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Chapter 1494: Always be kind to others

"Perhaps the way out lies in the lost ancient universe..."

Wu Luo thought to himself that this was also part of his premonition.

He has been able to survive all the way to this day, not only being able to feel the danger, but also vaguely feeling the vitality. This is the myth that danger is always a few steps behind me.

Before this, it was not that he had never thought about exploring the lost ancient universe, but he just had no way to start. He was not the only one who wanted to find the ancient universe. All of those powerful Hedao people were full of strong interest in the ancient universe.

If you don't look for it, you just can't find it.

There are so many people who can't find the right ones, and Wu Luo is no exception.

But at this moment, his special talent came into play, and he suddenly felt that he had a chance.

So on this day, a total of 3,081 Wuluo began their own plan to find the missing ancient universe...

As for why it is three thousand and eighty-one, it is because Wu Luo's original body created fifty-five incarnations, and his fifty-five incarnations created another fifty-five incarnations. These incarnations...

But among all the incarnations, only the first-generation incarnation and the second-generation incarnation have inherited Wuluo's special talent.

Among them, the number of first-generation incarnations is fifty-five, and the number of second-generation incarnations is 3,025, plus one body, which is exactly 3,081.

At this moment, even Zhao Cheng was a little amazed at Wu Luo's special talent.

The ability to predict the future and seek good fortune and avoid misfortune is not uncommon. It is even "common" and can be achieved in many ways.

Either through observation and calculation, or through cause and effect, or through fate, or simply directly observing the cosmic light...

But whether it is observation or calculation, there are limits, and it is impossible to see things beyond the limits of one's own perspective.

But Wu Luo's talent is very transcendent. It is not a sense of communicating something, but a powerful premonition that directly obtains the result through a little cause and effect, skipping the process.

Therefore, when Wu Luo was still a mortal, he could just run away and escape the catastrophe of genocide.

Now, relying on a few rumors, he had a premonition of the destruction brought by the blood sea.

Of course, Wu Luo is special in himself, and he is undoubtedly the beacon of a strong person in the reverse dimension.

The captain of the No. 2 Transportation Brigade, Zhao Cheng also met him before, and his main character is fierce!

It can be said that he is the strongest person Zhao Cheng has ever seen.

Even the Blood Saint's Eternal Light, in Zhao Cheng's opinion, is a little inferior to the No. 2 Transport Brigade Captain.

Because of this, while Zhao Cheng was reshaping the original time and space and projecting the interior world, he kept staring at Wu Luo, not because he wanted to study the other party's secrets.

In Wuluo's structure, he already knows everything that belongs to the positive dimension. As for the negative dimension, he has no intention of exploring it now, at least until he proves the super dimension.

Knowledge also has power. Some knowledge is a treasure when it is appropriate, but a burden when it is inappropriate.

Cultivation is like cooking. If it is just a pot of random stew, then it is completely left to luck.

Zhao Cheng's Ten Pillars Tongtian, although it is inclusive of all things, is complex but not chaotic, and has its own, unified system.

Zhao Cheng stared at Wu Luo, just not wanting Wu Luo to die too early and offend the captain of the No. 2 Transportation Brigade.

In a sense, Wu Luo is a trump card in Zhao Cheng's hand.

At the critical moment, if used well, it may not be impossible to reverse the situation and determine the future direction with a final word.

Of course, Wu Luo's talent is not omnipotent.

For example, Wu Luo had no premonition about the coming of the blood sea, because the source of the blood sea coming incident was Zhao Cheng.

Therefore, Wu Luo had no premonition at all. By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late to run away.

Wu Luo's execution ability is very strong. He actually found some clues of ancient times by relying on his premonition.

And with Wu Luo's actions, time quickly came to the 110,000th millennium.

In these ten thousand years, the battle lines of the multi-dimensional world have been blocked. The strong men on the multi-dimensional side have encountered unprecedented resistance in these ten thousand years.

However, these have nothing to do with Wu Luo. During these ten thousand years, he has been busy archaeologically...

In fact, anything related to another "world" has long been tested by other strong people. With the power of the Hedao people, there really is nothing in this world that can be hidden from them.

There are even those who follow the Tao, such as King Tianyun, who have even personally visited another "world" and emerged as a result.

There is even a legend that King Tianyun once personally told his disciples about his journey to another world when he was preaching.

A mysterious being summoned him and asked him to fight a ferocious mad woman, and promised that if he won, he would be promoted to the realm of stars.

Although he was killed in the end, he did not really die. Instead, he returned directly to his own world. However, it was only a few dozen moments in another world, but his own world had changed in the blink of an eye.

Naturally, it was impossible for Wu Luo to ask King Tianyun about this legend face to face.

However, King Tianyun is not the only one who has traveled to another world, but there are many.

However, that group of people happened countless epochs ago, and only a few words about the other world have been handed down.

And in these ten thousand years, Wu Luo has been doing archaeology, and the more he feels that another world may be the ancient era. It is very likely that many epochs ago in the ancient era, there was a civilization, or a strong person, mastered

Developed the technology to summon life from this world.

But later, perhaps due to an accident, that civilization, or the strong ones, were directly destroyed. Therefore, in the following years, no one reached the other world again.

Until this time, a certain power awakened in the ancient universe, causing the earth to turn upside down, and the world to come.

And since Ancient Era can summon life from this world, it must be possible to reach Ancient Era from here.

It just requires a suitable method.

Indeed, even those who have reached the ancient times cannot do it even if they are powerful in Hehe Dao.

But Wu Luo knew that he had an advantage that even the strong Hedao people did not have, that is, he came from the ancient universe. Even if it was not the ancient universe of this era, there were still traces of his past in the ancient universe.


This is the difference between something and nothing.

As for this moment, Wu Luo was flipping through a diary. He didn't know what material the diary was made of, but it actually survived through life and death.

"The prehistoric world, the demonic witch, the evil emperor of the sky?!"

Wu Luo looked inside, filled with nouns full of resentment, and had already completed the entire story in his heart.

Probably, many epochs ago, there was a man who was called the "Great Sage" by later generations. When he was young, he had a journey to another world.

At that time, the Great Sage was still an ordinary person, but after traveling to another world, he caught up with the good times and did not starve to death on the streets. Instead, he played a game that allowed people to gain extraordinary power.

The great sage did not go into details about the different world in his diary. Instead, he wrote a big book about the demons and witches. Obviously, he was beaten badly. Even if he came back later and became a hero who guided the world, he still treated the young people.

I will never forget the beatings I received.

The main theme is to hold a grudge.

For some reason, Wu Luo suddenly felt an inexplicable chill in his heart when he thought of holding grudges...

I, I have always been kind to others, or to living people, either not beating them or beating them to death, without exception.

The only surprise is probably that Zhao Cheng was not beaten to death.

And when the ancient universe underwent great changes, how long did it take to pass?!

If Zhao Cheng wanted to beat him, even if he cheated, he would have to practice for hundreds of millions of years, right?!

What's more, with such a huge change in ancient times, a person who has not even achieved immortality may not even be able to find his ashes...

This chapter has been completed!
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