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Chapter 1571 Box

And as the light of the future breaks, in an instant, some kind of dimensional order force that exists in an entire dimension also breaks apart at this moment.

The whole feeling is like an entire dimension, past, present and future, infinite time and infinite space, all like a cracked ice surface with countless fine cracks.

Cracked but not shattered!

A strange aura seeped out from the cracks everywhere.

At this moment, no matter how strong or weak, all sentient beings in the sky and on the earth, from the immortal and the eternal to the ordinary mortals, and even the tiniest bug, as long as they have consciousness and a heart, they can't help but give birth to a kind of

, the feeling that the world has changed.

But they couldn't tell what had changed.

As for the light of the future that had been broken into two pieces, it turned into two endless energy sources in an instant.

Vast power surged out from inside.

It was only then that Zhu Qiang suddenly realized that the four masters who had previously fought against the world and suppressed the heroes were actually just "boxes".

Their legal principles, their Tao, and their origins, although magical and extraordinary, are not what the black hands who hide in the eternal darkness pursue.

What's in the box is their purpose.

As for what exactly is in the box.

Even at this moment, as the box is torn apart and the things inside are revealed, the powerful people can only feel that the world has changed, but they don't know what it is and what has brought about the changes.

That thing is invisible, invisible, inaudible, unimaginable, and inconceivable!

As for Dao Zun and Senior Brother, who had reaped the fruits of victory, they each held half of the light of the future in their hands, and the whole situation also experienced tremendous changes.

While they were comprehending the contents inside, they were refining something extremely extraordinary from it and melting it into their own Tao body.

As for that huge change, what exactly is it?

If I had to describe it, it would probably be that the Taoist bodies of these two powerful men are becoming more and more "real".

Compared to this dimension and this era, the two mysterious strong men who occupy the identity of Taoist Master and the identity of Big Brother are just two illusory ghosts. Although they are extremely powerful, in this dimension and this era, they do not exist.

The location to stay.

Although they were once real, they are now just illusions. It can even be said that they are all beings "not yet born".

But at this moment, after harvesting the final fruits, their biggest flaw was rapidly disappearing, allowing them to step out of the illusion step by step.

As for why the two outer-level experts were so impatient, the experts could understand this.

After all, they are not the only "ghosts" like them.

At this moment, the two of them had the upper hand, but as the box was opened and the contents inside were revealed, certain limitations in the dimension of time and space were also greatly weakened.

Next, there will definitely be a bloody battle surrounding this split fruit.

Not to mention anything else, the Blood Saint knew that there was an invincible strongman behind the dimensional gate in dimensional time and space who had not yet appeared.

As for the desolate masters who have merged into Hongmeng, the Emperor of Heaven behind them has not yet appeared.

The current scene is not that the battle is over, but it is the intermission after a stage.

In this regard, the powerful people are somewhat looking forward to it. Although they may perish at any time in the aftermath, they can die if they hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening. They know that if they change to normal practice, even if they practice hard for countless years, they may not be able to do it.

Comprehend a glimpse of the scenery you see and hear at this moment.

It's not that they are stupid, it's that they have reached an end in their cultivation. No matter how crazy they become, they cannot transcend the expansion and evolution of dimensions.

This reflected on them, but as time passed, their bodies grew exponentially, but as a whole, they continued to become "weaker".

Just like a business tycoon, even if his assets double every day, he cannot stand up to the country where he is printing ten times the money of the previous day.

But when it comes to the situation of a tycoon, the amount of money is not important. What is important is the ratio of his assets to the national assets.

What we look at is not the specific number, but the percentage occupied.

This is also the reason why all the powerful ones are constantly getting stronger, but among all the Eternals, at this moment, except for the Blood Saint, no one else has the slightest possibility of achieving the Yuanshi.

In the previous battle, Blood Saint realized how to change his practice from "doing multiplication" to directly "doing proportion".

The great road is both infinite and one.

To pursue the index, this kind of practice method is still not superior enough. The only way to directly occupy the percentage of Tao is the strongest way of practice!


And they didn't keep the powerful ones waiting for a long time, just a moment passed, and suddenly, in the far distance, the galaxy reappeared.

But if you look closely at this moment, you will find that many ancient stars in the galaxy have many broken marks and considerable defects at this moment.

Previously, several desolate masters, who evolved Hongmeng, directly retrieved the core fragments of the Human Dao Fruit such as themselves. The retrieval process did not allow them to be careful at all, and they could only take out the things roughly.

Therefore, this created the current situation.

When the galaxy reappeared, the broken stars were all burning fiercely at this moment. They no longer glowed normally, but were evaporating at a trillion times speed!

Countless stars burned, directly creating a vast sea of ​​light waves.

The waves were rolling in the sea, and then another palm was outlined.

Different from Tao Zun's empty thoughts, and also different from senior brother's innate immortality, the palm of this hand is like a piece of white jade. At a glance, it looks like the last thing that can be born in the heaven and earth, in the dimension.

There is no perfect thing.

Even the dimensions of heaven and earth are incomplete, but this palm is perfect.

The hands of white jade are extremely pure, so pure that if we use this as a reference, everything that exists in the world can only be regarded as impurities.

Whether it is the body of a mortal, the stars in the universe, or even the seemingly pure light, or even the Tao and Fruit of the Eternal, they are all impure things in comparison.

The power of this palm is extremely terrifying. In just one grasp, all tangible and intangible objects in the world, and even a period of time, are directly grasped into powder and refined into a vast mass of "vital energy".

There is a legend that all the phenomena in the world are born from one energy. Now, with the grasp of the white jade palm, everything has returned to its original state.

The "Celestial Emperor" who once controlled several Eternals of the Wild Lord finally appeared.

And from the number of his chess pieces, we can see how powerful the Emperor of Heaven is.

This chapter has been completed!
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