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Chapter 1,623 A new field

Zhao Cheng's body was filled with platinum flames like fire. The ruins of this dimension were not only broken by time and space, but even the surviving suns were completely extinguished. All energy and matter, and even information, entered

A state of eternal silence, no matter how strong the glow is, will be swallowed up by this eternal silence.

The same is true even for the many dark lives that appear at this moment and have completely fallen into doom.

Their brilliance was also cut off by eternal silence, and their only color was gray and black.

Only Zhao Cheng was not affected at all. The platinum aura around him was not any kind of energy, but the glow of life and the glow of the soul.

This is his current state of life, a true calamity powerhouse, transcending existence, transcending nothingness, transcending everything, without any restraint, and nothing can obscure the light of his life and the light of his soul.

In this era where everything has fallen into eternal silence, at this moment, he is undoubtedly the only light, the eternal sun.

The platinum-gold sun rose from the ruins formed by the collision and explosion of countless dimensions. The bright light seemed to evaporate all the darkness, and even let the lives lingering in the ruins.

, feeling stinging.

Over the endless years, they have long been accustomed to eternal silence. It can even be said that their lives have long been fixed and their souls "died" countless years ago.

Long before the great collision of dimensions, they had already sunk and been dragged into a deeper vortex. Only the subsequent rotation of tribulations triggered endless phenomena of great collisions of dimensions, which caused them to fall.

It's just that although we are temporarily far away from the void, the dead soul cannot be revived by this.

It can be said that in the ruins of the dimension at this moment, there are only a group of lonely ghosts, with powerful power, but no remnants of hope.

They are cruel, they are greedy, they are twisted, they are crazy, but precisely because of this, the endless possibilities and endless changes shown by Zhao Cheng not only sting their dead and twisted hearts, but also inspire their infinite

desire for destruction.

Light is beautiful, but the existence of the only light in the darkness is the biggest sin and the biggest mistake.


The wildly dancing dimensional strings, mixed with countless matter, energy, broken and twisted time and space, and the power of doom, intertwined, squirmed, and exploded while blasting towards Zhao Cheng.

In this era, the time node is already very late.

Unlike when the dimensions first collided, those lives and ethnic groups were still fighting against the doomsday. Their strongest ones were only eight levels in size.

But now, too many years have passed. Dimensional collisions similar to the first dimensional collision have occurred tens of millions of times, and the farther back they go, the greater the scope of the dimensional collisions.

Even in this era, the gray gauze surrounding the void outside the dimension has become so thin that it is almost invisible.

Perhaps after a while, the gray gauze will disappear completely, which means that Zhao Cheng's many reincarnations, the embankment made of the fruits of all worlds, will collapse, and the ultimate terror bred in the hollow will truly come true.

's birth.

And that thing can never be Dao Lord, but was born after smelting the power of Tianyuan, the power of Dao Lord, the power of Zhao Cheng's many reincarnations, and the power of mysterious third-party forces. Four absolute powers.

The strongest monster to come out.

As for the destruction of dimension time and space and the demise of the Universal Federation, I don’t know how long ago it happened.

Even if Zhao Cheng had not become a true calamity life now, although his power has not reached its peak, the essence of life has reached the highest level. It would be impossible to see the "past" in this era. To be precise, it is the future.

of what happened.

The strong man reverses time and goes back to the past to modify the future. This is based on the existence of the concept of time and the existence of the past.

For powerful beings, reaching the realm of eternity is the time to completely wrap up their own time. There is no past or future, and they have the only characteristic of time.

At this time, due to the series of dimensional collisions, the concept of time has long been fragmented. The past and future of each dimension have been destroyed countless times, and most of the main bodies have been completely destroyed in the universe.

During the collision, the dimensional fragments composed of the remaining time fragments and space fragments were entangled, piled up, and superimposed. The barely formed time and space were even more absurd to the extreme.

It can even be said that in this case, the existence of the power of doomsday is a good thing. The doomsday has cleaned everything in the absurd time and space, making the ruins of the dimension eternal. Otherwise, such an environment would breed such weird things.

, even Zhao Cheng couldn't guess.

That's why Zhao Chengcai said that he came a little too late.

He was late for so long that everything in his past memories was completely buried.

It had been so long that the enemies he faced at this moment were all completely dark beings.

Those lives that fight against Doomsday and are unwilling to surrender can only reach the eighth level with their strength, but these strong men who have completely surrendered and integrated into Doomsday have relied on the power of Doomsday and swallowed up countless dimensions.

The fragments forcibly raised the power to the ninth level.

This height can be said to be the ceiling that can be reached theoretically with pure strength.

Even in the once extremely glorious era, even in the prosperous age of Tianyuan, the ninth level on the surface was extremely rare. The great masters of the past dynasties only had this level of life on the surface.

Of course, that's only on the surface.

Although there are no mediocre people who can reach the ninth level, among the monsters, there are always monsters that are more monsters than monsters.

They are also of the ninth level. Some people only have the ninth level, and some people kill other ninth levels like butchering dogs.

And even if the former can comprehend the real tribulation, it is only in the realm of three tribulations. As for the latter, with one step, it is five tribulations, six tribulations...

Zhao Cheng's tricks in the Mortal Realm and Fruit Realm before were indeed huge, and he even gave up the future and rushed directly to the Seven Tribulations Realm, but the extent of his tricks was actually at the level of the great masters of the past.

After all, in their five and six calamities, they did not completely give up on the future and could still make progress.

It wasn't until Zhao Cheng relied on a ray of transcendent afterglow to directly cultivate the tribulation in the mortal realm that he truly surpassed the great masters of the past and entered a completely new field.

Although there are factors of his personal efforts in this, there is no doubt that the afterglow of detachment is the key.

At the most appropriate time, at the right place, at the most critical moment, I gave him a push and made him take one more small step.

But just this small step, from now on, the sky is high and the sea is vast, and it will never be the same again.

As for the various dangers and disasters inside, they are just trivial details and not worth mentioning.

This chapter has been completed!
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