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Chapter 1,333 Drawing Cards

But seeing Liu Guangzheng's attitude, the leaders of several parties present felt slightly relieved.

The general idea is that he has been anxious for a long time, and finally he is anxious...

They were not afraid that Liu Guangzheng would be impatient, but they were afraid that Liu Guangzheng would be as stable as an old dog even if he encountered something like this.

If this is really the case, it means that the depth of this young monarch's mind is terrifying to the point of being inhuman.

Now, although Liu Guangzheng is restrained, he is extremely angry in his heart, which is undoubtedly a human reaction.

What they sang today was just a test, rather than a real attempt to weaken the monarch's authority and strengthen the authority of his ministers in one day.

The real changes in power actually occur in subtle ways.

A few inconspicuous national policies and a few personnel transfers are all inconspicuous, but when accumulated, a closed loop is formed, and power is transferred.

The authority in this world is limited, it will not increase or decrease, it will only continue to change and shift.

Therefore, it is said that the best thing is like water, precisely because the changes in water are often subtle, but when accumulated, many subtle things can turn into huge waves.

In the past few years, Liu Guangzheng has shown himself to be so wise and powerful that it seems as if he was truly gifted from heaven.

And Liu Guangzheng's every move was impeccable and he didn't give anyone a chance.

Under this situation, the awe and fear of Liu Guangzheng among the officials increased day by day.

But directly forcing someone to have a baby is the most stupid thing. If you want to do something well, only a fool will think of using all your strength. Smart people will use the best way, which is as good as water.

The current temptation is just to test Liu Guangzheng's depth and then act more conveniently.

As for the ultimate goal, it is for the new army trained by Liu Guangzheng.

"I observe that there is a great sage named He Wenshu on the east mountain. He was once a general and guarded the border for thirty years. He was invincible in every battle. If he were allowed to come out of the mountain, he would be able to defeat thieves alive!"

After a brief silence, the leader of one of the parties said these words.

And he undoubtedly made a lot of good starts. Soon, several names were reported, including Xu Qinglin, who was recognized as the greatest scholar in the world.

In this world, if there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts, he can be recognized as the first by everyone in the world. Naturally, he is not a layman, but a heavenly being, a saint.

As for Xu Qinglin, he was known as the Lesser Sage thirty years ago.

Such a person, in terms of wisdom, culture, Taoism and military strategy, is absolutely the best in the world, otherwise it would be impossible to convince everyone in the world. But the only problem is that this Xu Qinglin is now one hundred and three years old.

When the other party celebrated his birthday some time ago, Liu Guangzheng specially sent someone a gift.

As for He Wenshu, this person also served as an official for three dynasties, but these three dynasties did not include the current dynasty.

The other party is now in his nineties. Because of his outstanding military exploits, Liu Guangzheng had someone give him a gift not long ago...

Several names in a row have similar elements. When they were young, none of these people were not fierce. But now, I am afraid that all of them have a hard time walking. As for going to war, those who don’t know, think that they are specialized in fighting.

We formed a senior citizen group and sent these people to Qingzhou for a trip.

At this moment, Liu Guangzheng laughed a little angrily.

Each of these people under him are not only masters of pretending to be confused, but also masters of Tai Chi.

Look, you asked who can break thieves, and I did recommend it to you. As for the people in the court, we are talented people with little knowledge, and we can't compare with those great sages...

After thinking about it, Liu Guangzheng suddenly no longer wanted to chop off the heads of these people, but wanted to pack them all up and send them to the front line.

Aren't you standing in a safe place to give pointers? Not only will I send you there, I will also send your whole family there. When the time comes, can you give me another try?!

But unfortunately, although this thing is very satisfying, it is simply impossible to do.

If he does this, I am afraid that the next moment, Your Majesty, why did you rebel...

Even on this matter, he couldn't push too hard, otherwise, in the next few days, a lot of adults who are still in high spirits will become critically ill.

Thinking of this, Liu Guang was angry and helpless at the same time.

My current situation is like dancing with shackles.

Although I have a lot of strength, the shackles are really too heavy, and there are hundreds of thousands of people, all kinds of contradictions, condensed in them.

"Don't mention the matter of Sun Yuantai again. This matter is not a crime of war. It's not that Sun Yuantai can't arrange his troops well, but that the enemy is a demon from outside the world, and his weapons are sharper than ours."

"Ask yourselves, if you had waited until we went online, you might have done better?!"

"If anyone can say it's okay, I'll let him take charge on the spot!"

"Come here to pass on the order of the formation. Mr. Sun has worked hard and achieved great results. Although he is in trouble at the moment, it is not a crime of war. As a consolation, I will make his wife the royal wife. I will also reward him with 30,000 taels of silver, a pair of pearls, and three gems..."

Liu Guangzheng took a deep breath and said in a rich voice.

Sun Yuantai was defeated, but he still wanted to reward him. Naturally, this was not really because of his hard work and merit. A defeat was a defeat, regardless of the reason.

Liu Guangzheng's reward at this moment was, on the one hand, the size of Sun Yuantai. As a time traveler, he was even more terrifying with rocket launchers. Moreover, what Sun Yuantai encountered was not an ordinary civilian rocket launcher with a range of nearly five hundred meters.

Planting things is undoubtedly a real killer.

On the other hand, it is used to stabilize Sun Yuantai's mentality and make him more loyal, so as not to jump back.

Indeed, in the last week, Sun Yuantai defended him as the emperor to the death, which can be said to be extremely loyal.

But people change.

There is a powerful enemy outside, but in the rear, not only do they not understand him, but they also accuse him. In this case, Sun Yuantai may not abandon his previous thoughts just because of a thought.

This is not Liu Guangzheng's unfounded worry, but something similar happened in history. A general was fighting on the front line, but the emperor in the rear was a little ambiguous because of the defeat in the war, so there were villains who harmed the general's family.

Of course, the villain may not be a real villain. It is most likely another battle between the courtiers and the king.

After all, politics is dirty.

He is just a general, what does he mean to the adults in the court?!

But the final result was that the general surrendered directly in anger. Later, that dynasty lost most of its territory because of this. After that, it barely managed to hold on for fifty years, and was directly destroyed.

This is undoubtedly a typical example of someone who has lost his temper.

As for Liu Guangzheng's move, it was a characterization of the matter, a reward, and a decree. At this time, if there are still people who want to make use of the topic, don't blame him for playing Nine Clans.

"It seems that the civil and military forces of the entire dynasty cannot be counted on."

"In this situation, we can only wait and see what happens on the Taoist side."

"Does this count as not asking the common people and ghosts and gods?!"

"However, if they can really communicate with the upper world and obtain the blueprints of powerful weapons, they may not be able to reverse the situation in one fell swoop..."

Liu Guangzheng thought to himself.

It was not possible to download blueprints from the upper realm before. In recent times, it is said that the barrier between the void and the earth has become more and more fragile. The ancestors of the upper realm can also use more methods.


Just downloading the blueprints is a bit like the game drawing cards before he traveled through time. What he pulled out were either garbage or fragments.

"My request is actually not very high. It would be great if you could give me a simple method for making nuclear bombs..."

"Even if you are a demon, you can't physically carry a nuclear bomb on the earth..."

This chapter has been completed!
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