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Chapter 1,409 The First Cause

"The age of steam, the age of electricity, the age of nuclear energy..."

"If we give this empire enough time, maybe we can create a world where everyone is like a dragon..."

"It's a pity that there is no time!"

Fan Qingmeng closed the curtains of the car window. She looked above her head. There was a thick ceiling and soft lights above her head, but her eyes seemed to break through the shackles of matter, and she could see the distant void at a glance.

, the infinite horror contained in it.

In a trance, she saw a god standing on the earth, condensing the power of the world, holding up the sky, but the magic power in the void was even more vast, and had already tainted the god and turned him into a demon.

After all, I couldn't hold on to this day.

As for the three eras mentioned by Fan Qingmeng, we can see them from the literacy book published by the imperial court.

It is something like an encyclopedia. The content in it is very complicated. Many literate people read this thing as recreational reading.

This is not a book, but a series. The author spans many fields, so the content is also diverse.

From teaching people how to farm and animal husbandry, to how to treat themselves with limited conditions, even ordinary people use simple conditions to make black powder, hand-made grenades, and landmines. At the same time, they also teach ordinary people how to do it alone.

Simple military quality training...

Not only that, there are also folklore stories, strange gods and ghosts, and even short stories...

Youdao is that interest is the best teacher. Because of the appeal of this book, many people have become enthusiastic about literacy and have learned a lot of various knowledge. Even if the knowledge is very shallow, it is enough.

After all, this series is aimed at literacy.

As for the complexity of the content, it is because everyone can submit articles, use their real names, and support anonymity.

Of course, the imperial court itself will also ask people to write articles that can broaden their horizons.

For example, the three eras that Fan Qingmeng just talked about are from a certain official article. It is said that the author is the famous literati leader of the new era, the shaper of awe-inspiring righteousness, and the founder of the world, Sheng Yanhou.

In that article, he not only looked forward to the three eras, but also wrote in detail how these three eras would transition, what changes there would be, and what to look forward to after the three eras...

For the Great World series, Fan Qingmeng is a must-read for every book. Although she has gained many memories of past lives, these things are too scattered. There are more contents about cultivation and Taoism. As for

No matter what the world is like, that knowledge cannot constitute a complete world view at all.

Of course, twenty years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the matter of publishing books had already begun when there was only one Southern Wilderness in Daxin. At that time, articles were published in newspapers.

As for today, there are too many well-known series. In addition to articles with low reading threshold such as Big World, there are also some very professional series. However, these are only circulated in fixed circles and have great reputations, and ordinary people also know them.

But I won’t buy it and watch it.

To say that the best-selling series in the world today, apart from the Great World, is the Great World series.

But unlike Big World, which is an encyclopedia, Big World is a peach series. It belongs to the kind where you can’t get a version number at all, but it can be sold anywhere, even in more than a hundred countries outside of China.


In the past few days, an incident has pushed the series "The Great World" to the forefront.

That is one of the three great gods of the world, Cao Dade, who was arrested.

The so-called three great gods are the three most important authors of this series of books.

Among them, Cao Dade, known as Married Woman Cao, specializes in writing about married women. He was the latest to debut, but he has the highest talent. In a short period of time, he went from being penniless to being promoted to the position of heaven.

And people all over the world are also speculating about what kind of person this big boss is, and he can write so vividly.

It was not until these two days that many people suddenly discovered that this person was actually Qingyun Hou Cao Zheng, who had always been praised for his stern and stern style.

A marquis, a big shot in charge of the empire's money bag, went over to write a book anonymously, which undoubtedly flattered many people.

Although Cao Dade's surname was Cao before, they all thought it was a fake name. Who never expected that the surname he used turned out to be the real one.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Fan Qingmeng. She has long since broken away from this worldly desire. She still prefers the big world to popular books like The Big Thousand World.

She even submitted a manuscript to Big World and published it. As for the content, she was inspired by Sheng Yanhou's article and wrote a space opera that is still relatively advanced today.

This series is still a niche one today.

The most popular themes at present are adventure in the underground world, adventure in the ocean, and the starry sky is too far away after all...

In fact, she also thought that if there were no demons, she might become a writer while practicing.

After all, she remembered that there seemed to be articles in the big world that said that when people's lives were very unsatisfactory, she would fantasize about being a writer.

Indeed, the world in fantasy is much happier than the difficult reality.

Time passed, and soon it had been a month since Fan Qingmeng came to Tiangong Pavilion. Although she followed Mu Xuan's path, due to professional knowledge issues, she was assigned to Han Jinyue's research team as an assistant.

This was naturally her intention.

As for Han Jinyue's team, which consists of more than a thousand people, she joined as an assistant, which is inconspicuous at all, and some of the key tasks are not her turn.

At this time, we have passed the initial entrepreneurial stage.

When new people come in, unless they are truly talented, they have to endure it first.

In this way, day after day, until two months later, an opportunity to go out for an inspection, Fan Qingmeng suddenly disappeared, and the whole world evaporated.

Because of this matter, the court conducted a thorough investigation, but nothing was found, so in the end they had no choice but to let it go.

Only Mu Xuan was a little sad, because he knew that he would probably never see his senior sister again.

By sacrificing his body and becoming an immortal, Fan Qingmeng sacrificed himself and used it to perform some strange Taoist magic.

And not long after this incident, Han Jinyue fell into a dream.

In the dream, what happened ten years ago happened again. Fan Qingmeng practiced strange Taoism on her, but this time, there was no Zhang Huanger to save her.

A dream-like world is opened up. The past causes and conditions are revived at this moment, and this should be used as the first cause and effect to open up "heaven and earth".


Thunder shook, and outside the classroom, heavy rain accompanied by lightning fell suddenly.

A somewhat dazed Han Jinyue was awakened by lightning, and looked at the high school class blankly. She always felt that she had forgotten something, but when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't remember it.

She looked at a certain corner, and saw that her younger brother Zhao Cheng was still the same, with a vacant look in his eyes and a wandering mind.

Next to Zhao Cheng, a girl wearing a white skirt and smelling of tea was pretending to listen to the lecture.

"What a green tea. What's her name?"

Han Jinyue felt that she might have fallen asleep, and for a moment, she couldn't remember anything.

After thinking hard for a while, she finally remembered that the green tea was called Fan Qingmeng, a very rare surname.

This chapter has been completed!
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