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Chapter 1324 Cute Buds

Given the conditions of this era, it was not difficult to build a camp, and it could be completed in just a few days. As for this night, due to time constraints, only a simple car camp could be built.

Of these 100,000 troops, only 70,000 are capable of fighting, and the other 30,000 are logistics personnel who set up camps, transport food and grass, wash and cook... With so many people working for each other, there must be sufficient logistics.

As for the vehicle camp, the vehicles transporting food and supplies were surrounded in a circle, trenches and pits were dug outside the vehicles, and some watchtowers were built near the military camp.

Time is urgent, and this is all that can be done in a short period of time.

As for the subsequent steps of burying fences, extending the scope of the watchtower to the outside, and setting up scout teams in shaded areas, these are all things that need to be done later.

Cao Zheng's ability lies not only in his many wise plans, but also in his overall planning ability, which is also first-class in this era.

The team of 100,000 people was huge, but he was able to arrange it in an orderly manner.

By the time it got dark, the entire camp looked presentable.

His camp did not have 100,000 people gathered together, but about 5,000 people per camp. They were separated from each other by a certain distance to prevent enemies from stealing the camp and causing chaos to the entire army.

At the same time, as long as there is a problem in one camp, the remaining camps can be reinforced very quickly and be surrounded from three sides.

With this kind of structure, even if trouble occurs, it will usually only disrupt one camp and will not affect the overall situation.

Of course, this arrangement is also because the camp has just been set up. When needed later, a large camp will be established as the center, and many small camps will be distributed around it.

This kind of layout makes it easier to gather strength, and there are small camps for early warning. At the same time, with the large camps, the army also has a strong center, and various layout instructions can be better executed.

Even though a large camp has many benefits, it takes a lot of time to build.

Here, the specific construction method depends on whether it is a surprise war or a protracted war.

If the war is short, then it is the former; if it is long, it is the latter.

But Cao Zheng knew that this battle would definitely be a protracted war. It was very necessary for him to station troops here and build a center. Not only would his strength be more concentrated, but more importantly, for himself,

, and also safer.

As for the surrender he showed earlier, it was just a foreshadowing. The details will depend on the subsequent war.

If Zhao Chengzhi's power is unstoppable, then he will surrender directly, but if he is severely suppressed by the imperial army, the so-called collaboration with the enemy is just a slander from a traitor.

Afraid of the dirty water thrown by the enemy?!

His greatest advantage is that he knows the current affairs.

At night, after drinking and eating, Cao Zheng did not go to sleep directly, but came to the middle camp, atop the tallest watchtower.

From here, if it's daytime, you can have a panoramic view of the entire camp.

As for now, only the vague outlines and pots of bonfires can be seen. The burning flames are like stars falling on the earth.

He has seen many such scenes. He has been marching and fighting since he was a teenager. Of course, he did not start as a soldier.

No matter what era it is, there are only a very small number of people who grow up from soldiers to generals. Such people do exist, but in terms of number, they are far inferior to those generals who were born to be prominent.

The Cao family is naturally prominent, because when he started, he controlled a banner of men, which was more than two hundred people.

It's not that we can't give him more soldiers, this position is just a training for him, letting him know how the bottom of the army operates.

Ordinary military officers have one purpose, which is to perform meritorious service, but for Cao Zheng, whether they performed meritorious service or not was not important.

And this is indeed the case.

Dangerous things will always be done by officers and generals with no background, and things that are more meritorious but less dangerous will always fall on his head.

After so many years, he has climbed to a height that a small soldier, even if he has ten lives, may not be able to stand on.

The rules of the world are like this. Even if you take many knives on the battlefield and make great achievements, you will not be able to rise to prominence. On the contrary, if your achievements are too great, many people will tacitly suppress you...

Cao Zheng has adapted to this rule and is comfortable with it, so he always stands on the side of the vested interests and the more powerful side.

Therefore, the relationship with the Qingzhou aristocratic family is very good. There are various in-laws between each other. The aristocratic family also reciprocates the favor and is optimistic about his future. They send him money, food, soldiers and horses, generals and counselors.

Therefore, he also had a very good relationship with the literati in Qingzhou. He was treated with all kinds of courtesy and visited every great Confucian during every year and festival. The literati and great Confucians also reciprocated the favor, either to promote his good reputation or to promote their own

Talented students are recommended to work under him...

In fact, even though Yuan Chu publicly ridiculed him and wanted all kinds of rubbish, his reputation in the world was not damaged much, and instead he gained the favor of some poor scholars.

Some people even couldn't help but think that if he, Cao Zheng, was so courteous to people with bad births, wouldn't he be even more courteous to people with good births?!

As a result, he gained a reputation as a man who was eager for talent.

But if he didn't get close to the literati and the great scholars, then it would be a different situation, and everyone in the world would laugh at him. Cao Zheng, he is not selective about food when he is hungry, and wild boars cannot eat fine chaff...

After all, for those who have the right to speak, it can be said that both pros and cons are justified. As long as you want, black can become white, and white can become black, heroes can become monsters, and so can devils.

Be a hero...

Cao Zheng has been relying on his understanding of the rules of the world to become bigger and bigger, and it can be said that he has reaped all the benefits.

But now, in the past few years, he has suddenly discovered that the direction of the world is changing, beginning to change in a direction that he does not quite understand, or that is difficult to understand.

Not only is the Southern Wilderness changing, but the eleven states outside the Southern Wilderness are also changing.

With the sudden rise of firearms, businessmen who were originally the humblest are now on the rise. This rise does not mean having more wealth, but a higher status.

Originally, merchants had money but no power, but now, thanks to the imperial court's large-scale firearms sales to replenish the national treasury, as long as you have money, you can buy firearms certified by the imperial court. If anyone dares to stop them, it is treason.

In this case, the originally humble businessman now possesses legal power, and no matter what era it is, power is both status and status.

This is because Cao Zheng is not a modern person, not a time traveler, otherwise he would know that this is the bud of the so-called big capital group...

This chapter has been completed!
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