Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1,432 Preparation

Before dawn, the city of God was already noisy.

All the city gates, including the gates in the palace, were all opened at two o'clock in the morning. The bright lights made parts of the divine capital seem like daytime.

This is destined to be unusual. Many people in Shendu did not sleep at all all night. Even Li Tonghai, who was already very old. Although Zhao Chengnian did not pay attention to the matter of offering sacrifices to heaven because of his old age.

He was given the position of first assistant, but was given to his students to preside over, but his heart was not at peace.

It was supposed to be time to sleep, but he sat on the bed and listened to the wind for half the night.

The wind was blowing the leaves and making a rustling sound. He heard it in his ears, but he only felt that a storm was coming.

The Dao Kingdom has not been established for ten years, and there are problems here. Anyone who knows the inside story of the Dao Kingdom will not be aware of it, but in the past, everyone has deliberately ignored this matter.

After all, in times of peace and prosperity, it is rare to be confused.

However, some things must be faced after all.

Thinking of the Tao Kingdom and the imperial edict written by Zhao Cheng in front of everyone that day, Li Tonghai couldn't stop feeling sad.

In this way, around three o'clock in the morning, Li Tonghai went out. This time was undoubtedly extremely early, but some people were earlier than Li Tonghai.

The city gate has not even been opened, but he is already waiting under the gate, waiting for it to open.

When it comes to offering sacrifices to heaven, there is no benefit if you go early, but if you go late due to an accident, there will definitely be disadvantages.

If nothing else, as far as career is concerned, there is a high probability that it will be lost.

Even if the emperor doesn't care about such trivial matters, there are many people besides the emperor who do.

The meaning of the existence of etiquette is actually a kind of screening. It does not necessarily mean how to do it in detail, but to screen out people who are willing to abide by the rules.

Zhao Cheng founded a new dynasty and abolished many cumbersome etiquette, but the screening mechanism still existed, it just changed the way.

There is a reason behind many seemingly unreasonable rules.

Therefore, even though someone as noble as Li Tonghai waited under the door without opening the door in a hurry, he still left the house long in advance.

After going out, not long after, Li Tonghai met Lin Yi's bullock cart. The two looked at each other through the window of the cart, and there was no further communication.

At this moment, if you look down at the Divine Capital from high in the sky, you will see cars appearing one after another from various places in the Divine Capital, and finally merge into the main road, flowing towards the outside of the city in a mighty manner.

It was after six o'clock in the morning that Zhao Chengcai finally set off, and the vast honor guard marched out of the city from the main road of Shendu.

Both sides of the road along the way were crowded with people, and everyone was looking around, but no one crossed the line.

The laws of the empire are very loose in many places, and free speech is not allowed, and there is no bad habit of asking for help when meeting officials. However, in other places, they are still strict, and in some key occasions, no overstepping is allowed.

In the crowd, there were not only the people of Daxin, but also many young people from surrounding small countries. It can be said that these people have grown up listening to the myth of Emperor Yingtian since they were young, and have already known it in their hearts.

It sketched out the image of the demon god with three heads and six arms of Emperor Yingtian, but when he finally saw it today, he was a little disappointed.

Emperor Yingtian is not as terrifying as the legend says. At first glance, he is just a brave and majestic young man.

Although such a temperament is beyond the reach of ordinary people, it is far from what they imagine.

After all, people in this world have always been fearful of power and not immoral. Now they will come to Shendu to study honestly. This is not because they are humble and eager to learn, but because they are simply afraid of being beaten.

What spirit, what belief, what preference for death rather than surrender, were all crushed to pieces in the blood and fire under the iron cavalry of the empire.

The backbone of any famous clan is nothing but illusion.

If you would rather die than surrender, then let you die. The empire's style has always been so simple and direct.

Under such circumstances, one can easily imagine what Zhao Cheng, the ruler of the empire, looked like in the eyes of these foreign young people.

He is a demon, a tyrant, and the source of disaster!

As for the people of the empire, they are all curious at this moment. There are five million people in the divine capital, but 99% of them have never seen Zhao Cheng.

Especially the new generation of young people. When Zhao Cheng unified the world, these young people were just children. They learned about Zhao Cheng from the people around him and from books.

However, one thing is beyond doubt, that is, Zhao Cheng is a hero, a great hero!

If not, the imperial court would have sent someone to explain the regulations in advance to prevent any noise. I am afraid that by now, there would have been a lot of shouting.

However, although it was difficult to speak out, the emotions in everyone's hearts did not diminish at all.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng, sitting on the carriage, clearly felt the emotions conveyed by the countless pairs of eyes around him. Ninety-nine percent of them were reverence. In addition, the remaining little bit was


There is only fear, but no resentment, because I dare not!

Undoubtedly, this is part of the achievements of the empire in these ten years.

Cultivate hope internally and show prestige externally.

In this way, the world will naturally be peaceful and all nations will surrender.

In the past dynasties, barbarian invasions of the border areas were frequently prohibited, but this incident never happened in the Daxin Dynasty.

Zhao Cheng felt the emotions conveyed by countless people, and looked at the national destiny in the sky, which was like a vast ocean, and for a moment, he became a little crazy.

Thinking back to the time when he proclaimed himself king in the Southern Wilderness and offered sacrifices to heaven. Although the Southern Wilderness was stable at that time, people's hearts were still shallow and they had to use weapons to maintain order. It seemed that he had surrendered to Daxin, but many people still regarded themselves as the Cang Dynasty.

's people.

As for now, Cang Dynasty has long become a symbol in textbooks and has been labeled as backward, decadent and failed.

And the restructuring of education has also prevented the new generation of young people from eating Daxin's food, but thinking about things about their motherland called Cang.

More than ten years ago, Zhao Cheng acted vigorously and vigorously, sweeping away unhealthy trends in the world.

Because of this, we encountered a lot of resistance at the beginning, but if we hadn't eradicated the roots, I'm afraid this scene wouldn't be there now.

As for those who scolded fiercely at that time, saying that Zhao Cheng did not respect the ancestors and would bear the eternal infamy, let alone the graves, even the ashes had been raised for many years, and there were no descendants.

It’s all a matter of exhaustion, because they were all killed at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but miss his former glory.

For a few moments at the beginning, he really thought that the feudal remnants of poison would kill him endlessly, but the facts proved that as long as he killed hard enough, there would be no endless killing.

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Cheng looked towards the sun in the sky.

At this time, the sun had just emerged, but the sky was already turning red.

Many things in the past have been buried in the past, just like the long night before dawn.

The east is red, the sun is rising...

This chapter has been completed!
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