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Chapter 145 Quan Jues Diary

Daily life is always like this. Although it is calm and has few disturbances, it is not boring. Some small things can always make people feel interesting.

During the day, Zhao Cheng is just an ordinary student, but at night, he is the "savior" who travels through the doomsday to save the world.

He will hold the sword, run around, use the sword in his hand and his own liver to fight to save the world.

He works so hard, seemingly to become stronger, but actually saving the world is his true purpose.

In the classroom, the teacher was giving lectures with a distant voice, while outside the windows it was snowing and the cold wind was howling.

As for Zhao Cheng's thoughts, they are still so wild and unconstrained sometimes.

At this moment, he was analyzing his character and trying to find out the possibility of becoming an anime hero.

This topic was once again one of his wild thoughts in his boyhood.

However, when Zhao Cheng thought about it carefully, it seemed that saving the world was not his wish, he just simply wanted to become stronger.

As for the world, if he can pass the level, he will be saved easily. He is a savior driven by interest.

Just like when he was a chivalrous man not long ago, it was because he happened to meet him and he had that ability, so he saved him without taking off his leather jacket and started fighting evil all over the city.

So, it seems that I am not a cartoon male protagonist template or a superhero template.

For me, it seems that I am the most important. As for the world, justice and so on, they are all driven by interests.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts turned around and he glanced around the class. During class time, Zhou Yu was like a frozen bear, looking listless and without any energy at all after class.

Of course, not only Zhou Yu, but also most of the students in the class are like this.

And in winter, this kind of time, this kind of atmosphere, calm and serene, is not bad in Zhao Cheng's opinion.

Of course, on this kind of winter day, if you can be in a warm room with a fire, reading a book, drinking hot tea, and a cat lying on your lap, that will be the real enjoyment of life.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts, even his heart, seemed to become a little warmer when he thought of such a scene.

"I don't know where the future will go."

Zhao Cheng suddenly thought to himself that in the future of his life, the scene of class in front of him would probably become less common day by day.

"However, if I get interested in it in the future, I will definitely go back and be a teacher for a few days. Of course, what I will teach then will not be mathematics, physics and chemistry, but swordsmanship."

Such thoughts flashed through Zhao Cheng's mind.

In his many imaginations, scenes of himself being a teacher appeared many times.

Of course, he felt that he might not really be able to practice kendo. In the future, he might travel around the world and become a famous traveler, telling his adventure stories to the students.

That doesn't seem bad either.

As for the most important thing, saving the world, it seems that it is not the most important thing in Zhao Cheng's life.

From now on, he will have plenty of things to do.

Time, in Zhao Cheng's various thoughts, turned into light and electricity.

Soon, the final exam was over.

Some people had smiles on their faces, while others sighed.

As for Zhao Cheng, he was naturally the one with a calm smile, even though he had always been one of the sighers before.

Night, bedroom.

Log: You opened the treasure chest (white)

Zhao Cheng's expression gradually became serious.

He always feels that his recent luck has gradually become mysterious.

It's not that he doesn't like being the European Emperor, it's mainly because he has always been a guaranteed non-chief before, and now that he is suddenly like this, he is a bit "flattered".

"Diary and Can Hui, the best combination, this time!"

When he opened the treasure chest just now, he thought it would be great if he could open the diary and the remaining ashes, but he got whatever he wanted.

"But after all this time, I can finally understand why Quan Jue despaired of his boxing skills."

Zhao Chengxin said.

Among all the monsters he had seen, the one he had seen so far was the most unique one. Lying on the ground, curled up and shivering, it was hard for Zhao Cheng not to care.

Immediately, Zhao Cheng opened the diary.

First page:

My father said that as a man, you should use your fists to protect those you consider important.

This is what it means for a man to make a fist.

But I seem to have forgotten this sentence for a long time.

Since I was a child, I have been a person with a weak personality, that kind of natural weakness.

When faced with bullying from older children, my friends all told me to resist. I understood the logic, but I just couldn't do it.

The second page:

When I got older, I started practicing boxing. Boxing can make even a weak person strong.

Gradually, I am getting taller and stronger. Even though I am still timid, no big kids come to bully me anymore.

It seems that power itself is something that is enough to scare people.

The third page:

My father is a very powerful martial arts master, and the boxing skills passed down from his family are among the best in the entire Moyun City. Even Tianfeng Xiangyu Boxing of Tianfeng Pavilion is inferior to my family's Beidou Jiuchongtian.


If one can comprehend the highest mysteries of the Nine Heavens of Beidou, there is a chance to reach the legendary Ziwei Heaven Realm, which is one of the highest mysteries comparable to Wu Xiang's reincarnation.

According to my father, the Beidou Nine Heavens inherited from our family originated from an ancient school more than 2,000 years ago, but our lineage has long been independent.

Page 4:

I learned boxing very quickly, after all, it was just a technique for polishing the physical body.

My father said that it is not that I have a weak character, but that I am too kind. I am so kind that even if I am bullied, I am not willing to use force to oppress others.

But I always feel that this is my father's comfort.

Page 5:

When I grew up, I practiced boxing all year round, which made me brave.

Therefore, even though I have a weak personality, I still met a very good girl.

We went to school together and graduated together, and the world seemed to become brighter because of it.

Page Six:

My father passed away. Before his death, he said that when he was young, he was eager for quick success and quick success in practicing boxing, which damaged his roots, so he could not live long.

And not long after, my mother passed away because of sadness.

Page Seven:

I got married, but I didn’t inherit the martial arts gym at home. Opening the gym would involve fighting, and I didn’t like this.

So I became an office worker and relied on the knowledge I learned in school to support myself, not boxing.

However, I have not given up on my boxing skills. Year-round habits have kept me practicing hard.

Page 8:

I finally got married to her, and soon she became pregnant with the baby. I asked her to raise the baby at home, but she said that her belly was still small now, so it wouldn't matter, and she would wait until she got bigger.

Staying at home alone is a bit lonely.

Page nine:

She is dead.

When I went there, I only saw her body.

She was lying on the ground with blood all over her body. Even though she was dead, her eyes were still wide open.

And when I saw this scene, instead of pursuing the truth, I was so frightened that I huddled on the ground and trembled.

I want to be angry, but why can’t I get angry?!

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