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Chapter 141 Secret SwordThunder

One moment, he was still in the cruel wasteland, and the next moment, he was back in the peaceful world, his bedroom.

It was a transformation of time and space. Even if it was not his first experience, it still made Zhao Cheng feel the magic of his own talent.

However, for Zhao Cheng, the biggest change in this short hour was himself.

On the panel, the proficiency of sword raising has increased by a little over a thousand. You must know that before Zhao Cheng, the proficiency was only a little over a thousand.

However, if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Akainu is one of the very few people who has been pursuing boxing skills all his life. He not only practices boxing and learns other people's boxing techniques, but also creates his own martial arts.

If the opponent's life experience were completely converted into proficiency, it would definitely be more than a thousand points. These more than a thousand points are just the weight of the opponent's martial arts wisdom.

With this, Zhao Cheng's proficiency in sword-raising skills has suddenly become (2405/). At the same time, due to the improvement in sword-raising skills, there is also an additional special effect in the special effects column.

Wu Hui · Shimmer lv1 (654/1000)

Wuhui·Shiguang: The wisdom of martial arts gives birth to light, which may one day be more brilliant than the sun. The brightness of the sun always has its limit, but wisdom has no limit.

Lv1 effect: The proficiency gained from practice is improved, the martial arts understanding is improved, the martial arts learning ability is improved, and the spiritual refining coefficient is 0.3

At this point, Zhao Cheng's spiritual purity has been improved by 2.7, such a terrifying number.

You know, for any attribute, the higher the value, the harder it is to improve.

If it were the earliest time to obtain this special effect, the improvement coefficient would probably be more than 0.3.

"Sure enough, this is the correct way to open the simulator. Only by studying hard and practicing on your own can you pass the level?!"

Zhao Cheng felt various subtle changes in himself. Not only was his thinking more delicate, but also more sensitive.

How can I say that the improvement of martial arts wisdom is very subtle, and there seems to be no change. But at this time, when Zhao Cheng thinks about swordsmanship, even if Akainu has never learned swordsmanship, but by analogy, even if Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship talent is very low in reality, He still has various insights into the way of swordsmanship, and his basic swordsmanship seems to still have a lot of room for improvement.

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Cheng directly started the second simulation. Sure enough, as time and space changed, when the extraordinary swordsmanship talent returned.

That extraordinary talent and Zhao Cheng's martial arts wisdom at this moment collided with countless sparks.

Zhao Cheng did not start practicing directly. Instead, he sat cross-legged with Kongjie on his knees and carefully captured the sparks and inspirations in that moment.

Boxing and swordsmanship are two different things, but there are countless ways to think about them.

In other words, thousands of great roads lead to the same destination, and one sword can transform all dharma. At the same time, all dharma can also be transformed into one sword!

At this moment, on Zhao Cheng's panel, the basic swordsmanship column was blurred and then clear, and clear but then blurred, presenting an extremely unstable state.

Finally, after who knows how long, the blood moon appeared, and Zhao Cheng suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then began to dance with his sword.

The first sword was a bit slow and stagnant, as if it was a novice who had just learned the sword.

But gradually, Zhao Cheng's sword swing became faster and faster, the sword became sharper and smoother.

Later, every move seemed to match a certain mysterious frequency, and there was a strange sense of harmony.

Log: You have entered the state of enlightenment, and your basic swordsmanship has been greatly improved.

Log: You have understood the secret sword·Thunder

As the log was refreshed, Zhao Cheng's sword-wielding figure disappeared directly from the place as if time and space had shifted. After that, no one could be seen, and only a bloody sword light could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Cheng's sword and his men appeared two meters in front.

Secret swords can only be controlled by swordsmen, because learning other people's secret swords can only be regarded as learning swordsmanship. Only the ones you create and perfectly fit yourself are called secret swords.

To achieve this step, not only requires a profound state of mind and extraordinary understanding, but also a profound foundation.

The practice of a swordsman is essentially the process of gathering hundreds of swords into one furnace, and cultivating one's sword with one hundred swords.

From entering tranquility to entering concentration, the practitioner's speed of learning swordsmanship will make a qualitative leap. It is more than ten times faster to practice a swordsmanship to the upper limit of the level it can reach than in the stage of entering tranquility.

Therefore, generally only swordsmen can create their own secret swords in the process of raising hundreds of swords in the furnace.

As for the stage of entering tranquility, learning multiple swordsmanship is a thankless task.

The golden age of a person's cultivation is only a few years. As time passes, the energy, blood and spirit begin to decline. At that point, if you can maintain your physical fitness and spirit without declining through daily practice, you are already very good.

Rather than practicing multiple swordsmanships, it is better to reach the pinnacle of one swordsmanship and push it to the highest level again and again. This is the most correct way to practice.

The upper limit of swordsmanship level can be broken through hard work. If you have the time and energy to focus on practicing one swordsmanship, it is better to raise the only swordsmanship to the next level.

Zhao Cheng's situation is the result of many coincidences. His extraordinary talent has been accumulated to the upper limit of level 20, plus the martial arts wisdom of a strong man who is dedicated to martial arts at the peak of his life. The two are superimposed.

With the emergence of Secret Sword Thunder.

And with the appearance of this sword, Zhao Cheng felt as if he had a chance to kill the hard worker!

Zhao Cheng glanced at the panel and realized that his basic swordsmanship jumped directly from level 16 to level 18.

You must know that the further you advance in swordsmanship, the more experience you need. This is an increase in experience. If your swordsmanship is only lv1, it is enough to directly increase it to lv8.

Currently, the level of basic swordsmanship is lv18 (98/153), which is not far away from level 19.

As for the level 18 basic swordsmanship, the refining special effects were raised to level 3, and Zhao Cheng's spiritual refining coefficient was raised by 0.15. When the total is added up, it has reached 2.85.

Zhao Cheng is still unable to determine how much this coefficient of the swordsman is, but logically, it is impossible to be much better than him, even if that step is a qualitative change in life.

Afterwards, Zhao Cheng glanced at the blood moon in the sky, estimated the time, and found that he didn't have much time to stay in the simulated world.

He made some calculations and could only selectively kill the nearest Quan Kuang Akainu and Quan Jue.

After that, I went to find the hard worker to see if I could kill him now.

Log: You kill elite monster x1, simulation point 2, get treasure chest (white) x1

Reality, bedroom, Zhao Cheng looked at the treasure box and fell into deep thought.

What kind of luck is this today? In two simulations, the same monster dropped two treasure chests.

Luck is conserved. Whoever runs out first will leave first. Do you need to be more careful in the next period of time?

As for the painstaking one, he went to chop him, and almost did it. He resisted nine mental attacks of the opponent, and seized the opportunity to use the secret sword to thunder and chop the opponent's neck. In the end, the sword did not cut off. It was really hard.


The water for those who work hard is indeed a bit deep.

The secret sword puts a huge burden on the body and mind. Even with Zhao Cheng's superdimensional physique, it is difficult to strike the second sword in a short period of time.

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