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Chapter 143: Senior Brother Black Tiger

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Time and time again, what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. Every boxing skill will make me stronger.

Until that day, the person who I considered to be beyond my goals found me.

He said he admired me very much and asked me to do things for him.

I agreed without hesitation.

And he also passed it on to me, a unique skill that I have never seen before, the calamity of heaven!

Such a unique knowledge, ordinary people only regard it as a treasure, but he passed it on to me without hesitation.

At that moment, some of my inherent perceptions were broken.

How can a truly powerful person be stingy?

It's just that the people I met before were not strong people, they were just weak people with power.

A strong man! It’s not just about strength!

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Relying on the unique skill of Jie Tian Gang, I have successfully integrated what I have learned in my past life. The days and nights, and the battles, have all turned into the force that pushes me forward at this moment.

In a very short period of time, I created my own martial arts, the Seventh Turn of the Mad Dragon, and at the same time, I used this to condense my own unique spirit.

General Jie Tian met me again and expressed his approval to me.

Then he gave me a task, asking me to clear out some gathering places in the wilderness and ask everyone to build a holy tower for the most powerful King of Demon Fist that symbolizes his kingship.

And this is what I long for!

Fights again and again and countless punches brought my life to an unprecedented peak.

It is indeed unprecedented. Even if I have a higher status in the future and countless people are afraid of me and revere me, it has never made me as happy as I was during that period of time.

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Martial arts becomes more and more difficult the higher you go, but as time goes by, I still stand on the threshold of martial arts overlord, and gradually touch the realm of spiritual condensation.

At this time, martial arts has become my only pursuit. As for beauty, food, and rights, these things have no appeal to me.

Even the Demon Fist King said that I am the most likely person to become the eighth general of the Demon Fist.

It was during such a peaceful period that I settled down and began to modify the Seven Transformations of the Mad Dragon.

Being stubborn and crazy seems not to make me stronger. Gradually, my edge begins to fade, but I am getting stronger and closer to the realm of overlord.

But at this moment, General Jie Tian died, and so did the Demon Fist King.

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I thought I was going to die too, but that extremely terrifying and powerful man did not kill me.

He just destroyed my spermatozoa and made me lose all my martial arts skills, with no possibility of recovery.

He said that destroying me would cause me more pain than killing me.

At the same time, he told me that his name was Li Fu and he was the senior brother of Black Tiger Clan.

Black Tiger Gate?

There is no such sect in my memory. Just like people don't remember how many pieces of bread they have eaten in their lives, I also don't remember how many people I have killed in my life.

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Later I learned that the man named Li Fu was one of the Thirteen Generals under the Savior. He was not the King of the Century who was stronger than the King of Martial Arts, but he was far more powerful than the average boxing champion.

Under the order of the savior, Li Fu cleared away all the thugs and restored peace to the land, and I, who had lost my martial arts, was able to survive.

But as Li Fu said, it is more painful for me to live than to die, because strength and boxing skills are my only pursuit in this life!

But I'm not willing to commit suicide. I don't believe that the sperm hole really can't be restored.

As long as there is a chance, I can't give up.

Probably, this is exactly what Li Fu wants.

He is worthy of being a man who can easily kill the Demon Boxing King. Not only does he have boxing skills, he also has an incomparable understanding of people's hearts.

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My life finally reached its end. Li Fu succeeded, leaving me in purgatory for the rest of my life.

But I don’t regret it. A strong man has to pay the price for his actions. How can he be afraid?

And the savior seems to have indeed saved the world and established a world where weak people can live happily.

Even as weak as me, I still live to the end of my life.

It's just a pity that I couldn't see the higher scenery after all...

Akainu's diary is quite long and tells the story of his ups and downs in life.

From the humblest slave to almost becoming a martial arts overlord and becoming a general with his fists, Akainu's experience is legendary.

Moreover, he lived from the wasteland to a new era.

Of course, what Zhao Cheng cared about the most was Senior Brother Black Humen, whom Zhao Cheng originally thought was dead.

After all, the wasteland is never safe. Even if you are as strong as a martial arts master, you can't guarantee that you will die suddenly.

But unexpectedly, the opponent not only became a boxing champion, but also one of the thirteen generals under the savior.

Zhao Cheng has some understanding of the federal system. The Thirteen Generals are undoubtedly a group of people who stand at the absolute apex of the federation. They are lower than one person and higher than countless others.

And the story of Li Fu, who went from being a small senior disciple of the Black Tiger Clan to becoming a general of heaven, is obviously extremely exciting.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng is already looking forward to it now. He doesn't know when he will be able to reveal the other party's diary.

Zhao Cheng thought about it for a while, then fell into a deep sleep. He had no dreams all night and didn't wake up until six o'clock.

Originally, it was enough for him to sleep for more than four hours a day, but because of the injection of Coward's Savior, his body seemed to suddenly become a little more lethargic.

Another period of time passed, and it was already the end of December, approaching the end of the semester, but Zhao Cheng remained calm.

He practiced swordplay in class as usual, and looked at some of the classmates around him, such as Zhou Yu, who usually didn't listen to the class and were cramming to death, hoping to create a miracle in a week.

While Zhou Yu was chewing on the book, he occasionally looked at Zhao Cheng with resentment in his eyes.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, because Zhao Cheng filled in some vacant knowledge points, his scores in the monthly exams increased steadily, and he is now in the top 20 in his age group.

With this score, you can already apply for a class change next year and go directly to the best class.

Of course, Zhao Cheng didn't have this idea. He went, but it was just a waste of learning resources. He could just read the books on his own. The college entrance examination was not his path and there was no need.

Zhou Yu's resentment also comes from this. Why is everyone trying to catch fish? I am at the bottom of my class and you are in the top twenty of your age. Things are more or less outrageous.

"Old Zhao, how do you feel? You seem to have become a little more handsome in recent times?!"

When get out of class was over, Zhou Yu suddenly said.

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Chapter 143: Brother Black Tiger is free to read.

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