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Chapter 1617 Intensifying

However, although the big collision occurred tens of thousands of years later, it triggered a series of chain reactions before that.

Because the proximity between dimensions not only triggered a series of information interference, but also mapping, and even, because of the huge power of distorting dimensions, there was some kind of short-term overlap between the dimensions in advance...

There is no rule at all for the occurrence of this phenomenon, and the overlapping time is so small that it is almost impossible to calculate. As for the overlapping space, compared to the dimensions, it is so small that it does not even count as a particle.

But such a phenomenon has had a huge impact on the dimensional space-time as a center of change.

The dimensions that were interfered by the void outside the dimension and collided with the dimensional space and time all have a common characteristic, which is that they are deeply trapped in the gray disaster, but the life and civilization are not extinct, and they have not been completely transformed.

Because of the gray monster, the creatures inside are struggling hard.

And it is not accidental that this happens, because if the dimension completely sinks, it will continue to approach the center of the vortex.

As for the gray vortex, the closer it is to the center, the stronger the gray is, and the closer it is to the edge, the lighter the gray is.

But there is no doubt that even if it is the gray at the edge of the vortex, the intensity of the gray disaster far exceeds the current dimension of time and space.

So when the short-term coincidence of dimensions occurs, in terms of dimensional time and space, it is just a few more gray dots, but for the sentient beings and civilizations in the dimensions, and for the saints, it is a huge disaster.

Not only is the terrifying destructive power of the Gray Scourge itself, but more importantly, these dimensions that overlap with the dimension of time and space have already caused huge changes to the Gray Scourge in their own dimensions during the long process of contending with the Gray Scourge.

The changes have become some kind of variant.

It would be fine if there were only one or two of these variants. Once the Dao Fruit system in dimensional time and space is condensed, it will gain extraordinary resistance to doomsday. But now, the dimensions are dancing wildly. In this case, as the Dao Fruit is condensed,

There are too many variants of disaster caused by the overlap.

What’s even more terrifying is that these Gray Calamity variants will merge and mutate a second time during contact with each other...

Under this situation, although the saints went around putting out fires, they were still unable to stop the spread of the doomsday. They could only continuously shrink the defensive circle and temporarily create a piece of pure land.

The only thing worth celebrating is probably that during this process, no new powerful people from different dimensions appeared. In addition, neither the envoys of the Tao Lord nor those mysterious beings who stow away from reincarnation.

He remained silent and made no movement.

But this is normal. Today, the saints have the presence of the King of Light, plus a Great Heavenly Lord card that has never been used. The two things combined will be so terrifying that no one wants to try it.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that whether it is the King of Light or the power of the card, it is only a short burst and cannot last long, but no one wants to be the sacrifice.

Don’t you see, how powerful is the Taoist envoy’s magical power?! But he can’t just run away in a hurry?!

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the arrival of the great collision of dimensions.

Because this collision brought not only other dimensions, but also the strong people in those dimensions who survived tenaciously and took an alternative path.

Although these strong men's paths have been distorted and taken on the wrong path due to the Gray Disaster, so much so that even if their combat power reaches the eighth level, they still cannot break away from their own dimension, but are closely connected with it.


But one thing is unquestionable, that is, their power is not false in the slightest.

What's even better is that when these people realize that the wonders of the Great Deity's karma, they must take action to seize it. It is impossible to say that they retreat because there may be dangers involved.

The reason is also very simple. Those who can survive the erosion of the gray disaster and advance tenaciously to the present life must have extraordinary obsessions. If the obsessions are even weak, they will only die.


And their obsession is also very pure, to survive, or in other words, to move forward!

The existence of life is for the sake of existence, and only this most essential thought has the possibility of temporarily resisting the gray disaster.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the complete collapse of trillions of dimensions may not give birth to a life form comparable to the eighth level.

Because the path to becoming a deity is not this. Only when you realize nothingness can you become a deity!

But without the realm of Tianzun, it is actually more difficult to obtain Tianzun-level power than to directly achieve Tianzun.

It can be said that the birth of such a special life itself breaks the common sense.

Of course, whether it is the King of Light, the envoys of the Tao Lord, or even the mysterious beings who sneaked through reincarnation, these special beings and personalities are much different from them.

With this level of power, if they were to use it, killing these aliens would be like butchering a dog, without any difficulty.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in everything.

Whether you are sneaking across reincarnation or crossing reincarnation, you have to pay a huge price.

Although in the long run, paying this price is actually a good thing. It can wash away many impure things and make oneself more pure and powerful.

But again, after paying the price, it is not easy to recover.

When you reach their realm, if you want to recover, it is not as simple as how much energy you absorb, how much material you refine, or how many special information structures you build, but you have to brew something mysterious and mysterious.

Therefore, whether it is the King of Light or the envoy of the Dao Lord, at the current stage, they are all using external force.

On the contrary, it is the mysterious beings who smuggled over. Because they were smuggled in, they left more things behind and recovered faster.

It's just that no matter how fast, it is impossible to return to the eighth level in a short period of time.

Tens of thousands of years is still too short.

In this case, the emergence of ready-made eighth-level combat power is naturally enough to reverse the entire situation.

So they are not in a hurry.

Compared with these special life forms that are destined to have no future, the King of Light is undoubtedly more dangerous. The most important thing is to eliminate the opponent in advance.

As for something being taken away, it can be taken back later.

Undoubtedly, they themselves knew what they were thinking, and the King of Light also knew it when his IQ was online, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because this is the general trend.

Conspiracies and tricks can be defeated by force, but conspiracy is the power itself...

In the silence of the powerful, thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, the doomsday in the dimension space and time became more and more intense. Even the saints could only delay it a little, but could not really isolate it.

This chapter has been completed!
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