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Final words

It took a long, long time, but it’s finally over.

It feels empty. It can be said that it is empty when you come and empty when you go...

How should I put it? It becomes more difficult to write a long novel as it goes on. It is an unavoidable problem. Very few big writers can escape from this law.

So the updates are getting more and more awkward and unstable.

But this is all in the past, so I won’t say more now.

Let’s talk about the new book. If the new book is released early, it may be half a year later. If it is later, it will be after the New Year. By the end of this book, I feel that my body has been hollowed out, and my spirit is also very numb. It takes a while to recover.

In the next period of time, I plan to exercise, read books, and settle down, and strive to get my physical fitness back to half of what it was at its peak.

In recent years, I have really slacked off on exercise. I can only say that being a woman does affect the speed at which I can lift the iron and type on the keyboard (really).

As for the type of the next book, I currently have several ideas and some ideas, but which one I will choose will depend on the situation at that time.

Then in the book review area, I created a new book character building. Friends who want to appear in the new book can put character cards in the building. I will refer to it when I write the outline.

As for this book, there may be some extras in the follow-up, but it’s just possible, not sure there will be. It depends on my recovery status.

Writing a book is actually more of a mental pressure than physical pressure, and there are many depressed people in the industry.

It can only be said that if you have something to rely on, you will be hurt, and you can't get around it...

Finally, please subscribe, so that I can buy more supplements to play iron, so that my body will be strong and I can type faster on the keyboard. It is an investment in the future (really).


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