literate worker looked at a newspaper posted in the most conspicuous place, and smiled and talked about the contents of the newspaper to the workers gathered around him.


Reading newspapers every day is one of the few entertainments for workers.

After all, in this era, entertainment methods are really scarce, and the biggest entertainment is probably just the wife and children enjoying the hot bed.

But the emergence of newspapers has opened a door to a new world for many people. Even if these newspapers are expired, even the newspapers were published more than ten days ago. Only the time when the incident happened is

Will be sooner.

However, even so, it still makes many people feel that the originally closed and narrow world has suddenly become more open. In fact, many people who have been numb for a long time have developed a desire for the outside world because of the content described in the newspaper.


"Old Feng, stop being so pretentious and tell me what happened next!"

After hearing this, someone immediately urged me.

When the literate man heard this, he stopped showing off and said immediately:

"As a result, the high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Industry directly sold most of the good bricks, and then used them as inferior bricks to build a stove. You said that the flame of this stove does not go out day by day, and the temperature is more than a thousand degrees.

The high temperature, if inferior bricks are used, will they not be damaged?!"

"It is said that when the emperor went to inspect the construction site, the senior officials put the bad bricks inside and the good bricks outside in an attempt to get away with it, but they failed to hide it.

We killed hundreds of officials, big and small, and from top to bottom, no one involved in this matter had a clean butt, and as for those who were implicated, there were countless others."

Hearing this, someone immediately laughed and said: "Sure enough, that pseudo-dynasty has exhausted its vitality and even dares to touch the things used by the emperor to build factories and pass them off as good ones. The pseudo-dynasty is already rotten."

"Unlike me, Daxin, the black-clad guards monitor the world and kill anyone who goes overboard!"

Some people also lamented: "There are two words for official. In the puppet dynasty, there are no officials who are not corrupt. Before the general conquered the Southern Wilderness, the magistrate of our county was just a big family when he took office.

His descendants, before becoming an official, made a living by selling straw mats, but after being an official for half a year, they even have mansions and beauties."

"As for the life and death of the people under your rule, who cares?!"

"The superior officer doesn't care, and the emperor doesn't care either. If things get serious, just find some insignificant person to take the blame..."

"At that time, more than 300 people in our county starved to death in one winter. In the end, they only received a thin roll of mats from the court, and then they were thrown into mass graves. Most of the corpses were eaten by wild dogs."

"Thanks to the general, we can escape from the sea of ​​misery. If we continue, we may also starve to death some winter..."

"Indeed, thanks to the benevolence of the general, for working like us, not only do you get two meals, but you also get merit points. If you are willing, you can use your merit points to exchange for meat. Although the exchange for meat is limited, you can exchange it for five per month.

Dun, this is much better than before."

"I remember when the puppet government was still in power, it was only during the Chinese New Year that I could smell a little meat and share it with the family. In the end, one person could get a thin slice, which is pretty good..."

A worker responded.

The composition of their first batch of workers was very mixed, including former blacksmiths and flexible farmers.

But in the Puppet Dynasty, no matter how flexible you are, if you are not born well, your chances of getting ahead are infinitely close to zero.

"Hey, in your county, only three hundred people starved to death in one winter. In our county, in the past few years, at least five hundred people froze to death and starved to death in one winter. All kinds of tax burdens made it impossible for people to survive. There are people behind.

Unable to bear it anymore, he asked the county magistrate for an explanation, but he was directly beaten as a rebel and ordered the officers and soldiers to kill all the people. After the killing, the officials, big and small, not only were not punished, but were recognized by the court.

Give him a reward for his merits in suppressing the rebellion."

"We also pay corn as taxes every year. The yamen is soaked in water and kicked with dendrobium. Seventy kilograms of good rice must be said to be fifty kilograms. At that time, someone went to argue, but he was hung up with a rope for five days and five nights.

Hanged alive..."

Some people also talked about what happened around them.

As soon as the topic was opened, a group of people immediately couldn't help it, and they all talked about some things that happened around them.

In the end, everyone spoke with emotion, but in the end, all the emotions turned into a sense of joy.

"Old Feng, apart from this, what else is there in the newspaper?!"

After venting his anger, someone came back to his senses and asked immediately.

"let me see."

Lao Feng responded, and then immediately started reading word by word.

He knows a little bit of writing, but not much. Although he attends night schools run by the imperial court, he is still semi-literate. That is, writing, he can listen and read, but he cannot write.

He knew the characters, but it was difficult to write them.

This is also the disadvantage of not starting literacy from a young age and becoming a monk halfway. You have to spend extra effort and sweat to learn it.

And Lao Feng is already considered to be a better learner among the group. After all, not everyone is enterprising.

In the eyes of most workers, today's life is already a fairy day. They can eat two meals a day to fill up. If they are willing, they can eat five meals of meat a month. And if the production efficiency is high and the quality is good, it will be even more beneficial.

Additional merit rewards.

As for learning, of course, if you succeed, you can get the so-called professional certificate, get more merit, and have more food to eat, but the learning process is really too painful.

Compared with that kind of pain, they would rather eat less meat.

"The newspaper said that we workers must also be armed. Only in this way can we defend our homeland and our hard-won happy life. Therefore, in the future, workers' armed training will be carried out in various factories across the country, so that we can learn to use


"Also, it was said above that there was a thief in Furukawa County who lined his own pocket and colluded with the superiors to resell the good iron from the factory to the mountain people. As a result, he was reported to the black guards by his coworkers. That coworker directly received the Medal of Glory.

Enjoy additional merit allowances, not to mention the immediate family members within the next three generations, no matter what they sign up for, they have priority in admission, and they are also included in an honorary list. It is said that the court will send a special person every year, and they will also talk to that person

Communicate to prevent corrupt officials from taking revenge..."

This chapter has been completed!
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