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Chapter 1,392 Traces

And Fan Qingmeng was also thinking in his heart at this moment.

The reason why she appears here at this moment is also a coincidence. Nowadays, the whole world is directly cutting down mountains and destroying temples towards Taoism and Brahma. Many temples are either transformed into schools or dedicated to the Great Sage Huangtian.

As for Taoists, they are all reduced to rats crossing the street and dare not show any trace.

After all, when the Taoists from all over the world entered the capital of the gods to help Longting, there was a huge battle, and at the same time they reprimanded Zhao for becoming a demon. In this case, even if the Taoists are high-end technical talents, they cannot directly


If not, the national prestige will no longer exist.

Of course, this is now, and the rules will definitely be relaxed in the future, allowing some Taoists to perform meritorious deeds.

But that can never be the case now. The Taoists are unruly and if they don't knock down their prestige first, they will definitely regard the court's grace as weakness.

In this situation, many Taoists are hiding in the deserted mountains and do not dare to walk among the people. They can only turn into savages, let alone come to the capital.

Only Fan Qingmeng, a skilled artist, is brave. During this time, she has regained more power from her previous life, and has achieved immortality, and the Golden Immortal is not far away.

With her Taoism, as long as she doesn't break into the palace, even if it's the capital of the gods, her suppression will be limited.

Fan Qingmeng came to the capital of gods with a plan. The main purpose was to find out the reality of the aliens. In her opinion, the time when the aliens came to the world was too coincidental. The aliens appeared just after Daxin came to dominate the world.

Come into the world.

Such a coincidence undoubtedly gives people a strong sense of mission. No matter how you look at it, it seems like this group of people came with a mission.

Later, Zhao Cheng issued an imperial edict, which heightened her suspicions.

But even if she observes for a long time, she only realizes that every alien has a strange source of power that is weak but tough. This power is extremely wonderful and has an extraordinary texture, but it is too weak. Even if all aliens

Added up, it's just a drop in the bucket, nothing at all.

It's impossible to reverse anything.

Therefore, she simply hid in the divine capital, wanting to see what Zhao Cheng planned and planned later. If it was wrong, she might be able to destroy it.

Then, she discovered Han Jinyue, a special stranger.

Han Jinyue is not the only Taoist among the strangers, but she is the only one who practices Huangtian Dafa.

The identity of a foreigner alone is nothing, and a Huangtian Dafa is not surprising. In these ten years, the new dynasty has not given up on cultivating Taoists. There are hundreds of Taoists in the new generation.

But the two things added together were something that Fan Qingmeng had to take seriously.

As for the demonic nature in her body now, it is a normal state. She has awakened her powers and obtained two bodies of gods and demons. She can transform into two bodies, or two bodies into one. Both states are very powerful, but with her magic power

, such a state is difficult to maintain for a long time, and the consumption is too high.

However, the pure divine body and demonic body are just one of them, but they are not consumed at all.

At the same time, the power displayed by the two bodies is also different. If it is digitized, it is probably that in the "god" body state, her compatibility with the void has increased, and she has various void-related gain states, and her mana strength has increased.

Huge increase...

In the "demon" body state, her compatibility with the earth increases, and she comes with various earth-related buffs. In addition to mana, her basic values ​​in all aspects receive a huge increase...

Among the buffs related to the earth, one is to reduce the suppression of one's own energy. As long as one stands on the earth, one's energy will not be exhausted and an additional concealment effect will be obtained.

Undoubtedly, Fan Qingmeng's two bodies of gods and demons are filled with intense exploration of the mysteries of the earth and the Tao itself by powerful beings in the void.

One person and two bodies, the void of the earth, gods and demons, yin and yang...

Of course, her divine and demonic powers will undoubtedly be severely weakened on the earth. If placed in the void, it would mean that the divine body merges with the Tao. The void is immortal, the divine body is immortal, the demon body transforms into the earth, and the earth is immortal.

The devil's body is immortal...

However, although the changes in both bodies are hers, as the gods and demons switch, her own personality will also shift slightly.

In the divine body state, her temperament will be more clear and indifferent, but in the demon body state, her mind is more active and out-of-the-box, almost like a witch.

Originally, Fan Qingmeng was just curious as to why there were strangers practicing the Huangtian Dharma. However, when she used her supreme supernatural power to illuminate the origin of cause and effect, she unexpectedly gained something extra. The traces of cause and effect were pointing to...

The source of demons.

This is undoubtedly a big surprise.

She naturally knew that Zhao Cheng came from outside the world, and she also knew that Liu Guangzheng, the son of destiny, had the same origin and was not born and raised here.

But the sky is infinite, and where the fate comes from is beyond her ability to guess.

But now, she actually caught traces.

She has endless curiosity about demons.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger. If you can figure out the secret inside, you may not be able to find the loopholes of the demon.

Although the traces on Han Jinyue's body belong to the cause and effect that has ended, if it were anyone else, not to mention the immortal, even Da Luo, he might not be able to see the cause and effect that spanned the heaven and earth and has ended.

But she can, and can get information from it.

Things leave traces!

If she were in the void, she could even restart her life based on the traces of cause and effect, replaying everything that had happened in the past.

Not even the two ancestors of Taoism and Buddhism have such magical powers, even if these two ancestors are stronger.

As long as you don't reach the point of omniscience and omnipotence, being powerful does not mean being omnipotent.

There is no doubt that she is special.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Han Jinyue and she are both Taoists. As long as they are Taoists, they have strong enough false attributes. If they are not Taoists, their earth attributes are too thick, but they will cover many things.

In this case, unless her magical power suddenly increases a thousand times, it will not be enough to erase the cover of the earth.

"Let me see what secrets there are..."

Fan Qingmeng's smile was a bit eerie, but beautiful people are beautiful in every expression. The demonic nature and "badness" she showed at this moment actually had a different kind of charm.

Han Jinyue has always been very confident about her appearance and temperament, but at this moment, she couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself.

A strong feeling of inferiority grew in her heart until a cold hand pinched her chin.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she had been possessed by Fan Qingmeng's Taoist magic. Then, she met Fan Qingmeng's eyes.

What kind of eyes are those?!

There seems to be a whole void inside. No, the void is just the surface. In the deeper place of the void, there is still greater terror.

This chapter has been completed!
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