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Chapter 259: Fire and water complement each other

Unlike ordinary universities, the president does not have a strong presence among students.

In ordinary schools, students are just students, and their duty is only to study. They rarely pay attention to who the principal is. In fact, many people don't even know the name of the principal after four years of study.

This is the norm in most universities. Presidents, directors and the like have no sense of existence at all, and even counselors are rarely seen a few times a year.

But Qingshan University is different. As one of the three famous schools in Yanhuang, it gathers all the elites from all over Yanhuang, even the most ordinary students. If placed in the land of Yanhuang, they would be one of tens of millions of people. Every one of them is an elite.

It is impossible for the elite among them to get into the three prestigious schools just by studying hard.

Because every year's college entrance examination papers have key scores, which test students' sublimation and application of knowledge.

People who are obsessed with studying may be able to get into a first-class university by relying on question-answer tactics, but it is impossible to get into the three top prestigious universities.

Among the three major prestigious schools, there are not many people who have been successful in the last few years. Some have entered the political arena and are influencing the world, while others have entered the business world and dominate the world stage.

Nowadays, many wealthy and wealthy people were once students of the three major prestigious schools and have alumni relationships.

Just relying on this network of connections may not be useful in ordinary times, but in some key places, such as an important business negotiation, if several parties have similar conditions and have this level of connections, they can naturally stand out.

In fact, because of this, many people, even if it doesn't matter if they don't go to college, will still find ways to get close to the three prestigious schools just to make connections here.

Under this situation, students from the three major prestigious universities are all the kind who, in addition to learning necessary cultural knowledge, are always paying attention to domestic business, politics, and even many situations abroad.

You can be keenly aware of the slightest disturbance.

Even if this is the case with the outside world, he naturally pays a lot of attention to the various changes in his own school.

After all, the principals of the three prestigious schools are not simple figures. Although they are not officials, if their political status was placed in ancient times, they would all be first-class officials. In addition to their status as saints, they can be said to be contemporary

It’s no exaggeration to think of saints and sages.

Under such circumstances, students are naturally very concerned about the principal of their school.

If at some point, by chance, you seize the opportunity and leave a good impression on the principal, it will have countless benefits for the future.

How many students have the principals of the three prestigious universities taught over the years?!

Even if you can just seize the opportunity and get a compliment from the other party, then the road to the future can be said to be half successful. Whatever you want to do, there will naturally be various kinds of help.

It is unprofitable and naturally no one pays attention to it. On the other hand, that is the situation today.

The students at Qingshan University all started to think about it and began to guess what was going on. They were thinking about whether they had a chance to gain some benefits from this unknown event.

After all, the person who can be asked to be picked up by the principal himself is most likely to be on the same level as the principal. Even if he cannot win the favor of the principal, if he can get such a person to take a second look, it is still an opportunity.

Therefore, there is an undercurrent surging invisibly at Qingshan University.

But at this moment, Zhao Cheng knew nothing about everything.

He sat in the car and looked towards the campus. Qingshan University occupies a large area, so a special driveway was built in the school for vehicles only.

And it is further subdivided. There are motor vehicle lanes and special bicycle lanes. If students and teachers in the school accidentally break the rules, the teachers will have their grade points deducted and the students will have their credits deducted.

An almost strict rule is used to ensure that campus accidents are as small as possible.

At the same time, the speed limit on campus is 40 yards, and some sections have a speed limit of 20 yards. The entire road section is monitored around the clock. Although Zhao Cheng is just a new arrival, he can also feel the extraordinaryness of Qingshan University from this detail.

In a school, the more lax the school rules and school performance are, the more it proves that the school is not good, that there is no place without rules, and that it is a group of people without rules and disciplines.

Nothing big can be done.

Next to the motorway is a dedicated bicycle lane. At this time, Qingshan University has not officially started classes, but most students have arrived early.

For those who really study hard, the learning environment in school is undoubtedly better than that at home. If it were not for study regulations, students are not allowed to stay in school during the long vacation unless there are special circumstances. Many people are afraid that they will not even go home.


At this time in college, if you still need to rely on teacher supervision, you will definitely not get any results.

In ordinary schools, students are relatively lazy and rarely study by themselves, but the situation in powerful schools is different.

Zhao Cheng saw all this and couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart, but his face remained calm.

In this life, after his sophomore year of high school, he went directly to three prestigious schools. It can be said that this was the first time he came to a place like university.

But in his previous life, he had gone to university, but it was not a powerful university, and he had studied history.

In the past life, the history major was famous for being unemployed and finding employment difficult after graduation.

I still remember that after graduation, many of his classmates went to code, some became fitness coaches, and some went to management, but not many of them engaged in historical research.

When he was studying at that time, the classmates around him were relatively lazy, and self-study was completely non-existent. Some even forgot their books in the teaching building after class, which shows how careless they were.

As for the start of school, it's already good if you're not late. If you want to arrive a certain amount of time early, unless you fail a course to make up for an exam, there's really no such exception.

But at Qingshan University, it has become a routine to arrive at school a week in advance, or even earlier.

Soon, Zhou Yanxi parked his car in the underground parking lot of a building, and then led Zhao Cheng to his office on the top floor.

Zhou Yanxi's office is very large, divided into two sections. One is a compact office area, which is right after entering the door, while the other side is separated by a screen to create an empty leisure tea room.

There are sofas in a half circle and a mahogany coffee table. Sitting on the sofa, you can directly overlook most of the campus through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

Among them, the best viewing angle is a maple forest that looks like a ball of flames from a distance. Next to the maple forest is a small lake. Seen from a distance, it has a sense of the harmony of water and fire, and the harmony of yin and yang.


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