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Chapter 1568: Across Millions of Years


Dao Zun's will, which occupies countless time and space dimensions, suddenly stretched out a palm at this moment. The size of this palm is comparable to the entire multiverse, because the complete Dao Zun's will body not only occupies

Space also occupies time.

Therefore, this blow was not only struck from the spatial level, but also from the time level.

The past and future, hundreds of thousands of years, are all covered by this palm. In other words, the entire space plus time is everything this palm has.

"History" has changed at this moment. From the time when the four masters were born, to the time when the will body appeared at this moment, and the hundreds of thousands of years to come, they are all shrouded in this palm. In all time, the four masters

, being attacked at the same time.

It can be said that this palm alone cut off millions of years.

Such willpower is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

After all, although the realm of eternity is already a worm on the timeline, or in other words, it is constantly expanding and spreading in time and space.

But all of this is achieved with the support of the mighty power of the eternal Tao Fruit. Once the support of the Tao Fruit is lost, even the Eternal One cannot be a pure spirit, spanning too much time and space.

At this moment, the Taoist Master is just a will. I don’t know how many obstacles have been crossed and how many wills have been worn out. After coming with the hearts of the three eternal beings as the guide, the will alone has such aura and such power.

It is truly, infinitely terrifying!

"It's really awesome!"

In a strange state, the Blood Saint sighed.

This was not the first time he had seen such a powerful person. He was also lucky enough to see it once during Emperor Cheng's time.

That time, after he saw the real door to the dimension, he stretched out a palm. With just one hand, he shattered the eternity and destroyed the era of Emperor Cheng.

Of course, this is what he knows and sees, and it is different from what the Earth Emperor and others, the Blood Saint and others know and see.

This is because at that time, their strength was not enough to see the full picture of the real battlefield.

In the ancient Shang Dynasty, the real battlefield spanned infinite time and space, infinite dimensions, and even unfolded at a higher level than the time and space dimensions.

What he could see was only part of the battlefield where he served as an anchor.

But it was this part that he would never forget.

But now, he saw the same horror, but from a different place.

However, strong people like them all have very strong time and space priorities.

If a weak life is killed in the past, it will also disappear in the present and future.

But as long as it is strong enough and special enough, as long as there is a self in the present, past, and future, it can completely change.

Naturally, the four masters also possess this kind of particularity.

If you want to truly capture or kill them, you can only capture or kill them from the past and future at the same time.

Other than that, it’s just draining away the “origin”.

But the origin of a strong man does not only exist in one time and space. Zhao Cheng exhausted his origin and perished because he was entangled with dimensional power, not only on the space level, but also on the time level, and there was no way to break free.

"The sun and the moon are in the same sky, and the future is infinite!"

And in this huge crisis, the four strong men, with their strong will that runs through the past and the future, are also shaking crazily at this moment. Their luck is burning fiercely at this moment, and there is luck inherited from Zhao Cheng.

Numbers, there are also operations from dimensions.

At this moment, all the fortunes burned violently, and suddenly turned into a huge force, causing their infinite world to change again.

At this moment, they were keenly aware that the enemy's power came from the "past". The closer they were to the past, the stronger Taoist power would be, and the closer they were to the future, the weaker Taoist power would be.

Therefore, their vitality is no longer in the past and present, but in the future!


Driven by this huge force, their infinite world condenses and disperses, is created and destroyed, and changes all of a sudden, tens of thousands or billions of times, in the flick of a flash of lightning.

Although most rotations are meaningless repetitions, there are always a few times where some variables and a little bit of new things will be born.

This is a brand new change, but it creates a brand new power based on the original infinite world.


The four masters suddenly exerted their strength, and the four punches were punched out simultaneously from the past and the future. At the same time that the four punches were combined into one punch, the infinite world they created spread out like quicksand, and actually

integrated into their bodies.

This is undoubtedly a change that has never happened before.

Although they could activate the infinite world before, they were burdened with a heavy burden. Even after the infinite world was born, it was no longer they who created the infinite world, but the infinite world that re-created them.

As for them, they were used as materials to create an infinite world.

To belong is to destroy first and then be reborn.

Although this change made them stronger, it also reversed the priorities.

But now, under the huge threat from Tao Zun, the four masters have passed a huge threshold in one fell swoop and directly digested the infinite world.

This is not the end yet. With such a punch, suddenly there will be an extremely bright light bursting out, but it is no longer infinite light, but the light of the future!

Infinite future, infinity is not the key, the key is the future!

This is the solution they found when facing the threat of Tao Zun.

They are also comprehending infinity. In the end, their infinity started too late and they are no match for Tao Zun. They are trying to control and change things.

It is no longer the future that evolves with infinity, but the future that carries infinity.

Under such changes, first the infinite world melted, and then, they in the past, future and present all melted, and finally condensed into a ray of light.

A light of the future!

As soon as this glowing light was born, it seemed to contain millions of worlds of time and space. The worlds overlapped each other without an end, and every life in the world contained strong expectations for the future and the desire to arrive.

A higher world, the desire to see more wonderful scenery.

The shining light of the future even pierced Tao Zun's big hand spanning millions of years and rushed directly to the infinite future.

At this moment, even Dao Zun's will body was slightly absent-minded. He did not expect that such a change would occur.

It’s just the future, this dimension, where does the future come from!?

Even his big hand that spans millions of years, the hundreds of thousands of years in the future are actually just a false deduction, not real years.

After all, one hundred thousand years from now, the future tribulation will collide with the present.

As for the present, after transcending the illusory future, all that is left is endless fog.

Sure enough, just after the light of the future rushed out, it returned very quickly, and with it, there was another hand.

It was a palm that reached out from the future, a palm that broke through the fog.

But at this moment, the Blood Saint was suddenly startled, but without hesitation, he directly rejected all the conceptual bodies that the immortals had transformed into from his body.

Not only that, he himself was born and died countless times in an instant, trying to wash away any bad traces that might exist on his body.

As for the incarnations of the immortals who were excluded by him, most of them are shining!

The strong light is like a bright beacon, guiding the strong ones from the future.

Another strong man at the outer level has appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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