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Chapter 1673 Loop

In the demonic abyss, there are countless infinitely extending demonic claws, like infinite black snakes, ferocious and bloody, tearing apart time and space.

This is an extremely evil scene that will kill anyone who touches it!

But at this moment, as Zhao Cheng fell, he didn't even swing his sword, but the platinum arrogance exploded, destroying everything.

These ferocious claws could easily tear apart the space at this moment, but in front of Zhao Cheng, they were like bubbles, like illusory bubbles.

At the same time, during this falling process, the energy circuit in Zhao Cheng's body gradually lit up at this moment.

To be precise, these circuits are already glowing, but their brightness is constantly increasing.

The divine universe was condensed. Zhao Cheng did not turn it into a virtual image, or use holy clothes to carry the small universe like many fighters in ancient and modern times. Instead, he completely combined the divine universe with the body, and integrated it with the extraordinary swordsmanship to evolve.

Develop his own, most powerful physique.

In a sense, this is an absolutely material carrier that supports an absolutely powerful mind!

It is the simplest way to become holy in the flesh.

Of course, his physical sanctification was not the physical sanctification of Sun Wukong, Yang Jian and others in Eastern legends, but the way of Pangu.

After all, what laid the foundation for him at this moment was nothing else. It was truly the fire of creation. There was no need for false cultivation. The fire itself was the greatest truth in this world!

Vast power is surging at this moment. Behind the small body of flesh and blood, there seems to be a continuous big explosion of the universe, constantly generating, the ninth sense, reaching the origin, awakening divinity, this is the limit of human beings, the distant past

, many demigods are in this realm, and even many of the oldest "human beings" were born so complete.

As for going further up, to the realm of the gods, this step is undoubtedly a chasm, and it is very difficult to cross it.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's divine universe has undoubtedly surpassed this limit, but he has not become a god, or in other words, has not gone in the direction chosen by the gods.


From the high sky to the abyss, in just an instant, dreams came and went, and then, Zhao Cheng finally waved his sword.

A sword slashed out, causing three thousand worlds and trillions of calamities. In an instant, the sword light surged and exploded the universe.

At this moment, in the surging darkness, there was also a giant hand that seemed to be condensed from billions of mountains, rushing to the bottom of the abyss and bombarding it out.

There is no skill in this punch, only absolute power!

A ten thousandth of an instant later, infinite light burst out, followed by an even more terrifying explosion.

With the huge hollow as the center, the surrounding land, mountains, lakes, rivers, and everything else were flipped and thrown up at this moment, while more earth, rock, and sand were directly evaporated and transformed in the violent collision.

To be invisible.

In ancient legends, there is a group of fighters whose fists can shatter the sky and whose feet can tear the earth apart, but this is just an exaggeration.

Even demigods who have comprehended the ninth sense do not have this kind of power. When they explode with all their strength, they can only blow up a mountain at most.

Of course, few ordinary people know about extraordinary existences, but for high-level humans, this is not a secret.

Even if there is a restraining force in this world that allows ordinary people to subconsciously ignore extraordinary existences, this kind of thing is not impossible to avoid.

However, the age of gods has long gone. Even the warriors of the goddess, those who can reach the seventh sense in an era are already among the main forces. As for the eighth sense, it is even rarer, and the ninth sense may not reach it in hundreds of years.

One can appear.

But even the ninth sense, which is known as a demigod, is only comparable to a large nuclear warhead. There is a huge gap between it and this scene that is like destroying the world at this moment.

It is true that nuclear bombs are very powerful, and one is enough to vaporize an entire city, but what is destroyed is only human beings. Even if all the nuclear warheads explode in the entire world, at most it will only wash some of the planet under your feet with hot water.

Compared with the dead skin, which is currently rolling over an unknown extent, and the entire continent is shaking violently, the gap is really huge, and it is not of the same magnitude at all.

And this is just the beginning.

As the continent collapsed, two figures, one big and one small, fought from the depths of the earth all the way to the sky.

Of course, there is a huge gap in size between the two figures. From a distance, they look like one person charging towards a mountain, but the two figures are indistinguishable from each other.

The gap here is enough to make people vomit blood. Such a small body can be so powerful, and such a big body can be so flexible. The two gaps are enough to make people feel that their cognition has completely collapsed.

But this is what is called the realm of God.

The theory of non-existence means that if the body is huge, the movements will be clumsy. At the same time, there is no existence. If the body is small, the strength will be weak.

In this field, everything big or small is just an appearance.

Even giants who are taller than mountains can embroider flexibly. They can even directly surpass the so-called eighth-level technicians and directly engrave the most cutting-edge chips with their hands instead of a photolithography machine. That is also a piece of cake!

"What two monsters..."

"If this Titan Demon God had not been weakened, it would be close to a complete high-dimensional life in its complete state!"

In the Fengqi team, someone was talking to himself.

The level division of Miracle Battlefield is very retro and follows the very classic nine-star division.

Among them, the standard for nine stars is to blow up asteroids.

And above the nine stars, there are four great heavenly gates, the spirit, energy, spirit and heart. If you break through the four gates, you will be the true god, or in other words, a complete high-dimensional life!

As for the nearly complete high-dimensional life, it refers to some gods and demons with special authority in the plot world.

Some gods and demons, such as the Creation Titan of this world, or the Yuanshi Tianzun of the world of heaven, earth and star gods, are completely comparable to true gods in terms of power within their worlds. However, if they leave their own world, their status will change.


Of course, the creator of a world, or in other words, the strongest god and demon with the legend of creation, will generally increase his power by half a level in his own universe. With the home field advantage, ordinary high-dimensional life forms,

If you enter their world, you may not get a good deal.

As for the gods in this Ragnarok world, according to the division of the Miracle Battlefield, they are all in the Tianguan realm, which belongs to the semi-high-dimensional series. Although they are powerful, they are still far away from the real high-dimensional world.

There is a saying that if you don't become a true god, you are just an ant. Even if a trillion false gods from the third level of heaven join forces, they can't stop the true god's blow.

This is a real qualitative change.

As for their Fengqi squad, although they are far behind the top ten squads in Miracle Battlefield, they are still seven-star members. Under normal circumstances, as long as they do not participate in the later main line of this world, they can completely go sideways.


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