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Chapter 1,378 Going to the West Tower Alone

"Speechless, I went up to the west tower alone, the moon was like a hook..."

In the capital of the gods, Liu Guang was drinking alone on a tall building. Although he had already anticipated the current situation and knew that Zhao Cheng's move would be shocking, but when the situation reached this point, even if he had been prepared in his heart, he still felt

I couldn't help but feel a bit desolate.

This matter of seizing the dragon throughout the ages has always been ebb and flow. Perhaps at a certain period of time, there will be two or even several parties competing against each other. However, once the balance is broken, life and death will be at stake.

in between.

And he also knew that his failure was not actually due to a simple weapon gap, but more importantly, the human heart.

He has advanced cognition from modern times and knows that in history, there have been cases where millets and rifles defeated aircraft and cannons.

After all, no matter how powerful the weapons are, the ones who use them are still humans.

The right time, the right place, the right people, and the combination of these three factors can determine the outcome.

Although Zhao Cheng's weapons are more advanced and powerful, if the people's hearts are with him, with the vastness of China, he can trade space for time and exhaust Zhao Cheng's power through guerrilla attacks.

But the crux of the problem is that people's hearts are not with him.

Indeed, for thousands of years, those who have represented the hearts of the people have always been powerful families and the aristocracy, rather than the real common people. The hearts of the people of the world, among which the people of the world, also refer to the group of people who have the right to speak.


But those are all things of the past.

If the family were really powerful and could represent the people of the world forever, there wouldn't be such peasant uprisings.

Unfortunately, with the corruption of the official system in the world today, the common people have long accumulated endless resentment in their hearts, but they just cannot explode.

At this time, Zhao Cheng was implementing the New Deal. In contrast, it was impossible for the ordinary people in Zhao Cheng's territory to "miss their motherland."

As for those powerful families who miss their homeland, they can't do anything under Zhao Cheng's order to disperse and relocate. Even in some places where ideological trends are very strong, these former powerful children will be punished if they have the slightest resentment.

If you pull it out and criticize education in front of everyone, it can be said that you no longer have the slightest prestige of the past. If you want to be prestige, you can't be prestige.

Liu Guangzheng knew in his heart that he was a typical example of a backward person who was defeated by an advanced person.

But it's not that he doesn't want to implement those advanced things in his memory, but that his identity after time travel has been determined. He can only figure out many things slowly, otherwise it will be the reason why His Majesty rebelled.

After all, what maintains imperial power is not the emperor's personal charisma, but systems and rules.

The emperor is just a representative of the system. Anyone who wants to change the system will face the backlash of his entire body.

Therefore, throughout the ages, few of those who try to reform the law have a good ending.

No matter if you are a minister or a king.

And here, the smart emperor will make his ministers charge in the front, and when the merits are complete, he will kill the ministers who made the change to appease people's hearts. The emperor who is not smart enough will charge in the front himself.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that those ministers can raise and lower the imperial court, but I, the emperor, can't. In other words, even if I could, I wouldn't do that."

"After all, if it comes to that, if Thief Zhao wants me to die, I may die suddenly because of the cold wind."

"Life and death are all in human hands, unless you have no choice, otherwise..."

Liu Guangzheng was half drunk and couldn't help mumbling.

Last week, he had had enough of the feeling of being controlled by others in his life and death. In this life, no matter what, he did not want to make the same mistake again.

In the hazy moment, Liu Guangzheng dreamed back to the world before he traveled. At that time, he was ordinary and unremarkable. Although he did not have the rich clothes and food as an emperor, as well as the overwhelming power, he was not as good as he is now.

It's so tiring, but besides that, it's also a kind of peace of mind.

The emperor's hegemony is in vain, and the world is drunk!

The two weeks of experience have changed him a lot, but there are also things that remain the same.

Especially in dreams, because he had two weeks of experiences, his mind felt transcendentally peaceful after returning to normalcy.

Unfortunately, this was just a dream after all, and Liu Guangzheng woke up when the sky was dimming.

After waking up, he was stunned for a long time before descending the tall building step by step.

Although he had planned to run away for a long time, how and when to run away was also a technical job. What's more, Da Cang still has four states, and many things still need to be dealt with by him.

On the other hand, although the three states have declined, they are still in a digestion stage until November.

Regarding the three states, although Zhao Cheng accepted the surrender, he was very iron-blooded in his handling of the three states. If any political order encountered too much resistance, the army would be dispatched directly to destroy everything.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng did not encounter much resistance in the replacement of officials in the three states.

It even took less than two months for a large number of officials under Zhao Cheng to take office and initially take control of the three states.

But compared with the initial control, the most troublesome part of Sanzhou is actually the reward based on merit.

Because it was the three states that presented the letter of surrender, rather than the army directly attacking them, if we follow past practice, in order to show the preferential treatment of the new dynasty, the state pastors of the three states should all take their original posts. In addition, even more

There are also rewards.

Doing this is, on the one hand, to show the favor of the court, and on the other hand, it is also to ensure the stability of the place. We should focus on stability first, and want to eliminate the shortcomings of the place, and then we can gradually work on it later.

However, with an army of three million, Zhao Cheng was not afraid of local instability and directly replaced all the officials in the three states.

However, although the officials had changed, he had to express his feelings.

Therefore, all the state shepherds in the three states were granted titles by him. Of course, at this title, there was no fiefdom and no real power. It was just a hereditary honor and a fixed amount of merit could be obtained every year.

Of course, this hereditary honor can be hereditary at any time, but it will continue to be divided as the number of descendants increases, because all descendants have the same inheritance rights. The more children, the lower the title they inherit, until

In the end, they are inseparable, and they are no different from ordinary people.

If you want to maintain your glory, there is only one way, and that is for future generations to continue to have capable people, serve the court, and receive rewards in this way.

In addition to the state pastors of the three states, some other important figures in the three states also have their own awards, but they are all famous but not powerful.

This reward list alone is a very troublesome thing. If it is less, it will appear that the court is stingy, but if it is too much, it will not work.

In addition, there is also the fact that some officials from the old Cang are running rampant in the area. Even if they are surrendered, they must be killed. If these officials are rewarded, it will undoubtedly shake the foundation of the country.

This is also the reason why Zhao Cheng hesitated when faced with the surrender of Sanzhou before.

This chapter has been completed!
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