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Chapter 1412 Modification

In the world of Seizing the Dragon, Han Jinyue woke up from a big dream, recalled the bizarre dream, and realized that something was wrong.

Once you enter Taoism, you will almost never dream. Taoists have no dreams, and once they do dream, it means a dark omen.

As for Han Jinyue herself, she had already started to meditate and meditate on scriptures instead of sleeping. In this case, she was still dragged into a dream, which shows how bizarre things were.

She knew in her heart that she must have been affected by some kind of magical power, most likely some kind of Taoism.

When recalling the scene in her dream, she thought of events from ten years ago.

At that time, the enchantress Fan Qingmeng used magical magic on her, but was interrupted by Zhang Huang'er. Subsequently, Zhang Huang'er even used the luck of the country to wash away the possible back-up plan, but now it seems that the back-up plan may be there.

At that time, it was indeed washed away, but the passage of objects still left traces.

She was not just delusional, but after the incident, the Taoist's extraordinary divine consciousness took effect.

In fact, this kind of spiritual consciousness can also be possessed by ordinary people under certain special circumstances. At certain times, after something closely related to them has happened, some people, almost instinctively, will

I have a feeling who might have done it.

Although this instinctive feeling may not be completely accurate, it is generally accurate to 70% or 80% accuracy.

As for the facts, it is indeed what Han Jinyue thought.

The Taoism of ten years ago was not completely successful, but it was not a complete failure either.

And just before Shuyue, Fan Qingmeng joined her team in order to create enough karma with her so that she could perform Taoism.

It wasn't until just now, like a big dream, that everything finally settled.

"What is the meaning of such a dream?!"

Han Jinyue flipped through the memory fragments from the dream. When she woke up from the dream, even if she was a Taoist, she could not remember everything in the dream, only some important memory fragments.

For example, she remembers the heavy rain at the beginning of the dream very clearly. She clearly remembers the extra Fanqing dream in it and the unreasonable feeling of disgust about herself in the dream.

In the dream, she didn't know why she was disgusted. She just instinctively looked for a plausible reason.

But now that she woke up, she knew that the source of this disgust was because there was no such person in her original memory.

In her memory, there was no such person as Fan Qingmeng, and Zhao Cheng did not ask her for help. He only asked for five days of leave in a row. It was said that his cold was worsened by the rain. This kind of thing did not happen in high school.

It was relatively rare, so she remembered it very clearly.

As for that big dream, only the memory fragments she remembered at the beginning of this dream were more, because this node was deflected, and the subsequent dreams would naturally no longer follow the route in her memory, and

It's going in another direction.

From what she knew at the moment, it seemed that the further back she went, the more deeply related the events were to Zhao Cheng, and the more fragments of her memory became clearer.

As for the time, it is also vague.

And the end of everything ended with the death of Fan Qingmeng.

In the dream, she remembered that it seemed to be an afternoon not long after she graduated from college. She saw the news of Fan Qingmeng's death from cancer in her circle of friends.

"First cut off the beard, then develop feelings, and finally die in the best years. It's too cruel..."

Han Jinyue pondered over and over again the few fragments of the dream.

Although the timeline of this dream spans several years, from the first year of high school to graduation from college, which spans nearly seven or eight years, due to the jump in the timeline, there are not many dream fragments.

In the original trajectory, Zhao Cheng spent three years in high school and was her pony boy for three years. The main character was a hard-working and uncomplaining person. Unfortunately, in those days, as long as the person who was favored was always a little young and frivolous, I didn't know that this kind of

The preciousness of pure emotion.

When I understood it later, I had already gone far away.

The past cannot be traced back.

But in the dream, after the heavy rain, her horse immediately rebelled without any hesitation.

Then, the whole class was filled with the sour smell of love.

Of course, for Zhao Cheng in the dream, he was probably a lonely soul who obtained redemption when he most longed for redemption.

It's just that this kind of redemption seems to come at a price. In dreams, certain things are conserved.

In the original trajectory, the two of them were destined to have different fates, and finally parted ways. Although Zhao Cheng was regretful at that time, it was not heartbreaking.

But in the dream, Fan Qingmeng was more cruel. When his love was the strongest, he died directly in front of Zhao Cheng.

This can't help but remind Han Jinyue of a joke in the real world, that is, how to kill someone's heart. The method is also very simple, that is, be nice to the other person, be very good to the other person, and then die at the other person's side when the feelings are the strongest.


It seems that at the end of the dream, a sentence is fulfilled, that is, the gifts of fate have a price.

Until the next morning, Han Jinyue entered the palace early, found Zhang Huang'er, and told about yesterday's strange dream. She also said that she suspected that Fan Qingmeng's move might be aimed at Zhao Cheng.

However, after listening to Han Jinyue's words, Zhang Huanger looked at Han Jinyue with a strange look. After a long time, he slowly said: "Isn't this dream you mentioned something that happened before?!"

"Indeed, that person once left a deep impression on His Majesty, but life is always moving forward, and that is already a thing of the past."

"As for our world, there is no such person as Fan Qingmeng."

"The practice of Taoism has certain dangers. It is probably because you have done too many subjects during this period, and you are too tired. Therefore, your soul has been a little biased, and your cognition has become abnormal."

"Let's put aside the research for a while."

Zhang Huanger consoled her.

Although Zhang Huanger said comforting words, Han Jinyue felt a chill in her heart at this moment.

"Do you still remember Fan Qing Meng?!"

In the residence of Sheng Yanhou, Han Jinyue got straight to the point.

Hearing this, Gao Shou looked at Han Jinyue strangely, as if wondering when she had become so stupid, but finally responded: "Of course I remember, this was Lao Zhao's former true love. We have known each other for eight years, and the main thing is a pure love and love."

Redemption, if Fan Qingmeng hadn't died early, the current queen would have had to be replaced."

"Speaking of which, I still remember that when you were in high school, you and Fan Qingmeng had some problems with each other. You said that everything the other party said was just an act. Why, you don't even remember your nemesis?!"

Gao Shou laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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