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Chapter 1518 Dragon Gate

But the Federation's special strength gave them hope.

Of course, with the presence of the great king Jin Long, they could not occupy the fertile land of the Federation to share the vitality, but they could completely sacrifice the blood of all living beings to refine the vitality of all living beings.

This kind of thing is not a rare thing in ancient times.

As early as when Zhao Chenggang came into contact with the ancient universe, he discovered that all the races in the ancient universe would sacrifice the life of the universe with blood in order to extract various resources.

Of course, blood sacrifices are not just a feature of ancient times. Even if we go back countless years, as early as when the value of life itself existed, things similar to blood sacrifices were inevitable.

Even, even the earth.

The so-called life of non-my species is nothing but resources.

If they are rare species, they will be sent to zoos. If they taste extremely delicious, they will be bred in batches and sent to breeding farms and slaughterhouses...

This is not evil, it is just natural selection, the law of the jungle and the strong!

It is the law of nature and the rule of the universe.

It’s the way!

The majestic righteousness!

Therefore, even if the Great Dao Light is like the Eternal One of Blood Saint, and the Great Dao is majestic, he will still directly sacrifice blood to all living beings when he needs to replenish his strength.

Because living beings are not of his species, in his eyes, they are nothing more than lambs, no different from people eating pork.

As for this moment, these top half-kings don't want an endless supply of anything, they just want to grab a wave and leave.

When a whale falls, everything comes alive...

When the World Federation falls, what will follow will surely be an unprecedented golden age.

It is by no means an illusion that all the kings stand side by side.

The Golden Dragon's enlightenment is just the beginning.

At this moment, outside the federation, greedy eyes were looking at the territory of the federation as if they were looking at a delicacy, just waiting for the golden dragon to defeat all the resistance forces in the federation.

At that time, it was also the time when hyenas like them devoured the corpses.

"However, low-dimensional creations, even if they have some high-dimensional power, are nothing more than fakes!"

In the high-dimensional space and time, Jin Long looked at the giant steel dragon charging toward him, and a dragon gate immediately rushed out of his body.

In ancient legends, when the world first opened, there was a portal called the Dragon Gate. Any life, no matter what race it is, can transform into a dragon as long as it can cross the Dragon Gate.

Of course, this is just a legend. Throughout the ages, no life has ever seen this divine object.

However, Jin Long actually turned his lies into reality and created a prehistoric dragon gate by himself.

Although it is impossible for his Dragon Gate to directly transform all creatures into dragons, now that he has become enlightened, he can directly transform living beings into half-dragons and possess part of the dragon's bloodline.

At this moment, the prehistoric dragon gate is surrounded by chaotic energy, and the portal is spitting out fairy light.

When the ancient dragon gate appeared, immediately, a force of energy shook the space and time of the world and suppressed thousands of reincarnations. It penetrated from the high dimension to the low dimension and spread out in all directions, causing countless lives to feel the sense of extinction.


As for the Golden Dragon King who controls the ancient dragon gate, it is more like turning into the only one and turning into eternity!

High-dimensional life and low-dimensional life are no longer the same thing from the very beginning.


The dragon gate pressed down and collided with the giant steel dragon, followed by a violent explosion and a crackling sound.

With just one collision, this giant steel dragon, which had condensed the entire federation's highest technological crystallization and countless resources, unexpectedly had numerous fine cracks.

After all, it is just a high dimension accumulated from low dimensions. It is different from the dragon gate in the hands of the golden dragon. Although the material of the dragon gate is not as good as that of the steel dragon, it is also high dimension. The high dimension of the dragon gate has been smelted into

One body is a complete high-dimensional whole, while the steel dragon is made up of countless parts.

This is the biggest difference between the two.

One has gaps, the other has no gaps!

However, after this blow, even the golden dragon was a little surprised.

As a prince, he wielded a prince-level weapon and struck with all his strength, but he failed to shatter this low-dimensional creation with one blow.

At this moment, he even felt a sense of joy in his heart. He was glad that he had never been close to the World Federation before he became enlightened.

Otherwise, at that time, who in the sky and on earth could block the attack of this giant steel dragon?!

However, this thought only lasted for a moment, and then it disappeared.

That is all in the past, but now, he has become a great king, which can be said to be the enlightenment of one person for eternity!

If you become a king, you are invincible!

Now is his era, his, invincible era!

The dirty past is not enough to boast about...

What he has to do now is to use absolute power to destroy all the forces that resist him and get everything he wants.

If there is any obstacle, God will kill God if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill Buddha if he blocks Buddha!




One strike failed, and the golden dragon struck several times in succession. The ancient dragon gate continued to vibrate, and terrifying power exploded, condensing, and exploding.

In just an instant, an entire giant steel dragon was blasted into countless fragments by him with absolute force, flying in all directions.

At this moment, a series of explosions occurred in super cities on the earth.

In the infinite bright light, the golden dragon finally set foot on the federal land, and the energy belonging to the monarch spread out unscrupulously, as if to announce the arrival of himself as the master to this country and this civilization.

“A wonder of civilization?!”

"Little thing, your time has passed."

When I came to the capital of the World Federation, I saw the statue belonging to Zhao Cheng standing in the capital of the federation as a cultural wonder and the spiritual faith of countless people. Jinlong pressed down the statue with a palm without hesitation, and the statue stood at a height of 10,000 meters.

, turned into powder.

The first thing Jin Long did was to defeat the belief and backbone of this civilization!

Sacrificing the blood of all the federal people is a one-shot deal. Later, he will have to relocate lives and develop the tribe, which is very troublesome.

It would be better to just take existing people, defeat their beliefs and spirit, kill all their knowledgeable people, destroy all their culture and knowledge inheritance, gather a group of people who are willing to be dogs, and then brainwash them for several generations.

Modify history...

With such a set up, he is naturally the only one to dominate.

Of course, he would naturally overthrow the entire federal order.

After all, according to the principle that everyone is equal, how can he gather his strength?!

Why is it that the history of the ancient universe is countless times longer than that of the Federation, and its territory is countless times larger, but it is still the law of the jungle?!

It’s not that there is no place where so-called “advanced” things can be developed.

It's just that that system is not in the interests of the strong, so many ethnic groups are still primitive societies after developing for hundreds of thousands of years.

At the same time that the golden dragon destroyed the statue, the Federation's serial legions were also assembled.

A bloody battle related to the future of civilization broke out.

"There is a way to take death, there is a way to take death!"

"Now, who in the sky and on earth can save him?!"

On the other side, Wu Luo looked at the excitement. At first, the corners of his eyes were beating wildly, but as he watched, his heart began to beat wildly.

He has seen countless warriors in his life, but this is the first time he has seen such a brave one.

An originally ordinary civilization has developed to this point in just a few hundred years. After the change in the sky, it occupied the best place in the center of the earth as soon as it landed.

No way, no way!

Does anyone really think there is no problem here?

Why do everyone only think about the benefits?!

Here, even if you think with your feet, there is something wrong.

However, Wu Luo reacted quickly.

This is calamity, immeasurable calamity!

If I hadn't been deeply impressed before.

I'm afraid that I will be temporarily obsessed with my mind and do something irrational.

This chapter has been completed!
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